Added two new scripts.

This commit is contained in:
Sven Neumann 1998-05-11 21:58:00 +00:00
parent bea57c14aa
commit c943c163e7
4 changed files with 246 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Mon May 11 23:28:20 MEST 1998 Sven Neumanns <>
* added two new scripts from Hrvoje Horvat
(glossy.scm, 3d-outline.scm)
Mon May 11 21:40:25 MEST 1998 Sven Neumann <>
* updated print plug-in

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
; 3d-outlined-patterned-shadowed-and-bump-mapped-logo :)
; creates outlined border of a text with patterns
; The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
; 3d-outline creates outlined border of a text with patterns
; Copyright (C) 1998 Hrvoje Horvat
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
(define (script-fu-3d-outline-logo text-pattern text size font outline-blur-radius shadow-blur-radius bump-map-blur-radius noninteractive s-offset-x s-offset-y)
(let* ((img (car (gimp-image-new 256 256 RGB)))
(text-layer (car (gimp-text img -1 0 0 text 30 TRUE size PIXELS "*" font "*" "*" "*" "*")))
(width (car (gimp-drawable-width text-layer)))
(height (car (gimp-drawable-height text-layer)))
(bg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new img width height RGB_IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))
(pattern (car (gimp-layer-new img width height RGBA_IMAGE "Pattern" 100 NORMAL)))
(old-fg (car (gimp-palette-get-foreground)))
(old-bg (car (gimp-palette-get-background))))
(gimp-image-disable-undo img)
(gimp-image-resize img width height 0 0)
(gimp-image-add-layer img pattern 1)
(gimp-image-add-layer img bg-layer 2)
(gimp-edit-fill img bg-layer)
(gimp-edit-clear img pattern)
(gimp-layer-set-preserve-trans text-layer FALSE)
(plug-in-gauss-iir 1 img text-layer outline-blur-radius TRUE TRUE)
(gimp-layer-set-visible pattern FALSE)
(set! layer2 (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers img 1)))
(plug-in-edge 1 img layer2 2 1)
(set! layer3 (car (gimp-layer-copy layer2 TRUE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer3 2)
(plug-in-gauss-iir 1 img layer2 bump-map-blur-radius TRUE TRUE)
(gimp-selection-all img)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern text-pattern)
(gimp-bucket-fill img pattern PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
(plug-in-bump-map noninteractive img pattern layer2 110.0 45.0 4 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 0)
(set! pattern-mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask pattern ALPHA-MASK)))
(gimp-image-add-layer-mask img pattern pattern-mask)
(gimp-selection-all img)
(gimp-edit-copy img layer3)
(set! floating_sel (car (gimp-edit-paste img pattern-mask 0)))
(gimp-floating-sel-anchor floating_sel)
(gimp-image-remove-layer-mask img pattern APPLY)
(gimp-invert img layer3)
(plug-in-gauss-iir 1 img layer3 shadow-blur-radius TRUE TRUE)
(gimp-channel-ops-offset img layer3 0 1 s-offset-x s-offset-y)
(gimp-layer-set-visible layer2 FALSE)
(gimp-layer-set-visible pattern TRUE)
(set! final (car (gimp-image-flatten img)))
(gimp-palette-set-background old-bg)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-fg)
(gimp-image-enable-undo img)
(gimp-display-new img)))
(script-fu-register "script-fu-3d-outline-logo"
"<Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Logos/3D Outline"
"Creates outlined texts with drop shadow"
"Hrvoje Horvat ("
"Hrvoje Horvat"
"07 April, 1998"
SF-VALUE "Text Pattern" "\"Parque #1\""
SF-VALUE "Text String" "\"The Gimp\""
SF-VALUE "Font Size (in pixels)" "100"
SF-VALUE "Font" "\"Roostheavy\""
SF-VALUE "Outline blur radius" "5"
SF-VALUE "Shadow blur radius" "10"
SF-VALUE "Bump-map (alpha layer) blur radius" "5"
SF-TOGGLE "Default bump-map settings" TRUE
SF-VALUE "Shadow X offset" "0"
SF-VALUE "Shadow Y offset" "0")

