* Add doc.sw documentation (wip)

* Add missing parenthesis in p command's help
* Some code enhacements for r_sys_cmd_str_full
This commit is contained in:
pancake 2010-05-03 21:24:58 +02:00
parent 9ae4ba7cc8
commit 329ea07ec1
17 changed files with 539 additions and 19 deletions

doc.sw/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# http://nibble.develsec.org/sw.cgi/projects/sw.md
sw.gen site

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Flags are used to specify bookmarks inside radare, they are store the following data:
* name
* offset
* size
* flagspace
The command 'f' is responsible to manage the flag list.
> fs imports # select flagspace 'imports'
> f # list flags
> f * # list all flags in radare commands
> fs * # select no flagspace
> f target @ 10 # create/set flag 'target' at offset 10
> f-target # remove flag named 'target'
Sorting flags
r2 have a new command named 'fS' which is used to sort flags by name (fSn) or offset (fSo).
In 'Vt' you can sort the flags using 'o' and 'n' keys.
> f alice @ 0x20
> f bob @ 0x10
> fSn
> f
0x00000020 0 alice
0x00000010 0 bob
> fSo
> f
0x00000010 0 bob
0x00000020 0 alice
Visual mode
Vt command from shell will emulate typing 't' in 'V'isual mode, so you get the same menu which allows you list, add and remove flags and flagspaces.
Press '?' to get help of keybindings.
> Vt
Flag spaces:
00 sections
01 * symbols
> 02 imports
03 functions
04 *
Flags in flagspace 'imports'. Press '?' for help.
> 000 0x080496f4 0 imp.malloc
001 0x080494b4 0 imp.free
002 0x08049884 0 imp.cap_get_file
003 0x08049874 0 imp.exit
Selected: imp.malloc
|||| 0x080496f4 *[ fcn.imp.malloc] jmp dword near [0x805e82c]
|||| 0x080496fa 6828020000 push dword 0x228
|||`=< 0x080496ff e990fbffff jmp section..plt

doc.sw/site/index.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
This directory aims to provide helpful documentation tips for radare2.

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Compilation instructions
To get python bindings for radare2 you need to install the following dependencies:
* swig
* svn co https://swig.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swig/trunk
* valaswig
* hg clone http://hg.youterm.com/valaswig
* radare2
* hg clone http://radare.org/hg/radare2
Then, you have to compile r2-swig:
$ cd radare2/swig
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
r2 Hello World in python
This snippet will open /bin/ls and disassemble 10 instructions at entrypoint:
$ cat test.py
from r2.libr import RCore
c.file_open("/bin/ls", False)
c.cmd0(".!rabin2 -re /bin/ls")
print "Entrypoint: %s"%c.cmd_str("? entry0").split(" ")[1]
print c.cmd_str("pd 10 @ entry0")
To run it:
$ python test.py
Entrypoint: 0x18a0
| 0x000018a0 *[ entry0] xor ebp, ebp
| 0x000018a2 5e pop esi
| 0x000018a3 89e1 mov ecx, esp
| 0x000018a5 83e4f0 and esp, 0xf0
| 0x000018a8 50 push eax
| 0x000018a9 54 push esp
| 0x000018aa 52 push edx
| 0x000018ab 68a0940508 push dword 0x80594a0
| 0x000018b0 68b0940508 push dword 0x80594b0
| 0x000018b5 51 push ecx
| 0x000018b6 56 push esi
| 0x000018b7 6840f80408 push dword 0x804f840
`=< 0x000018bc e843fbffff call 0x1404

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
r2-swig provides automatic swig bindings for many scripting languages, one of them is python.

doc.sw/site/python/r2w.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
The experimental web interface of r2 is named r2w. Check it out here:
hg clone http://radare.org/hg/r2w
The only dependency to run is r2-swig.
To start the web server type 'make':
$ make
python main.py
Process with PID 5756 started...
eip = 0x40000810
oeax = 0x0000000b
eax = 0x00000000
ebx = 0x00000000
ecx = 0x00000000
edx = 0x00000000
esp = 0xbfcc6830
ebp = 0x00000000
esi = 0x00000000
edi = 0x00000000
eflags = 0x00200212 : Serving directory 'www'

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Using signatures in radare
All the actions related to signatures in radare2 are collected
in the 'z' command.
Here is the command help:
[0x000018a0]> z?
Usage: z[abcp/*-] [arg]
z show status of zignatures
z* display all zignatures
zp display current prefix
zp prefix define prefix for following zignatures
zp- unset prefix
z-prefix unload zignatures prefixed as
z-* unload all zignatures
za ... define new zignature for analysis
zb name bytes define new zignature for bytes
zf name bytes define new function prelude zignature
zg pfx [file] generate siganture for current file
.zc @ fcn.foo flag signature if matching (.zc@@fcn)
z/ [ini] [end] search zignatures between these regions
NOTE: bytes can contain '.' (dots) to specify a binary mask

