[flake8] ignore = # whitespace before ‘:’ E203, # too many leading '#' for block comment E266, # block comment should start with ‘# ‘ E265, # module level import not at top of file E402, # line too long (82 > 79 characters) E501, # do not assign a lambda expression, use a def E731 # line break before binary operator (default) W503, # doc line too long (82 > 79 characters) (default) W505, # name may be undefined, or defined from star imports: module F405, # redefinition of unused name from line n F811, # undefined name name F821, # local variable name is assigned to but never used F841, # class attribute is shadowing a python builtin A003 per-file-ignores = # Unused imports in __init__.py are fine __init__.py:F401 max-line-length = 100 exclude = gdb-pt-dump # flake8-builtins should allow these builtins to be shadowed builtins-ignorelist = all, breakpoint, copyright, dir, exit, format, hex, map, max, min, next, type