This object's goal will be to manage customized modifiers per input
device button, which is why I add it to GimpDisplayConfig. It is in its
own new config file (`modifiersrc` in config dir) because it requires
GDK types access (well I could have done without, but it would have been
less semantic, hence not as good of an API). Anyway it is only useful
when running GIMP as GUI.
The GUI widget and the usage code to make this actually useful will come
in upcoming commits.
When no accelerator was set yet, display relevant information, and when
the button is toggled (waiting for shortcut input), display also
relevant info.
A widget to grab a shortcut provided interactively. It can also grab
modifier-only shortcuts so we will be able to use it for the new
on-canvas interaction customizability.
Maybe we'll use this later for the shortcuts dialog which should really
be improved some day and has a lot of known issues. We'll see.
Moving the "Space Bar", the "Snapping" and the new "Zoom" (MR !570)
settings there. The idea is that it will also be where we'll customize
more on-canvas related abilities, such as the new zooming behavior
preferences, but also possibility to customizing or disabling the
various canvas action, and finally customizing the new contextual
settings such as brush sizing or other.
… new action_pixel_size of GimpMyBrushTool.
MyPaint brush tool clearly shows the limits of my trick to have some
enum actions work with absolute values whereas others work with
per-mille values between the property min and max.
Indeed firstly MyBrush's "radius" value is logarithmic and can be
negative. Since the enum trick relies on the fact that negative values
are the semantic enumerated constants, it's broken in such case. The
second issue is that while it was acceptable to use int size for most
paint tools (even though they were double), here radius only goes from
-2.0 to 6.0; so using int values only would leave us with jumping brush
So now I create a proper double action which simply takes pixel size and
use this from the on-canvas brush size changing. No weird trick, no int
or sign limitations.
I also add a new optional action_pixel_size in GimpToolControl.
Note: I'm also updating a bit the logic for the MyPaint brush outline
function gimp_mybrush_tool_get_outline(). Indeed after skimming a bit
through mypaint-brush.c code in libmypaint, I am not sure at all we need
to use the offset_by_random like this. And really this shown outline
seems more indicative than anything else when I see the actual size
printed by the various brushes. Finally here it was counter-productive
as I needed to get easily the logarithmic radius from the pointer
interaction on canvas.
These actions can be activated with a double value. These will be useful
to create new types of size action, which are based on accurate pixel
values instead of an enum hacked to set per-mille values between a
Note that the other paint tool which is not as common as others is the
MyPaint brush tool. At first I thought the circle outline didn't work.
It does actually work, but the radius concept is simply very weird in
this tool so we have to move a lot. To be investigated.
Until now, it was only stopiing when releasing right click, but it's
actually more accurate when releasing the Alt key first as the button is
on the mouse/stylus (so releasing it can provoke small hand moves,
especially visible with stylus, I think). Now it stops whatever is
released first.
I started from mitch's patch (though code changed so it was not working,
yet I ended up with quite a different direction).
Modified from original proposition in #498:
* Do not mix opacity and brush size in a same action, one on horizontal
movement, the other on vertical. The problem is that it's hard to stay
perfectly horizontal or vertical, so you nearly necessarily change one
while changing the other and this would be frustrating.
* Do not just use modifiers, but modifiers + right click. The logics is
that left (or whatever is the first button) click is for the tool
actions. The middle click for navigation (panning, rotation, and even
layer navigation now). Right click for now is only for menu. With this
change, let's use right click for various settings-related changes
too. Also we already have people complaining with things like canvas
rotation happening unexpectedly even though it requires button clicks.
Imagine an action just made of modifiers! Many people would hit these
by mistake all the time!
* Focus on brush size only for now. Instead of just calling the action
repetitively with the "SElECT_NEXT" action as proposed in the original
patch by mitch, let's compute the actual size between the press and
release. This would allow to have a real visual hint and also would
make it a lot more useful and meaningful to be an on-canvas change.
Say you want to reproduce a stroke size on canvas. You can click the
center and expand to retrieve approximately the size without computing
it in pixels.
Limitations and future work:
* This is a first draft and I still want to test if it works well with
the "lock brush to view" and with scale factor > 1.
* I want to associate this with work done for #7034 so that visual hint
still appear even when we have no visual hint set.
* I am not so fond of with the way we use enum actions which doesn't
really make satisfying logics (I hacked a bit over it, but it's
getting ugly). I'm considering creating int/double actions to really
set some values with exact numbers through actions.
* Right now we need to stop the right click first. I want to be able to
stop the brush sizing with releasing Alt too.
* It would be nice to make this all more customizable, which is why I
called internal variable "mod1_setting". The goal will be to have
other types of actions possibly. Also it could be deactivatable for
people really not liking these or hitting these by mistake (while not
needing these). Same for the navigation shorcuts.
* Similarly the right-click menu could be deactivatable or switched to
other actions conditionally (through Preferences). It is doubtful how
useful it is (compared to using the same menus on top of the GUI)
though I don't want to just delete the option because some people
would clearly be used to it.
* I think we should start breaking down the whole tool events code a bit
more, in particular the function gimp_display_shell_canvas_tool_events().
* For more settings, a small on-canvas GUI could be of interest where
you could customize various values through sliders and buttons, and
also where you could put your favorite brushes or dynamics or whatnot.
It's not replacing the more complete dockable but could be a nice
quick version for fast editing.
