Implement feature-gated independent SDK crate versioning (#1435)

Co-authored-by: Zelda Hessler <>
This commit is contained in:
John DiSanti 2022-06-13 18:19:40 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9156aca9fd
commit 26316db7b2
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 535 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ dependencies {
val awsServices: AwsServices by lazy { discoverServices(loadServiceMembership()) }
val eventStreamAllowList: Set<String> by lazy { eventStreamAllowList() }
val crateVersioner by lazy { aws.sdk.CrateVersioner.defaultFor(rootProject, properties) }
fun getSdkVersion(): String = properties.get("aws.sdk.version") ?: throw Exception("SDK version missing")
fun getRustMSRV(): String = properties.get("rust.msrv") ?: throw Exception("Rust MSRV missing")
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ fun generateSmithyBuild(services: AwsServices): String {
val moduleName = "aws-sdk-${service.module}"
val eventStreamAllowListMembers = eventStreamAllowList.joinToString(", ") { "\"$it\"" }
"${service.module}": {
@ -103,8 +105,8 @@ fun generateSmithyBuild(services: AwsServices): String {
"eventStreamAllowList": [$eventStreamAllowListMembers]
"service": "${service.service}",
"module": "aws-sdk-${service.module}",
"moduleVersion": "${getSdkVersion()}",
"module": "$moduleName",
"moduleVersion": "${crateVersioner.decideCrateVersion(moduleName)}",
"moduleAuthors": ["AWS Rust SDK Team <>", "Russell Cohen <>"],
"moduleDescription": "${service.moduleDescription}",
${service.examplesUri(project)?.let { """"examples": "$it",""" } ?: ""}
@ -299,7 +301,11 @@ tasks.register<ExecRustBuildTool>("fixManifests") {
toolPath = publisherToolPath
binaryName = "publisher"
arguments = listOf("fix-manifests", "--location", outputDir.absolutePath)
arguments = mutableListOf("fix-manifests", "--location", outputDir.absolutePath).apply {
if (crateVersioner.independentVersioningEnabled()) {

