The enum parser, other stuff

This commit is contained in:
Manish Singh 1999-03-19 23:04:16 +00:00
parent 04fb65d8a0
commit 139811d03d
18 changed files with 661 additions and 405 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,92 @@
Some proto-PDB code generation stuff lives here. More docs to come. For now,
don't mess with it.
Some mostly unfinished docs are here.
What is this?
It's a tool to automate much of the drudge work of making PDB interfaces
to GIMP internals. Right now, it generates PDB description records,
argument marshallers (with sanity checking) for the app side, as well
as libgimp wrappers for C plugins. It's written so that extending it
to provide support for CORBA and other languages suited to static
Anatomy of a PDB descriptor:
PDB descriptors are Perl code. You define a subroutine, which corresponds
to the PDB function you want to create. You then fill certain special
variables to fully describe all the information pdbgen needs to generate
code. Since it's perl, you can do practically whatever perl lets you
do to help you do this. However, at the simplest level, you don't need
to know perl at all to make PDB descriptors.
Annotated description:
For example, we will look at gimp_display_new, specified in gdisplay.pdb.
sub display_new {
We start with the name of our PDB function (not including the "gimp_" prefix).
$blurb = 'Create a new display for the specified image.';
This directly corresponds to the "blurb" field in the ProcRecord.
$help = <<'HELP';
Creates a new display for the specified image. If the image already has a
display, another is added. Multiple displays are handled transparently by the
GIMP. The newly created display is returned and can be subsequently destroyed
with a call to 'gimp-display-delete'. This procedure only makes sense for use
with the GIMP UI.
This is the help field. Notice because it is a long string, we used HERE
document syntax to split it over multiple lines. Any extra whitespace
in $blurb or $help, including newlines, is automatically stripped, so you
don't have to worry about that.
This is the "author", "copyright", and "date" fields. Since S&P are quite
common, they get a special shortcut which fills these in for you. Stuff
like this is defined in stddefs.pdb.
@inargs = ( &std_image_arg );
You specify arguments in a list. Again, your basic image is very common,
so it gets a shortcut.
@outargs = (
{ name => 'display', type => 'display',
desc => 'The new display', alias => 'gdisp', init => 1 }
This is a real argument. It has a name, type, description at a minumum.
"alias" lets you use the alias name in your invoker code, but the real
name is still shown in the ProcRecord. This is useful not only as a
shorthand, but for grabbing variables defined somewhere else (or constants),
in conjunction with the "no_declare" flag. "init" simply says initialize
this variable to a dummy value (in this case to placate gcc warnings)
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("gdisplay.h") ],
These are the headers needed for the functions you call.
vars => [ 'guint scale = 0x101' ],
Extra variables can be put here for your invoker.
code => <<'CODE'
if (gimage->layers == NULL)
success = FALSE;
success = ((gdisp = gdisplay_new (gimage, scale)) != NULL);
The actual invoker code. Since it's a multiline block, we put curly braces
in the beginning.

