from __future__ import annotations import cProfile import hashlib import logging import os import shutil import site import subprocess import sys import time import traceback from glob import glob from pathlib import Path from typing import List from typing import Tuple import gdb def hash_file(file_path: str | Path) -> str: with open(file_path, "rb") as f: file_hash = hashlib.sha256() while True: chunk = if not chunk: break file_hash.update(chunk) return file_hash.hexdigest() def run_poetry_install(poetry_path: os.PathLike[str], dev: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str, int]: command: List[str] = [str(poetry_path), "install"] if dev: command.extend(("--with", "dev")) logging.debug(f"Updating deps with command: {' '.join(command)}") result =, capture_output=True, text=True) return result.stdout.strip(), result.stderr.strip(), result.returncode def find_poetry() -> Path | None: poetry_path = shutil.which("poetry") if poetry_path is not None: return Path(poetry_path) # On some systems `poetry` is installed in "~/.local/bin/" but this directory is # not on the $PATH poetry_path = Path("~/.local/bin/poetry").expanduser() if poetry_path.exists(): return poetry_path return None def is_dev_mode(venv_path: Path) -> bool: # If "dev.marker" exists in the venv directory, the user ran and is # considered a developer return (venv_path / "dev.marker").exists() def update_deps(src_root: Path, venv_path: Path) -> None: poetry_lock_hash_path = venv_path / "poetry.lock.hash" current_hash = hash_file(src_root / "poetry.lock") logging.debug(f"Current poetry.lock hash: {current_hash}") stored_hash = None if poetry_lock_hash_path.exists(): stored_hash = poetry_lock_hash_path.read_text().strip() logging.debug(f"Stored poetry.lock hash: {stored_hash}") else: logging.debug("No stored hash found") # If the hashes don't match, update the dependencies if current_hash != stored_hash: poetry_path = find_poetry() if poetry_path is None: print( "Poetry was not found on the $PATH. Please ensure it is installed and on the path, " "or run `./` to manually update Python dependencies." ) return dev_mode = is_dev_mode(venv_path) stdout, stderr, return_code = run_poetry_install(poetry_path, dev=dev_mode) if return_code == 0: poetry_lock_hash_path.write_text(current_hash) # Only print the poetry output if anything was actually updated if "No dependencies to install or update" not in stdout: # The output is usually long and ends up paginated. This # normally gets disabled later during initialization, but in # this case we disable it here to avoid pagination. gdb.execute("set pagination off", to_string=True) print(stdout) else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) def fixup_paths(src_root: Path, venv_path: Path): site_pkgs_path = glob(str(venv_path / "lib/*/site-packages"))[0] # add virtualenv's site-packages to sys.path and run .pth files site.addsitedir(site_pkgs_path) # remove existing, system-level site-packages from sys.path for site_packages in site.getsitepackages(): if site_packages in sys.path: sys.path.remove(site_packages) # Set virtualenv's bin path (needed for utility tools like ropper, pwntools etc) bin_path = str(venv_path / "bin") os.environ["PATH"] = bin_path + os.pathsep + os.environ.get("PATH", "") # Add pwndbg directory to sys.path so it can be imported sys.path.insert(0, str(src_root)) # Push virtualenv's site-packages to the front sys.path.remove(site_pkgs_path) sys.path.insert(1, site_pkgs_path) def get_venv_path(src_root: Path): venv_path_env = os.environ.get("PWNDBG_VENV_PATH") if venv_path_env: return Path(venv_path_env).expanduser().resolve() else: return src_root / ".venv" def skip_venv(src_root) -> bool: return ( os.environ.get("PWNDBG_VENV_PATH") == "PWNDBG_PLEASE_SKIP_VENV" or (src_root / ".skip-venv").exists() ) def init_logger(): log_level_env = os.environ.get("PWNDBG_LOGLEVEL", "WARNING") log_level = getattr(logging, log_level_env.upper()) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(log_level) # Add a custom StreamHandler we will use to customize log message formatting. We # configure the handler later, after pwndbg has been imported. handler = logging.StreamHandler() root_logger.addHandler(handler) return handler def main() -> None: profiler = cProfile.Profile() start_time = None if os.environ.get("PWNDBG_PROFILE") == "1": start_time = time.time() profiler.enable() handler = init_logger() src_root = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() if not skip_venv(src_root): venv_path = get_venv_path(src_root) if not venv_path.exists(): print(f"Cannot find Pwndbg virtualenv directory: {venv_path}. Please re-run") sys.stdout.flush() os._exit(1) update_deps(src_root, venv_path) fixup_paths(src_root, venv_path) # Force UTF-8 encoding (to_string=True to skip output appearing to the user) try: gdb.execute("set target-wide-charset UTF-8", to_string=True) gdb.execute("set charset UTF-8", to_string=True) except gdb.error as e: print(f"Warning: Cannot set gdb charset: '{e}'") os.environ["PWNLIB_NOTERM"] = "1" import pwndbg # noqa: F811 import pwndbg.dbg.gdb pwndbg.dbg = pwndbg.dbg_mod.gdb.GDB() pwndbg.dbg.setup() import pwndbg.log import pwndbg.profiling # ColorFormatter relies on pwndbg being loaded, so we can't set it up until now handler.setFormatter(pwndbg.log.ColorFormatter()) pwndbg.profiling.init(profiler, start_time) if os.environ.get("PWNDBG_PROFILE") == "1": pwndbg.profiling.profiler.stop("pwndbg-load.pstats") pwndbg.profiling.profiler.start() # We wrap everything in try/except so that we can exit GDB with an error code # This is used by tests to check if failed try: main() # We've already imported this in `main`, but we reimport it here so that it's # available at the global scope when some starts a Python interpreter in GDB import pwndbg # noqa: F401 except Exception: print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) sys.stdout.flush() os._exit(1)