
285 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Script for pre-commit that fixes Kotlin block quote indentation
# for Smithy codegen, where the actual whitespace in the block quotes
# doesn't actually matter.
# In anticipation that the script isn't perfect, it will not change any
# file if non-indentation changes were made. Instead, it fails and says
# where the ambiguous code is so that it can be touched up manually.
# To run unit tests, run this script directly with the `--self-test` arg.
# To test against the repository, run `pre-commit run --all --verbose`.
import re
import sys
import unittest
from enum import Enum
# Chops of any line comment
def without_line_comment(line):
line_comment_start = line.find("//")
if line_comment_start != -1:
return line[:line_comment_start]
return line
def _calc_block_comment(line, direction):
regex = "(" + re.escape("/*") + "|" + re.escape("*/") + "|" + re.escape("//") + ")"
tokens = [m.string[m.start(0):m.end(0)] for m in re.finditer(regex, line)]
depth = 0
for token in tokens:
if direction > 0 and token == "//" and depth == 0:
elif token == "/*":
depth += direction
elif token == "*/":
depth -= direction
return depth > 0
# Returns True if the line starts a block comment
def starts_block_comment(line):
return _calc_block_comment(line, 1)
# Returns True if the line ends a block comment
def ends_block_comment(line):
return _calc_block_comment(line, -1)
# Returns True if the line starts or ends a block quote (depending on state)
def starts_or_ends_block_quote(line, inside_block_quotes):
regex = "(" + re.escape('"""') + "|" + re.escape("//") + ")"
tokens = [m.string[m.start(0):m.end(0)] for m in re.finditer(regex, line)]
start_value = inside_block_quotes
for token in tokens:
if not inside_block_quotes and token == "//":
elif token == '"""':
inside_block_quotes = not inside_block_quotes
return start_value != inside_block_quotes
# Returns the indentation of a line
def line_indent(line):
indent ="[^\s]", line)
if indent != None:
return indent.start(0)
return 0
# Changes the indentation of a line
def adjust_indent(line, indent):
old_indent ="[^\s]", line)
if old_indent == None:
return line
line = line[old_indent.start(0):]
return (" " * indent) + line
# Parser state.
class State(Enum):
Default = 0 # Just started, or not inside a block comment or block quote
InsideBlockComment = 1
InsideBlockQuote = 2
# Fixes block quote indentation and returns a list of line numbers changed
def fix_lines(lines):
state = State.Default
changed = []
correct_indent = 0
correct_end_indent = 0
first_inner_indent = None
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
# Look for block quotes or block comments
if state == State.Default:
if starts_block_comment(line):
state = State.InsideBlockComment
elif starts_or_ends_block_quote(line, inside_block_quotes = False):
state = State.InsideBlockQuote
correct_end_indent = line_indent(line)
# Determine correct block comment indentation once one is found
if line.lstrip().startswith('"""'):
correct_indent = line_indent(line)
correct_indent = line_indent(line) + INDENT_SIZE
first_inner_indent = None
# Skip all lines inside of block comments
elif state == State.InsideBlockComment:
if ends_block_comment(line):
state = State.Default
# Format block quotes
elif state == State.InsideBlockQuote:
if first_inner_indent == None and len(line.strip()) == 0:
current_indent = line_indent(line)
# Track the first line's indentation inside of the block quote
# so that relative indentation can be preserved.
if first_inner_indent == None:
first_inner_indent = current_indent
# Handle the end of the block quote
if starts_or_ends_block_quote(line, inside_block_quotes = True):
if line.lstrip().startswith('"""') and current_indent != correct_end_indent:
lines[index] = adjust_indent(line, correct_end_indent)
changed.append(index + 1)
state = State.Default
# Handle lines in the middle of the block quote
indent_relative_to_first = max(0, current_indent - first_inner_indent)
adjusted_indent = correct_indent + indent_relative_to_first
if current_indent != adjusted_indent:
lines[index] = adjust_indent(line, adjusted_indent)
changed.append(index + 1)
return changed
# Determines if the changes made were only to indentation
def only_changed_indentation(lines_before, lines_after):
if len(lines_before) != len(lines_after):
return False
for index in range(0, len(lines_before)):
if lines_before[index].lstrip() != lines_after[index].lstrip():
return False
return True
# Fixes the indentation in a file, and returns True if the file was changed
def fix_file(file_name):
lines = []
with open(file_name, "r") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
old_lines = lines[:]
changed_line_numbers = fix_lines(lines)
if len(changed_line_numbers) > 0 and old_lines != lines:
# This script isn't perfect, so if anything other than whitespace changed,
# then bail to avoid losing any code changes.
if not only_changed_indentation(old_lines, lines):
print("ERROR: `" + file_name + "`: Block quote indentation is wrong on lines " + str(changed_line_numbers) + \
". The pre-commit script can't fix it automatically in this instance.")
