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For the purpose of tracking copyright, this is the list of individuals and organizations who have contributed source code to SwiftCrypto.
For employees of an organization/company where the copyright of work done by employees of that company is held by the company itself, only the company needs to be listed here.
- Apple Inc. (all contributors with '@apple.com')
- Alexander Cyon alex.cyon@gmail.com
- Austin Conlon austinconlon@icloud.com
- Cory Benfield lukasa@apple.com
- George Barnett gbrntt@gmail.com
- Tomer Doron tomer@apple.com
Updating this list
Please do not edit this file manually. It is generated using ./scripts/generate_contributors_list.sh
If a name is misspelled or appearing multiple times: add an entry in ./.mailmap
(see docs)