use zero_ui::{ core::{ app::{AppExtended, AppExtension, HeadlessApp}, event::EventReceiver, focus::{FocusChangedArgs, FocusChangedCause, ReturnFocusChangedArgs, FOCUS_CHANGED_EVENT, RETURN_FOCUS_CHANGED_EVENT}, gesture::HeadlessAppGestureExt, keyboard::HeadlessAppKeyboardExt, window::{HeadlessAppWindowExt, WindowId}, }, prelude::{new_widget::WidgetUpdateMode, *}, }; #[test] pub fn first_and_last_window_events() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") },]; let root_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let stack_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let button_0_id = buttons.item_id(0); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { child = Stack!(id = stack_id; direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = buttons); id = root_id; }); let root_path = InteractionPath::new_enabled(app.window_id, vec![root_id].into()); let button_0_path = InteractionPath::new_enabled(app.window_id, vec![root_id, stack_id, button_0_id].into()); let events = app.take_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(2, events.len()); // "recover" focus to the focused window root. assert!(events[0].prev_focus.is_none()); assert_eq!(Some(root_path.clone()), events[0].new_focus); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::Recovery, events[0].cause); assert!(!events[0].highlight); // root is a scope that auto-advanced focus to first focusable child. assert_eq!(Some(root_path), events[1].prev_focus); assert_eq!(Some(button_0_path.clone()), events[1].new_focus); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::ScopeGotFocus(false), events[1].cause); assert!(!events[1].highlight); let events = app.take_return_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, events.len()); // the window remembers its previous focused descendant. assert!(events[0].prev_return.is_none()); assert_eq!(root_id, events[0].scope.as_ref().map(|p| p.widget_id()).unwrap()); assert_eq!(Some(button_0_path.clone()), events[0].new_return); /* Last Events */ app.close_main_window(); let events = app.take_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, events.len()); // "recover" to focus nothing. assert_eq!(Some(button_0_path.clone()), events[0].prev_focus); assert!(events[0].new_focus.is_none()); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::Recovery, events[0].cause); assert!(!events[0].highlight); let events = app.take_return_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, events.len()); // cleanup return focus. assert_eq!(Some(button_0_path), events[0].prev_return); assert!(events[0].new_return.is_none()); } #[test] pub fn window_tab_cycle_index_auto() { // default Window! cycles TAB navigation. t(|_| TabIndex::AUTO); t(TabIndex); t(|i| TabIndex(TabIndex::AUTO.0 - i - 1)); fn t(make_index: impl FnMut(u32) -> TabIndex) { let app = TestApp::start(); // all TAB navigation must respect the `tab_index` value // that by default is AUTO, but can be not in the same order // as the widgets are declared. let tab_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(make_index).collect(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "btn-0"; child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = tab_ids[0] }, Button! { id = "btn-1"; child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = tab_ids[1] }, Button! { id = "btn-2"; child = Text!("Button 2"); tab_index = tab_ids[2] }, ]; // we collect the widget_id values in the TAB navigation order. let mut ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| (buttons.item_id(i), tab_ids[i])).collect(); ids.sort_by_key(|(_, ti)| *ti); let ids: Vec<_> = ids.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect(); let mut app =; // advance normally. assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); assert!(app.can_tab()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); // then cycles back. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); // same backwards. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); // cycles back. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } } #[test] pub fn window_tab_cycle_and_alt_scope() { // default Window! with an ALT scope, TAB navigation cycles // by default in the ALT scope too. t(|_| TabIndex::AUTO); t(TabIndex); t(|i| TabIndex(TabIndex::AUTO.0 - i - 1)); fn t(make_index: impl FnMut(u32) -> TabIndex) { let app = TestApp::start(); let tab_ids: Vec<_> = (0..5).map(make_index).collect(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "btn-0"; child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = tab_ids[0] }, Button! { id = "btn-1"; child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = tab_ids[1] }, ]; let mut ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| (buttons.item_id(i), tab_ids[i])).collect(); ids.sort_by_key(|(_, ti)| *ti); let ids: Vec<_> = ids.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect(); let mut alt_buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "alt-0"; child = Text!("Alt 0"); tab_index = tab_ids[2] }, Button! { id = "alt-1"; child = Text!("Alt 1"); tab_index = tab_ids[3] }, Button! { id = "alt-2"; child = Text!("Alt 2"); tab_index = tab_ids[4] }, ]; let mut alt_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| (alt_buttons.item_id(i), tab_ids[i + 2])).collect(); alt_ids.sort_by_key(|(_, ti)| *ti); let alt_ids: Vec<_> = alt_ids.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect(); let mut app =![ Stack! { direction = StackDirection::left_to_right(); alt_focus_scope = true; children = alt_buttons; }, v_stack(buttons) ])); // cycle in the window scope does not enter the ALT scope. assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); // and back. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); // make the "Button 1" be the return focus from the ALT scope. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); // goes to the ALT scope. app.press_alt(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[0]), app.focused()); // cycle in the ALT scope. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[0]), app.focused()); // and back. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[0]), app.focused()); // return to the window scope that focus on the "Button 1". app.press_esc(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); // we are back to cycling the window scope. