Fix this and other issues more globally by moving the logic that
formats the image's display name into the GimpImage object, and return
the properly formatted name, e.g. "Foo.xcf", or "[Foo] (imported)"
from gimp_image_get_display_name().
Also add gimp_image_get_display_path() which returns the full path
instead. Use the two functions for formatting the image title, and
apply various other fixes that make sure the UI always uses the same
string to identify the image.
Call gimp_object_name_changed() whenever the save/export status
changes, so the image's cached display name and path get cleared.
In fact, it broke much more than that because the way XCF loading
replaced the image's mask prevented the image's "mask-changed" signal
from ever being emitted. Add private API gimp_image_take_mask() which
properly sets the mask and use it for image construction and the XCF
selection loading hack.
and use it instead of gimp_babl_format() in some places where indexed
formats can occur. Also fix some places using gimp_babl_format() to
special case indexed formats correctly.
Add GimpOperationMaskComponents, enum GimpComponentMask, and image and
drawable infrastructure to get the right mask, and plug the mask
operation into gimp_gegl_create_apply_buffer_node().
GIMP was doing evil hacks lying to GEGL about it's pixels being in a linear
color space when they are not. This causes incorrect rendering, makes gaussian
blur misbehave etc.
The legacy projection modes should be implemented using the same 2.2 gamma
formats that are correct to specify for sRGB data. (for proper color
management in higher bitdepths; icc backend babl formats should be used.)
For the old image modes correct babl formats are:
R'G'B'A u8 - 8 bit RGB with 2.2 gamma (sRGB) with linear alpha component
R'G'B' u8 - 8 bit RGB with 2.2 gamma (sRGB)
Y'A u8 - 8 bit Grayscale with 2.2 gamma with linear alpha component
Y' u8 - 8 bit Grayscale with 2.2 gamma
Y u8 - 8 bit linear data, used for masks/channels
A u8 - 8 bit linear alpha
RGBA float - 32bit floating point linear light RGB
RaGaBaA float - 32bit floating point linear light RGB, premultiplied alpha
to be used for processing that needs to scale by the alpha,
(blurs, resampling etc)
R'G'B'A float - 32bit floating point sRGB with gamma, to be used where
the result depends on being closer to perceptual when
processing, can be used a cheaper alternative to CIE Lab
based modes.
The legacy layer modes should use the formats with gamma 2.2 only for loading
and rendering legacy XCF files correctly, in the brave new world compositing
should most likely be done in linear light with "RGBA float" and even better
"RaGaBaA float" like GEGL does for porter duff and other compositing modes.
The ability to chose the legacy layer modes should probably be hidden from the
user unless an old .xcf has been opened.