- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3485](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3485)) Stalled stream protection now supports request upload streams. It is currently off by default, but will be enabled by default in a future release. To enable it now, you can do the following:
- :bug: (all, [smithy-rs#3427](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3427)) `SharedIdentityResolver` now respects an existing cache partition when the `ResolveIdentity` implementation
provides one already.
- :bug: (all, [smithy-rs#3485](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3485)) Stalled stream protection on downloads will now only trigger if the upstream source is too slow. Previously, stalled stream protection could be erroneously triggered if the user was slowly consuming the stream slower than the minimum speed limit.
- :bug: (all, [smithy-rs#2546](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2546)) Unions with unit target member shape are now fully supported
- :bug::warning: (client, [aws-sdk-rust#1111](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/1111), [smithy-rs#3513](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3513), @Ten0) Make `BehaviorVersion` be future-proof by disallowing it to be constructed via the `BehaviorVersion {}` syntax.
**New this release:**
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3539](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3539)) Add FIPS support to our Hyper 1.0-based client. Customers can enable this mode by enabling the `crypto-aws-lc-fips` on `aws-smithy-experimental`. To construct a client using the new client, consult this [example](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/blob/release-2024-03-29/sdk/s3/tests/hyper-10.rs).
Please note that support for Hyper 1.0 remains experimental.
- (all, [smithy-rs#3389](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3389)) All requests are now retryable, even if they are deserialized successfully. Previously, this was not allowed.
- (all, [smithy-rs#3539](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3539)) Fix bug in Hyper 1.0 support where https URLs returned an error
- (all, [smithy-rs#3476](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3476), @landonxjames) Increased minimum version of wasi crate dependency in aws-smithy-wasm to 0.12.1.
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#2087](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2087), [smithy-rs#2520](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2520), [smithy-rs#3409](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3409), [aws-sdk-rust#59](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/59), @landonxjames, @eduardomourar) Added aws-smithy-wasm crate to enable SDK use in WASI compliant environments
- :tada: (client, [smithy-rs#2087](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2087), [smithy-rs#2520](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2520), [smithy-rs#3409](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3409), @landonxjames, @eduardomourar) Added aws-smithy-wasm crate to enable SDK use in WASI compliant environments
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3365](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3365), [aws-sdk-rust#1046](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/1046), @cayman-amzn) [`SdkBody`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-types/latest/aws_smithy_types/body/struct.SdkBody.html) now implements the 1.0 version of the `http_body::Body` trait.
- (all, [smithy-rs#3470](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3470)) Upgrade Smithy to 1.45.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3465](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3465), [smithy-rs#3477](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3477)) The `ResolveIdentity` trait is now aware of its `IdentityCache` location.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3465](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3465), [smithy-rs#3477](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3477)) `RuntimeComponents` can now be converted back to a `RuntimeComponentsBuilder`, using `.to_builder()`.
- :bug::warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3405](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3405), [smithy-rs#3400](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3400), [smithy-rs#3258](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3258)) Fix bug where timeout settings where not merged properly. This will add a default connect timeout of 3.1s seconds for most clients.
[**For more details see the long-form changelog discussion**](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3408).
**New this release:**
- (all, [aws-sdk-rust#977](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/977), [smithy-rs#3365](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3365), [smithy-rs#3373](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3373)) Add `try_into_http1x` and `try_from_http1x` to Request and Response container types.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3336](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3336), [smithy-rs#3391](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3391), @iampkmone) Added impl `Display` to Enums.
- :bug: (all, [smithy-rs#3322](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3322)) Retry classifiers will now be sorted by priority. This change only affects requests
that are retried. Some requests that were previously been classified as transient
errors may now be classified as throttling errors.
If you were
- configuring multiple custom retry classifiers
- that would disagree on how to classify a response
- that have differing priorities
you may see a behavior change in that classification for the same response is now
dependent on the classifier priority instead of the order in which the classifier
was added.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3402](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3402)) Cap the maximum jitter fraction for identity cache refresh buffer time to 0.5. It was previously 1.0, and if the fraction was randomly set to 1.0, it was equivalent to disregarding the buffer time for cache refresh.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3318](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3318)) `EndpointPrefix` and `apply_endpoint` moved from aws-smithy-http to aws-smithy-runtime-api so that is in a stable (1.x) crate. A deprecated type alias was left in place with a note showing the new location.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3325](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3325)) The `Metadata` storable was moved from aws_smithy_http into aws_smithy_runtime_api. A deprecated type alias was left in place with a note showing where the new location is.
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3300](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3300), [aws-sdk-rust#977](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/977)) Add support for constructing [`SdkBody`] and [`ByteStream`] from `http-body` 1.0 bodies. Note that this is initial support and works via a backwards compatibility shim to http-body 0.4. Hyper 1.0 is not supported.
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3333](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3333), [aws-sdk-rust#998](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/998), [aws-sdk-rust#1010](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/1010)) Add `as_service_err()` to `SdkError` to allow checking the type of an error is without taking ownership.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3299](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3299), @Ploppz) Add `PaginationStreamExt` extension trait to `aws-smithy-types-convert` behind the `convert-streams` feature. This makes it possible to treat a paginator as a [`futures_core::Stream`](https://docs.rs/futures-core/latest/futures_core/stream/trait.Stream.html), allowing customers to use stream combinators like [`map`](https://docs.rs/tokio-stream/latest/tokio_stream/trait.StreamExt.html#method.map) and [`filter`](https://docs.rs/tokio-stream/latest/tokio_stream/trait.StreamExt.html#method.filter).
use aws_smithy_types_convert::stream::PaginationStreamExt
let stream = s3_client.list_objects_v2().bucket("...").into_paginator().send().into_stream_03x();
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3252](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3252), [smithy-rs#3312](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3312), @milesziemer) Serialize 0/false in query parameters, and ignore actual default value during serialization instead of just 0/false. See [changelog discussion](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3312) for details.
- (all, [smithy-rs#3292](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3292)) `requireEndpointResolver: false` is no longer required to remove the need for an endpoint resolver. Instead, `"awsSdkBuilder"` (default false), now _removes_ that requirement.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3305](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3305)) `crate::event_receiver::EventReceiver` is now re-exported as `crate::primitives::event_stream::EventReceiver` when a service supports event stream operations.
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3121](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3121), [smithy-rs#3295](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3295)) All generated docs now include docsrs labels when features are required
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3262](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3262)) Loading native TLS trusted certs for the default HTTP client now only occurs if the default HTTP client is not overridden in config.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3277](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3277)) Improve the error messages for when auth fails to select an auth scheme for a request.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3282](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3282)) Fix documentation and examples on HyperConnector and HyperClientBuilder.
- (client, [aws-sdk-rust#990](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/990), @declanvk) Expose local socket address from ConnectionMetadata.
- (all, [smithy-rs#3294](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3294)) [`Number`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-types/latest/aws_smithy_types/enum.Number.html) `TryInto` implementations now succesfully convert from `f64` to numeric types when no precision is lost. This fixes some deserialization issues where numbers like `25.0` were sent when `Byte` fields were expected.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3278](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3278)) `RuntimeComponentsBuilder::push_identity_resolver` is now deprecated since it does not replace the existing identity resolver of a given auth scheme ID. Use `RuntimeComponentsBuilder::set_identity_resolver` instead.
- :warning::tada: (client, [smithy-rs#3202](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3202)) Add configurable stalled-stream protection for downloads.
When making HTTP calls,
it's possible for a connection to 'stall out' and emit no more data due to server-side issues.
In the event this happens, it's desirable for the stream to error out as quickly as possible.
While timeouts can protect you from this issue, they aren't adaptive to the amount of data
being sent and so must be configured specifically for each use case. When enabled, stalled-stream
protection will ensure that bad streams error out quickly, regardless of the amount of data being
Protection is enabled by default for all clients but can be configured or disabled.
See [this discussion](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/discussions/956) for more details.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3222](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3222)) Types/functions that were deprecated in previous releases were removed. Unfortunately, some of these deprecations
were ignored by the Rust compiler (we found out later that `#[deprecated]` on `pub use` doesn't work). See
the [deprecations removal list](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3223) for more details.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3236](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3236)) Conversions for HTTP request in aws-smithy-runtime-api are now feature gated behind the `http-02x` feature
**New this release:**
- :tada: (all, [smithy-rs#3183](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3183), @HakanVardarr) Add `Display` impl for `DateTime`.
