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- Start Date: 2014-12-19
- RFC PR: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/738
- Rust Issue: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/22212
- Use inference to determine the variance of input type parameters.
- Make it an error to have unconstrained type/lifetime parameters.
- Revamp the variance markers to make them more intuitive and less numerous.
In fact, there are only two:
. - Integrate the notion of
into other automated compiler analyses, notably OIBIT, that can otherwise be deceived into yielding incorrect results.
Why variance is good
Today, all type parameters are invariant. This can be problematic
around lifetimes. A particular common example of where problems
arise is in the use of Option
. Here is a simple example. Consider
this program, which has a struct containing two references:
struct List<'l> {
field1: &'l int,
field2: &'l int,
fn foo(field1: &int, field2: &int) {
let list = List { field1: field1, field2: field2 };
fn main() { }
Here the function foo
takes two references with distinct lifetimes.
The variable list
winds up being instantiated with a lifetime that
is the intersection of the two (presumably, the body of foo
). This
is good.
If we modify this program so that one of those references is optional, however, we will find that it gets a compilation error:
struct List<'l> {
field1: &'l int,
field2: Option<&'l int>,
fn foo(field1: &int, field2: Option<&int>) {
let list = List { field1: field1, field2: field2 };
// ERROR: Cannot infer an appropriate lifetime
fn main() { }
The reason for this is that because Option
is invariant with
respect to its argument type, it means that the lifetimes of field1
and field2
must match exactly. It is not good enough for them to
have a common subset. This is not good.
What variance is
Variance is a general concept that comes up in all languages that combine subtyping and generic types. However, because in Rust all subtyping is related to the use of lifetimes parameters, Rust uses variance in a very particular way. Basically, variance is a determination of when it is ok for lifetimes to be approximated (either made bigger or smaller, depending on context).
Let me give a few examples to try and clarify how variance works.
Consider this simple struct Context
struct Context<'data> {
data: &'data u32,
Here the Context
struct has one lifetime parameter, data
, that
represents the lifetime of some data that it references. Now let's
imagine that the lifetime of the data is some lifetime we call
. If we have a context cx
of type Context<'x>
, it is ok to
(for example) pass cx
as an argment where a value of type
is required, so long as 'x : 'y
"). That is, it is ok to approximate 'x
as a shorter lifetime
like 'y
. This makes sense because by changing 'x
to 'y
, we're
just pretending the data has a shorter lifetime than it actually has,
which can't do any harm. Here is an example:
fn approx_context<'long,'short>(t: &Context<'long>, data: &'short Data)
where 'long : 'short
// here we approximate 'long as 'short, but that's perfectly safe.
let u: &Context<'short> = t;
do_something(u, data)
fn do_something<'x>(t: &Context<'x>, data: &'x Data) {
This case has been traditionally called "contravariant" by Rust, though some argue (somewhat persuasively) that "covariant" is the better terminology. In any case, this RFC generally abandons the "variance" terminology in publicly exposed APIs and bits of the language, making this a moot point (in this RFC, however, I will stick to calling lifetimes which may be made smaller "contravariant", since that is what we have used in the past).
Next let's consider a struct with interior mutability:
struct Table<'arg> {
cell: Cell<&'arg Foo>
In the case of Table
, it is not safe for the compiler to approximate
the lifetime 'arg
at all. This is because 'arg
appears in a
mutable location (the interior of a Cell
). Let me show you what
could happen if we did allow 'arg
to be approximated:
fn innocent<'long>(t: &Table<'long>) {
let foo: Foo = ..;
evil(t, &foo);
t.cell.get() // reads `foo`, which has been destroyed
fn evil<'long,'short>(t: &Table<'long>, s: &'short Foo)
where 'long : 'short
// The following assignment is not legal, but it would be legal
let u: &Table<'short> = t;
Here the function evil()
changes contents of t.cell
to point at
data with a shorter lifetime than t
originally had. This is bad
because the caller still has the old type (Table<'long>
) and doesn't
know that data with a shorter lifetime has been inserted. (This is
traditionally called "invariant".)
Finally, there can be cases where it is ok to make a lifetime longer, but not shorter. This comes up when the lifetime is used in a function return type (and only a fn return type). This is very unusual in Rust but it can happen.
