Our meson build system was not properly building the enums.c file,
because they are versionned.
I did a similar trick as what I did for the pdbgen, which is that I used
a wrapper script around the existing perl script, which sets proper
options and generate a stamp file in the end (which is considered by
meson as the actual custom target, not the C file since it is generated
in the source dir).
The most important part is that the stamp file is a generated header
source (not just a random text file) which is **included** by the
generated C file. This is what will force meson to regenerate the C file
if the header is updated, **then** build using this new version, not use
an outdated versionned version (which would make for hard to diagnose
bugs), through the indirection of the intermediate stamp header.
See #4201.
See also: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/10196#issuecomment-1080742592
Plug-in localization was always partially plug-in side, especially for
things like custom GUI. But labels or blurb in GIMP (such as in menus or
action search) were localizing GIMP side.
It had many drawbacks:
- To get menu localization, a plug-in had to set up gettext, even though
they might want to use something else for their GUI (after all, giving
facilities for gettext is a good idea, but there is no reason to force
using this system).
- There was a complex internal system passing the localization domain
name, as well as the catalog file system path to core, then through
various classes which we can now get rid of.
- There could be domain name clashes, if 2 plug-ins were to use the same
i18n domain name. This was handled in now removed functions
gimp_plug_in_manager_get_locale_domains() by simply keeping a unique
one (and gimp_plug_in_manager_bind_text_domains() would just bind the
domain to the kept directory). In other words, one of the duplicate
plug-ins would use the wrong catalog. We could try to make the whole
thing more complicated or try to forbid plug-ins to use any random
name (in particular made easier with the new extension wrapper). But
anyway this whole issue doesn't happen anymore if localization is
fully made plug-in side, so why bother?
I tried to evaluate the advantages of the core-side localization of
plug-in labels/blurbs and could only find one theoretical: if we wanted
to keep access to the original English text. This could be useful
(theoretically) if we wanted to search (e.g. in the action search) in
both localized and English text; or if we wanted to be able to swap
easily en/l10n text in a UI without reload. But even if we were to ever
do this, it would only be possible for plug-ins (GEGL operations in
particular are localized GEGL-side), so it lacks consistency. And it's
unsure why special-casing English should really make sense for other
language natives who want text in their lang, and search in their lang.
They don't necessarily care about original.
So in the end, I decided to simplify the whole thing, make localization
of plug-ins a plug-in side thing. Core will only receive translated text
and that's it. It cuts a lot of code out of the core, simplify runtime
processing and make plug-in creation simpler to understand.
The only think I still want to look at is how exactly menu paths are
translated right now. Note that it still works, but it's possible that
some things may be worth improving/simplifying on this side too.
More of the files were wrong, or at least not absolutely identical to
the files generated by the autotools. I am not doing any code change
other than trying to make both build systems produce identical files
(except for slight differences on 2 files not worth the effort) even
though maybe some things can be improved (especially on the include
list). Maybe to be improved later.
Also fixing 2 of the previously autotools-generated files because of
space typos which should have been committed earlier.
Finally it is to be noted that there is no logics to copy the generated
files back to the source directory in the meson rules. I am not sure
anyway this is really worth it and maybe we should just stop tracking
these generated files eventually.