View File

@ -29,6 +29,18 @@ $destdir = "$main::destdir/app";
*write_file = \&Gimp::CodeGen::util::write_file;
*FILE_EXT = \$Gimp::CodeGen::util::FILE_EXT;
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
sub quotewrap {
my ($str, $indent) = @_;
my $leading = ' ' x $indent . '"';
$Text::Wrap::columns = 1000;
$str = wrap($leading, $leading, $str);
$str =~ s/^\s*//s;
$str =~ s/(.)$/$1"/mg;
sub declare_args {
my $proc = shift;
my $out = shift;
@ -98,7 +110,7 @@ sub make_args {
@{[ &quotewrap($desc, 4) ]}
@ -152,36 +164,60 @@ CODE
$code .= ' ? TRUE : FALSE' if $pdbtype eq 'boolean';
$code .= ";\n";
if ($pdbtype eq 'string') {
$code .= ' ' x 2 . "success = $var != NULL;\n";
elsif (defined $typeinfo[0] || defined $typeinfo[2]) {
my $tests = 0; my $extra = "";
if ($pdbtype eq 'enum') {
my $name = pop @typeinfo;
foreach (@typeinfo) { $extra .= " && $var != $_" }
$typeinfo[0] = $enums{$name}->{start};
$typeinfo[1] = '>=';
$typeinfo[2] = $enums{$name}->{end};
$typeinfo[3] = '<=';
if (!exists $_->{no_success}) {
if ($pdbtype eq 'string') {
$code .= ' ' x 2 . "success = $var != NULL;\n";
elsif ($pdbtype eq 'enum' && !$enums{$typeinfo[0]}->{contig}) {
my %vals; my $symbols = $enums{pop @typeinfo}->{symbols};
@vals{@$symbols}++; delete @vals{@typeinfo};
$code .= <<CODE;
switch ($var)
$code .= ' ' x 2 . "success = ";
foreach (@$symbols) {
$code .= ' ' x 4 . "case $_:\n" if exists $vals{$_};
if (defined $typeinfo[0]) {
$code .= "$var $typeinfo[1] $typeinfo[0]";
$code .= <<CODE;
success = FALSE;
elsif (defined $typeinfo[0] || defined $typeinfo[2]) {
my $tests = 0; my $extra = "";
if (defined $typeinfo[2]) {
$code .= ' && ' if $tests;
$code .= "$var $typeinfo[3] $typeinfo[2]";
if ($pdbtype eq 'enum') {
my $symbols = $enums{pop @typeinfo}->{symbols};
foreach (@typeinfo) { $extra .= " && $var != $_" }
$typeinfo[0] = $symbols->[0];
$typeinfo[1] = '>=';
$typeinfo[2] = $symbols->[$#$symbols];
$typeinfo[3] = '<=';
$code .= ' ' x 2 . "success = ";
if (defined $typeinfo[0]) {
$code .= "$var $typeinfo[1] $typeinfo[0]";
if (defined $typeinfo[2]) {
$code .= ' && ' if $tests;
$code .= "$var $typeinfo[3] $typeinfo[2]";
$code .= "$extra;\n";
$code .= "$extra;\n";
if ($code =~ /success/) {
@ -339,8 +375,8 @@ CODE
static ProcRecord ${name}_proc =
@{[ &quotewrap($proc->{blurb}, 2) ]},
@{[ &quotewrap($proc->{help}, 2) ]},