- (client, [smithy-rs#3226](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3226)) Types/functions that were previously `#[doc(hidden)]` in `aws-smithy-async`, `aws-smithy-runtime-api`, `aws-smithy-runtime`, `aws-smithy-types`, and the SDK crates are now visible. For those that are not intended to be used directly, they are called out in their docs as such.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3205](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3205)) SignableRequest::apply_to_request in aws_sigv4 has been renamed `apply_to_request_http0x`
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3138](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3138), [smithy-rs#3148](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3148)) [Upgrade guidance for HTTP Request/Response changes](https://github.com/awslabs/smithy-rs/discussions/3154). HTTP request types moved, and a new HTTP response type was added.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3139](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3139)) `Message`, `Header`, `HeaderValue`, and `StrBytes` have been moved to `aws-smithy-types` from `aws-smithy-eventstream`. `Message::read_from` and `Message::write_to` remain in `aws-smithy-eventstream` but they are converted to free functions with the names `read_message_from` and `write_message_to` respectively.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3100](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3100), [smithy-rs#3114](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3114)) An operation output that supports receiving events from stream now provides a new-type wrapping `aws_smithy_http::event_stream::receiver::Receiver`. The new-type supports the `.recv()` method whose signature is the same as [`aws_smithy_http::event_stream::receiver::Receiver::recv`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/0.57.0/aws_smithy_http/event_stream/struct.Receiver.html#method.recv).
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3151](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3151)) Clients now require a `BehaviorVersion` to be provided. For must customers, `latest` is the best choice. This will be enabled automatically if you enable the `behavior-version-latest` cargo feature on `aws-config` or on an SDK crate. For customers that wish to pin to a specific behavior major version, it can be set in `aws-config` or when constructing the service client.
async fn example() {
// when creating a client
let client = my_service::Client::from_conf(my_service::Config::builder().behavior_version(..).<otherparams>.build());
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3189](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3189)) Remove deprecated error kind type aliases.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3191](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3191)) Unhandled errors have been made opaque to ensure code is written in a future-proof manner. Where previously, you
err if err.code() == Some("SomeUnmodeledErrorCode") {
// unhandled error handling
_ => { /* ... */ }
The `Unhandled` variant should never be referenced directly.
**New this release:**
- :tada: (client, [aws-sdk-rust#780](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/780), [smithy-rs#3189](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3189)) Add `ProvideErrorMetadata` impl for service `Error` type.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3182](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3182), @codypenta) Fix rendering of @error structs when fields have default values
- :warning::tada: (client, [smithy-rs#2417](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2417), [smithy-rs#3018](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3018)) Retry classifiers are now configurable at the service and operation levels. Users may also define their own custom retry classifiers.
For more information, see the [guide](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3050).
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3011](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3011)) HTTP connector configuration has changed significantly. See the [upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3022) for details.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3038](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3038)) The `enableNewSmithyRuntime: middleware` opt-out flag in smithy-build.json has been removed and no longer opts out of the client orchestrator implementation. Middleware is no longer supported. If you haven't already upgraded to the orchestrator, see [the guide](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/2887).
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2909](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2909)) It's now possible to nest runtime components with the `RuntimePlugin` trait. A `current_components` argument was added to the `runtime_components` method so that components configured from previous runtime plugins can be referenced in the current runtime plugin. Ordering of runtime plugins was also introduced via a new `RuntimePlugin::order` method.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#2948](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2948)) Update MSRV to Rust 1.70.0
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2970](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2970)) `aws_smithy_client::hyper_ext::Adapter` was moved/renamed to `aws_smithy_runtime::client::connectors::hyper_connector::HyperConnector`.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2970](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2970)) Test connectors moved into `aws_smithy_runtime::client::connectors::test_util` behind the `test-util` feature.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2970](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2970)) DVR's RecordingConnection and ReplayingConnection were renamed to RecordingConnector and ReplayingConnector respectively.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2970](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2970)) TestConnection was renamed to EventConnector.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#2973](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2973)) Remove `once_cell` from public API.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#2995](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2995)) Structure members with the type `Option<Vec<T>>` now produce an accessor with the type `&[T]` instead of `Option<&[T]>`. This is enabled by default for clients and can be disabled by updating your smithy-build.json with the following setting:
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2978](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2978)) The `futures_core::stream::Stream` trait has been removed from public API. `FnStream` only supports `next`, `try_next`, `collect`, and `try_collect` methods. [`TryFlatMap::flat_map`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-async/latest/aws_smithy_async/future/pagination_stream/struct.TryFlatMap.html#method.flat_map) returns [`PaginationStream`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-async/latest/aws_smithy_async/future/pagination_stream/struct.PaginationStream.html), which should be preferred to `FnStream` at an interface level. Other stream operations that were previously available through the trait or its extension traits can be added later in a backward compatible manner. Finally, `fn_stream` has been moved to be a child module of `pagination_stream`.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2983](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2983)) The `futures_core::stream::Stream` trait has been removed from [`ByteStream`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/byte_stream/struct.ByteStream.html). The methods mentioned in the [doc](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/byte_stream/struct.ByteStream.html#getting-data-out-of-a-bytestream) will continue to be supported. Other stream operations that were previously available through the trait or its extension traits can be added later in a backward compatible manner.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2997](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2997)) `StaticUriEndpointResolver`'s `uri` constructor now takes a `String` instead of a `Uri`.
- :warning: (server, [smithy-rs#3038](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3038)) `SdkError` is no longer re-exported in generated server crates.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3039](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3039)) The `customize()` method is now sync and infallible. Remove any `await`s and error handling from it to make things compile again.
- :bug::warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3037](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3037), [aws-sdk-rust#756](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/756)) Our algorithm for converting identifiers to `snake_case` has been updated. This may result in a small change for some identifiers, particularly acronyms ending in `s`, e.g. `ACLs`.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3055](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3055)) The future return types on traits `EndpointResolver` and `IdentityResolver` changed to new-types `EndpointFuture` and `IdentityFuture` respectively.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3032](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3032)) [`EndpointPrefix::new`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/endpoint/struct.EndpointPrefix.html#method.new) no longer returns `crate::operation::error::BuildError` for an Err variant, instead returns a more specific [`InvalidEndpointError`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/endpoint/error/struct.InvalidEndpointError.html).
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3061](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3061)) Lifetimes have been added to the `EndpointResolver` trait.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3065](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3065)) Several traits have been renamed from noun form to verb form to be more idiomatic:
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3059](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3059)) **This change has [detailed upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3067)**. A summary is below.<br><br> The `HttpRequest` type alias now points to `aws-smithy-runtime-api::client::http::Request`. This is a first-party request type to allow us to gracefully support `http = 1.0` when it arrives. Most customer code using this method should be unaffected. `TryFrom`/`TryInto` conversions are provided for `http = 0.2.*`.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2917](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2917)) `RuntimeComponents` have been added as an argument to the `IdentityResolver::resolve_identity` trait function.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3072](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3072)) The `idempotency_provider` field has been removed from config as a public field. If you need access to this field, it is still available from the context of an interceptor.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3078](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3078)) The `config::Builder::endpoint_resolver` method no longer accepts `&'static str`. Use `config::Builder::endpoint_url` instead.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3043](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3043), [smithy-rs#3078](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3078)) **This change has [detailed upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3079).**<br><br>The endpoint interfaces from `aws-smithy-http` have been removed. Service-specific endpoint resolver traits have been added.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3054](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3054), [smithy-rs#3070](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3070)) `aws_smithy_http::operation::error::{BuildError, SerializationError}` have been moved to `aws_smithy_types::error::operation::{BuildError, SerializationError}`. Type aliases for them are left in `aws_smithy_http` for backwards compatibility but are deprecated.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3076](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3076)) `aws_smithy_http::body::{BoxBody, Error, SdkBody}` have been moved to `aws_smithy_types::body::{BoxBody, Error, SdkBody}`. Type aliases for them are left in `aws_smithy_http` for backwards compatibility but are deprecated.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3076](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3076), [smithy-rs#3091](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3091)) `aws_smithy_http::byte_stream::{AggregatedBytes, ByteStream, error::Error, FsBuilder, Length}` have been moved to `aws_smithy_types::byte_stream::{AggregatedBytes, ByteStream, error::Error, FsBuilder, Length}`. Type aliases for them are left in `aws_smithy_http` for backwards compatibility but are deprecated.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3077](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3077)) **Behavior Break!** Identities for auth are now cached by default. See the `Config` builder's `identity_cache()` method docs for an example of how to disable this caching.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3033](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3033), [smithy-rs#3088](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3088), [smithy-rs#3101](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3101)) Publicly exposed types from `http-body` and `hyper` crates within `aws-smithy-types` are now feature-gated. See the [upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3089) for details.