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ dependencies {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import PropertyRetriever
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
const val LOCAL_DEV_VERSION: String = "0.0.0-local"
// Example command for generating with independent versions:
// ```
// ./gradlew --no-daemon \
// -Paws.sdk.independent.versions=true \
// -Paws.sdk.model.metadata=$HOME/model-metadata.toml \
// -Paws.sdk.previous.release.versions.manifest=$HOME/versions.toml \
// aws:sdk:assemble
// ```
object CrateVersioner {
fun defaultFor(rootProject: Project, properties: PropertyRetriever): VersionCrate =
// Putting independent crate versioning behind a feature flag for now
when (properties.get("aws.sdk.independent.versions")) {
"true" -> when (val versionsManifestPath = properties.get("aws.sdk.previous.release.versions.manifest")) {
// In local dev, use special `0.0.0-local` version number for all SDK crates
null -> SynchronizedCrateVersioner(properties, sdkVersion = LOCAL_DEV_VERSION)
else -> {
val modelMetadataPath = properties.get("aws.sdk.model.metadata")
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Property `aws.sdk.model.metadata` required for independent crate version builds")
devPreview = true,
smithyRsVersion = getSmithyRsVersion(rootProject)
else -> SynchronizedCrateVersioner(properties)
interface VersionCrate {
fun decideCrateVersion(moduleName: String): String
fun independentVersioningEnabled(): Boolean
class SynchronizedCrateVersioner(
properties: PropertyRetriever,
private val sdkVersion: String = properties.get("aws.sdk.version") ?: throw Exception("SDK version missing")
) : VersionCrate {
init {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass).info("Using synchronized SDK crate versioning with version `$sdkVersion`")
override fun decideCrateVersion(moduleName: String): String = sdkVersion
override fun independentVersioningEnabled(): Boolean = sdkVersion == LOCAL_DEV_VERSION
private data class SemVer(
val major: Int,
val minor: Int,
val patch: Int
) {
companion object {
fun parse(value: String): SemVer {
val parseNote = "Note: This implementation doesn't implement pre-release/build version support"
val failure = IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized semver version number: $value. $parseNote")
val parts = value.split(".")
if (parts.size != 3) {
throw failure
return SemVer(
major = parts[0].toIntOrNull() ?: throw failure,
minor = parts[1].toIntOrNull() ?: throw failure,
patch = parts[2].toIntOrNull() ?: throw failure
fun bumpMajor(): SemVer = copy(major = major + 1, minor = 0, patch = 0)
fun bumpMinor(): SemVer = copy(minor = minor + 1, patch = 0)
fun bumpPatch(): SemVer = copy(patch = patch + 1)
override fun toString(): String {
return "$major.$minor.$patch"
fun getSmithyRsVersion(rootProject: Project): String {
Runtime.getRuntime().let { runtime ->
val command = arrayOf("git", "-C", rootProject.rootDir.absolutePath, "rev-parse", "HEAD")
val process = runtime.exec(command)
if (process.waitFor() != 0) {
throw RuntimeException(
"Failed to run `${command.joinToString(" ")}`:\n" +
"stdout: " +
String(process.inputStream.readAllBytes()) +
"stderr: " +
return String(process.inputStream.readAllBytes()).trim()
class IndependentCrateVersioner(
private val versionsManifest: VersionsManifest,
private val modelMetadata: ModelMetadata,
private val devPreview: Boolean,
smithyRsVersion: String
) : VersionCrate {
private val smithyRsChanged = versionsManifest.smithyRsRevision != smithyRsVersion
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
init {"Using independent SDK crate versioning. Dev preview: $devPreview")
"Current smithy-rs HEAD: `$smithyRsVersion`. " +
"Previous smithy-rs HEAD from versions.toml: `${versionsManifest.smithyRsRevision}`. " +
"Code generator changed: $smithyRsChanged"
override fun independentVersioningEnabled(): Boolean = true
override fun decideCrateVersion(moduleName: String): String {
var previousVersion: SemVer? = null
val (reason, newVersion) = when (val existingCrate = versionsManifest.crates.get(moduleName)) {
// The crate didn't exist before, so create a new major version
null -> "new service" to newMajorVersion()
else -> {
previousVersion = SemVer.parse(existingCrate.version)
if (smithyRsChanged) {
"smithy-rs changed" to previousVersion.bumpCodegenChanged()
} else {
when (modelMetadata.changeType(moduleName)) {
ChangeType.UNCHANGED -> "no change" to previousVersion
ChangeType.FEATURE -> "its API changed" to previousVersion.bumpModelChanged()
ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION -> "it has new docs" to previousVersion.bumpDocsChanged()
if (previousVersion == null) {"`$moduleName` is a new service. Starting it at `$newVersion`")
} else if (previousVersion != newVersion) {"Version bumping `$moduleName` from `$previousVersion` to `$newVersion` because $reason")
} else {"No changes expected for `$moduleName`")
return newVersion.toString()
private fun newMajorVersion(): SemVer = when (devPreview) {
true -> SemVer.parse("0.1.0")
else -> SemVer.parse("1.0.0")
private fun SemVer.bumpCodegenChanged(): SemVer = bumpMinor()
private fun SemVer.bumpModelChanged(): SemVer = when (devPreview) {
true -> bumpPatch()
else -> bumpMinor()
private fun SemVer.bumpDocsChanged(): SemVer = bumpPatch()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import com.moandjiezana.toml.Toml
enum class ChangeType {
/** Model metadata toml file */
data class ModelMetadata(
private val crates: Map<String, ChangeType>
) {
companion object {
fun fromFile(path: String): ModelMetadata {
val contents = File(path).readText()
return fromString(contents)
fun fromString(value: String): ModelMetadata {
val toml = Toml().read(value)
return ModelMetadata(
crates = toml.getTable("crates")?.entrySet()?.map { entry ->
entry.key to when (val kind = (entry.value as Toml).getString("kind")) {
"Feature" -> ChangeType.FEATURE
"Documentation" -> ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized change type: $kind")
}?.toMap() ?: emptyMap()
fun hasCrates(): Boolean = crates.isNotEmpty()
fun changeType(moduleName: String): ChangeType = crates[moduleName] ?: ChangeType.UNCHANGED

