mirror of https://github.com/GNOME/gimp.git
285 lines
8.2 KiB
285 lines
8.2 KiB
require 5.004_04;
use Config;
@examples =
qw(windy.pl prep4gif.pl webify.pl PDB alpha2color.pl tex-to-float ditherize.pl
border.pl view3d.pl feedback.pl xachlego.pl xachshadow.pl parasite-editor
scratches.pl blowinout.pl terral_text xachvision.pl gimpmagick perlcc
sethspin.pl animate_cells image_tile yinyang stamps font_table
perlotine randomblends innerbevel fit-text guidegrid roundrectsel
repdup centerguide stampify goldenmean triangle billboard mirrorsplit
oneliners randomart1 pixelmap glowing_steel frame_reshuffle frame_filter
@shebang = (map("examples/$_",@examples),
qw(Perl-Server examples/example-net.pl examples/homepage-logo.pl
examples/example-fu.pl examples/example-oo.pl
if ($ARGV[0] ne "--writemakefile") {
for(@ARGV) {
do './config.pl';
exit system("./etc/configure",@ARGV)>>8;
} else {
local $do_config_msg = 1;
do './config.pl'; die $@ if $@;
require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
import ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
@INC = grep /^\//,@INC;
eval { $Gimp::no_SIG=1; require Gimp };
unless($@) {
eval { require Gimp::Config };
$old_prefix = eval { $Gimp::Config{GIMP_PREFIX} };
$old_prefix = eval { Gimp::_gimp_prefix() } unless $old_prefix;
if ($@) {
print <<EOF;
WARNING: I've detected an old version of Gimp-Perl installed
already. Since I cannot detect the prefix used to install
it I will just overwrite it. If you happen to use two
different and incompatible versions of the Gimp with differing
prefixes you should call configure with the --disable-perl
switch to disable the perl extension, or consider installing
the perl module elsewhere, using the environment variables
PERL5LIB=/my/module/dir and PERL_MM_OPTS="PREFIX=\$PERL5LIB" to
overwrite the installation directory (PERL_MM_OPTS) and run the
Gimp (PERL5LIB). See "perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker" for a full
discussion of your options.
} else {
if ($GIMP_PREFIX ne $old_prefix) {
print <<EOF;
WARNING: I've detected another installation of the Gimp-Perl extension.
This version uses the prefix '$GIMP_PREFIX'.
The already installed version uses the prefix '$old_prefix'.
They don't match, which indicates that installing Gimp-Perl might
overwrite an old but still used installation. The Gimp-Perl
installation _might_ therefore be broken.
eval "use Gtk;"; $GTK = $@ eq "";
eval "use Parse::RecDescent;"; $PRD = $@ eq "";
$] >= 5.005 or print <<EOF;
NOTICE: You are using a version of perl older than 5.005. This will reduce
the features available to the Gimp-Perl extension.
$GTK or print <<EOF;
NOTICE: unable to use the Perl-Gtk interface. Many features (like
Gimp::Fu) rely on this extension. You can build without it (and
many scripts will be disabled or run with reduced functionality
only), but it's better to install it (version 0.5120 or higher is
required, you can get it from ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gtk/perl/ or
any CPAN mirror.
$PRD or print <<EOF;
WARNING: Parse::RecDescent not found, scm2perl, the Scheme->Perl
translator, will not work. Should the need arise you can install
Parse::RecDescent later; it is available from any CPAN mirror.
($major,$minor,$patch)=split /[._]/,$Gtk::VERSION;
sub MY::install {
package MY;
my $install = shift->SUPER::install(@_);
($install =~ s/^install\b/really-install/m) or return $install;
install ::
@for dir in \
do \
$(MKPATH) "$$dir"; \
if test -d "$$dir" && test -w "$$dir" ; then : ; else \
echo ; \
echo "ERROR: installation directory \"$$dir\"" ; \
echo " is not writable, not installing gimp-perl" ; \
echo ; \
exit ; \
fi \
done ; \
$(MAKE) UNINST=1 really-install install-plugins'."