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Signatures are byte streams used to identify functions, strings
or watermarks inside binaries.
They are mostly helpful when working with static binaries and
it is used to identify which functions from which libraries
has been compiled into the static bin.
But there are other reasons to use them, like finding unreachable
code, get name of unknown functions, etc..
Byte-based signatures
Those byte streams are used in the most basic signature checking
algorithm. They have:
* byte array
* binary mask
* size of blob
The binary mask is required to ignore all those variable bits used
to point data by the target code. The code analysis module can do
this job for you.
Example code:
_foo: ; dummy label
mov eax, 33 ; reg, const
push ebx ; reg
push [0x8049400] ; absolute address (ignored by signature)
call 0x80434830 ; absolute address call (ignored by sign)
cmp eax, 0 ; reg, const
jz _foo ; relative address (used by the signature)
Other kind of signatures
There are other types of ways to identify functions inside a binary,
here's a small list of them:
* function preludes
By understanding that most of the functions will be
prefixed with some standard bytes to construct the
stack frame and store return address on stack (depending
on compiler and architecture)
* code analysis
Code analysis can be used to determine other characteristics of a
function like number of basic blocks, code and data references, etc..
* callgraph
The name of the function can be determined by identifying
the functions called from the target one.
This metric can be used to generate an automated function
name if unknown or use it as a signature to collect this
name from the loaded signature database.
Inline functions
The compilers usually inline some small functions inside other
functions. The size restriction is because the CPU cache that
can make the program run slower than using a 'call'.
As they are small and they can va
Those kind of functions are not going to be covered by this
method because of the complexity and the small signature they

doc.sw/style.css Normal file
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@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ static int cmd_help(void *data, const char *input) {
" p?[len] ; print current block with format and length\n"
" V[vcmds] ; enter visual mode (vcmds=visualvisual keystrokes)\n"
" w[mode] [arg] ; multiple write operations\n"
" x [len] ; alias for 'px' (print hexadecimal\n"
" x [len] ; alias for 'px' (print hexadecimal)\n"
" y [len] [off] ; yank/paste bytes from/to memory\n"
" ? [expr] ; help or evaluate math expression\n"
" /[xmp/] ; search for bytes, regexps, patterns, ..\n"

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ R_API int r_sys_setenv(const char *key, const char *value) {
// TODO: strdup?
#if __WINDOWS__
static char envbuf[1024];
R_API const char *r_sys_getenv(const char *key) {
@ -88,30 +89,44 @@ R_API char *r_sys_getcwd() {
#if __UNIX__
static void pipeclose(int pipe[2]) {
close (pipe[0]);
close (pipe[1]);
R_API char *r_sys_cmd_str_full(const char *cmd, const char *input, int *len, char **sterr) {
char *inputptr = (char *)input;
int bytes = 0;
int sh_in[2];
int sh_out[2];
int sh_err[2];
int pid, bytes = 0;
int sh_in[2], sh_out[2], sh_err[2];
if (sterr)
if (len) *len = 0;
int pid = fork();
if (!pid) {
pid = fork();
switch (pid) {
case -1:
return NULL;
case 0:
dup2 (sh_in[0], 0); close (sh_in[0]); close (sh_in[1]);
dup2 (sh_out[1], 1); close (sh_out[0]); close (sh_out[1]);
if (sterr) dup2 (sh_err[1], 2);
else close(2);
if (sterr) dup2 (sh_err[1], 2); else close (2);
close (sh_err[0]); close (sh_err[1]);
execl ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL);
} else {
exit (1);
char buffer[1024];
char *output = calloc (1, 1024);
char *output = calloc (1, 1024); // TODO: use malloc
if (!output)
return NULL;
if (sterr)
*sterr = calloc (1, 1024);
if (!*sterr) {
free (output);
return NULL;
close (sh_out[1]);
close (sh_err[1]);
close (sh_in[0]);
@ -129,8 +144,7 @@ R_API char *r_sys_cmd_str_full(const char *cmd, const char *input, int *len, cha
FD_SET (sh_err[0], &rfds);
if (inputptr && *inputptr)
FD_SET (sh_in[1], &wfds);
memset (buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
nfd = select (sh_err[0] + 1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, NULL);
if (nfd < 0)
@ -142,17 +156,18 @@ R_API char *r_sys_cmd_str_full(const char *cmd, const char *input, int *len, cha
if (read (sh_err[0], buffer, sizeof (buffer)-1) == 0) break;
*sterr = r_str_concat (*sterr, buffer);
} else if (FD_ISSET (sh_in[1], &wfds) && inputptr && *inputptr) {
bytes = write (sh_in[1], inputptr, strlen(inputptr));
bytes = write (sh_in[1], inputptr, strlen (inputptr));
inputptr += bytes;
if (!*inputptr) close (sh_in[1]);
close (sh_out[0]);
close (sh_err[0]);
close (sh_in[1]);
if (strlen(output))
if (*output)
return output;
free (output);
return NULL;