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import com.moandjiezana.toml.Toml
data class CrateVersion(
val category: String,
val version: String,
val sourceHash: String? = null,
val modelHash: String? = null
/** Kotlin representation of aws-sdk-rust's `versions.toml` file */
data class VersionsManifest(
val smithyRsRevision: String,
val awsDocSdkExamplesRevision: String,
val crates: Map<String, CrateVersion>
) {
companion object {
fun fromFile(path: String): VersionsManifest {
val contents = File(path).readText()
return fromString(contents)
fun fromString(value: String): VersionsManifest {
val toml = Toml().read(value)
return VersionsManifest(
smithyRsRevision = toml.getString("smithy_rs_revision"),
awsDocSdkExamplesRevision = toml.getString("aws_doc_sdk_examples_revision"),
crates = toml.getTable("crates").entrySet().map { entry ->
val value = (entry.value as Toml)
entry.key to CrateVersion(
category = value.getString("category"),
version = value.getString("version"),
sourceHash = value.getString("source_hash"),
modelHash = value.getString("model_hash")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class IndependentCrateVersionerTest {
fun devPreviewSmithyRsChanged() {
val versioner = IndependentCrateVersioner(
smithyRsRevision = "smithy-rs-1",
awsDocSdkExamplesRevision = "dontcare",
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.11.3"
"aws-sdk-ec2" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.10.1"
"aws-sdk-s3" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.12.0"
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to ChangeType.FEATURE,
"aws-sdk-ec2" to ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION
devPreview = true,
smithyRsVersion = "smithy-rs-2"
// The code generator changed, so all minor versions should bump
assertEquals("0.12.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-dynamodb"))
assertEquals("0.11.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-ec2"))
assertEquals("0.13.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-s3"))
assertEquals("0.1.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-somenewservice"))
fun devPreviewSameCodeGenerator() {
val versioner = IndependentCrateVersioner(
smithyRsRevision = "smithy-rs-1",
awsDocSdkExamplesRevision = "dontcare",
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.11.3"
"aws-sdk-ec2" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.10.1"
"aws-sdk-s3" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.12.0"
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to ChangeType.FEATURE,
"aws-sdk-ec2" to ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION
devPreview = true,
smithyRsVersion = "smithy-rs-1"
assertEquals("0.11.4", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-dynamodb"))
assertEquals("0.10.2", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-ec2"))
assertEquals("0.12.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-s3"))
assertEquals("0.1.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-somenewservice"))
fun smithyRsChanged() {
val versioner = IndependentCrateVersioner(
smithyRsRevision = "smithy-rs-1",
awsDocSdkExamplesRevision = "dontcare",
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.11.3"
"aws-sdk-ec2" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.10.1"
"aws-sdk-s3" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.12.0"
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to ChangeType.FEATURE,
"aws-sdk-ec2" to ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION
devPreview = false,
smithyRsVersion = "smithy-rs-2"
// The code generator changed, so all minor versions should bump
assertEquals("1.12.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-dynamodb"))
assertEquals("1.11.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-ec2"))
assertEquals("1.13.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-s3"))
assertEquals("1.0.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-somenewservice"))
fun sameCodeGenerator() {
val versioner = IndependentCrateVersioner(
smithyRsRevision = "smithy-rs-1",
awsDocSdkExamplesRevision = "dontcare",
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.11.3"
"aws-sdk-ec2" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.10.1"
"aws-sdk-s3" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "1.12.0"
crates = mapOf(
"aws-sdk-dynamodb" to ChangeType.FEATURE,
"aws-sdk-ec2" to ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION
devPreview = false,
smithyRsVersion = "smithy-rs-1"
assertEquals("1.12.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-dynamodb"))
assertEquals("1.10.2", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-ec2"))
assertEquals("1.12.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-s3"))
assertEquals("1.0.0", versioner.decideCrateVersion("aws-sdk-somenewservice"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class ModelMetadataTest {
fun `it should parse an empty file`() {
val result = ModelMetadata.fromString("")
fun `it should parse`() {
val contents = """
kind = "Feature"
kind = "Documentation"
val result = ModelMetadata.fromString(contents)
assertEquals(ChangeType.FEATURE, result.changeType("aws-sdk-someservice"))
assertEquals(ChangeType.DOCUMENTATION, result.changeType("aws-sdk-s3"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.sdk
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class VersionsManifestTest {
fun `it should parse versions toml`() {
val manifest = VersionsManifest.fromString(
smithy_rs_revision = 'some-smithy-rs-revision'
aws_doc_sdk_examples_revision = 'some-doc-revision'
category = 'AwsRuntime'
version = '0.12.0'
source_hash = '12d172094a2576e6f4d00a8ba58276c0d4abc4e241bb75f0d3de8ac3412e8e47'
category = 'AwsSdk'
version = '0.12.0'
source_hash = 'a0dfc080638b1d803745f0bd66b610131783cf40ab88fd710dce906fc69b983e'
model_hash = '179bbfd915093dc3bec5444771da2b20d99a37d104ba25f0acac9aa0d5bb758a'
assertEquals("some-smithy-rs-revision", manifest.smithyRsRevision)
assertEquals("some-doc-revision", manifest.awsDocSdkExamplesRevision)
"aws-config" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsRuntime",
version = "0.12.0",
sourceHash = "12d172094a2576e6f4d00a8ba58276c0d4abc4e241bb75f0d3de8ac3412e8e47"
"aws-sdk-account" to CrateVersion(
category = "AwsSdk",
version = "0.12.0",
sourceHash = "a0dfc080638b1d803745f0bd66b610131783cf40ab88fd710dce906fc69b983e",
modelHash = "179bbfd915093dc3bec5444771da2b20d99a37d104ba25f0acac9aa0d5bb758a"