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
scriptdatadir = $(gimpdatadir)/scripts
scriptdata_DATA = \
3d-outline.scm \
3dTruchet.scm \
add-bevel.scm \
addborder.scm \
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ scriptdata_DATA = \
frosty-logo.scm \
gimp-headers.scm \
gimp-labels.scm \
glossy.scm \
glowing-logo.scm \
gradient-bevel-logo.scm \
gradient-example.scm \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
; glossy-patterned-shadowed-and-bump-mapped-logo
; creates anything you can create with it :)
; (use it wisely, use it in peace...)
; The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
; glossy gives a glossy outlook to your fonts (unlogical name, isn't it?)
; Copyright (C) 1998 Hrvoje Horvat
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
(define (script-fu-glossy-logo text size font blend-gradient-text blend-gradient-outline grow-size bg-color use-pattern-text pattern-text use-pattern-outline pattern-outline use-pattern-overlay pattern-overlay noninteractive shadow-toggle s-offset-x s-offset-y flatten-toggle)
(let* ((img (car (gimp-image-new 256 256 RGB)))
(text-layer (car (gimp-text img -1 0 0 text 30 TRUE size PIXELS "*" font "*" "*" "*" "*")))
(width (car (gimp-drawable-width text-layer)))
(height (car (gimp-drawable-height text-layer)))
(bg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new img width height RGBA_IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))
(grow-me (car (gimp-layer-copy text-layer TRUE)))
(old-gradient (car (gimp-gradients-get-active)))
(old-patterns (car (gimp-patterns-get-pattern)))
(old-fg (car (gimp-palette-get-foreground)))
(old-bg (car (gimp-palette-get-background))))
(gimp-image-disable-undo img)
(gimp-image-resize img width height 0 0)
(gimp-layer-set-name grow-me "Grow-me")
(gimp-image-add-layer img grow-me 1)
(gimp-image-add-layer img bg-layer 2)
(gimp-palette-set-background bg-color)
(gimp-selection-all img)
(gimp-bucket-fill img bg-layer BG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-palette-set-background old-bg)
(gimp-selection-layer-alpha img text-layer)
; if we are going to use transparent gradients for text, we will (maybe) need to uncomment this
; this clears black letters first so you don't end up with black where the transparent should be
; (gimp-edit-clear img text-layer)
(if (= use-pattern-text TRUE)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern pattern-text)
(gimp-bucket-fill img text-layer PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern old-patterns)))
(if (= use-pattern-text FALSE)
(gimp-gradients-set-active blend-gradient-text)
(gimp-blend img text-layer CUSTOM NORMAL LINEAR 100 0 REPEAT-NONE FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 (+ height 5))))
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-selection-layer-alpha img grow-me)
(gimp-selection-grow img grow-size)
; if we are going to use transparent gradients for outline, we will (maybe) need to uncomment this
; I didn't put it in the options because there are already enough settings there and anyway, transparent
; gradients will be used very rarely (if ever)
; (gimp-edit-clear img grow-me)
(if (= use-pattern-outline TRUE)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern pattern-outline)
(gimp-bucket-fill img grow-me PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern old-patterns)))
(if (= use-pattern-outline FALSE)
(gimp-gradients-set-active blend-gradient-outline)
(gimp-blend img grow-me CUSTOM NORMAL LINEAR 100 0 REPEAT-NONE FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 (+ height 5))))
(gimp-selection-none img)
(plug-in-bump-map noninteractive img grow-me text-layer 110.0 45.0 3 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-layer-set-mode text-layer SCREEN)
(if (= use-pattern-overlay TRUE)
(gimp-selection-layer-alpha img grow-me)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern pattern-overlay)
(gimp-bucket-fill img grow-me PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL OVERLAY 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern old-patterns)
(gimp-selection-none img)))
(if (= shadow-toggle TRUE)
(gimp-selection-layer-alpha img text-layer)
(set! dont-drop-me (car (script-fu-drop-shadow img text-layer s-offset-x s-offset-y 15 '(0 0 0) 80 TRUE)))
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width img)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height img)))
(gimp-selection-none img)))
(if (= flatten-toggle TRUE)
(set! final (car (gimp-image-flatten img)))))
(gimp-gradients-set-active old-gradient)
(gimp-palette-set-background old-bg)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-fg)
(gimp-image-enable-undo img)
(gimp-display-new img)))
(script-fu-register "script-fu-glossy-logo"
"Creates anything you can create with it :)"
"Hrvoje Horvat ("
"Hrvoje Horvat"
SF-VALUE "Text String" "\"Galaxy\""
SF-VALUE "Font Size (in pixels)" "100"
SF-VALUE "Font" "\"Eras\""
SF-VALUE "Blend Gradient (text)" "\"Shadows_2\""
SF-VALUE "Blend Gradient (outline)" "\"Shadows_2\""
SF-VALUE "How big outline?" "5"
SF-COLOR "Background Color" '(255 255 255)
SF-TOGGLE "Use pattern for text instead of gradient" FALSE
SF-VALUE "Pattern (text)" "\"Electric Blue\""
SF-TOGGLE "Use pattern for outline instead of gradient" FALSE
SF-VALUE "Pattern (outline)" "\"Electric Blue\""
SF-TOGGLE "Use pattern overlay" FALSE
SF-VALUE "Pattern (overlay)" "\"Parque #1\""
SF-TOGGLE "Default bump-map settings" TRUE
SF-VALUE "Shadow X offset" "8"
SF-VALUE "Shadow Y offset" "8"
SF-TOGGLE "Flatten image?" FALSE)