$main::dont_embed || (cd embed && \$(MAKE) install)
sub MY::postamble {
my $GT = $IN_GIMP ? '$(INSTALL_PROGRAM)' : "$GIMPTOOL --install-admin-bin";
my $GT2 = $IN_GIMP ? '$(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/' : '';
my $postamble="
objclean :: clean
maintainer-clean :: realclean
distclean :: realclean
check :: test
MY_FIXIN = \$(PERL) -I\$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I\$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e 'MY->fixin(\@ARGV)'
all ::
$main::dont_embed || (cd embed && \$(MAKE) all)
clean ::
$main::dont_embed || (cd embed && \$(MAKE) clean)
test -f Makefile || mv -f Makefile.old Makefile
\$(RM_RF) inst-temp
install-plugins ::
\$(RM_RF) inst-temp
\$(MKPATH) inst-temp
cd inst-temp ; \\
\$(UMASK_NULL) ; \\
\$(CP) ".join(' ',map("'../examples/$_'",@examples))." ../Perl-Server . ; \\
\$(CHMOD) 755 * ; \\
\$(MY_FIXIN) * ; \\
for plugin in * ; do \\
$GT \"\$\$plugin\" $GT2 ; \\
\$(RM_RF) inst-temp
@DIRS= qw/Gimp Net/;
$build_module = $IN_GIMP || $ENV{GIMP_PERL_MODULE_INC};
# temporarily disabled because of politics
$build_module = $ENV{GIMP_PERL_MODULE_INC};
print "building embedded perl module... ";
if ($build_module) {
print "yes\n";
$dont_embed = "false";
print "configuring in embed/Makefile...\n";
system("cd embed && perl Makefile.PL");
} else {
print "no\n";
$dont_embed = "true";
print "writing Gimp/Config.pm... ";
sub conf_eval {
my $v = expand($cfg{$_[0]});
$v =~ s/([\\\]])/\\$1/g;
local $/,*FH;
open FH,"<Gimp/Config.pm.in" or die "Gimp/Config.pm.in: $!\n";
my $cfg = <FH>;
$cfg =~ s/#CFG#/join "",
map sprintf(" %-20s => q[%s],\n",$_,conf_eval $_),
keys %cfg/e;
open FH,">Gimp/Config.pm" or die "Gimp/Config.pm: $!\n";
print(FH $cfg)>0 or die "Gimp/Config.pm: $!\n";
print "ok\n";
'dist' => {
PREOP => 'chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX . ;',
COMPRESS => 'gzip -9v',
SUFFIX => '.gz',
'PREREQ_PM' => {
Gtk => 0.5,
PDL => 1.99,
Data::Dumper => 2.0,
Parse::RecDescent => 1.6,
'DIR' => [@DIRS],
'NAME' => 'Gimp',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'Gimp.pm',
'PM' => {
'Gimp.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp.pm',
'Gimp/Data.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Data.pm',
'Gimp/Fu.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Fu.pm',
'Gimp/Lib.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Lib.pm',
'Gimp/UI.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/UI.pm',
'Gimp/Net.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Net.pm',
'Gimp/PDL.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/PDL.pm',
'Gimp/Util.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Util.pm',
'Gimp/Feature.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Feature.pm',
'Gimp/Module.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Module.pm',
'Gimp/Config.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gimp/Config.pm',
'LIBS' => [''],
'EXE_FILES' => ['scm2perl','scm2scm','gimpdoc'],
'macro' => \%cfg,
'realclean' => { FILES => "config.status config.cache config.pl config.log config.h Gimp/Config.pm" },
'clean' => { FILES => "Makefile.old stamp-h" },
$IN_GIMP or print <<EOF;
Hopefully, Gimp is now correctly configured. you can now enter "make",
"make test" and "make install".
# write an empty makefile (the last chance to stop)
# and warn the user.
sub not_halt {
print STDERR "WARNING: *** perl extension will not be built ($_[0]) ***\n\n";
open MAKEFILE,">Makefile" or die "unable to create Makefile: $!";
all install check:
clean mostlyclean objclean:
distclean maintainer-clean realclean clobber: clean
\$(RM_F) Makefile config.cache config.pl config.log
\$(RM_F) config.h config.status stamp-h Makefile.old Gimp/Config.pm
\$(RM_RF) test-dir inst-temp