Uses the simulation rendering intent from GimpImage instead of
from GimpColorConfig. This affects the SamplePoint and Pointer dialogues
as well as the Color Info Window.
Adds a dropdown for Simulation Profile, Intent, and BPC
to the Create a New Image dialog.
This allows users to assign a soft-proofing profile when the image is
first created. It defaults to "None", however. Users can also set the
default simulation rendering intent and BPC status per image.
These options are also removed from the Preferences dialog.
Adds a simulation_bpc and simulation_intent to GimpImage to allow
plug-ins to access it
for CMYK import/export.
Four pdb functions were added to enable this access:
image_get_simulation_bpc (), image_set_simulation_bpc (),
image_get_simulation_intent (), and image_set_simulation_intent ().
Next, it updates menu options and code to support GimpImage's
internal simulation intent and bpc.
New 'simulation-intent-changed' and 'simulation-bpc-changed signal
are emitted via
GimpColorManagedInterface so that relevant tools
(such as the
CYMK color picker, GimpColorFrame, and future pop-overs)
are aware of these changes.
When zooming using scroll events it is possible to zoom out of gradient
bounds because the check for out of bounds zoom happens with the zoom
value before the delta is applied. The correct way is to limit the zoom
value after the delta is applied.
Zoom focus centers the point that we're zooming into at the location of
the mouse pointer.
Default zoom focus value is 0.5 which results in previous behavior.
Smooth scrolling requires that we keep the scroll (or zoom, as is in
this case) state as a floating-point number. The scroll deltas are often
less than one, thus storing scroll state as an integer will effectively
ignore most of the scroll events.
Adds a soft-proof toggle button to GimpStatusBar. It's only active when
a simulation profile is set on the current image. It stays in sync with
the View menu soft-proofing option as well.
Generated *enums.c now have an additional stamp no-op header include
(see last 2 commits). Sync this change into the autotools generation
scripts to prevent back and forth useless generation of these files each
time we switch from one build system to another.
They are nearly the same as initially, except that now they include an
intermediate stamp header which will be generated by the build system.
The only 2 enums which don't need these includes (and are not versioned)
are libgimp/gimpenums.c and libgimpthumb/gimpthumb-enums.c.
Our meson build system was not properly building the enums.c file,
because they are versionned.
I did a similar trick as what I did for the pdbgen, which is that I used
a wrapper script around the existing perl script, which sets proper
options and generate a stamp file in the end (which is considered by
meson as the actual custom target, not the C file since it is generated
in the source dir).
The most important part is that the stamp file is a generated header
source (not just a random text file) which is **included** by the
generated C file. This is what will force meson to regenerate the C file
if the header is updated, **then** build using this new version, not use
an outdated versionned version (which would make for hard to diagnose
bugs), through the indirection of the intermediate stamp header.
See #4201.
See also:
Adds a parasite to .xcf that stores the soft-proofing profile.
Existing color profile saving/loading functions now take in a
parasite name parameter so they can be used for either profile.
Some of our calls to run_command() would have failed with future
versions of meson if we didn't set the "check" parameter. In particular,
in various calls, we don't want to fail the whole build configuration
when the command does (as it's an optional feature check). In such a
case, it is important to be explicit as future will default to fail
> WARNING: You should add the boolean check kwarg to the run_command call.
> It currently defaults to false,
> but it will default to true in future releases of meson.
> See also:
Similar to the previous commit, use the new
gimp_tools_show_tool_options() before blinking various tool options
widgets since these are good hints for wrongly set options and it's nice
to be able to point at these.
Create a new utils function gimp_tools_show_tool_options() because
showing the tool options is likely a common action. And use this when we
want to blink the selection mode box, for this particular case.
Note that I could not reproduce the CRITICAL here (i.e. even if the
dockable was not showing, it seems the widget did already exist anyway).
Anyway it's a nice idea to raise the tool options as the goal is to
explicitly show how to fix the issue here. And it should fix the bug for
people encountering it.
These changes make it possible to build against homebrew for mac
libraries. Homebrew stores it's libraries in seperate folders and so
blanket includes were not working.
PYTHONPATH is not needed and interferes with homebrew build.
langinfo.h is not on all systems apparently and/or the locale item we
test for may not be available everywhere. Actually even on Linux, after
testing more deeply, I could create cases where nl_langinfo() would not
return a result (if the locale is broken through environment variable
for instance). setlocale() seems to always return usable value so far,
so I fallback on it. As a last resort, I look at environment variables
(even though these may contain invalid contents.
As for Windows and macOS, I try to use more platform-specific methods.
In macOS in particular, as I understood from reports, GIMP follows
correctly the language preference order, which means we should not look
at a single (top) lang, but at the whole list of prefered languages as a
single settings to determine whether the language was changed or not.
Should fix on Windows:
> fatal error: langinfo.h: No such file or directory
and on macOS:
> error: use of undeclared identifier '_NL_IDENTIFICATION_LANGUAGE'
This reverts commit 82f9ae1ab7.
This is not needed anymore. Cf. previous commit which implements the
force-requery differently and much more widely based on actual language
being stored and compared between runs.
Since localization is fully handled plug-in side now (see #8124), we
need to make sure the query functions are run again for all plug-ins
when the UI language changes (otherwise we might end up with
localizations from the previously used languages).
We were already reloading plug-ins when explicitly changing the lang in
the Preferences, but this new implementation is much better as it's
generic. In particular, it will also handle the case when the system
language changes (or when you play with locale environment variables).