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); // also can return from ALT scope by pressing ALT again. app.press_alt(); assert_eq!(Some(alt_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_alt(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } } #[test] pub fn window_tab_contained() { // TabNav::Contained stops at the last item and back // the root scope behaves just like any other Contained scope. window_tab_contained_and_continue(TabNav::Contained); } #[test] pub fn window_tab_continue() { // TabNav::Continue in the root scope behaves like a Contained // scope because there is no outer-scope to continue to. window_tab_contained_and_continue(TabNav::Continue); } fn window_tab_contained_and_continue(tab_nav: TabNav) { t(tab_nav, |_| TabIndex::AUTO); t(tab_nav, TabIndex); t(tab_nav, |i| TabIndex(TabIndex::AUTO.0 - i - 1)); fn t(tab_nav: TabNav, make_index: impl FnMut(u32) -> TabIndex) { let app = TestApp::start(); let tab_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(make_index).collect(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "btn-0"; child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = tab_ids[0] }, Button! { id = "btn-1"; child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = tab_ids[1] }, Button! { id = "btn-2"; child = Text!("Button 2"); tab_index = tab_ids[2] }, ]; // we collect the widget_id values in the TAB navigation order. let mut ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| (buttons.item_id(i), tab_ids[i])).collect(); ids.sort_by_key(|(_, ti)| *ti); let ids: Vec<_> = ids.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { tab_nav; child = v_stack(buttons); }); // navigates normally forward. assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); // but after reaching the end does not move. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); // same backwards. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } } #[test] pub fn window_tab_once() { // we already start focused inside so Once==None in root widgets. window_tab_once_and_none(TabNav::Once); } #[test] pub fn window_tab_none() { // we already start focused inside so Once==None in root widgets. window_tab_once_and_none(TabNav::None); } fn window_tab_once_and_none(tab_nav: TabNav) { t(tab_nav, |_| TabIndex::AUTO); t(tab_nav, TabIndex); t(tab_nav, |i| TabIndex(TabIndex::AUTO.0 - i - 1)); fn t(tab_nav: TabNav, make_index: impl FnMut(u32) -> TabIndex) { let app = TestApp::start(); let tab_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(make_index).collect(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = tab_ids[0] }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = tab_ids[1] }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2"); tab_index = tab_ids[2] }, ]; // we collect the widget_id values in the TAB navigation order. let mut ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| (buttons.item_id(i), tab_ids[i])).collect(); ids.sort_by_key(|(_, ti)| *ti); let ids: Vec<_> = ids.into_iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { child = v_stack(buttons); tab_nav; }); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.focus(ids[1]); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } } #[test] pub fn two_continue_scopes_in_tab_cycle_window() { // TabNav::Continue in non-root widget scopes that are // FocusScopeOnFocus::FirstDescendant just behaves like normal containers. two_continue_scopes_or_containers_in_tab_cycle_window(true); } #[test] pub fn two_containers_in_tab_cycle_window() { // the containers are not focus scopes, but they naturally // behave like one with TabNav::Continue, as long as the tab-indexes // are linear or AUTO. two_continue_scopes_or_containers_in_tab_cycle_window(false); } fn two_continue_scopes_or_containers_in_tab_cycle_window(focus_scope: bool) { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons_a = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids_a: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_a.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut buttons_b = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids_b: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_b.item_id(i)).collect(); let a = Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = buttons_a; focus_scope; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; }; let b = Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = buttons_b; focus_scope; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; }; let mut app =![a, b])); // forward nav goes through the first stack. assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // and then the second stack. assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); // and then cycles back to the first item in the first stack. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // backward nav does the same in reverse. // cycles back to the last item of the last stack. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); // then moves back to the last item of the first stack. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // then cycles again. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn two_continue_scopes_with_mixed_indexes() { let app = TestApp::start(); // the tab_index sequence goes back and forth, but // because the containers are scopes they do each container // at a time. // // we are testing that scopes contain their navigation here, // and because scopes exclude their branch when navigating out // it all works here. But you can break this by adding another // scope or other widgets with weird tab indexes in the root scope, // because the navigation goes back to the root momentarily, it can // jump back to a higher priority index without visiting all indexes. let mut buttons_a = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = 0; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2"); tab_index = 5; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = 3; }, ]; let ids_a: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_a.