buildscripts: simplify PSM interop Kokoro buildscripts (#11121) (#11165)

Integrates the new features of the the Kokoro PSM Interop install library introduced in grpc/psm-interop#73.

Nearly all common functionality was moved from per-language/per-branch PSM Interop build scripts to [](
1. The list of tests in the each test suite
2. Per-test-suite flag customization
3. `run_test` methods
4. `build_docker_images_if_needed` methods
5. Generic `build_test_app_docker_images` methods (simple docker build + docker push + docker tag). grpc-java is one exception, as it doesn't run docker directly, but a cloudbuild flow.

Now all PSM Interop jobs share the same buildscripts by all test suites:
1.  buildscript that invokes the test: `psm-interop-test-{language}.sh` (configured as `build_file` in the build cfg)
2. buildscript that builds the xDS test client/server and publishes them as a Docker image: `psm-interop-build-{language}.sh` (conventional name called from ``)

1. Sets `GRPC_LANGUAGE`, `BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR` environment variables.
2. Downloads the shared `` from the main branch of the psm-interop repo.
3. Sources `psm-interop-build-{language}.sh`
4. Calls `psm::run "${PSM_TEST_SUITE}"` (`PSM_TEST_SUITE` configured in the cfg file).

1. Defines `psm::lang::build_docker_images` which is called from ``.
2. Invokes any repo-specific logic.
3. May use `psm::build::docker_images_generic` for generic Docker build, tag, push, or provide implement its own build/publish method.

- b/288578634
- See the full list of the new features at grpc/psm-interop#73.
- Additional fixes to the shared lib: grpc/psm-interop#78, grpc/psm-interop#79
This commit is contained in:
Sergii Tkachenko 2024-05-06 16:11:20 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2ee388136e
commit 1626364beb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
8 changed files with 132 additions and 552 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2024 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -eo pipefail
# This file defines psm::lang::build_docker_images, which is directly called
# from
# Used locally.
readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing"
# Builds the test app using gradle and smoke-checks its binaries
# Globals:
# SRC_DIR Absolute path to the source repo.
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of xds-test-client and xds-test-server --help to stderr
_build_java_test_app() {
psm::tools::log "Building Java test app"
cd "${SRC_DIR}"
set -x
GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-Xmx1g'" \
./gradlew --no-daemon grpc-interop-testing:installDist -x test \
-PskipCodegen=true -PskipAndroid=true --console=plain
set +x
psm::tools::log "Test-run grpc-java PSM interop binaries"
psm::tools::run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-client" --help
psm::tools::run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-server" --help
# Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test, f.e. v1.42.x, master
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr
psm::lang::build_docker_images() {
local java_build_log="${BUILD_LOGS_ROOT}/build-lang-java.log"
_build_java_test_app |& tee "${java_build_log}"
psm::tools::log "Building Java xDS interop test app Docker images"
local docker_dir="${SRC_DIR}/buildscripts/xds-k8s"
local build_dir
build_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
# Copy Docker files, log properties, and the test app to the build dir
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.Dockerfile "${build_dir}"
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.properties "${build_dir}"
cp -rv "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}" "${build_dir}"
} >> "${java_build_log}"
# cloudbuild.yaml substitution variables
local substitutions=""
# Run Google Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit "${build_dir}" \
--config="${docker_dir}/cloudbuild.yaml" \
--substitutions="${substitutions}" \
| tee -a "${java_build_log}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
# Input parameters to psm:: methods of the install script.
readonly GRPC_LANGUAGE="java"
readonly BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
# Used locally.
readonly TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL="${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_OWNER:-grpc}/psm-interop/${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH:-main}/.kokoro/"
psm::lang::source_install_lib() {
echo "Sourcing test driver install script from: ${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}"
local install_lib
# Download to a tmp file.
install_lib="$(mktemp -d)/"
curl -s --retry-connrefused --retry 5 -o "${install_lib}" "${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}"
# Checksum.
if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null; then
echo "Install script checksum:"
sha256sum "${install_lib}"
source "${install_lib}"
source "${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/psm-interop-build-${GRPC_LANGUAGE}.sh"
psm::run "${PSM_TEST_SUITE}"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Config file for internal CI
# Location of the continuous shell script in repository.
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
timeout_mins: 240
action {
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ action {
strip_prefix: "artifacts"
env_vars {
value: "security"