text = "".join(lines)
with open(file_name, "w") as file:
print("INFO: Fixed indentation in `" + file_name + "`.")
return True
# This print is useful when debugging this script, but spammy otherwise. Leave it commented.
# print("INFO: `" + file_name + "` is fine.")
return False
class SelfTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_starts_block_comment(self):
assert(not starts_block_comment(""))
assert(not starts_block_comment("foo"))
assert(not starts_block_comment("/* false */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false */ asdf"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" asdf /* false */ asdf"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false */ /* false */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false /* false */ */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false /* false /* false */ */ */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" false */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment("/* false //*/"))
assert(not starts_block_comment(" /* false /* false /* false */ */ // */"))
assert(not starts_block_comment("// /* false"))
assert(starts_block_comment(" /* true *"))
assert(starts_block_comment(" /* true */ /*"))
assert(starts_block_comment(" /* true /* true /* true */ */"))
def test_ends_block_comment(self):
assert(not ends_block_comment(""))
assert(ends_block_comment("// */"))
assert(ends_block_comment(" */ asdf"))
assert(ends_block_comment(" asdf */ asdf"))
assert(not ends_block_comment(" /* asdf */ asdf"))
assert(not ends_block_comment(" /* true */ /*"))
assert(not ends_block_comment(" /* true /* true /* true */ */"))
def test_starts_or_ends_block_quote(self):
assert(not starts_or_ends_block_quote("", False))
assert(not starts_or_ends_block_quote(' """foo "bar" baz"""', False))
assert(not starts_or_ends_block_quote(' """foo "bar" baz""" test """foo"""', False))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote(' """foo "bar" baz""" test """foo', False))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote('"""', False))
assert(not starts_or_ends_block_quote('// """', False))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote('"""//""" """', False))
assert(not starts_or_ends_block_quote('"""//"""', False))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote('// """', True))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote('"""//""" """', True))
assert(starts_or_ends_block_quote('"""//"""', True))
def test_line_indent(self):
self.assertEqual(line_indent(""), 0)
self.assertEqual(line_indent(" "), 0)
self.assertEqual(line_indent(" foo"), 3)
self.assertEqual(line_indent(" foo bar"), 3)
def test_adjust_indent(self):
self.assertEqual(adjust_indent("", 3), "")
self.assertEqual(adjust_indent("foo", 3), " foo")
self.assertEqual(adjust_indent(" foo", 3), " foo")
def test_only_changed_indentation(self):
assert(only_changed_indentation(["foo"], ["foo"]))
assert(only_changed_indentation(["foo"], [" foo"]))
assert(not only_changed_indentation(["foo"], ["oo"]))
assert(not only_changed_indentation(["foo"], ["foo", "bar"]))
assert(not only_changed_indentation(["foo", "bar"], ["foo"]))
assert(not only_changed_indentation([" foo"], [" oo"]))
def fix_lines_test_case(self, expected, input, lines_changed):
actual_lines_changed = fix_lines(input)
self.assertEqual(expected, input)
self.assertEqual(lines_changed, actual_lines_changed)
def test_fix_lines(self):
self.fix_lines_test_case( \
expected = [' """', ' if something {', ' foo();', ' }', ' """'], \
input = [' """', ' if something {', ' foo();', ' }', '"""'], \
lines_changed = [5] \
self.fix_lines_test_case( \
expected = [' foo = """', ' asdf', ' """'], \
input = [' foo = """', ' asdf', ' """'], \
lines_changed = [2, 3] \
self.fix_lines_test_case( \
expected = [' foo = """', ' // asdf', ' //"""'], \
input = [' foo = """', ' // asdf', ' //"""'], \
lines_changed = [] \
self.fix_lines_test_case( \
expected = [' """', ' asdf {', ' asdf', ' }', ' """'], \
input = [' """', ' asdf {', ' asdf', ' }', '"""'], \
lines_changed = [2, 3, 4, 5] \
self.fix_lines_test_case( \
expected = [' """', '', ' foo', ' bar', ' """'], \
input = [' """', '', ' foo', ' bar', ' """'], \
lines_changed = [] \
def main():
# Run unit tests if given `--self-test` argument
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--self-test":
file_names = sys.argv[1:]
status = 0
for file_name in file_names:
if fix_file(file_name):
status = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":