tools/pdbgen/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUTFILE ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
$destdir = '.';
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns);
$columns = 79;
my $header = <<'HEADER';
:# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
:# Copyright (C) 1999 Manish Singh <>
:# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
:# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
:# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
:# (at your option) any later version.
:# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
:# but WITHOUTFILE ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
:# GNU General Public License for more details.
:# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
:# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
:# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
:# autogenerated by
:package Gimp::CodeGen::enums;
:%enums = (
my $footer = <<'FOOTER';
:foreach $e (values %enums) {
: $e->{info} = "";
: foreach (@{$e->{symbols}}) { $e->{info} .= "$_ ($e->{mapping}->{$_}), " }
: $e->{info} =~ s/, $//;
$header =~ s/^://mg;
$footer =~ s/^://mg;
my ($enumname, $contig, $symbols, @mapping, $before);
# Most of this enum parsing stuff was swiped from in GTK+
sub parse_entries {
my $file = shift;
while (<$file>) {
# Read lines until we have no open comments
while (m@/\*
@x) {
my $new;
defined ($new = <$file>) || die "Unmatched comment";
$_ .= $new;
# Now strip comments
s@\n@ @;
next if m@^\s*$@;
# Handle include files
if (/^\#include\s*<([^>]*)>/ ) {
my $file= "../$1";
open NEWFILE, $file or die "Cannot open include file $file: $!\n";
if (&parse_entries (\*NEWFILE)) {
return 1;
} else {
if (/^\s*\}\s*(\w+)/) {
$enumname = $1;
return 1;
if (m@^\s*
(\w+)\s* # name
(?:=( # value
(?:/\*< # options
@x) {
my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
$symbols .= $name . ' ';
# Figure out a default value (not really foolproof)
$value = $before + 1 if !defined $value;
$value =~ s/\s*$//s;
$value =~ s/^\s*//s;
push @mapping, $name, $value;
my $test = $before + 1;
# Warnings in our eval should be fatal so they set $@
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
# Try to get a numeric value
eval "\$test = $value * 1;";
# Assume noncontiguous if it's not a number
$contig = 0 if $contig && ($@ || $test - 1 != $before);
$before = $test;
} else {
print STDERR "Can't understand: $_\n";
return 0;
my $code = "";
while (<>) {
if (eof) {
close (ARGV); # reset line numbering
if (/^\s*typedef\s+enum\s*({)?/) {
# Didn't have trailing '{' look on next lines
if (!defined $1) {
while (<>) {
if (s/^\s*\{//) {
$symbols = ""; $contig = 1; $before = -1; @mapping = ();
# Now parse the entries
&parse_entries (\*ARGV);
$symbols =~ s/\s*$//s;
$symbols = wrap("\t\t\t ", "\t\t\t " , $symbols);
$symbols =~ s/^\s*//s;
my $mapping = ""; $pos = 1;
foreach (@mapping) {
$mapping .= $pos++ % 2 ? "$_ => " : "'$_',\n\t\t ";
$mapping =~ s/,\n\s*$//s;
$code .= <<ENTRY;
$enumname =>
{ contig => $contig,
symbols => [ qw($symbols) ],
mapping => { $mapping }
$code =~ s/,\n$/\n/s;
open OUTFILE, "> $destdir/";
print OUTFILE $header, $code, $footer;
close OUTFILE;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# but WITHOUTFILE ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -15,23 +15,27 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# autogenerated by
package Gimp::CodeGen::enums;
%enums = (
ConvertPaletteType =>
{ name => 'ConvertPaletteType', base => 0,
{ contig => 1,
mapping => { MAKE_PALETTE => '0',
foreach $enum (values %enums) {
$enum->{start} = $enum->{symbols}->[0];
$enum->{end} = $enum->{symbols}->[$#{$enum->{symbols}}];
my $pos = 0; $enum->{info} = "";
foreach (@{$enum->{symbols}}) { $enum->{info} .= "$_ ($pos), "; $pos++ }
$enum->{info} =~ s/, $//;
foreach $e (values %enums) {
$e->{info} = "";
foreach (@{$e->{symbols}}) { $e->{info} .= "$_ ($e->{mapping}->{$_}), " }
$e->{info} =~ s/, $//;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
# Modify this list for the groups to parse in the pdb directory
@groups = qw(gdisplay edit floating_sel undo palette gradient
convert channel_ops);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ package Gimp::CodeGen::pdb;
enum => { name => 'INT32', type => 'gint32 ' },
boolean => { name => 'INT32', type => 'gboolean ' },
region => { name => 'REGION', type => 'gpointer ' }, # not supported
region => { name => 'REGION', type => 'gpointer ' } # not supported
# Split out the parts of an arg constraint
@ -97,7 +97,12 @@ sub arg_parse {
return @retvals;
elsif ($arg =~ /^([\d\.-].*?)? *(<=|<)? *(\w+) *(<=|<)? *([\d\.-].*?)?/) {
elsif ($arg =~ /^([+-.\d].*?)? \s*
(<=|<)? \s*
(\w+) \s*
(<=|<)? \s*
/x) {
return ($3, $1, $2 ? $testmap{$2} : $2, $5, $4 ? $testmap{$4} : $4);

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ HELP
{ name => 'dither', type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Floyd-Steinberg dithering' },
{ name => 'palette_type', type => 'enum ConvertPaletteType',
desc => 'The type of palette to use: %%desc%%' },
desc => 'The type of palette to use: %%desc%%', no_success => 1 },
{ name => 'num_cols', type => 'int32',
desc => 'the number of colors to quantize to, ignored unless
(palette_type == MAKE_PALETTE)' },
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ HELP
switch (palette_type)
if (num_cols < 1 || num_cols > MAXNUMCOLORS)
if (num_cols < 1 || num_cols > MAXNUMCOLORS)
success = FALSE;

