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Development releases

The MS Store/Partner Center hosts our development point releases:

Base rule to update the "GIMP (Preview)" entry:

  • Regularly, a .msixupload will be generated at each tagged commit. It also can be with a custom pipeline valuating GIMP_CI_MS_STORE to MSIXUPLOAD_${REVISION}

Maintaining the MSIX

  1. The link above will open 'Partner Center', the frontend to submit .msixupload

  2. With your Microsoft Entra ID account (@*, log-in as costumary

  3. Clicking on the "Start update" button will make possible to change some things. Only 'Packages' and 'Store listings' sections are needed. On 'Packages' you will add the generated .msixupload and on 'Store listings' the brief changelog.

Versioning the MSIX