- :warning: (all, [smithy-rs#3033](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3033), [smithy-rs#3088](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3088)) `ByteStream::poll_next` is now feature-gated. You can turn on a cargo feature `byte-stream-poll-next` in `aws-smithy-types` to use it.
- :warning: (client, [smithy-rs#3092](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3092), [smithy-rs#3093](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3093)) The [`connection`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/connection/index.html) and [`result`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http/latest/aws_smithy_http/result/index.html) modules in `aws-smithy-http` have been moved to `aws-smithy-runtime-api`. Type aliases for all affected pub items, except for a trait, are left in `aws-smithy-http` for backwards compatibility but are deprecated. Due to lack of trait aliases, the moved trait `CreateUnhandledError` needs to be used from `aws-smithy-runtime-api`.
- :bug::warning: (server, [smithy-rs#3095](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3095), [smithy-rs#3096](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3096)) Service builder initialization now takes in a `${serviceName}Config` object on which plugins and layers should be registered. The `builder_with_plugins` and `builder_without_plugins` methods on the service builder, as well as the `layer` method on the built service have been deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. See the [upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/3096) for more details.
- :tada: (client, [smithy-rs#2916](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2916), [smithy-rs#1767](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1767)) Support for Smithy IDLv2 nullability is now enabled by default. You can maintain the old behavior by setting `nullabilityCheckMode: "CLIENT_ZERO_VALUE_V1" in your codegen config.
For upgrade guidance and more info, see [here](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/2929).
- :tada: (server, [smithy-rs#3005](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3005)) Python middleware can set URI. This can be used to route a request to a different handler.
- :tada: (client, [smithy-rs#3071](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3071)) Clients now have a default async sleep implementation so that one does not need to be specified if you're using Tokio.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#2944](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2944), [smithy-rs#2951](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2951)) `CustomizableOperation`, created as a result of calling the `.customize` method on a fluent builder, ceased to be `Send` and `Sync` in the previous releases. It is now `Send` and `Sync` again.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#2960](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2960)) Generate a region setter when a model uses SigV4.
- :bug: (all, [smithy-rs#2969](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2969), [smithy-rs#1896](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1896)) Fix code generation for union members with the `@httpPayload` trait.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2964](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2964)) Required members with @contextParam are now treated as client-side required.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#2985](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2985)) Source defaults from the default trait instead of implicitly based on type. This has minimal changes in the generated code.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2996](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2996)) Produce better docs when items are marked @required
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#3034](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3034), [smithy-rs#3087](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/3087)) Enable custom auth schemes to work by changing the code generated auth options to be set at the client level at `DEFAULTS` priority.
- :bug::warning: (client, [smithy-rs#2931](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2931), [aws-sdk-rust#875](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/875)) Fixed re-exported `SdkError` type. The previous release had the wrong type for `SdkError` when generating code for orchestrator mode, which caused projects to fail to compile when upgrading.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2904](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2904)) `RuntimeComponents` and `RuntimeComponentsBuilder` are now re-exported in generated clients so that implementing a custom interceptor or runtime plugin doens't require directly depending on `aws-smithy-runtime-api`.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#2934](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2934), [aws-sdk-rust#872](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/872)) Logging via `#[instrument]` in the `aws_smithy_runtime::client::orchestrator` module is now emitted at the `DEBUG` level to reduce the amount of logging when emitted at the `INFO` level.
- :bug: (client, [smithy-rs#2935](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2935)) Fix `SDK::Endpoint` built-in for `@endpointRuleSet`.
- ⚠🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#2740](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2740), [smithy-rs#2759](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2759), [smithy-rs#2779](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2779), [smithy-rs#2827](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2827), @hlbarber) The middleware system has been reworked as we push for a unified, simple, and consistent API. The following changes have been made in service of this goal:
This allowed `Plugin` authors to access these associated types and constants. See the [`PrintPlugin`](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/blob/main/examples/pokemon-service/src/plugin.rs) as an example.
maps a `tower::Service` to a `tower::Service`. This is equivalent to `tower::Layer` with two extra type parameters: `Service` and `Operation`, which implement `ServiceShape` and `OperationShape` respectively.
Having both `Service` and `Operation` as type parameters also provides an even surface for advanced users to extend the codegenerator in a structured way. See [this issue](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2777) for more context.
A single `Plugin` can no longer apply a `tower::Layer` on HTTP requests/responses _and_ modelled structures at the same time (see middleware positions [C](https://smithy-lang.github.io/smithy-rs/design/server/middleware.html#c-operation-specific-http-middleware) and [D](https://smithy-lang.github.io/smithy-rs/design/server/middleware.html#d-operation-specific-model-middleware). Instead one `Plugin` must be specified for each and passed to the service builder constructor separately:
let app = PokemonService::builder_with_plugins(/* HTTP plugins */, /* model plugins */)
/* setters */
To better distinguish when a plugin runs and what it has access to, `Plugin`s now have to additionally implement the `HttpMarker` marker trait, the `ModelMarker` marker trait, or both:
- A HTTP plugin acts on the HTTP request before it is deserialized, and acts on the HTTP response after it is serialized.
- A model plugin acts on the modeled operation input after it is deserialized, and acts on the modeled operation output or the modeled operation error before it is serialized.
The motivation behind this change is to simplify the job of middleware authors, separate concerns, accomodate common cases better, and to improve composition internally.
Because `Plugin` is now closer to `tower::Layer` we have two canonical converters:
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::{PluginLayer, LayerPlugin};
// Convert from `Layer` to `Plugin` which applies uniformly across all operations
let layer = /* some layer */;
let plugin = PluginLayer(layer);
// Convert from `Plugin` to `Layer` for some fixed protocol and operation
let plugin = /* some plugin */;
let layer = LayerPlugin::new::<SomeProtocol,SomeOperation>(plugin);
## Removal of `PluginPipeline`
Since plugins now come in two flavors (those marked with `HttpMarker` and those marked with `ModelMarker`) that shouldn't be mixed in a collection of plugins, the primary way of concatenating plugins, `PluginPipeline` has been removed in favor of the `HttpPlugins` and `ModelPlugins` types, which eagerly check that whenever a plugin is pushed, it is of the expected type.
This worked before, but you wouldn't be able to do apply this collection of plugins anywhere; if you tried to, the compilation error messages would not be very helpful:
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginPipeline;
let pipeline = PluginPipeline::new().push(http_plugin).push(model_plugin);
Now collections of plugins must contain plugins of the same flavor:
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::{HttpPlugins, ModelPlugins};
let http_plugins = HttpPlugins::new()
// .push(model_plugin) // This fails to compile with a helpful error message.
let model_plugins = ModelPlugins::new()
In the above example, `&http_and_model_plugin` implements both `HttpMarker` and `ModelMarker`, so we can add it to both collections.
## Removal of `Operation`
The `aws_smithy_http_server::operation::Operation` structure has now been removed. Previously, there existed a `{operation_name}_operation` setter on the service builder, which accepted an `Operation`. This allowed users to
let operation /* : Operation<_,_>*/ = GetPokemonSpecies::from_service(/* tower::Service */);
let app = PokemonService::builder_without_plugins()
let app = PokemonService::builder_without_plugins()
/* other setters */
to add a `tower::Layer` (acting on HTTP requests/responses post-routing) to a single operation.
We have seen little adoption of this API and for this reason we have opted instead to introduce a new setter, accepting a `tower::Service`, on the service builder:
let app = PokemonService::builder_without_plugins()
Applying a `tower::Layer` to a _subset_ of operations is should now be done through the `Plugin` API via `filter_by_operation_id`
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::{PluginLayer, filter_by_operation_name, IdentityPlugin};
let plugin = PluginLayer(/* layer */);
let scoped_plugin = filter_by_operation_name(plugin, |id| id == GetPokemonSpecies::ID);
let app = PokemonService::builder_with_plugins(scoped_plugin, IdentityPlugin)
.get_pokemon_species(/* handler */)
/* other setters */
or the new `Scoped``Plugin` introduced below.
# Addition of `Scoped`
Currently, users can selectively apply a `Plugin` via the `filter_by_operation_id` function
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::filter_by_operation_id;
// Only apply `plugin` to `CheckHealth` and `GetStorage` operation
let filtered_plugin = filter_by_operation_id(plugin, |name| name == CheckHealth::ID || name == GetStorage::ID);
In addition to this, we now provide `Scoped`, which selectively applies a `Plugin` at _compiletime_. Users should prefer this to `filter_by_operation_id` when applicable.
