
57 lines
3.0 KiB

# Be sure to run `pod lib lint secp256k1.podspec' to ensure this is a
# valid spec before submitting.
# Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged
# To learn more about a Podspec see
# do |s| = 'secp256k1.swift'
s.version = '0.1.4'
s.summary = 'secp256k1 bindings for swift. Cocoapods, Carthage and SPM support. Linux support.'
# This description is used to generate tags and improve search results.
# * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus?
# * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.
# * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below.
# * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!
s.description = <<-DESC
This pod binds the bitcoin-core library, the ECDSA curve, secp256k1 into Swift. This curve is used for
Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other Cryptocurrency Signature generation and verification.
s.homepage = ''
# s.screenshots = '', ''
s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } = { 'Koray Koska' => '' }
s.source = { :git => '', :tag => s.version.to_s, :submodules => true }
# s.social_media_url = '<TWITTER_USERNAME>'
s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.10'
s.tvos.deployment_target = '9.0'
s.watchos.deployment_target = '2.0'
s.module_name = 'secp256k1'
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-align -Wnested-externs -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wno-conditional-uninitialized -Wno-unused-function -Wno-long-long -Wno-overlength-strings -O3',
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"${PODS_ROOT}/secp256k1/Classes"'
s.source_files = 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/{src,include,contrib}/*.{h,c}', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/modules/{recovery,ecdh}/*.{h,c}', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1-config.h', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1_main.h', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1_ec_mult_static_context.h'
s.public_header_files = 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/include/*.h'
s.private_header_files = 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1_ec_mult_static_context.h', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/*.h', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/{contrib,src}/*.h', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/modules/{recovery, ecdh}/*.h'
s.exclude_files = 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/test*.{c,h}', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/gen_context.c', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/*bench*.{c,h}', 'secp256k1/Classes/secp256k1/src/modules/{recovery,ecdh}/*test*.{c,h}'
# s.resource_bundles = {
# 'secp256k1' => ['secp256k1/Assets/*.png']
# }
# s.frameworks = 'UIKit', 'MapKit'
# s.dependency 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.3'