View File

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
# Constants
readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc-java"
readonly TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL="${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_OWNER:-grpc}/psm-interop/${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH:-main}/.kokoro/"
## xDS test server/client Docker images
readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing"
# Builds the test app using gradle and smoke-checks its binaries
# Globals:
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of xds-test-client and xds-test-server --help to stderr
build_java_test_app() {
echo "Building Java test app"
cd "${SRC_DIR}"
GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-Xmx1g'" \
./gradlew --no-daemon grpc-interop-testing:installDist -x test \
-PskipCodegen=true -PskipAndroid=true --console=plain
# Test-run binaries
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-client" --help
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-server" --help
# Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test, f.e. v1.42.x, master
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr
build_test_app_docker_images() {
echo "Building Java xDS interop test app Docker images"
local docker_dir="${SRC_DIR}/buildscripts/xds-k8s"
local build_dir
build_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
# Copy Docker files, log properties, and the test app to the build dir
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.Dockerfile "${build_dir}"
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.properties "${build_dir}"
cp -rv "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}" "${build_dir}"
# Pick a branch name for the built image
local branch_name='experimental'
if is_version_branch "${TESTING_VERSION}"; then
# Run Google Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit "${build_dir}" \
--config "${docker_dir}/cloudbuild.yaml" \
# TODO(sergiitk): extra "cosmetic" tags for versioned branches, e.g. v1.34.x
# TODO(sergiitk): do this when adding support for custom configs per version
# Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output to stdout, stderr
build_docker_images_if_needed() {
# Check if images already exist
server_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Server image: %s:%s\n" "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${server_tags:-Server image not found}"
client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}"
# Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1
if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${server_tags}" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then
echo "Skipping Java test app build"
# Executes the test case
# Globals:
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile
# KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test: used by the framework to
# determine the supported PSM features.
# Arguments:
# Test case name
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
# Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml
run_test() {
# Test driver usage:
local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}"
local out_dir="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}"
mkdir -pv "${out_dir}"
set -x
python -m "tests.${test_name}" \
--flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \
--kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \
--server_image="${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
--client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
--testing_version="${TESTING_VERSION}" \
--force_cleanup \
--collect_app_logs \
--log_dir="${out_dir}" \
--xml_output_file="${out_dir}/sponge_log.xml" \
|& tee "${out_dir}/sponge_log.log"
# Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them
# Globals:
# SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo
# TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
# the test driver
# TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
# GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
# GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
# GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
# KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
main() {
local script_dir
script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# Source the test driver from the master branch.
echo "Sourcing test driver install script from: ${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}"
source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -s "${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}")"
activate_gke_cluster GKE_CLUSTER_PSM_SECURITY
set -x
if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then
kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}"
local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}"
# Run tests
local failed_tests=0
test_suites=("baseline_test" "security_test" "authz_test")
for test in "${test_suites[@]}"; do
run_test $test || (( ++failed_tests ))
echo "Failed test suites: ${failed_tests}"
main "$@"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Config file for internal CI
# Location of the continuous shell script in repository.
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
timeout_mins: 180
action {
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ action {
strip_prefix: "artifacts"
env_vars {
value: "lb"

View File

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
# Constants
readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc-java"
readonly TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL="${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_OWNER:-grpc}/psm-interop/${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH:-main}/.kokoro/"
## xDS test server/client Docker images
readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing"
# Builds the test app using gradle and smoke-checks its binaries
# Globals:
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of xds-test-client and xds-test-server --help to stderr
build_java_test_app() {
echo "Building Java test app"
cd "${SRC_DIR}"
GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-Xmx1g'" \
./gradlew --no-daemon grpc-interop-testing:installDist -x test \
-PskipCodegen=true -PskipAndroid=true --console=plain
# Test-run binaries
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-client" --help
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-server" --help
# Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test, f.e. v1.42.x, master
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr
build_test_app_docker_images() {
echo "Building Java xDS interop test app Docker images"
local docker_dir="${SRC_DIR}/buildscripts/xds-k8s"
local build_dir
build_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
# Copy Docker files, log properties, and the test app to the build dir
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.Dockerfile "${build_dir}"
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.properties "${build_dir}"
cp -rv "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}" "${build_dir}"
# Pick a branch name for the built image
local branch_name='experimental'
if is_version_branch "${TESTING_VERSION}"; then
# Run Google Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit "${build_dir}" \
--config "${docker_dir}/cloudbuild.yaml" \
# TODO(sergiitk): extra "cosmetic" tags for versioned branches, e.g. v1.34.x
# TODO(sergiitk): do this when adding support for custom configs per version
# Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output to stdout, stderr
build_docker_images_if_needed() {
# Check if images already exist
server_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Server image: %s:%s\n" "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${server_tags:-Server image not found}"
client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}"
# Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1
if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${server_tags}" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then
echo "Skipping Java test app build"
# Executes the test case
# Globals:
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile
# KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# SECONDARY_KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with secondary GKE cluster access, if any
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# Arguments:
# Test case name
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
# Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml
run_test() {
# Test driver usage:
local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}"
local out_dir="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}"
mkdir -pv "${out_dir}"
set -x
python -m "tests.${test_name}" \
--flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \
--kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \
--secondary_kube_context="${SECONDARY_KUBE_CONTEXT}" \
--server_image="${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
--client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
--testing_version="${TESTING_VERSION}" \
--force_cleanup \
--collect_app_logs \
--log_dir="${out_dir}" \
--xml_output_file="${out_dir}/sponge_log.xml" \
|& tee "${out_dir}/sponge_log.log"
# Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them
# Globals:
# SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo
# TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
# the test driver
# TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
# GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
# GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
# GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
# KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
main() {
local script_dir
script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# Source the test driver from the master branch.
echo "Sourcing test driver install script from: ${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}"
source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -s "${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}")"
activate_gke_cluster GKE_CLUSTER_PSM_LB
activate_secondary_gke_cluster GKE_CLUSTER_PSM_LB
set -x
if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then
kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}"
local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}"
# Run tests
local failed_tests=0
test_suites=("api_listener_test" "change_backend_service_test" "failover_test" "remove_neg_test" "round_robin_test" "affinity_test" "outlier_detection_test" "custom_lb_test")
for test in "${test_suites[@]}"; do
run_test $test || (( ++failed_tests ))
echo "Failed test suites: ${failed_tests}"
main "$@"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Config file for internal CI
# Location of the continuous shell script in repository.
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
timeout_mins: 90
action {
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ action {
strip_prefix: "artifacts"
env_vars {
value: "url_map"