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut buttons_b = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 3"); tab_index = 2; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 4"); tab_index = 4; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 5"); tab_index = 6; }, ]; let ids_b: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_b.item_id(i)).collect(); let a = Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = buttons_a; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; }; let b = Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = buttons_b; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; }; let mut app =![a, b])); // window starts at (0), that is also inside `a`. assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // goes to next index in the same scope (3), does not goes to (2) app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); // goes to next index in the same scope (5), again did not go to (4) app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); // goes to (2) in the `b` scope now. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); // goes next to (4) app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); // goes next to (6) app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); // cycle back to (0) app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // the same backwards. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn two_containers_with_mixed_indexes() { let app = TestApp::start(); // the tab-indexes go back and forth in the containers // and because they are not each a scope the focus jumps // from on container to another. let mut buttons_a = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0"); tab_index = 0; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2"); tab_index = 5; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = 3; }, ]; let ids_a: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_a.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut buttons_b = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 3"); tab_index = 2; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 4"); tab_index = 4; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 5"); tab_index = 6; }, ]; let ids_b: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons_b.item_id(i)).collect(); let a = v_stack(buttons_a); let b = v_stack(buttons_b); let mut app =![a, b])); // forward. // starts at `0` assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // goes to `2` in `b` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); // goes to `3` back in `a` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); // goes to `4` back in `b` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); // goes to `5` back in `a` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); // goes to `6` back in `b` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); // cycle back to `0` in `a` app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); // backward. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_b[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids_a[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_index_skip() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "Button 0"; child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { id = "Button 1"; child = Text!("Button 1"); tab_index = TabIndex::SKIP; }, Button! { id = "Button 2"; child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_container() { let app = TestApp::start(); // sanity check for `tab_skip_inner_container`. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") },]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, v_stack(inner_buttons), Button! { child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_skip_inner_container() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect that TabIndex::SKIP skips the full widget branch // but that the items inside will still tab navigate if focused // directly. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") },]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; tab_index = TabIndex::SKIP; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // assert skipped inner. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); // assert that focused directly it still works. app.focus(inner_ids[0]); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); // and continues normally. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); // but is skipped from the outside. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); // and the same in reverse. app.focus(inner_ids[1]); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_continue() { let app = TestApp::start(); // sanity check for `tab_skip_inner_scope_continue`. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "Button 1"; child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { id = "Button 2"; child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "Button 0"; child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { id = "Scope Continue"; direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; }, Button! { id = "Button 3"; child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_skip_inner_scope_continue() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect that TabIndex::SKIP skips the full widget branch // but that the items inside will still tab navigate if focused // directly. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "Button 1"; child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { id = "Button 2"; child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "Button 0"; child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { id = "v_stack"; direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; tab_index = TabIndex::SKIP; }, Button! { id = "Button 3"; child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // assert skipped inner. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); // assert that focused directly it still works. app.focus(inner_ids[0]); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); // and continues normally. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); // but is skipped from the outside. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); // and the same in reverse. app.focus(inner_ids[1]); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_cycle() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect tab navigation to enter the inner scope and get trapped in there. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") },]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Cycle; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // focus starts outside of inner cycle. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // focus enters the inner cycle. assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); // we still are in the inner cycle. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); // same in reverse. app.focus(item_ids[2]); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_contained() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect tab navigation to enter the inner scope and get trapped in there. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") },]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Contained; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // focus starts outside of inner container. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // focus enters the inner container. assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); // we still are in the inner container. app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); // same in reverse. app.focus(item_ids[2]); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_once() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect tab navigation to enter the inner scope but then leave it. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") },]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Once; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // focus starts outside of inner scope. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // focus enters the inner scope. assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // and we leave it already. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); // same in reverse. app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_none() { let app = TestApp::start(); // we expect tab navigation to enter the inner scope and then not move. let mut inner_buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "btn-1"; child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { id = "btn-2"; child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let inner_ids: Vec<_> = (0..2).map(|i| inner_buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut children = ui_vec![ Button! { id = "btn-0"; child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { id = "v-stack"; direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); children = inner_buttons; focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::None; }, Button! { id = "btn-3"; child = Text!("Button 3") }, ]; let item_ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| children.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; // focus starts outside of inner scope. assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[0]), app.focused()); assert!(app.can_tab()); app.press_tab(); // focus enters the inner scope. assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); // and we did not move. assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[0]), app.focused()); assert!(!app.can_tab()); // same in reverse. app.focus(item_ids[2]); assert_eq!(Some(item_ids[2]), app.focused()); assert!(app.can_shift_tab()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_shift_tab(); assert!(!app.can_shift_tab()); assert_eq!(Some(inner_ids[1]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn tab_inner_scope_continue_to_non_focusable_siblings_focusable_child() { let app = TestApp::start(); let btn1 = WidgetId::named("btn-1"); let btn2 = WidgetId::named("btn-2"); let mut app =![ Stack! { id = "initial-scope"; direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); focus_scope = true; tab_nav = TabNav::Continue; children = ui_vec![Button! { id = btn1; child = Text!("Btn 1"); }]; }, v_stack(ui_vec![Button! { id = btn2; child = Text!("Btn 2"); }]) ])); assert_eq!(Some(btn1), app.focused()); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(btn2), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn dont_focus_alt_when_alt_pressed_before_focusing_window() { let app = TestApp::start(); let start_focus_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0"); id = start_focus_id; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); }, ]; let alt_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Alt 0"); }, Button! { child = Text!("Alt 1"); },]; let mut app =![ Stack! { direction = StackDirection::left_to_right(); alt_focus_scope = true; children = alt_buttons; }, v_stack(buttons) ])); // clear app.take_focus_changed(); app.take_return_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(Some(start_focus_id), app.focused()); // just an ALT release, no press: app.just_release_alt(); assert!(app.take_focus_changed().is_empty()); } #[test] pub fn window_blur_focus() { let app = TestApp::start(); let expected_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0"); }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); id = expected_id; }, ]; let alt_buttons = ui_vec![Button! { child = Text!("Alt 0"); }, Button! { child = Text!("Alt 1"); },]; let mut app =![ Stack! { alt_focus_scope = true; children = alt_buttons; }, v_stack(buttons) ])); app.press_tab(); assert_eq!(Some(expected_id), app.focused()); app.blur_window(); assert_eq!(None, app.focused()); app.focus_window(); assert_eq!(Some(expected_id), app.focused()); app.press_alt(); assert_ne!(Some(expected_id), app.focused()); app.blur_window(); assert_eq!(None, app.focused()); app.focus_window(); assert_eq!(Some(expected_id), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focused_removed_by_interacivity() { let app = TestApp::start(); let interactive = var(true); focused_removed_test( app, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); interactive = interactive.clone() }, || interactive.set(false), ) } #[test] pub fn focused_removed_by_collapsing() { let app = TestApp::start(); let visibility = var(Visibility::Visible); focused_removed_test(app, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); visibility = visibility.clone() }, || { visibility.set(Visibility::Collapsed) }) } #[test] pub fn focused_removed_by_making_not_focusable() { let app = TestApp::start(); let focusable = var(true); focused_removed_test(app, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); focusable = focusable.clone() }, || { focusable.set(false) }) } fn focused_removed_test(app: TestAppBuilder, button1: impl UiNode, set_var: impl FnOnce()) { let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, button1, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(ids[1]); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.set_vars(set_var); assert_ne!