mirror of https://github.com/GNOME/gimp.git
189 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File
189 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File
use Gimp;
use Gimp::Feature qw(gimp-1.1 persistency);
use Gimp::Fu;
use Gimp::Data;
N_"/Xtns/Render"; N_"/Xtns/Render/Logos"; N_"/Xtns/Render/Povray"; # i18n workaround
use constant DEG2RAD => 4 / 180 * atan2 1,1;
sub set_preferences {
$Gimp::Data{povray_preferences} = \@_;
sub get_preferences {
my $data;
while (!ref ($data=$Gimp::Data{povray_preferences})) {
register "povray_preferences_set",
"Set povray preferences",
"Marc Lehmann <pcg\@goof.com>",
"Marc Lehmann",
[PF_FILE, "povray_path", "The path to the povray executable", "x-povray"],
[PF_STRING, "quality", "The quality setting (0..9, R)", "R"],
[PF_STRING, "extra_args", "Extra arguments for povray invocation","+d"],
my @camera = (
[PF_SLIDER, 'cam_phi', 'The camera angle around the z axis', 0, [-180,180,1]],
[PF_SLIDER, 'cam_theta', 'The camera angle relative to the z-Axis', 0, [0,90,1]],
[PF_SLIDER, 'cam_radius', 'The camera distance', 1, [0,25,0.3]],
[PF_SLIDER, 'cam_fov', 'The camera field-of-view', 30, [0,90,1]],
sub get_camera(\@) {
(shift @{$_[0]},shift @{$_[0]},shift @{$_[0]},shift @{$_[0]});
sub gen_camera {
$x = $r * sin ($v * DEG2RAD) * cos ($p * DEG2RAD);
$y = $r * sin ($v * DEG2RAD) * sin ($p * DEG2RAD);
$z = $r * cos ($v * DEG2RAD);
"camera { location <$x, $y, $z> angle $fov look_at <0,0,0> }";
$prelude = <<I;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
#include "skies.inc"
#include "stars.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "stoneold.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
/*#include "glass.inc"*/
my @unlink;
sub cleanup {
unlink @unlink;
undef @unlink;
END { cleanup }
sub run_povray {
my($scr_path) = Gimp->temp_name("pov");
my($ppm_path) = Gimp->temp_name("ppm");
my($err_path) = Gimp->temp_name("err");
my($msg_path) = Gimp->temp_name("msg");
push @unlink, $scr_path, $ppm_path, $err_path, $msg_path;
open SCR, ">$scr_path" or die "Unable to create pov script '$scr_path': $!\n";
print SCR $prelude;
print SCR $script;
close SCR;
my $cmd ="$pov_path +V -GS -GD -GR ".
"+GF$err_path +GW$msg_path ".
"+Q$pov_quality +i$scr_path $pov_args +FP +O$ppm_path +W$w +H$h";
open POV,"$cmd 2>&1 |" or die "Unable to run '$cmd': $!\n";
init Progress "Rendering...";
local $/ = "\r";
while (<POV>) {
for (split /\n/) {
if (/endering line\s+(\d+) of\s+(\d+)/) {
update Progress $1/$2;
} else {
#print "POV: $_\n";
my $res = close POV >> 8;
if (open ERR, "<$err_path") {
my $err = do { local $/; <ERR> };
close ERR;
$err =~ s/^\s+//; $err =~ s/\s+$//;
die "POVRAY ERROR OUTPUT:\n$err\n" if $err;
if (open MSG, "<$msg_path") {
my $err = do { local $/; <MSG> };
close MSG;
$err =~ s/^\s+//; $err =~ s/\s+$//;
Gimp->message("POVRAY WARNING OUTPUT:\n$err\n") if $err;
die "Povray returned with non-zero exit status ($res)\n" if $res;
-f $ppm_path or die "Povray produced no output image\n";
sub load_img {
my $img = Gimp->file_load((shift)x2);
cleanup; # FIXME: remove when xs_exit repaired
register "povray_render_texture",
"Render a povray texture into a new image",
"Marc Lehmann <pcg\@goof.com>",
"Marc Lehmann",
[PF_SPINNER, "width", "The resulting image width", 200, [1, 4096, 1]],
[PF_SPINNER, "height", "The resulting image height", 200, [1, 4096, 1]],
[PF_STRING, 'texture', 'The Povray texture name', 'T_Wood1'],
[PF_SLIDER, "xscale", "Horizontal Scale Factor", 1, [0.0001, 5, 0.1]],
[PF_SLIDER, "yscale", "Vertical Scale Factor", 1, [0.0001, 5, 0.1]],
[PF_SLIDER, "rotation", "Rotate about y (deg)", 0, [0, 360]],
sub {
load_img run_povray $w,$h,<<I . gen_camera @cam;
#declare TileTexture = texture { $texturename scale <$xscale,$yscale,1> rotate $rotation * y }
#declare TileSize = <1, 1, 1>;
#declare _TX_tempver = version;
#declare _TX_size = TileSize * <1, 1, 1>;
#declare TileSeam = 1;
/*camera {location <.5, .5, -1> look_at <.5, .5, 0> orthographic up y right $aspectratio * x} */
#declare _TX_xtexture = texture {gradient x texture_map {
[.5 - (TileSeam / 2) TileTexture scale <1 / _TX_size.x, 1, 1>]
[.5 + (TileSeam / 2) TileTexture scale <1 / _TX_size.x, 1, 1> translate x]}}
plane {z, 0 texture {gradient y texture_map {
[.5 - (TileSeam / 2) _TX_xtexture scale <1, 1 / _TX_size.y, 1>]
[.5 + (TileSeam / 2) _TX_xtexture scale <1, 1 / _TX_size.y, 1>
translate y]}}}
light_source {z*100000 rgb <1, 1, 1>}
exit main;
No docs. Yet. Bug me to provide them.
=head1 ACK!
Thanks to Aaron Sherman who inspired me, to John Pitney who wrote some
other, similar plug-in and to Adrian Likins who knew that. Not that this
plug-in is cool enough to warrant a long list of thanks ;)