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
# Constants
readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc-java"
readonly TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL="${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_OWNER:-grpc}/psm-interop/${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH:-main}/.kokoro/"
## xDS test client Docker images
readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing"
# Builds the test app using gradle and smoke-checks its binaries
# Globals:
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of xds-test-client and xds-test-server --help to stderr
build_java_test_app() {
echo "Building Java test app"
cd "${SRC_DIR}"
GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs='-Xmx1g'" \
./gradlew --no-daemon grpc-interop-testing:installDist -x test \
-PskipCodegen=true -PskipAndroid=true --console=plain
# Test-run binaries
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-client" --help
run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-server" --help
# Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test, f.e. v1.42.x, master
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr
build_test_app_docker_images() {
echo "Building Java xDS interop test app Docker images"
local docker_dir="${SRC_DIR}/buildscripts/xds-k8s"
local build_dir
build_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
# Copy Docker files, log properties, and the test app to the build dir
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.Dockerfile "${build_dir}"
cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.properties "${build_dir}"
cp -rv "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}" "${build_dir}"
# Pick a branch name for the built image
local branch_name='experimental'
if is_version_branch "${TESTING_VERSION}"; then
# Run Google Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit "${build_dir}" \
--config "${docker_dir}/cloudbuild.yaml" \
# TODO(sergiitk): extra "cosmetic" tags for versioned branches, e.g. v1.34.x
# TODO(sergiitk): do this when adding support for custom configs per version
# Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist
# Globals:
# SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output to stdout, stderr
build_docker_images_if_needed() {
# Check if images already exist
server_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Server image: %s:%s\n" "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${server_tags:-Server image not found}"
client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}"
# Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1
if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${server_tags}" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then
echo "Skipping Java test app build"
# Executes the test case
# Globals:
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile
# KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report
# CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
# GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
# TESTING_VERSION: version branch under test: used by the framework to
# determine the supported PSM features.
# Arguments:
# Test case name
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
# Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml
run_test() {
# Test driver usage:
local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}"
local out_dir="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}"
mkdir -pv "${out_dir}"
set -x
python -m "tests.${test_name}" \
--flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \
--flagfile="config/url-map.cfg" \
--kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \
--client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
--testing_version="${TESTING_VERSION}" \
--collect_app_logs \
--log_dir="${out_dir}" \
--xml_output_file="${out_dir}/sponge_log.xml" \
|& tee "${out_dir}/sponge_log.log"
# Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them
# Globals:
# SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo
# TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
# the test driver
# TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
# TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
# TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
# GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
# GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
# GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
# KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
# Arguments:
# None
# Outputs:
# Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
main() {
local script_dir
script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# Source the test driver from the master branch.
echo "Sourcing test driver install script from: ${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}"
source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -s "${TEST_DRIVER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL}")"
activate_gke_cluster GKE_CLUSTER_PSM_BASIC
set -x
if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then
kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}"
local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}"
# Run tests
run_test url_map || echo "Failed url_map test"
main "$@"