View File

@ -38,10 +38,18 @@ pub struct FixManifestsArgs {
/// Checks manifests rather than fixing them
check: bool,
/// Disable expected version number validation. This should only be used
/// when SDK crates are being generated with independent version numbers.
disable_version_number_validation: bool,
pub async fn subcommand_fix_manifests(
FixManifestsArgs { location, check }: &FixManifestsArgs,
FixManifestsArgs {
}: &FixManifestsArgs,
) -> Result<()> {
let mode = match check {
true => Mode::Check,
@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ pub async fn subcommand_fix_manifests(
let mut manifests = read_manifests(Fs::Real, manifest_paths).await?;
let versions = package_versions(&manifests)?;
validate::validate_before_fixes(&versions, *disable_version_number_validation)?;
fix_manifests(Fs::Real, &versions, &mut manifests, mode).await?;
info!("Successfully fixed manifests!");

View File

@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ use tracing::info;
/// For now, this validates:
/// - `aws-config` version number matches all `aws-sdk-` prefixed versions
/// - `aws-smithy-` prefixed versions match `aws-` (NOT `aws-sdk-`) prefixed versions
pub(super) fn validate_before_fixes(versions: &BTreeMap<String, Version>) -> Result<()> {
pub(super) fn validate_before_fixes(
versions: &BTreeMap<String, Version>,
disable_version_number_validation: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
// Later when we only generate independently versioned SDK crates, this flag can become permanent.
if disable_version_number_validation {
return Ok(());
info!("Pre-validation manifests...");
let maybe_sdk_version = versions.get("aws-config");
let expected_smithy_version = versions
@ -75,12 +83,12 @@ mod test {
fn expect_success(version_tuples: &[(&'static str, &'static str)]) {
validate_before_fixes(&versions(version_tuples), false).expect("success");
fn expect_failure(message: &str, version_tuples: &[(&'static str, &'static str)]) {
if let Err(err) = validate_before_fixes(&versions(version_tuples)) {
if let Err(err) = validate_before_fixes(&versions(version_tuples), false) {
assert_eq!(message, format!("{}", err));
} else {
panic!("Expected validation failure");