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Scoped;
use pokemon_service_server_sdk::scoped;
scope! {
/// Includes only the `CheckHealth` and `GetStorage` operation.
struct SomeScope {
includes: [CheckHealth, GetStorage]
let scoped_plugin = Scoped::new::<SomeScope>(plugin);
<summary>Breaking change in how event stream signing works (click to expand more details)</summary>
This change will only impact you if you are wiring up their own event stream signing/authentication scheme. If you're using `aws-sig-auth` to use AWS SigV4 event stream signing, then this change will **not** impact you.
Previously, event stream signing was configured at codegen time by placing a `new_event_stream_signer` method on the `Config`. This function was called at serialization time to connect the signer to the streaming body. Now, instead, a special `DeferredSigner` is wired up at serialization time that relies on a signing implementation to be sent on a channel by the HTTP request signer. To do this, a `DeferredSignerSender` must be pulled out of the property bag, and its `send()` method called with the desired event stream signing implementation.
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#2673](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2673)) For event stream operations, the `EventStreamSender` in inputs/outputs now requires the passed in `Stream` impl to implement `Sync`.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2539](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2539)) Code generation will abort if the `ignoreUnsupportedConstraints` codegen flag has no effect, that is, if all constraint traits used in your model are well-supported. Please remove the flag in such case.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2728](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2728), [smithy-rs#2262](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2262), [aws-sdk-rust#2087](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/2087)) The property bag type for Time is now `SharedTimeSource`, not `SystemTime`. If your code relies on setting request time, use `aws_smithy_async::time::SharedTimeSource`.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2676](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2676), [smithy-rs#2685](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2685)) Bump dependency on `lambda_http` by `aws-smithy-http-server` to 0.8.0. This version of `aws-smithy-http-server` is only guaranteed to be compatible with 0.8.0, or semver-compatible versions of 0.8.0 of the `lambda_http` crate. It will not work with versions prior to 0.8.0 _at runtime_, making requests to your smithy-rs service unroutable, so please make sure you're running your service in a compatible configuration
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2457](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2457), @hlbarber) Remove `PollError` from an operations `Service::Error`.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2742](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2742)) A newtype wrapper `SharedAsyncSleep` has been introduced and occurrences of `Arc<dyn AsyncSleep>` that appear in public APIs have been replaced with it.
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#2893](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2893)) Update MSRV to Rust 1.69.0
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2678](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2678)) `ShapeId` is the new structure used to represent a shape, with its absolute name, namespace and name.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2758](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2758)) The occurrences of `Arc<dyn ResolveEndpoint>` have now been replaced with `SharedEndpointResolver` in public APIs.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2740](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2740), [smithy-rs#2759](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2759), [smithy-rs#2779](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2779), @hlbarber) Remove `filter_by_operation_id` and `plugin_from_operation_id_fn` in favour of `filter_by_operation` and `plugin_from_operation_fn`.
Previously, we provided `filter_by_operation_id` which filtered `Plugin` application via a predicate over the Shape ID.
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::filter_by_operation_id;
use pokemon_service_server_sdk::operation_shape::CheckHealth;
let filtered = filter_by_operation_id(plugin, |name| name != CheckHealth::NAME);
This had the problem that the user is unable to exhaustively match over a `&'static str`. To remedy this we have switched to `filter_by_operation` which is a predicate over an enum containing all operations contained in the service.
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::filter_by_operation_id;
use pokemon_service_server_sdk::service::Operation;
let filtered = filter_by_operation(plugin, |op: Operation| op != Operation::CheckHealth);
Similarly, `plugin_from_operation_fn` now allows for
use aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::plugin_from_operation_fn;
use pokemon_service_server_sdk::service::Operation;
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2783](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2783)) The naming `make_token` for fields and the API of `IdempotencyTokenProvider` in service configs and their builders has now been updated to `idempotency_token_provider`.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2845](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2845)) `aws_smithy_async::future::rendezvous::Sender::send` no longer exposes `tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendError` for the error of its return type and instead exposes a new-type wrapper called `aws_smithy_async::future::rendezvous::error::SendError`. In addition, the `aws_smithy_xml` crate no longer exposes types from `xmlparser`.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2848](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2848)) The implementation `From<bytes_utils::segmented::SegmentedBuf>` for `aws_smithy_http::event_stream::RawMessage` has been removed.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2865](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2865)) The `alb_health_check` module has been moved out of the `plugin` module into a new `layer` module. ALB health checks should be enacted before routing, and plugins run after routing, so the module location was misleading. Examples have been corrected to reflect the intended application of the layer.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2873](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2873)) The `test-util` feature in aws-smithy-client has been split to include a separate `wiremock` feature. This allows test-util to be used without a Hyper server dependency making it usable in webassembly targets.
- ⚠ (client) The entire architecture of generated clients has been overhauled. See the [upgrade guide](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/2887) to get your code working again.
- 🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#2647](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2647), [smithy-rs#2645](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2645), [smithy-rs#2646](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2646), [smithy-rs#2616](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2616), @thomas-k-cameron) Implement unstable serde support for the `Number`, `Blob`, `Document`, `DateTime` primitives
- 🎉 (client, [smithy-rs#2652](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2652), @thomas-k-cameron) Add a `send_with` function on `-Input` types for sending requests without fluent builders
- (client, [smithy-rs#2791](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2791), @davidsouther) Add accessors to Builders
- (all, [smithy-rs#2786](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2786), @yotamofek) Avoid intermediate vec allocations in AggregatedBytes::to_vec.
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2733](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2733), @thor-bjorgvinsson) Fix bug in AWS JSON 1.x routers where, if a service had more than 14 operations, the router was created without the route for the 15th operation.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2728](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2728), [smithy-rs#2262](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2262), [aws-sdk-rust#2087](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/2087)) Time is now controlled by the `TimeSource` trait. This facilitates testing as well as use cases like WASM where `SystemTime::now()` is not supported.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#2767](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2767), @mcmasn-amzn) Fix bug in client generation when using smithy.rules#endpointTests and operation and service shapes are in different namespaces.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2854](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2854)) Public fields in structs are no longer marked as `#[doc(hidden)]`, and they are now visible.
- (server, [smithy-rs#2866](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2866)) [RestJson1](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/2.0/aws/protocols/aws-restjson1-protocol.html#operation-error-serialization) server SDKs now serialize only the [shape name](https://smithy.io/2.0/spec/model.html#shape-id) in operation error responses. Previously (from versions 0.52.0 to 0.55.4), the full shape ID was rendered.
- (all, [smithy-rs#2612](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2612)) The `Debug` implementation for `PropertyBag` now prints a list of the types it contains. This significantly improves debuggability.
- (all, [smithy-rs#2653](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2653), [smithy-rs#2656](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2656), @henriiik) Implement `Ord` and `PartialOrd` for `DateTime`.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#2696](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2696)) Fix compiler errors in generated code when naming shapes after types in the Rust standard library prelude.
- 🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#2540](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2540)) Implement layer for servers to handle [ALB health checks](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/target-group-health-checks.html).
- 🎉 (client, [smithy-rs#2254](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2254), @eduardomourar) Clients now compile for the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` and `wasm32-wasi` targets when no default features are enabled. WebAssembly is not officially supported yet, but this is a great first step towards it!
- (server, [smithy-rs#2540](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2540)) Implement `PluginPipeline::http_layer` which allows you to apply a `tower::Layer` to all operations.
- (client, [aws-sdk-rust#784](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/784), @abusch) Implement std::error::Error#source() properly for the service meta Error enum.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#2496](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2496)) The outputs for event stream operations now implement the `Sync` auto-trait.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#2495](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2495)) Streaming operations now emit the request ID at the `debug` log level like their non-streaming counterparts.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#2495](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2495)) Streaming operations now emit the request ID at the `debug` log level like their non-streaming counterparts.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2507](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2507)) The `enableNewCrateOrganizationScheme` codegen flag has been removed. If you opted out of the new crate organization scheme, it must be adopted now in order to upgrade (see [the upgrade guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/2449) from March 23rd's release).
- (client, [smithy-rs#2534](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2534)) `aws_smithy_types::date_time::Format` has been re-exported in service client crates.
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2583](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2583), [smithy-rs#2584](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2584)) Fix server code generation bug affecting constrained shapes bound with `@httpPayload`
- (client, [smithy-rs#2603](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2603)) Add a sensitive method to `ParseHttpResponse`. When this returns true, logging of the HTTP response body will be suppressed.
