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import logging
# which device to use for finetuning
# 'cpu', 'mps' (for Apple devices) or 'cuda'
device = 'mps'
# random seed to use. Makes runs reproducible.
seed = 54321
# learning rate
lr = 1e-4
# logging gradient and weight distribution to log file
# useful for debugging, but makes more
log_lora_grad = False
log_lora_weight = False
# how wide would LoRA layers be? (N x lora_rank) and (lora_rank x M).
# Larger number - larger layer - more capacity.
lora_rank = 4
log_level = logging.DEBUG
# training settings
# total number of iterations to run. No microbatching so far
iters = 20
# how long should be the sequence to train on?
# we pick seq_len tokens and try to predict token [seq_len + 1]
seq_len = 128
# how large should be the batch size?
batch_size = 16
# current script doesn't have validation set at all.
# instead, we run prompt completion every eval_period iterations
# and check how the completion look like
eval_before_training = False
eval_period = 20
# how many tokens to generate for such test completion
gen_tokens = 32
# what prompt to use for test completion
prompt = 'Cubestat reports the following metrics: '
# where to save LoRA snapshots
snapshots_path = 'out'
# plaintext input file which will be tokenized and used for training
finetune_file = './test_data/cubestat.txt'
# which model to use - path to raw model
llama2_model_path = '../llama-2-13b'
#llama2_model_path = '../llama-2-13b-out'