We get a lot of packaging bugs for third-party builds in our tracker,
especially since our debug tool now opens directly our bug tracker.
It would be preferred if third-party packagers were to make a first
filtering of bugs and only reported once they knew for sure that the bug
is in core code, and not in packaging.
Our configure script will now propose a --with-bug-report-url option
allowing to set a different web address. This address will be the one
opening in the debug dialog.
Slight back step from commit 34fe992f44. I don't keep track anymore of
the number of errors inside GimpCriticalDialog. The problem is that GTK+
calls must happen in the main thread, and errors in another thread will
be delayed into the main thread through gdk_threads_add_idle_full().
This makes any backtrace generated as a consequence of a threaded error
useless (in particular any error happening in GEGL since we always
process these as multi-threaded, whether they are or not).
Instead I now keep track of the number of errors in gui-message.c, which
still allows to reset the counters when the unique debug dialog is
closed. Therefore I can now generate backtraces conditionally to the
error counters inside the problematic thread (and right when the error
happened), without any GTK+ call.
This finally makes GEGL backtraces useful in the debug dialog! :-)
We don't want an infinite number of traces because it takes some time to
get. Until now I was keeping track of traces in app/errors.c, but that
was very sucky because then I was limiting traces per session. Instead
save them as a variable of a GimpCriticalDialog instance. Therefore only
generate the traces for WARNING/CRITICAL at the last second, when
calling the dialog.
When too many traces are displayed, just fallback to just add error
messages only. But then even errors without traces can be time-consuming
(if you have dozens of thousands of errors in a few seconds, as I had
the other day, updating the dialog for all of them would just freeze the
whole application for a long time).
So also keep track of errors as well and as last fallback, just send the
remaining errors to the stderr.
I actually think the buttons were translatable, but the strings were
simply not auto-extracted with previous code (which is nearly the same
in the end). Should be better now.
Since commit 9fdf35550b, I removed the GIMP_APP_GLUE_COMPILATION check
because we need to have the whole versioning info from the new debug
widget. It just makes sense to go further and just make this a proper
internal API to get version information.
This is obviously not possible anymore to do this manually so this step
is bogus in a crash case. We keep this step for other (non-fatal)
errors. We may add an automatic "attempt" to save in a backup file
later, which may not work depending on how bad the crash is (which is
why it will be done in a backup file, we don't want to corrupt saved
It was previously untested, hence as expected needed fixes. First I add
our own exception handler using Win32 API SetUnhandledExceptionFilter().
Second, I reorder things so that ExcHndlInit() is run after this setter,
since they will be executed as a FILO and we need backtraces to be
generated before our separate GUI runs. Last I run the backtrace GUI as
async. No need to keep the main GIMP waiting since the traces have
already been generated into a separate file.
Also replace gtk_show_uri() by the implementation taken straight from
our web-browser plug-in, since apparently gtk_show_uri() doesn't work in
Windows (and probably not macOS either since I see we have a separate
implementation for this platform as well). I would like to be able to
use the PDB but can't because this code needs to be usable both within
the main process and into a separate tool process. Ideally, this should
just be a utils function which could be included without a problem.
* Type pid_t is not cross-platform. Just use int instead, and convert it
to respective type on each platform.
* Get rid of several useless include which should have been removed a
few commits ago, when I reimplemented the backtrace function.
* Better handle the various macros in gimp_eek() (between G_OS_WIN32,
HAVE_EXCHNDL and GIMP_CONSOLE_COMPILATION, but also no_interface and
generate_backtrace options, that was a bit messy).
* Make gimpdebug now always built, whatever the platform.
This was a bit harder since even though we handle fatal signals,
allowing us to do any last action before GIMP crashes, it seems more
memory allocation is not allowed at this time. So creating a dialog or
simply getting the return output of gdb into the main process is not
allowed. What I do instead is running a separate program (gimpdebug)
which will take care of creating the new dialog and running a debugger.
I still use GimpCriticalDialog code from this separate binary, while I
continue to use this widget also within GIMP for non-fatal errors. The
reason why we still want to use it within GIMP is that we can bundle
several non-fatal errors and backtrace this way (fatal errors don't
return anyway) and it's easier to do so when created from the main
GIMP will now try to get a backtrace (on Unix machines only for now,
using g_on_error_stack_trace(); for Windows, we will likely have to look
into DrMinGW).
This is now applied to CRITICAL errors only, which usually means major
bugs but are currently mostly hidden unless you run GIMP in terminal. We
limit to 3 backtraces, because many CRITICAL typically get into domino
effect and cause more CRITICALs (for instance when a g_return*_if_fail()
returns too early).