- ⚠🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#2467](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2467)) Update MSRV to 1.66.1
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#76](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/76), [smithy-rs#2129](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2129)) Generic clients no longer expose a `request_id()` function on errors. To get request ID functionality, use the SDK code generator.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#76](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/76), [smithy-rs#2129](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2129)) The `message()` and `code()` methods on errors have been moved into `ProvideErrorMetadata` trait. This trait will need to be imported to continue calling these.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#76](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/76), [smithy-rs#2129](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2129), [smithy-rs#2075](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2075)) The `*Error` and `*ErrorKind` types have been combined to make error matching simpler.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#76](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/76), [smithy-rs#2129](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2129)) `aws_smithy_types::Error` has been renamed to `aws_smithy_types::error::ErrorMetadata`.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2436](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2436)) Remove unnecessary type parameter `B` from `Upgrade` service.
- 🐛⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2382](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2382)) Smithy members named `send` were previously renamed to `send_value` at codegen time. These will now be called `send` in the generated code.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2448](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2448)) The modules in generated client crates have been reorganized. See the [Client Crate Reorganization Upgrade Guidance](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/discussions/2449) to see how to fix your code after this change.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2438](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2438)) Servers can send the `ServerRequestId` in the response headers.
- 🐛🎉 (client, [aws-sdk-rust#740](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/740)) Fluent builder methods on the client are now marked as deprecated when the related operation is deprecated.
- 🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#2398](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2398)) Add support for the `awsQueryCompatible` trait. This allows services to continue supporting a custom error code (via the `awsQueryError` trait) when the services migrate their protocol from `awsQuery` to `awsJson1_0` annotated with `awsQueryCompatible`.
<summary>Click to expand for more details...</summary>
After the migration, services will include an additional header `x-amzn-query-error` in their responses whose value is in the form of `<error code>;<error type>`. An example response looks something like
`<error code>` is `AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue` and `<error type>` is `Sender`.
If an operation results in an error that causes a service to send back the response above, you can access `<error code>` and `<error type>` as follows:
- 🎉 (client, [smithy-rs#2428](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2428), [smithy-rs#2208](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2208)) `SdkError` variants can now be constructed for easier unit testing.
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2441](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2441)) Fix `FilterByOperationName` plugin. This previous caused services with this applied to fail to compile due to mismatched bounds.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2437](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2437), [aws-sdk-rust#600](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/600)) Add more client re-exports. Specifically, it re-exports `aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody`, `aws_smithy_http::byte_stream::error::Error`, and `aws_smithy_http::operation::{Request, Response}`.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#2226](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2226)) Fix bug in timestamp format resolution. Prior to this fix, the timestamp format may have been incorrect if set on the target instead of on the member.
- (all, [smithy-rs#2226](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2226)) Add support for offsets when parsing datetimes. RFC3339 date times now support offsets like `-0200`
- (client, [aws-sdk-rust#160](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/160), [smithy-rs#2445](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2445)) Reconnect on transient errors.
- (all, [smithy-rs#2474](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2474)) Increase Tokio version to 1.23.1 for all crates. This is to address [RUSTSEC-2023-0001](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2023-0001)
- Remove `aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Router` and `aws_smithy_http_server::request::RequestParts`.
- Move the `aws_smithy_http_server::routers::Router` trait and `aws_smithy_http_server::routing::RoutingService` into `aws_smithy_http_server::routing`.
If migration to the new service builder API has not already been completed a brief summary of required changes can be seen in [previous release notes](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/releases/tag/release-2022-12-12) and in API documentation of the root crate.
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2213](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2213)) `@sparse` list shapes and map shapes with constraint traits and with constrained members are now supported
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2200](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/pull/2200)) Event streams no longer generate empty error enums when their operations don’t have modeled errors
- (all, [smithy-rs#2223](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2223)) `aws_smithy_types::date_time::DateTime`, `aws_smithy_types::Blob` now implement the `Eq` and `Hash` traits
- (server, [smithy-rs#2223](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2223)) Code-generated types for server SDKs now implement the `Eq` and `Hash` traits when possible
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2201](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2201)) Fix severe bug where a router fails to deserialize percent-encoded query strings, reporting no operation match when there could be one. If your Smithy model uses an operation with a request URI spec containing [query string literals](https://smithy.io/2.0/spec/http-bindings.html#query-string-literals), you are affected. This fix was released in `aws-smithy-http-server` v0.53.1.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2099](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2099)) The Rust client codegen plugin is now called `rust-client-codegen` instead of `rust-codegen`. Be sure to update your `smithy-build.json` files to refer to the correct plugin name.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2099](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2099)) Client codegen plugins need to define a service named `software.amazon.smithy.rust.codegen.client.smithy.customize.ClientCodegenDecorator` (this is the new file name for the plugin definition in `resources/META-INF/services`).
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2099](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2099)) Server codegen plugins need to define a service named `software.amazon.smithy.rust.codegen.server.smithy.customize.ServerCodegenDecorator` (this is the new file name for the plugin definition in `resources/META-INF/services`).
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2103](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2103)) In 0.52, `@length`-constrained collection shapes whose members are not constrained made the server code generator crash. This has been fixed.
- (server, [smithy-rs#1879](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1879)) Servers support the `@default` trait: models can specify default values. Default values will be automatically supplied when not manually set.
- (server, [smithy-rs#2131](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2131)) The constraint `@length` on non-streaming blob shapes is supported.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#2150](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2150)) Fix bug where string default values were not supported for endpoint parameters
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#2170](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2170), [aws-sdk-rust#706](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/706)) Remove the webpki-roots feature from `hyper-rustls`
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#2054](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2054)) Servers can generate a unique request ID and use it in their handlers.
- ⚠🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1938](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1938), @jjantdev) Upgrade Rust MSRV to 1.62.1
- ⚠🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#1199](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1199), [smithy-rs#1342](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1342), [smithy-rs#1401](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1401), [smithy-rs#1998](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1998), [smithy-rs#2005](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2005), [smithy-rs#2028](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2028), [smithy-rs#2034](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2034), [smithy-rs#2036](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2036)) [Constraint traits](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/2.0/spec/constraint-traits.html) in server SDKs are beginning to be supported. The following are now supported:
Unsupported (constraint trait, target shape) combinations will now fail at code generation time, whereas previously they were just ignored. This is a breaking change to raise awareness in service owners of their server SDKs behaving differently than what was modeled. To continue generating a server SDK with unsupported constraint traits, set `codegen.ignoreUnsupportedConstraints` to `true` in your `smithy-build.json`.
- ⚠🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#1342](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1342), [smithy-rs#1119](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1119)) Server SDKs now generate "constrained types" for constrained shapes. Constrained types are [newtypes](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/behavioural/newtype.html) that encapsulate the modeled constraints. They constitute a [widespread pattern to guarantee domain invariants](https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/2020-12-11-zero-to-production-6-domain-modelling/) and promote correctness in your business logic. So, for example, the model:
will now render a `struct NiceString(String)`. Instantiating a `NiceString` is a fallible operation:
let data: String = ... ;
let nice_string = NiceString::try_from(data).expect("data is not nice");
A failed attempt to instantiate a constrained type will yield a `ConstraintViolation` error type you may want to handle. This type's API is subject to change.
Constrained types _guarantee_, by virtue of the type system, that your service's operation outputs adhere to the modeled constraints. To learn more about the motivation for constrained types and how they work, see [the RFC](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/pull/1199).
If you'd like to opt-out of generating constrained types, you can set `codegen.publicConstrainedTypes` to `false`. Note that if you do, the generated server SDK will still honor your operation input's modeled constraints upon receiving a request, but will not help you in writing business logic code that adheres to the constraints, and _will not prevent you from returning responses containing operation outputs that violate said constraints_.
- 🐛⚠🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#1714](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1714), [smithy-rs#1342](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1342)) Structure builders in server SDKs have undergone significant changes.
The API surface has been reduced. It is now simpler and closely follows what you would get when using the [`derive_builder`](https://docs.rs/derive_builder/latest/derive_builder/) crate:
1. Builders no longer have `set_*` methods taking in `Option<T>`. You must use the unprefixed method, named exactly after the structure's field name, and taking in a value _whose type matches exactly that of the structure's field_.
2. Builders no longer have convenience methods to pass in an element for a field whose type is a vector or a map. You must pass in the entire contents of the collection up front.
3. Builders no longer implement [`PartialEq`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cmp/trait.PartialEq.html).
Bug fixes:
4. Builders now always fail to build if a value for a `required` member is not provided. Previously, builders were falling back to a default value (e.g. `""` for `String`s) for some shapes. This was a bug.