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focused_removed_by_deleting() { let app = TestApp::start(); let exist = var(true); let button1_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let buttons = ui_vec! { Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, view(exist.clone(), hn!(|a: &ViewArgs| { if { a.set_view(Button! { id = button1_id; child = Text!("Button 1") }); } else { a.unset_view(); } })), Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") } }; let mut app =; app.focus(button1_id); assert_eq!(Some(button1_id), app.focused()); app.set_vars(|| { exist.set(false); }); assert_ne!(Some(button1_id), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focus_widget_or_parent_goes_to_parent() { let app = TestApp::start(); let first_focus_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let parent_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let child_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut app =![ Button! { id = first_focus_id; child = Text!("initial focus") }, Container! { id = parent_id; focusable = true; child = Text! { id = child_id; focusable = false; txt = "not focusable" } } ])); assert_eq!(Some(first_focus_id), app.focused()); app.focus(child_id); // not focusable, does nothing. assert_eq!(Some(first_focus_id), app.focused()); app.focus_or_parent(child_id); assert_eq!(Some(parent_id), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focus_widget_or_child_goes_to_child() { let app = TestApp::start(); let first_focus_id = WidgetId::named("first_focus"); let parent_id = WidgetId::named("parent"); let child_id = WidgetId::named("child"); let mut app =![ Button! { id = first_focus_id; child = Text!("initial focus") }, Container! { id = parent_id; focusable = false; child = Text! { id = child_id; focusable = true; txt = "focusable focusable" } } ])); assert_eq!(Some(first_focus_id), app.focused()); app.focus(parent_id); // not focusable, does nothing. assert_eq!(Some(first_focus_id), app.focused()); app.focus_or_child(parent_id); assert_eq!(Some(child_id), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focus_continued_after_widget_id_move() { let app = TestApp::start(); let id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let do_move_id = var(false); let mut app = do_move_id.clone(), hn!(|a: &ViewArgs| { if { a.set_view(Container! { id = "some_other_place"; child = Button! { id; child = Text!("Button 1") }; }); } else if a.is_nil() { a.set_view(Wgt! { focusable = true; id; }); } }), )); assert_eq!(Some(id), app.focused()); app.take_focus_changed(); app.set_vars(|| do_move_id.set(true)); assert_eq!(Some(id), app.focused()); let evs = app.take_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, evs.len()); assert!(evs[0].is_widget_move()); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::Recovery, evs[0].cause); } #[test] pub fn focus_continued_after_widget_move_same_window() { let app = TestApp::start(); let id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let button = ArcNode::new(Button! { id; child = Text!("Click Me!"); }); let do_move = var(false); let mut app =![ Container! { child = button.take_when(true) }, Container! { child = button.take_when(do_move.clone()) } ])); assert_eq!(Some(id), app.focused()); app.take_focus_changed(); app.set_vars(|| do_move.set(true)); assert_eq!(Some(id), app.focused()); let evs = app.take_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, evs.len()); assert!(evs[0].is_widget_move()); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::Recovery, evs[0].cause); } #[test] pub fn focus_moves_to_new_window() { let app = TestApp::start(); let main_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let win2_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let win3_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut app =! { id = main_id; child = Text!("Button in main window"); }); assert_eq!(Some(main_id), app.focused()); app.open_window(Button! { id = win2_id; child = Text!("Button in second window"); }); assert_eq!(Some(win2_id), app.focused()); app.open_window(Button! { id = win3_id; child = Text!("Button in third window"); }); assert_eq!(Some(win3_id), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn focus_goes_to_parent_after_remove() { let app = TestApp::start(); let parent_id = WidgetId::named("parent"); let child_id = WidgetId::named("child"); let interactive = var(true); let mut app =![Container! { id = parent_id; focusable = true; child = Button! { id = child_id; interactive = interactive.clone(); child = Text!( "item 'removed'") } }])); app.focus(child_id); assert_eq!(Some(child_id), app.focused()); app.take_focus_changed(); app.set_vars(|| { interactive.set(false); }); assert_eq!(Some(parent_id), app.focused()); let evs = app.take_focus_changed(); assert_eq!(1, evs.len()); assert_eq!(FocusChangedCause::Recovery, evs[0].cause); } #[test] pub fn directional_focus_up() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(ids[2]); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_up(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_up(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_focus_down() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_down(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_down(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_focus_left() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(ids[2]); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_left(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_left(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_focus_right() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_right(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); app.press_right(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_cycle_vertical() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Cycle; child = v_stack(buttons); }); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_up(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_down(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_cycle_horizontal() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Cycle; child = h_stack(buttons); }); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_left(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); app.press_right(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_contained_vertical() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Contained; child = v_stack(buttons); }); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_up(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_down(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_contained_horizontal() { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Contained; child = h_stack(buttons); }); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_left(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); app.press_right(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_none() { fn test(press: impl Fn(&mut TestApp)) { let app = TestApp::start(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 1") }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app = app.run_window(Window! { directional_nav = DirectionalNav::None; child = h_stack(buttons); }); app.focus(ids[1]); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); press(&mut app); assert_eq!(Some(ids[1]), app.focused()); } test(|a| a.press_up()); test(|a| a.press_down()); test(|a| a.press_left()); test(|a| a.press_right()); } #[test] pub fn directional_continue_up() { let app = TestApp::start(); let start_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); focus_scope = true; directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Continue; children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); id = start_id; }, ]; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(start_id); assert_eq!(Some(start_id), app.focused()); app.press_up(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_continue_down() { let app = TestApp::start(); let start_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); focus_scope = true; directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Continue; children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); id = start_id; }, ]; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(start_id); assert_eq!(Some(start_id), app.focused()); app.press_down(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_continue_left() { let app = TestApp::start(); let start_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); focus_scope = true; directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Continue; children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); id = start_id; }, ]; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(start_id); assert_eq!(Some(start_id), app.focused()); app.press_left(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[0]), app.focused()); } #[test] pub fn directional_continue_right() { let app = TestApp::start(); let start_id = WidgetId::new_unique(); let mut buttons = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 0") }, Stack! { direction = StackDirection::top_to_bottom(); focus_scope = true; directional_nav = DirectionalNav::Continue; children = ui_vec![ Button! { child = Text!("Button 1"); id = start_id; }, ]; }, Button! { child = Text!("Button 2") }, ]; let ids: Vec<_> = (0..3).map(|i| buttons.item_id(i)).collect(); let mut app =; app.focus(start_id); assert_eq!(Some(start_id), app.focused()); app.press_right(); assert_eq!(Some(ids[2]), app.focused()); } struct TestAppBuilder { app: AppExtended, } impl TestAppBuilder { pub fn run(self, child: impl UiNode) -> TestApp { self.run_window(Window!(child; id = "window root")) } pub fn run_window(self, window: WindowRoot) -> TestApp { let mut app =; let (focus_changed, return_focus_changed) = { let a = FOCUS_CHANGED_EVENT.receiver(); let b = RETURN_FOCUS_CHANGED_EVENT.receiver(); (a, b) }; let window_id = app.open_window(async move { window }); TestApp { app, window_id, focus_changed, return_focus_changed, } } } struct TestApp { app: HeadlessApp, pub window_id: WindowId, focus_changed: EventReceiver, return_focus_changed: EventReceiver, } impl TestApp { /// Start app scope. pub fn start() -> TestAppBuilder { TestAppBuilder { app: App::default() } } pub fn set_vars(&mut self, set: impl FnOnce()) { set(); let _ =; } pub fn close_main_window(&mut self) { let closed =; assert!(closed); } pub fn open_window(&mut self, child: impl UiNode) -> WindowId { let id = { Window! { child } }); let _ =; id } /* pub fn close_window(&mut self, window_id: WindowId) { let closed =; assert!(closed); } */ pub fn take_focus_changed(&mut self) -> Vec { self.focus_changed.try_iter().collect() } pub fn take_return_focus_changed(&mut self) -> Vec { self.return_focus_changed.try_iter().collect() } pub fn focused(&mut self) -> Option { FOCUS.focused().get().as_ref().map(|w| w.widget_id()) } pub fn can_tab(&self) -> bool { zero_ui::core::focus::commands::FOCUS_NEXT_CMD.is_enabled().get() } pub fn can_shift_tab(&self) -> bool { zero_ui::core::focus::commands::FOCUS_PREV_CMD.is_enabled().get() } pub fn press_tab(&mut self) {, Key::Tab) } pub fn press_shift_tab(&mut self) {, shortcut!(SHIFT + Tab)); } pub fn press_alt(&mut self) {, Key::LAlt); } pub fn press_esc(&mut self) {, Key::Escape); } pub fn press_up(&mut self) {, Key::Up); } pub fn press_down(&mut self) {, Key::Down); } pub fn press_left(&mut self) {, Key::Left); } pub fn press_right(&mut self) {, Key::Right); } pub fn just_release_alt(&mut self) {, Key::LAlt, KeyState::Released); let _ =; } pub fn focus(&mut self, widget_id: WidgetId) { FOCUS.focus_widget(widget_id, true); let _ =; } pub fn focus_or_parent(&mut self, widget_id: WidgetId) { FOCUS.focus_widget_or_exit(widget_id, true); let _ =; } pub fn focus_or_child(&mut self, widget_id: WidgetId) { FOCUS.focus_widget_or_enter(widget_id, true); let _ =; } pub fn focus_window(&mut self) { } pub fn blur_window(&mut self) { } } trait TestList { fn item_id(&mut self, i: usize) -> WidgetId; } impl TestList for L { fn item_id(&mut self, i: usize) -> WidgetId { self.with_node(i, |n| n.with_context(WidgetUpdateMode::Ignore, || } }