diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 92b020679a..a3ca255711 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     ____  ___  ___  ___ ____  ___    ____
    |  _ \/   \|   \/   \  _ \/ _ \  |__  \
-   |    <  V  | |  ) V  |   <   _/   / __/ 
+   |    (  V  | |  ) V  |   (   _/   / __/ 
    |__\__|_|__|___/__|__|_\__|___|  |____|
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ code, debugging programs, attaching to remove gdb servers, ..
 radare2 is portable.
-Supported architectures: x86, arm, mips, ppc, java, dalvik, arc, avr, bf, csr, dcpu16, m68k, msil, sh, sparc
+Architectures: x86, arm, mips, ppc, java, dalvik, arc, avr, bf, csr, dcpu16, m68k, msil, sh, sparc
-Supported file formats: dex, elf, elf64, filesystem, java, fatmach0, mach0, mach0-64, MZ, PE, PE+, plan9, dyldcache
+File Formats: dex, elf, elf64, filesystem, java, fatmach0, mach0, mach0-64, MZ, PE, PE+, plan9, dyldcache
-Operating systems: Android, GNU/Linux, [Net|Free|Open]BSD, iOS, OSX, QNX, w32, w64, Solaris.
+Operating Systems: Android, GNU/Linux, [Net|Free|Open]BSD, iOS, OSX, QNX, w32, w64, Solaris.
 Bindings: Vala/Genie, Python, NodeJS, LUA, Go, Perl, Guile, php5, newlisp, Ruby, Java
diff --git a/macports/Makefile b/macports/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e03afb9b74..0000000000
--- a/macports/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-ROOT=$(shell pwd)
-all: setup
-	sudo port -d pkg $(R2)
-	cd security/${R2}/work/ && \
-	sudo zip -r ${ROOT}/$(R2)-${VERSION}.pkg.zip $(R2)-${VERSION}.pkg
-	@-[ -z "`grep -v '${PWD}' ${SRCFILE}`" ] && \
-		echo "file://${PWD}" >> ${SRCFILE}
-	portindex
-	rm -f PortIndex*
-	rm -rf `readlink security/$(R2)/work`/../../$(R2)
-	rm -f security/$(R2)/work
diff --git a/macports/security/radare2/Portfile b/macports/security/radare2/Portfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 42d0b25915..0000000000
--- a/macports/security/radare2/Portfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-PortSystem          1.0
-name                radare2
-version             0.9.2
-categories          security
-platforms           darwin
-license             LGPL
-maintainers         pancake@nopcode.org
-description         Opensource tools to disasm, debug, analyze and manipulate binary files
-long_description    Opensource tools to disasm, debug, analyze and manipulate binary files
-homepage            http://www.radare.org
-master_sites        http://radare.org/get/
-checksums           md5     751f0dc71f82b7689f10365ee3a5842f \
-                    sha1    e77c85b001d9308f38a336b26544836fbe1d14dc
-configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man