
101 lines
2.9 KiB

# MSVC/NMAKE makefile for pngcheck.
# Greg Roelofs
# Last modified: 17 June 2006
# Invoke this makefile from a DOS prompt window via:
# %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat
# nmake -nologo -f Makefile.w32
# where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC / DevStudio. If
# you get "environment out of space" errors, create a desktop shortcut with
# "c:\windows\ /e:4096" as the program command line and set the
# working directory to this directory. Then double-click to open the new
# DOS-prompt window with a bigger environment and retry the commands above.
# This makefile assumes zlib has already been built or downloaded and is in
# a subdirectory at the same level as the current subdirectory (as indicated
# by the ZPATH macro below). Edit as appropriate.
# Note that the names of the dynamic and static zlib libraries used below may
# change in later releases of the library. This makefile builds statically
# linked executables, but that can be changed by uncommenting the appropriate
# ZLIB lines.
!include <ntwin32.mak>
# macros --------------------------------------------------------------------
ZPATH = ../zlib
#ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibdll.lib
ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibstat.lib
CC = cl
LD = link
RM = del
CFLAGS = -nologo -O -W3 $(INCS) -DUSE_ZLIB $(cvars)
# [note that -W3 is an MSVC-specific compilation flag ("all warnings on")]
# [see %devstudio%\vc\include\win32.mak for cvars macro definition]
O = .obj
E = .exe
LDFLAGS = -nologo
PROG = pngcheck
PROG2 = pngsplit
PROG3 = png-fix-IDAT-windowsize
OBJS = $(PROG)$(O)
OBJS2 = $(PROG2)$(O)
OBJS3 = $(PROG3)$(O)
EXES = $(PROG)$(E) $(PROG2)$(E) $(PROG3)$(E)
# implicit make rules -------------------------------------------------------
# GRR 20060617: Can't remember if this dumps objects in current dir or in
# same dir as source. If latter, will need to modify PROG2/PROG3 targets
# below (and/or OBJS* macros above) to include "gpl/" prefix on objects.
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
# dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------
all: $(EXES)
# setargv.obj expands wildcards and is included as part of MSVC; may be called
# "wildargs.obj" (or similar) for Borland or Watcom compilers
$(PROG)$(E): $(OBJS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJS) setargv.obj $(LIBS)
$(PROG2)$(E): $(OBJS2)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJS2) setargv.obj $(LIBS)
$(PROG3)$(E): $(OBJS3)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJS3) setargv.obj $(LIBS)
$(PROG)$(O): gpl/$(PROG).c
$(PROG2)$(O): gpl/$(PROG2).c
$(PROG3)$(O): gpl/$(PROG3).c
# maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ideally we could just do this:
# $(RM) $(EXES) $(OBJS) [etc.]
# ...but the Windows "DEL" command is none too bright, so:
$(RM) $(PROG)$(E)
$(RM) $(PROG)$(O)
$(RM) $(PROG2)$(E)
$(RM) $(PROG2)$(O)
$(RM) $(PROG3)$(E)
$(RM) $(PROG3)$(O)