Why variance should be inferred
Actually, lifetime parameters already have a notion of variance, and this varinace is fully inferred. In fact, the proper variance for type parameters is also being inferred, we're just largely ignoring it. (It's not completely ignored; it informs the variance of lifetimes.)
The main reason we chose inference over declarations is that variance is rather tricky business. Most of the time, it's annoying to have to think about it, since it's a purely mechanical thing. The main reason that it pops up from time to time in Rust today (specifically, in examples like the one above) is because we ignore the results of inference and just make everything invariant.
But in fact there is another reason to prefer inference. When manually specifying variance, it is easy to get those manual specifications wrong. There is one example later on where the author did this, but using the mechanisms described in this RFC to guide the inference actually led to the correct solution.
The corner case: unused parameters and parameters that are only used unsafely
Unfortunately, variance inference only works if type parameters are actually used. Otherwise, there is no data to go on. You might think parameters would always be used, but this is not true. In particular, some types have "phantom" type or lifetime parameters that are not used in the body of the type. This generally occurs with unsafe code:
struct Items<'vec, T> { // unused lifetime parameter 'vec
x: *mut T
struct AtomicPtr<T> { // unused type parameter T
data: AtomicUint // represents an atomically mutable *mut T, really
Since these parameters are unused, the inference can reasonably
conclude that AtomicPtr<int>
and AtomicPtr<uint>
interchangable: after all, there are no fields of type T
, so what
difference does it make what value it has? This is not good (and in
fact we have behavior like this today for lifetimes, which is a common
source of error).
To avoid this hazard, the RFC proposes to make it an error to have a type or lifetime parameter whose variance is not constrained. Almost always, the correct thing to do in such a case is to either remove the parameter in question or insert a marker type. Marker types basically inform the inference engine to pretend as if the type parameter were used in particular ways. They are discussed in the next section.
Revamping the marker types
The UnsafeCell type
As today, the UnsafeCell<T>
type is well-known to rustc
and is
always considered invariant with respect to its type parameter T
Phantom data
This RFC proposes to replace the existing marker types
, ContravariantLifetime
, etc) with a single type,
// Represents data of type `T` that is logically present, although the
// type system cannot see it. This type is covariant with respect to `T`.
struct PhantomData<T>;
An instance of PhantomData
is used to represent data that is
logically present, although the type system cannot see
it. PhantomData
is covariant with respect to its type parameter T
. Here are
some examples of uses of PhantomData
from the standard library:
struct AtomicPtr<T> {
data: AtomicUint,
// Act as if we could reach a `*mut T` for variance. This will
// make `AtomicPtr` *invariant* with respect to `T` (because `T` appears
// underneath the `mut` qualifier).
marker: PhantomData<*mut T>,
pub struct Items<'a, T: 'a> {
ptr: *const T,
end: *const T,
// Act as if we could reach a slice `[T]` with lifetime `'a`.
// Induces covariance on `T` and suitable variance on `'a`
// (covariance using the definition from rfcs#391).
marker: marker::PhantomData<&'a [T]>,
Note that PhantomData
can be used to induce covariance, invariance, or contravariance
as desired:
PhantomData<T> // covariance
PhantomData<*mut T> // invariance, but see "unresolved question"
PhantomData<Cell<T>> // invariance
PhantomData<fn(T)> // contravariant
Even better, the user doesn't really have to understand the terms covariance, invariance, or contravariance, but simply to accurately model the kind of data that the type system should pretend is present.
Other uses for phantom data. It turns out that phantom data is an
important concept for other compiler analyses. One example is the
OIBIT analysis, which decides whether certain traits (like Send
) are implemented by recursively examining the fields of structs
and enums. OIBIT should treat phantom data the same as normal
fields. Another example is the ongoing work for removing the
annotation, which also sometimes requires a recursive
analysis of a similar nature.
