#if 0 [Code] #endif function Quote(const S: String): String; begin Result := '"' + S + '"'; end; function AddParam(const S, P, V: String): String; begin if V <> '""' then Result := S + ' /' + P + '=' + V; end; function AddSimpleParam(const S, P: String): String; begin Result := S + ' /' + P; end; const RunOnceName = 'Resume GIMP {#GIMP_VERSION} install'; procedure CreateRunOnceEntry; var RunOnceData, SetupRestartData: String; i: Integer; begin DebugMsg('CreateRunOnceEntry','Preparing for restart'); //RunOnce command-line is limited to 256 characters, so keep it to the bare minimum required to start setup RunOnceData := Quote(ExpandConstant('{srcexe}')) + ' /resumeinstall=1'; RunOnceData := AddParam(RunOnceData, 'LANG', ExpandConstant('{language}')); SetupRestartData := Quote(ExpandConstant('{srcexe}')) + ' /resumeinstall=2'; SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'LANG', ExpandConstant('{language}')); SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'DIR', Quote(WizardDirValue)); //SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'GROUP', Quote(WizardGroupValue)); //if WizardNoIcons then // SetupRestartData := AddSimpleParam(SetupRestartData, 'NOICONS'); SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'TYPE', Quote(WizardSetupType(False))); SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'COMPONENTS', Quote(WizardSelectedComponents(False))); SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'TASKS', Quote(WizardSelectedTasks(False))); if Force32bitInstall then SetupRestartData := AddSimpleParam(SetupRestartData, '32'); if ExpandConstant('{param:log|*}') <> '*' then begin SetupRestartData := AddParam(SetupRestartData, 'LOG', Quote(ExpandConstant('{param:log|*}'))); end else begin for i := 0 to ParamCount() do if LowerCase(ParamStr(i)) = '/log' then begin RunOnceData := AddSimpleParam(RunOnceData,'LOG'); //multiple logs are created in %TEMP% when no filename is given SetupRestartData := AddSimpleParam(SetupRestartData,'LOG'); break; end; end; DebugMsg('CreateRunOnceEntry','RunOnce: ' + RunOnceData); RegWriteStringValue(HKLM, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce', RunOnceName, RunOnceData); DebugMsg('CreateRunOnceEntry','RunOnce: ' + SetupRestartData); RegWriteStringValue(HKLM, 'Software\' + RunOnceName, '', SetupRestartData); end; procedure RestartMyself(); var CmdLine: String; ResultCode: Integer; begin DebugMsg('RestartMyself','Continuing install after reboot (reexecuting setup)'); if RegValueExists(HKLM, 'Software\' + RunOnceName, '') then begin if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'Software\' + RunOnceName, '', CmdLine) then begin RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKLM, 'Software\' + RunOnceName); //clean up if not Exec('>',CmdLine,'',SW_SHOW,ewNoWait,ResultCode) then //bonus: don't block shell from loading, since RunOnce installer exits immediately MsgBox(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('ErrorRestartingSetup'),[IntToStr(ResultCode)]), mbError, mb_Ok); DebugMsg('RestartMyself','Result of running ' + CmdLine + ': ' + IntToStr(ResultCode)); end else begin MsgBox(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('ErrorRestartingSetup'),['-2']), mbError, mb_Ok); DebugMsg('RestartMyself','Error reading HKLM\'+RunOnceName); end; end else begin MsgBox(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('ErrorRestartingSetup'),['-1']), mbError, mb_Ok); DebugMsg('RestartMyself','HKLM\'+RunOnceName + ' not found in Registy'); end; end; function RestartSetupAfterReboot(): Boolean; begin if ExpandConstant('{param:resumeinstall|0}') = '1' then //called from RunOnce begin Result := False; //setup will just re-execute itself in this run RestartMyself(); DebugMsg('RestartSetupAfterReboot','Phase 1 complete, exiting'); exit; end else if ExpandConstant('{param:resumeinstall|0}') = '2' then //setup re-executed itself begin Result := True; InstallMode := imRebootContinue; DebugMsg('RestartSetupAfterReboot','Continuing install after reboot'); end else begin Result := True; //normal install end; if InstallMode <> imRebootContinue then if RegValueExists(HKLM, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce', RunOnceName) then begin DebugMsg('RestartSetupAfterReboot','System must be restarted first'); MsgBox(CustomMessage('RebootRequiredFirst'), mbError, mb_Ok); Result := False; end; end;