5. A structure `Structure` with builder `Builder` now implements `TryFrom<Builder> for Structure` or `From<Builder> for Structure`, depending on whether the structure [is constrained](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/2.0/spec/constraint-traits.html) or not, respectively.
To illustrate how to migrate to the new API, consider the example model below.
structure Pokemon {
name: String,
description: String,
evolvesTo: PokemonList
list PokemonList {
member: Pokemon
In the Rust code below, note the references calling out the changes described in the numbered list above.
let eevee_builder = Pokemon::builder()
// (1) `set_description` takes in `Some<String>`.
.set_description(Some("Su código genético es muy inestable. Puede evolucionar en diversas razas de Pokémon.".to_owned()))
// (2) Convenience method to add one element to the `evolvesTo` list.
// (3) Builder types can be compared.
assert_ne!(eevee_builder, Pokemon::builder());
// (4) Builds fine even though we didn't provide a value for `name`, which is `required`!
let _eevee = eevee_builder.build();
let eevee_builder = Pokemon::builder()
// (1) `set_description` no longer exists. Use `description`, which directly takes in `String`.
.description("Su código genético es muy inestable. Puede evolucionar en diversas razas de Pokémon.".to_owned())
// (2) Convenience methods removed; provide the entire collection up front.
.evolves_to(vec![vaporeon, jolteon, flareon]);
// (3) Binary operation `==` cannot be applied to `pokemon::Builder`.
// assert_ne!(eevee_builder, Pokemon::builder());
// (4) `required` member `name` was not set.
// (5) Builder type can be fallibly converted to the structure using `TryFrom` or `TryInto`.
let _error = Pokemon::try_from(eevee_builder).expect_err("name was not provided");
The `Router` struct has been replaced by a new `Service` located at the root of the generated crate. Its name coincides with the same name as the Smithy service you are generating.
The new service builder infrastructure comes with a `Plugin` system which supports middleware on `smithy-rs`. See the [mididleware documentation](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/blob/main/design/src/server/middleware.md) and the [API documentation](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http-server/latest/aws_smithy_http_server/plugin/index.html) for more details.
// Apply a sequence of plugins using `PluginPipeline`.
let plugins = PluginPipeline::new()
// Apply the `PrintPlugin`.
// This is a dummy plugin found in `rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server/examples/pokemon-service/src/plugin.rs`
// Apply the `InstrumentPlugin` plugin, which applies `tracing` instrumentation.
// Construct the service builder using the `plugins` defined above.
let app = PokemonService::builder_with_plugins(plugins)
// Assign all the handlers.
// Construct the `PokemonService`.
// If handlers are missing a descriptive error will be provided.
.expect("failed to build an instance of `PokemonService`");
See the `rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server/examples/pokemon-service/src/bin` folder for various working examples.
### Public `FromParts` trait
Previously, we only supported one [`Extension`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http-server/latest/aws_smithy_http_server/request/struct.Extension.html) as an additional argument provided to the handler. This number has been increased to 8 and the argument type has been broadened to any struct which implements the [`FromParts`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http-server/latest/aws_smithy_http_server/request/trait.FromParts.html) trait. The trait is publicly exported and therefore provides customers with the ability to extend the domain of the handlers.
As noted, a ubiqutious example of a struct that implements `FromParts` is the `Extension` struct, which extracts state from the `Extensions` typemap of a [`http::Request`](https://docs.rs/http/latest/http/request/struct.Request.html). A new example is the `ConnectInfo` struct which allows handlers to access the connection data. See the `rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server/examples/pokemon-service/src/bin/pokemon-service-connect-info.rs` example.
In addition to the [`ConnectInfo`](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http-server/latest/aws_smithy_http_server/request/connect_info/struct.ConnectInfo.html) extractor, we also have added [lambda extractors](https://docs.rs/aws-smithy-http-server/latest/aws_smithy_http_server/request/lambda/index.html) which are feature gated with `aws-lambda`.
This release also introduces extensive documentation at the root of the generated crate. For best results compile documentation with `cargo +nightly doc --open`.
### Deprecations
The existing service builder infrastructure, `OperationRegistryBuilder`/`OperationRegistry`/`Router`, is now deprecated. Customers should migrate to the newer scheme described above. The deprecated types will be removed in a future release.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1875](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1875)) Replace bool with enum for a function parameter of `label::fmt_string`.
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1980](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1980)) aws_smithy_types_convert::date_time::DateTimeExt::to_chrono_utc returns a Result<>
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1926](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1926), [smithy-rs#1819](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1819)) Several breaking changes have been made to errors. See [the upgrade guide](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1950) for more information.
- 🐛⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1714](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1714), [smithy-rs#1342](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1342), [smithy-rs#1860](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1860)) Server SDKs now correctly reject operation inputs that don't set values for `required` structure members. Previously, in some scenarios, server SDKs would accept the request and set a default value for the member (e.g. `""` for a `String`), even when the member shape did not have [Smithy IDL v2's `default` trait](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/2.0/spec/type-refinement-traits.html#smithy-api-default-trait) attached. The `default` trait is [still unsupported](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1860).
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1945](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1945)) Generate enums that guide the users to write match expressions in a forward-compatible way.
Before this change, users could write a match expression against an enum in a non-forward-compatible way:
match some_enum {
SomeEnum::Variant1 => { /* ... */ },
SomeEnum::Variant2 => { /* ... */ },
Unknown(value) if value == "NewVariant" => { /* ... */ },
_ => { /* ... */ },
This code can handle a case for "NewVariant" with a version of SDK where the enum does not yet include `SomeEnum::NewVariant`, but breaks with another version of SDK where the enum defines `SomeEnum::NewVariant` because the execution will hit a different match arm, i.e. the last one.
After this change, users are guided to write the above match expression as follows:
match some_enum {
SomeEnum::Variant1 => { /* ... */ },
SomeEnum::Variant2 => { /* ... */ },
other @ _ if other.as_str() == "NewVariant" => { /* ... */ },
_ => { /* ... */ },
This is forward-compatible because the execution will hit the second last match arm regardless of whether the enum defines `SomeEnum::NewVariant` or not.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1984](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1984), [smithy-rs#1496](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1496)) Functions on `aws_smithy_http::endpoint::Endpoint` now return a `Result` instead of panicking.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1984](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1984), [smithy-rs#1496](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1496)) `Endpoint::mutable` now takes `impl AsRef<str>` instead of `Uri`. For the old functionality, use `Endpoint::mutable_uri`.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1984](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1984), [smithy-rs#1496](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1496)) `Endpoint::immutable` now takes `impl AsRef<str>` instead of `Uri`. For the old functionality, use `Endpoint::immutable_uri`.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1982](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1982)) [RestJson1](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/2.0/aws/protocols/aws-restjson1-protocol.html#operation-error-serialization) server SDKs now serialize the [full shape ID](https://smithy.io/2.0/spec/model.html#shape-id) (including namespace) in operation error responses.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#2035](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2035)) All types that are exclusively relevant within the context of an AWS Lambda function are now gated behind the
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1983](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1983), [smithy-rs#2029](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2029)) Implementation of the Debug trait for container shapes now redacts what is printed per the sensitive trait.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2065](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2065)) `SdkBody` callbacks have been removed. If you were using these, please [file an issue](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/new) so that we can better understand your use-case and provide the support you need.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#2063](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2063)) Added SmithyEndpointStage which can be used to set an endpoint for smithy-native clients
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1989](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1989)) The Unit type for a Union member is no longer rendered. The serializers and parsers generated now function accordingly in the absence of the inner data associated with the Unit type.
- 🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1929](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1929)) Upgrade Smithy to v1.26
- 🎉 (client, [smithy-rs#2044](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2044), [smithy-rs#371](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/371)) Fixed and improved the request `tracing` span hierarchy to improve log messages, profiling, and debuggability.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#1847](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1847)) Support Sigv4 signature generation on PowerPC 32 and 64 bit. This architecture cannot compile `ring`, so the implementation has been updated to rely on `hamc` + `sha2` to achive the same result with broader platform compatibility and higher performance. We also updated the CI which is now running as many tests as possible against i686 and PowerPC 32 and 64 bit.
- 🐛 (server, [smithy-rs#1910](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1910)) `aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Router` is exported from the crate root again. This reverts unintentional breakage that was introduced in `aws-smithy-http-server` v0.51.0 only.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#1903](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1903), [smithy-rs#1902](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1902)) Fix bug that can cause panics in paginators
- (client, [smithy-rs#1919](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1919)) Operation metadata is now added to the property bag before sending requests allowing middlewares to behave
- (all, [smithy-rs#1907](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1907)) Fix cargo audit issue on chrono.
