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There are a few environment variables, options or other more-or-less
known tricks to debug GIMP. Let's try to add them here for reminder and
## Basics ##
The basic thing is to build babl, GEGL and GIMP with `--enable-debug`.
Note that if you also built glib from source with `--enable-debug`,
every GObject destroyed are apparently overwritten with values invalid
as pointers, so dereferencing one after destruction usually leads to a
crash, which is a good way to find some more vicious bugs.
## Debug logs ##
You can see various GIMP_LOG() calls in the code. These will only be
outputted when you set GIMP_DEBUG environment variable to a
comma-separated list of domain.
For instance, for `GIMP_LOG (XCF, "some string")` to be outputted,
run GIMP like this:
> GIMP_DEBUG=xcf gimp-2.10
Special flags are:
- "all" to output all domain logs;
- "list-all" to get a list of available domains.
## Debugging a warning ##
If you encounter a CRITICAL or WARNING message on console, you can make
so that GIMP crashes on it, which will make it very easy to be tracked
down in a debugger (for instance GDB), by running GIMP with:
> gimp-2.10 --g-fatal-warnings
Note that if all you want is a stacktrace, it is not necessary anymore
to use a debugger and --g-fatal-warnings. In Preferences > Debugging,
make sure that all type of errors are debugged, and that you have either
gdb or lldb installed. Then a graphical dialog will automatically appear
upon encountering any WARNING or CRITICAL with backtraces and variable
Alternatively running GIMP with the CLI option --stack-trace-mode to
values "query" or "always" will output a stacktrace too on terminal.
But this happens only for crashes, so it still requires to use
--g-fatal-warnings for WARNINGs and CRITICALs.
Note: on Windows, even the debugging GUI happens only for crashes and
requires that you built with Dr. Mingw dependency.
## Debugging GTK+ ##
You can use GtkInspector by running GIMP with:
> GTK_DEBUG=interactive gimp-2.99
Alternatively you may also start it at anytime with ctrl-shift-d
shortcut, if you first enable with:
> gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding true
See also:
## Debugging GEGL code ##
You may encounter this kind of warning upon exiting GIMP:
> EEEEeEeek! 2 GeglBuffers leaked
To debug GeglBuffer leaks, make sure you built GEGL with -Dbuildtype=debug
or -Dbuildtype=debugoptimized, and set the environment variable
GEGL_DEBUG to "buffer-alloc".
Your system also needs to have the header "execinfo.h".
## Debugging babl ##
Profile conversion is done with babl by default when possible, which is
much faster.
Setting GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_DISABLE_BABL environment variable switch
back to the old lcms implementation, which can be useful for comparison.
## Debugging X Window System error ##
Make X calls synchronous so that your crashes happen immediately with:
> gimp-2.10 --sync
You can also break on `gdk_x_error()`.
## Debugging on Windows ##
Even when run from a `cmd`, the standard and error outputs are not
displayed in the terminal. For this reason, unstable builds (i.e. with
odd minor version) pop up a debug console at start.
If you are building stable versions of GIMP for debugging and want this
debug console as well, configure with `--enable-win32-debug-console`.
## Testing older GIMP versions ##
A useful trick when you want to quickly test a specific GIMP older
version (e.g. to confirm a behavior change) is to install it with our
official flatpak. The flathub repository stores past builds (up to 20 at
the time of writing). You can list them with the following command:
$ flatpak remote-info --log flathub org.gimp.GIMP
Each build will have a "Subject" line (a comment to indicate the build
reason, it may be just dependency updates or build fixes, or sometimes a
bump in GIMP version) and a commit hash. When you have identified the
build you want to test, update it like this:
flatpak update --commit=<hash-of-build> org.gimp.GIMP
Then just run your older GIMP!
## Debugging on flatpak
If you want to inspect the sandbox environment, you can do so by
specifying a custom shell instead of the GIMP binary with the following
flatpak run --command=bash org.gimp.GIMP
This will run the exact same environment as the flatpak, which should
also be identical on all machines.
Alternatively you can run the GIMP Flatpak using the GNOME SDK as
runtime (instead of the .Platform) with the `--devel` option. In
particular, it gives you access to a few additional debug tools, such as
`gdb`. Therefore running GIMP with --devel will give better stacktrace,
or you can run explicitly GIMP inside GDB.
Additionally to install debug symbols in the sandbox, run:
flatpak install flathub org.gimp.GIMP.Debug
flatpak install flathub org.gnome.Sdk.Debug
Finally even with reporter trace without debug symbols (yet debug
symbols installed on your side), if you make sure you use exactly the
same flatpak commit as the reporter (see `Testing older GIMP versions`
section), you are ensured to use the same binaries. Hence you can trace
back the code line from an offset.
For instance, say that your trace has this output:
Here is how you can find the proper code line in the Flatpak (provided
you use the right flatpak commit):
$ flatpak install flathub org.gimp.GIMP.Debug org.gnome.Sdk.Debug
$ flatpak run --devel --command=bash org.gimp.GIMP
(flatpak) $ gdb /app/bin/gimp-2.10
(gdb) info line *(file_open_image+0x4e8)
Line 216 of "file-open.c" starts at address 0x4d5738 <file_open_image+1256> and ends at 0x4d5747 <file_open_image+1271>.
## Debugging icons ##
See file `devel-docs/icons.txt` to learn more about our icons, and in
particular the environment variable GIMP_ICONS_LIKE_A_BOSS.
## Debugging plug-ins ##
See file `devel-docs/debug-plug-ins.txt` for usage of environment
The CLI option --stack-trace-mode also applies to plug-ins, in order to
output a back trace on terminal.
## Performance logs ##
See file `devel-docs/performance-logs/` for information
about GIMP performance logs, which can help during optimization.