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ CODE
sub display_delete {
$blurb = 'Delete the specified display';
$blurb = 'Delete the specified display.';
$help = <<'HELP';
This procedure removes the specified display. If this is the last remaining

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ CODE
sub display_delete {
$blurb = 'Delete the specified display';
$blurb = 'Delete the specified display.';
$help = <<'HELP';
This procedure removes the specified display. If this is the last remaining

View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@ sub threshold_arg () {{
desc => 'Threshold in intensity levels %%desc%%'
sub antialias_arg () {{
name => 'antialias',
type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Antialiasing (%%desc%%)'
sub feather_select_args () {(
{ name => 'feather', type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Feather option for selections' },
@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ HELP
desc => 'The color to select' },
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ HELP
{ name => 'height', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The height of the ellipse: %%desc%%' },
@ -592,7 +586,7 @@ HELP
array => { desc => 'Number of points (count 1 coordinate as two
points)' } },
@ -641,7 +635,7 @@ HELP
coordinates)' },
@ -1110,83 +1104,12 @@ CODE
sub text {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
@procs = qw(airbrush blend bucket_fill by_color_select clone color_picker
convolve crop ellipse_select eraser flip free_select fuzzy_select
paintbrush pencil perspective rect_select rotate_invoker scale
%exports = (app => [@procs]);
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information in the form of nine parameters: size,
foundry, family, weight, slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding. The
font size can either be specified in units of pixels or points, and the
appropriate metric is specified using the size_type argument. The x and y
parameters together control the placement of the new text by specifying the
upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the antialias parameter is
non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly with underlying layers.
This option requires more time and memory to compute than non-antialiased text;
the resulting floating selection or layer, however, will require the same
amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the specified drawable
parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating selection attached
to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid (-1), the text will
appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified around the final
rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
$desc = 'Tool procedures';
$author = 'Martin Edlman';
$date = '1998';
@inargs = (
{ name => 'x', type => 'float',
desc => 'The x coordinate for the left of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'y', type => 'float',
desc => 'The y coordinate for the top of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'text', type => 'string',
desc => 'The text to generate',
{ name => 'border', type => '-1 <= int32',
desc => 'The size of the border: %%desc%%' }
{ name => 'size', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The size of text in either pixels or points' },
{ name => 'size_type', type => 'enum SizeType',
desc => 'The units of specified size: %%desc%%' }
foreach (qw(foundry family weight slant set-width spacing registry
encoding)) {
my $var = $_;
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
push @inargs, { name => $var, type => 'string',
desc => qq/The font $_, "*" for any/ }
@outargs = (
{ name => 'text_layer', type => 'layer',
desc => 'The new text layer' }
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
vars => ['GimpImage *gimage', 'gchar *fontname[2048]'],
code => <<'CODE'
if (antialias)
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
gimage = drawable_gimage (GIMP_DRAWABLE (drawable));
text_layer = text_render (gimage, drawable, x, y, fontname, text,
border, antialias);
success = text_layer != NULL;