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#1957](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1957)) It was previously possible to send requests without setting query parameters modeled as required. Doing this may cause a
- (all, [smithy-rs#1972](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1972)) Upgrade to Smithy 1.26.2
- (all, [smithy-rs#2011](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2011), @lsr0) Make generated enum `values()` functions callable in const contexts.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2064](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2064), [aws-sdk-rust#632](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/632)) Clients now default max idle connections to 70 (previously unlimited) to reduce the likelihood of hitting max file handles in AWS Lambda.
- (client, [smithy-rs#2057](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/2057), [smithy-rs#371](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/371)) Add more `tracing` events to signing and event streams
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1825](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1825)) Bump MSRV to be 1.62.0.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1825](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1825)) Bump pyo3 and pyo3-asyncio from 0.16.x to 0.17.0 for aws-smithy-http-server-python.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1811](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1811)) Replace all usages of `AtomicU64` with `AtomicUsize` to support 32bit targets.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1803](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1803)) Mark `operation` and `operation_handler` modules as private in the generated server crate.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1740](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1740), [smithy-rs#256](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/256)) A large list of breaking changes were made to accomodate default timeouts in the AWS SDK.
See [the smithy-rs upgrade guide](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1760) for a full list
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1829](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1829)) Remove `Protocol` enum, removing an obstruction to extending smithy to third-party protocols.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1829](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1829)) Convert the `protocol` argument on `PyMiddlewares::new` constructor to a type parameter.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1753](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1753)) `aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Router` is no longer exported from the crate root. This was unintentional breakage that will be reverted in the next release.
- (server, [smithy-rs#1811](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1811)) Replace all usages of `AtomicU64` with `AtomicUsize` to support 32bit targets.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#1802](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1802)) Sensitive fields in errors now respect @sensitive trait and are properly redacted.
- (server, [smithy-rs#1727](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1727), @GeneralSwiss) Pokémon Service example code now runs clippy during build.
- (server, [smithy-rs#1734](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1734)) Implement support for pure Python request middleware. Improve idiomatic logging support over tracing.
- 🐛 (client, [aws-sdk-rust#620](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/620), [smithy-rs#1748](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1748)) Paginators now stop on encountering a duplicate token by default rather than panic. This behavior can be customized by toggling the `stop_on_duplicate_token` property on the paginator before calling `send`.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#1817](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1817), @ethyi) Update aws-types zeroize to flexible version to prevent downstream version conflicts.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1852](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1852), @ogudavid) Enable local maven repo dependency override.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1603](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1603), [aws-sdk-rust#586](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/586)) `aws_smithy_types::RetryConfig` no longer implements `Default`, and its `new` function has been replaced with `standard`.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1603](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1603), [aws-sdk-rust#586](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/586)) Client creation now panics if retries or timeouts are enabled without an async sleep implementation.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1603](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1603), [aws-sdk-rust#586](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/586)) The `default_async_sleep` method on the `Client` builder has been removed. The default async sleep is
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#976](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/976), [smithy-rs#1710](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1710)) Removed the need to generate operation output and retry aliases in codegen.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1715](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1715), [smithy-rs#1717](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1717)) `ClassifyResponse` was renamed to `ClassifyRetry` and is no longer implemented for the unit type.
- ⚠ (client, [smithy-rs#1715](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1715), [smithy-rs#1717](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1717)) The `with_retry_policy` and `retry_policy` functions on `aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation` have been
- (client, [smithy-rs#1735](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1735), @vojtechkral) Lower log level of two info-level log messages.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1710](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1710)) Added `writable` property to `RustType` and `RuntimeType` that returns them in `Writable` form
- (all, [smithy-rs#1680](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1680), @ogudavid) Smithy IDL v2 mixins are now supported
- 🐛 (client, [smithy-rs#1715](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1715), [smithy-rs#1717](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1717)) Generated clients now retry transient errors without replacing the retry policy.
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#1725](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1725), @sugmanue) Correctly determine nullability of members in IDLv2 models
- ⚠🎉 (client, [smithy-rs#1598](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1598)) Previously, the config customizations that added functionality related to retry configs, timeout configs, and the
- ⚠🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1635](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1635), [smithy-rs#1416](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1416), @weihanglo) Support granular control of specifying runtime crate versions.
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1623](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1623), @ogudavid) Remove @sensitive trait tests which applied trait to member. The ability to mark members with @sensitive was removed in Smithy 1.22.
- ⚠ (server, [smithy-rs#1544](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1544)) Servers now allow requests' ACCEPT header values to be:
- 🐛⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1274](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1274)) Lossy converters into integer types for `aws_smithy_types::Number` have been
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1699](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1699)) Bump [MSRV](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust#supported-rust-versions-msrv) from 1.58.1 to 1.61.0 per our policy.
- 🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1623](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1623), @ogudavid) Update Smithy dependency to 1.23.1. Models using version 2.0 of the IDL are now supported.
- 🎉 (server, [smithy-rs#1551](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1551), @hugobast) There is a canonical and easier way to run smithy-rs on Lambda [see example].
- 🐛 (all, [smithy-rs#1623](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1623), @ogudavid) Fix detecting sensitive members through their target shape having the @sensitive trait applied.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1623](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1623), @ogudavid) Fix SetShape matching needing to occur before ListShape since it is now a subclass. Sets were deprecated in Smithy 1.22.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1623](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1623), @ogudavid) Fix Union shape test data having an invalid empty union. Break fixed from Smithy 1.21 to Smithy 1.22.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1612](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1612), @unexge) Add codegen version to generated package metadata
- (client, [aws-sdk-rust#609](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/609)) It is now possible to exempt specific operations from XML body root checking. To do this, add the `AllowInvalidXmlRoot`
trait to the output struct of the operation you want to exempt.
- ⚠🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1570](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1570), @weihanglo) Support @deprecated trait for aggregate shapes
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1157](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1157)) Rename EventStreamInput to EventStreamSender
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1157](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1157)) The type of streaming unions that contain errors is generated without those errors.
- ⚠ (all, [smithy-rs#1157](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1157)) `aws_smithy_http::event_stream::EventStreamSender` and `aws_smithy_http::event_stream::Receiver` are now generic over `<T, E>`,
An example from the SDK is in [transcribe streaming](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/blob/4f51dd450ea3234a7faf481c6025597f22f03805/aws/sdk/integration-tests/transcribestreaming/tests/test.rs#L80).
- 🎉 (all, [smithy-rs#1482](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1482)) Update codegen to generate support for flexible checksums.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1520](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1520)) Add explicit cast during JSON deserialization in case of custom Symbol providers.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1578](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1578), @lkts) Change detailed logs in CredentialsProviderChain from info to debug
- (all, [smithy-rs#1573](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1573), [smithy-rs#1569](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1569)) Non-streaming struct members are now marked `#[doc(hidden)]` since they will be removed in the future
- 🎉 (all, [aws-sdk-rust#567](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/567)) Updated the smithy client's retry behavior to allow for a configurable initial backoff. Previously, the initial backoff
(named `r` in the code) was set to 2 seconds. This is not an ideal default for services that expect clients to quickly
retry failed request attempts. Now, users can set quicker (or slower) backoffs according to their needs.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1263](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1263)) Add checksum calculation and validation wrappers for HTTP bodies.
- (all, [smithy-rs#1263](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1263)) `aws_smithy_http::header::append_merge_header_maps`, a function for merging two `HeaderMap`s, is now public.
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#932](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/932)) Replaced use of `pin-project` with equivalent `pin-project-lite`. For pinned enum tuple variants and tuple structs, this
- 🎉 ([smithy-rs#1411](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1411), [smithy-rs#1167](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1167)) Upgrade to Gradle 7. This change is not a breaking change, however, users of smithy-rs will need to switch to JDK 17
- 🐛 ([smithy-rs#1505](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1505), @kiiadi) Fix issue with codegen on Windows where module names were incorrectly determined from filenames
- ([smithy-rs#1460](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1460)) Fix a potential bug with `ByteStream`'s implementation of `futures_core::stream::Stream` and add helpful error messages
- 🐛 ([aws-sdk-rust#554](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/554)) Requests to Route53 that return `ResourceId`s often come with a prefix. When passing those IDs directly into another
request, the request would fail unless they manually stripped the prefix. Now, when making a request with a prefixed ID,
- 🎉 ([smithy-rs#1381](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1381), @alonlud) Add ability to sign a request with all headers, or to change which headers are excluded from signing
- 🎉 ([smithy-rs#1390](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1390)) Add method `ByteStream::into_async_read`. This makes it easy to convert `ByteStream`s into a struct implementing `tokio:io::AsyncRead`. Available on **crate feature**`rt-tokio` only.
