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  • Panics in task::respond are now resumed in the response var modify closure.
  • Add task::ipc module, for running tasks in worker processes.
  • Breaking: Remove "bytemuck" feature from zng-unique-id.
    • Now must use impl_unique_id_bytemuck! to generate the impls.
    • Note that this is only a breaking change for direct dependents of zng-unique-id.
  • Add single app-process instance mode.
    • Adds zng-ext-single-instance crate re-exported in zng::app when non-default Cargo feature "single_instance" is enabled.
  • Implement AsRef<std::path::Path> for Txt.
  • Implement AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr> for Txt.
  • Add app-process crash handler.
    • Adds zng::app::crash_handler.
    • Can be used to easily implement crash reporting, stacktrace and minidump collection, app restart on crash.
    • Call zng::app::crash_handler::init_debug() to quickly setup panic and minidump collection.
  • Fix view-process kill by user not working after respawn.
  • Fix view-process assuming any signal kill was requested by the user.
  • Fix potential issue retrieving current_exe trough symbolic links.
  • Fix view-process panic message.
  • Add APP.about.
  • Fix AnsiText! not resetting style.
  • Markdown! widget now uses AnsiText! for ```console code block.
  • Fix auto_size not using the min/max_size constraints.
  • Braking: Change return type of SCROLL.vertical_offset, SCROLL.horizontal_offset and SCROLL.zoom_scale.
    • Changed only from ReadOnlyContextVar<Factor> to ContextVar<Factor> so it has minimal impact.
  • Add vertical_offset, horizontal_offset and zoom_scale properties in Scroll!.
    • Users should prefer using scroll commands over these properties, but they are useful for implementing features like binding two side-by-side scrolls, saving scroll state.


  • Add Cargo feature documentation in each crate README.md and lib.rs docs.
  • Add Screenshot function to the Inspector window.
  • Fix formatx! causing futures to not be Send+Sync.
  • UiTask now logs a warning if dropped while pending.
  • Add UiTask::cancel to drop a pending task without logging a warning.
  • Fix WINDOWS.frame_image capture with multiple windows capturing pixels from the wrong window.
  • Fix WINDOWS.frame_image var not updating on load or error.
  • Fix cursor not resetting on widget deinit.
  • Add missing zng::app::test_log.
  • Breaking: View API accessibility updates.
    • Added Event::AccessDeinit, access can now be disabled by the system.
    • Removed WindowRequest::access_root, no longer needed.
    • Note that this is only a breaking change for direct dependents of zng-view-api.
  • Fix many doc broken links.


  • Fix zng-tp-licenses build in docs.rs.
  • You can now suppress license collection on build by setting "ZNG_TP_LICENSES=false.


  • Fix docs.rs build for zng and zng-wgt-material-icons.
  • Add AVIF support in prebuilt view.
  • Implement prebuilt compression, prebuilt now depends on tar.
  • Implement PartialOrd, Ord for Txt.
  • Add crate zng-tp-licenses for collecting and bundling licenses.
  • Add third_party_licenses on view API that provides prebuilt bundled licenses.
  • Add zng::third_party with service and types for aggregating third party license info.
    • Includes a default impl of OPEN_LICENSES_CMD that shows bundled licenses.


  • Breaking: Fix typos in public function names, struct members and enum variants.
  • Fix cfg features not enabling because of typos.


  • Fix docs.rs build for zng-view-prebuilt, zng-app, zng-wgt.
  • Unlock cc dependency version.
  • Remove crate features auto generated for optional dependencies.
  • Add zng::app::print_tracing.
  • In debug builds, prints info, warn and error tracing events if no tracing subscriber is set before the first call to APP.defaults or APP.minimal.


  • Fix zng README not showing in crates.io.


  • Change docs website.


  • Fix "zng-ext-font" standalone build.


  • Fix build with feature "view".


  • Crates published, only newer changes are logged.