Phantom functions
One limitation of the marker type PhantomData
is that it cannot be
used to constrain unused parameters appearing on traits. Consider
the following example:
trait Dummy<T> { /* T is never used here! */ }
Normally, the variance of a trait type parameter would be determined
based on where it appears in the trait's methods: but in this case
there are no methods. Therefore, we introduce two special traits that
can be used to induce variance. Similarly to PhantomData
, these
traits represent parts of the interface that are logically present, if
not actually present:
// Act as if there were a method `fn foo(A) -> R`. Induces contravariance on A
// and covariance on R.
trait PhantomFn<A,R>;
These traits should appear in the supertrait list. For example, the
trait might be modified as follows:
trait Dummy<T> : PhantomFn() -> T { }
As you can see, the ()
notation can be used with PhantomFn
Designating marker traits
In addition to phantom fns, there is a convenient trait MarkerTrait
that is intended for use as a supertrait for traits that designate
sets of types. These traits often have no methods and thus no actual
uses of Self
. The builtin bounds are a good example:
trait Copy : MarkerTrait { }
trait Sized : MarkerTrait { }
unsafe trait Send : MarkerTrait { }
unsafe trait Sync : MarkerTrait { }
is not builtin to the language or specially understood
by the compiler, it simply encapsulates a common pattern. It is
implemented as follows:
trait MarkerTrait for Sized? : PhantomFn(Self) -> bool { }
impl<Sized? T> MarkerTrait for T { }
Intuitively, MarkerTrait
extends PhantomFn(Self)
because it is "as
if" the traits were defined like:
trait Copy {
fn is_copyable(&self) -> bool { true }
Here, the type parameter Self
appears in argument position, which is
- Why contravariance? To see why contravariance is correct, you have
- to consider what it means for
to be contravariant for a marker - trait. It means that if I have evidence that
T : Copy
, then I can - use that as evidence to show that `U
- Copy
U <: T`. More formally:(T : Copy) <: (U : Copy) // I can use
is expected... U <: T // ...so long asU <: T
More intuitively, it means that if a type T
implements the marker,
than all of its subtypes must implement the marker.
Because subtyping is exclusively tied to lifetimes in Rust, and most
marker traits are orthogonal to lifetimes, it actually rarely makes a
difference what choice you make here. But imagine that we have a
marker trait that requires 'static
(such as Send
today, though
this may change). If we made marker traits covariant with respect to
, then &'static Foo : Send
could be used as evidence that &'x Foo : Send
for any 'x
, because &'static Foo <: &'x Foo
(&'static Foo : Send) <: (&'x Foo : Send) // if things were covariant...
&'static Foo <: &'x Foo // ...we'd have the wrong relation here
Interesting side story: the author thought that covariance would be correct for some time. It was only when attempting to phrase the desired behavior as a fn that I realized I had it backward, and quickly found the counterexample I give above. This gives me confidence that expressing variance in terms of data and fns is more reliable than trying to divine the correct results directly.
Detailed design
Most of the detailed design has already been covered in the motivation section.
Summary of changes required
- Use variance results to inform subtyping of nominal types (structs, enums).
- Use variance for the output type parameters on traits.
- Input type parameters of traits are considered invariant.
- Variance has no effect on the type parameters on an impl or fn; rather those are freshly instantiated at each use.
- Report an error if the inference does not find any use of a type or lifetime parameter and that parameter is not bound in an associated type binding in some where clause.
These changes have largely been implemented. You can view the results, and the impact on the standard library, in this branch on nikomatsakis's repository. Note though that as of the time of this writing, the code is slightly outdated with respect to this RFC in certain respects (which will clearly be rectified ASAP).
Variance inference algorithm
I won't dive too deeply into the inference algorithm that we are using here. It is based on Section 4 of the paper "Taming the Wildcards: Combining Definition- and Use-Site Variance" published in PLDI'11 and written by Altidor et al. There is a fairly detailed (and hopefully only slightly outdated) description in the code as well.
Bivariance yields an error
One big change from today is that if we compute a result of bivariance
as the variance for any type or lifetime parameter, we will report a
hard error. The error message explicitly suggests the use of a
or PhantomFn
marker as appropriate:
type parameter `T` is never used; either remove it, or use a
marker such as `std::kinds::marker::PhantomData`"
The goal is to help users as concretely as possible. The documentation on the phantom markers should also be helpful in guiding users to make the right choice (the ability to easily attach documentation to the marker type was in fact the major factor that led us to adopt marker types in the first place).