- ([smithy-rs#1404](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1404), @petrosagg) Add ability to specify a different rust crate name than the one derived from the package name
- ([smithy-rs#1404](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1404), @petrosagg) Switch to [RustCrypto](https://github.com/RustCrypto)'s implementation of MD5.
- ⚠🎉 ([aws-sdk-rust#494](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/494), [aws-sdk-rust#519](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/519)) The `aws_smithy_http::byte_stream::bytestream_util::FsBuilder` has been updated to allow for easier creation of
multi-part requests.
-`FsBuilder::offset` is a new method allowing users to specify an offset to start reading a file from.
-`FsBuilder::file_size` has been reworked into `FsBuilder::length` and is now used to specify the amount of data to read.
With these two methods, it's now simple to create a `ByteStream` that will read a single "chunk" of a file. The example
below demonstrates how you could divide a single `File` into consecutive chunks to create multiple `ByteStream`s.
let example_file_path = Path::new("/example.txt");
let example_file_size = tokio::fs::metadata(&example_file_path).await.unwrap().len();
let chunks = 6;
let chunk_size = file_size / chunks;
let mut byte_streams = Vec::new();
for i in 0..chunks {
let length = if i == chunks - 1 {
// If we're on the last chunk, the length to read might be less than a whole chunk.
// We substract the size of all previous chunks from the total file size to get the
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1318](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1318)) Bump [MSRV](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust#supported-rust-versions-msrv) from 1.56.1 to 1.58.1 per our "two versions behind" policy.
- ([smithy-rs#1307](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1307)) Add new trait for HTTP body callbacks. This is the first step to enabling us to implement optional checksum verification of requests and responses.
- ([smithy-rs#1330](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1330)) Upgrade to Smithy 1.21.0
- ⚠ ([aws-sdk-rust#490](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/490)) Update all runtime crates to [edition 2021](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2021/10/21/Rust-1.56.0.html)
- ⚠ ([aws-sdk-rust#406](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/406)) `aws_types::config::Config` has been renamed to `aws_types:sdk_config::SdkConfig`. This is to better differentiate it
from service-specific configs like `aws_s3_sdk::Config`. If you were creating shared configs with
`aws_config::load_from_env()`, then you don't have to do anything. If you were directly referring to a shared config,
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#724](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/724)) Timeout configuration has been refactored a bit. If you were setting timeouts through environment variables or an AWS
- ([smithy-rs#1225](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1225)) `DynMiddleware` is now `clone`able
- ([smithy-rs#1257](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1257)) HTTP request property bag now contains list of desired HTTP versions to use when making requests. This list is not currently used but will be in an upcoming update.
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1197](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1197)) `aws_smithy_types::retry::RetryKind` had its `NotRetryable` variant split into `UnretryableFailure` and `Unnecessary`. If you implement the `ClassifyResponse`, then successful responses need to return `Unnecessary`, and failures that shouldn't be retried need to return `UnretryableFailure`.
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1209](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1209)) `aws_smithy_types::primitive::Encoder` is now a struct rather than an enum, but its usage remains the same.
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1217](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1217)) `ClientBuilder` helpers `rustls()` and `native_tls()` now return `DynConnector` and use dynamic dispatch rather than returning their concrete connector type that would allow static dispatch. If static dispatch is desired, then manually construct a connector to give to the builder. For example, for rustls: `builder.connector(Adapter::builder().build(aws_smithy_client::conns::https()))` (where `Adapter` is in `aws_smithy_client::hyper_ext`).
- 🐛 ([smithy-rs#1197](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1197)) Fixed a bug that caused clients to eventually stop retrying. The cross-request retry allowance wasn't being reimbursed upon receiving a successful response, so once this allowance reached zero, no further retries would ever be attempted.
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1144](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1144)) Some APIs required that timeout configuration be specified with an `aws_smithy_client::timeout::Settings` struct while
- ⚠ ([smithy-rs#1085](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1085)) `AggregatedBytes` and `ByteStream` are now only re-exported if the service has streaming operations,
- ([smithy-rs#1144](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1144)) `MakeConnectorFn`, `HttpConnector`, and `HttpSettings` have been moved from `aws_config::provider_config` to
- ([smithy-rs#1085](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1085)) The `Client` and `Config` re-exports now have their documentation inlined in the service docs
- ([smithy-rs#1087](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1087)) Improve docs on `Endpoint::{mutable, immutable}`
- ([smithy-rs#1118](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1118)) SDK examples now come from [`awsdocs/aws-doc-sdk-examples`](https://github.com/awsdocs/aws-doc-sdk-examples) rather than from `smithy-rs`
- ([smithy-rs#1114](https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-rs/issues/1114), @mchoicpe-amazon) Provide SigningService creation via owned String
- ⚠ (smithy-rs#990) Codegen will no longer produce builders and clients with methods that take `impl Into<T>` except for strings and boxed types.
- ⚠ (smithy-rs#1003) The signature of `aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers` was made more flexible but may require adjusting invocations slightly.
**New this release:**
- 🎉 (aws-sdk-rust#47, smithy-rs#1006) Add support for paginators! Paginated APIs now include `.into_paginator()` and (when supported) `.into_paginator().items()` to enable paginating responses automatically. The paginator API should be considered in preview and is subject to change pending customer feedback.
- 🐛 (aws-sdk-rust#357) Generated docs will convert `<a>` tags with no `href` attribute to `<pre>` tags
- (aws-sdk-rust#254, @jacco) Made fluent operation structs cloneable
- ⚠ (smithy-rs#930) Runtime crates no longer have default features. You must now specify the features that you want when you add a dependency to your `Cargo.toml`.
**Upgrade guide**
| before | after |
| `aws-smithy-async = "VERSION"` | `aws-smithy-async = { version = "VERSION", features = ["rt-tokio"] }` |
| `aws-smithy-client = "VERSION"` | `aws-smithy-client = { version = "VERSION", features = ["client-hyper", "rustls", "rt-tokio"] }` |
| `aws-smithy-http = "VERSION"` | `aws-smithy-http = { version = "VERSION", features = ["rt-tokio"] }` |
- ⚠ (smithy-rs#940) `aws_smithy_client::Client::https()` has been renamed to `dyn_https()`.
This is to clearly distinguish it from `rustls` and `native_tls` which do not use a boxed connector.
- Timeouts for requests are now configurable. You can set separate timeouts for each individual request attempt and all attempts made for a request. (smithy-rs#831)
-`aws_smithy_types::Instant` from was renamed to `DateTime` to avoid confusion with the standard library's monotonically non-decreasing `Instant` type.
- The `DateTime::fmt` method is now fallible and fails when a `DateTime`'s value is outside what can be represented by the desired date format.
- In `aws-sigv4`, the `SigningParams` builder's `date_time` setter was renamed to `time` and changed to take a `std::time::SystemTime` instead of a chrono's `DateTime<Utc>`.
- Conversions from `aws_smithy_types::DateTime` to `OffsetDateTime` from the `time` crate are now available from the `aws-smithy-types-convert` crate. (smithy-rs#849)
- Members named `builder` on model structs were renamed to `builder_value` so that their accessors don't conflict with the existing `builder()` methods (smithy-rs#842)
-`<operation>.make_operation(&config)` is now an `async` function for all operations. Code should be updated to call `.await`. This will only impact users using the low-level API. (smithy-rs#797)
- Unions will optionally generate an `Unknown` variant to support parsing variants that don't exist on the client. These variants will fail to serialize if they are ever included in requests.
-`SmithyConnector` and `DynConnector` now return `ConnectorError` instead of `Box<dyn Error>`. If you have written a custom connector, it will need to be updated to return the new error type. (#744)
- The `DispatchError` variant of `SdkError` now contains `ConnectorError` instead of `Box<dyn Error>` (#744).
-`Request` and `Response` in `smithy_http::operation` now use `SharedPropertyBag` instead of `Arc<Mutex<PropertyBag>>`. Use the `acquire` and `acquire_mut` methods to get a reference to the underlying `PropertyBag` to access properties. (#667)
- :tada: Add Chime Identity, Chime Messaging, and Snow Device Management support (#657)
- :tada: Add profile file credential provider implementation. This implementation currently does not support credential sources for assume role providers other than environment variables. (#640)
- :tada: Add support for WebIdentityToken providers via profile & environment variables. (#654)
- Add support for the smithy auth trait. This enables authorizations that explicitly disable authorization to work when no credentials have been provided. (#652)