Currently, patterns are loaded as-is - if the full pattern is larger
than the preview, its cut off and you only see the left corner.
In those cases, the pattern is scaled using gegl_buffer_get ()'s scale
and Plug-in/Procedure Browser size.
gtk_widget_set_size_request () is applied to the dialog, as it does not
seem to bubble up from being applied to individual elements.
The existing 2.10 width/height values are used.
getting rid of using the the deprecated pointer grab API.
Since there is something fishy and gtk_get_event_widget(event) always
returns the GtkInvisible we grab on (not the actual event widget), we
just steal the "find widget at pointer" code from gtkinspector and
find the help widget that way.
The height of the boxes was never determined by the preview but by the
label+entry, causing vertical padding around the preview. Now the
preview fills the area in more cases, at the cost of a few less
horizontal pixels for the entry.
gimp_toggle_action_real_toggle(): set "active" before emitting
"change-state" so we don't infinitely try to set the state in case of
a recursion.
gimp_toggle_action_toggle(): add notify("active") because it wasn't
done anywhere.
GLib has a specific type for byte arrays: `GBytes` (and it's underlying
By using this type, we can avoid having a `GimpUint8Array` which is a
bit cumbersome to use for both the C API, as well as bindings. By using
`GBytes`, we allow other languages to pass on byte arrays as they are
used to, while the bindings will make sure to do the right thing.
In the end, it makes the API a little bit simpler for everyone, and
reduces confusion for people who are used to working with byte arrays
in other C/GLib based code (and not having 2 different types to denote
the same thing).
Our metadata library exiv2 only registers the most commonly used xmp
namespaces. Other namespaces need to be explicitly registered. We did not
read or try to store these namespaces, which caused a lot of warnings about
"No namespace info available for XMP prefix '...' and then we could not
process that metadata or save/export those tags.
We had to wait for gexiv2 support for registering/reading namespaces, but
that was added in gexiv2 version 0.12.2 (and the "try" version in 0.14.0).
When reading xmp metadata we process all namespaces and add them to our
metadata xml when we haven't seen them before in the same image.
A GHashTable is used to keep track of the prefixes we have seen before.
The new namespace xml tag is skipped in older GIMP versions, but will be
used now to add the namespaces when exporting images with xmp metadata.
TIFFs with PSD layers can be saved in either Macintosh or IBM PC format.
IBM PC section labels are reversed and the integers are Little Endian.
We now check for 'MIB8' sections and reverse the necessary values so
that the PSD plug-in functions can handle them.
In !769, I accidentally removed the ability to paste into an empty
workspace with Ctrl+V since I added a "does image exist?" check before
the `edit_paste_as_new_image_cmd_callback ()` call.
This patch resolves the issue by moving the check after the
"paste as image" function call.