Rules for associated types
The only exception is when this type parameter is in fact
an output that is implied by where clauses declared on the type. As
an example of why this distinction is important, consider the type
declared here:
struct Map<A,B,I,F>
where I : Iterator<Item=A>, F : FnMut(A) -> B
iter: I,
fn: F,
Neither the type A
nor B
are reachable from the fields declared
within Map
, and hence the variance inference for them results in
bivariance. However, they are nonetheless constrained. In the case of
the parameter A
, its value is determined by the type I
, and B
determined by the type F
(note that RFC 587 makes the return
type of FnMut
an associated type).
The analysis to decide when a type parameter is implied by other type parameters is the same as that specified in RFC 447.
Future possibilities
Make phantom data and fns more first-class. One thing I would consider in the future is to integrate phantom data and fns more deeply into the language to improve usability. The idea would be to add a phantom keyword and then permit the explicit declaration of phantom fields and fns in structs and traits respectively:
// Instead of
struct Foo<T> {
pointer: *mut u8,
_marker: PhantomData<T>
trait MarkerTrait : PhantomFn(Self) {
// you would write:
struct Foo<T> {
pointer: *mut u8,
phantom T
trait MarkerTrait {
phantom fn(Self);
Phantom fields would not need to be specified when creating an instance of a type and (being anonymous) could never be named. They exist solely to aid the analysis. This would improve the usability of phantom markers greatly.
Default to a particular variance when a type or lifetime parameter is unused. A prior RFC advocated for this approach, mostly because markers were seen as annoying to use. However, after some discussion, it seems that it is more prudent to make a smaller change and retain explicit declarations. Some factors that influenced this decision:
- The importance of phantom data for other analyses like OIBIT.
- Many unused lifetime parameters (and some unused type parameters) are in fact completely unnecessary. Defaulting to a particular variance would not help in identifying these cases (though a better dead code lint might).
- There is no default that is always correct but invariance, and invariance is typically too strong.
- Phantom type parameters occur relatively rarely anyhow.
Remove variance inference and use fully explicit declarations. Variance inference is a rare case where we do non-local inference across type declarations. It might seem more consistent to use explicit declarations. However, variance declarations are notoriously hard for people to understand. We were unable to come up with a suitable set of keywords or other system that felt sufficiently lightweight. Moreover, explicit annotations are error-prone when compared to the phantom data and fn approach (see example in the section regarding marker traits).
Unresolved questions
There is one significant unresolved question: the correct way to
handle a *mut
pointer. It was revealed recently that while the
current treatment of *mut T
is correct, it frequently yields overly
conservative inference results in practice. At present the inference
treats *mut T
as invariant with respect to T
: this is correct and
sound, because a *mut
represents aliasable, mutable data, and indeed
the subtyping relation for *mut T
is that *mut T <: *mut U if T=U
However, in practice, *mut
pointers are often used to build safe
abstractions, the APIs of which do not in fact permit aliased
mutation. Examples are Vec
, Rc
, HashMap
, and so forth. In all of
these cases, the correct variance is covariant -- but because of the
conservative treatment of *mut
, all of these types are being
inferred to an invariant result.
The complete solution to this seems to have two parts. First, for
convenience and abstraction, we should not be building safe
abstractions on raw *mut
pointers anyway. We should have several
convenient newtypes in the standard library, like ptr::Unique
, that
can be used, which would also help for handling OIBIT conditions and
optimizations. In my branch I have used the existing (but
unstable) type ptr::Unique
for the primary role, which is kind of an
"unsafe box". Unique
should ensure that it is covariant with respect
to its argument.
However, this raises the question of how to implement Unique
the hood, and what to do with *mut T
in general. There are various
so that it behaves like*const
. This unfortunately means that abstractions that introduce shared mutability have a responsibility for add phantom data to that affect, something likePhantomData<*const Cell<T>>
. This seems non-obvious and unnatural. -
Rewrite safe abstractions to use
(or evenusize
) instead of*mut
, casting to*mut
only they have a&mut self
method. This is probably the most conservative option. -
Change variance to ignore
referents entirely. Add a lint to detect types with a*mut T
type and require some sort of explicit marker that coversT
. This is perhaps the most explicit option. Like option 1, it creates the odd scenario that the variance computation and subtyping relation diverge.
Currently I lean towards option 2.