View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@ sub threshold_arg () {{
desc => 'Threshold in intensity levels %%desc%%'
sub antialias_arg () {{
name => 'antialias',
type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Antialiasing (%%desc%%)'
sub feather_select_args () {(
{ name => 'feather', type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Feather option for selections' },
@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ HELP
desc => 'The color to select' },
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ HELP
{ name => 'height', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The height of the ellipse: %%desc%%' },
@ -592,7 +586,7 @@ HELP
array => { desc => 'Number of points (count 1 coordinate as two
points)' } },
@ -641,7 +635,7 @@ HELP
coordinates)' },
@ -1110,83 +1104,12 @@ CODE
sub text {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
@procs = qw(airbrush blend bucket_fill by_color_select clone color_picker
convolve crop ellipse_select eraser flip free_select fuzzy_select
paintbrush pencil perspective rect_select rotate_invoker scale
%exports = (app => [@procs]);
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information in the form of nine parameters: size,
foundry, family, weight, slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding. The
font size can either be specified in units of pixels or points, and the
appropriate metric is specified using the size_type argument. The x and y
parameters together control the placement of the new text by specifying the
upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the antialias parameter is
non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly with underlying layers.
This option requires more time and memory to compute than non-antialiased text;
the resulting floating selection or layer, however, will require the same
amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the specified drawable
parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating selection attached
to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid (-1), the text will
appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified around the final
rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
$desc = 'Tool procedures';
$author = 'Martin Edlman';
$date = '1998';
@inargs = (
{ name => 'x', type => 'float',
desc => 'The x coordinate for the left of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'y', type => 'float',
desc => 'The y coordinate for the top of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'text', type => 'string',
desc => 'The text to generate',
{ name => 'border', type => '-1 <= int32',
desc => 'The size of the border: %%desc%%' }
{ name => 'size', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The size of text in either pixels or points' },
{ name => 'size_type', type => 'enum SizeType',
desc => 'The units of specified size: %%desc%%' }
foreach (qw(foundry family weight slant set-width spacing registry
encoding)) {
my $var = $_;
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
push @inargs, { name => $var, type => 'string',
desc => qq/The font $_, "*" for any/ }
@outargs = (
{ name => 'text_layer', type => 'layer',
desc => 'The new text layer' }
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
vars => ['GimpImage *gimage', 'gchar *fontname[2048]'],
code => <<'CODE'
if (antialias)
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
gimage = drawable_gimage (GIMP_DRAWABLE (drawable));
text_layer = text_render (gimage, drawable, x, y, fontname, text,
border, antialias);
success = text_layer != NULL;

tools/pdbgen/pdb/text.pdb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# "Perlized" from C source by Manish Singh <>
# Text
sub pdb_misc {
$author = 'Martin Edlman';
$date = '1998';
sub text_arg () {{
name => 'text',
type => 'string',
desc => 'The text to generate'
sub fontname_arg () {{
name => 'fontname',
type => 'string',
desc => 'The fontname (conforming to the X Logical Font Description
sub render_args () {(
{ name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable',
desc => 'The affected drawable: (-1 for a new text layer)',
no_success => 1 },
{ name => 'x', type => 'float',
desc => 'The x coordinate for the left of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'y', type => 'float',
desc => 'The y coordinate for the top of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'border', type => '-1 <= int32',
desc => 'The size of the border: %%desc%%' }
sub size_args () {(
{ name => 'size', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The size of text in either pixels or points' },
{ name => 'size_type', type => 'enum SizeType',
desc => 'The units of specified size: %%desc%%' }
sub font_prop_args {
my @result;
foreach (qw(foundry family weight slant set-width spacing registry
encoding)) {
my $var = $_;
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
push @result, { name => $var, type => 'string',
desc => qq/The font $_, "*" for any/ }
sub render_outargs {
@outargs = (
{ name => 'text_layer', type => 'layer',
desc => 'The new text layer', init => 1 }
sub extents_outargs {
foreach (qw(width height ascent descent)) {
push @outargs, { name => $_, type => 'int32',
desc => "The $_ of the specified font" }
sub text {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information in the form of nine parameters: size,
foundry, family, weight, slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding. The
font size can either be specified in units of pixels or points, and the
appropriate metric is specified using the size_type argument. The x and y
parameters together control the placement of the new text by specifying the
upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the antialias parameter is
non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly with underlying layers.
This option requires more time and memory to compute than non-antialiased text;
the resulting floating selection or layer, however, will require the same
amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the specified drawable
parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating selection attached
to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid (-1), the text will
appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified around the final
rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
@inargs = (
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
vars => ['GimpImage *gimage', 'gchar *fontname[2048]'],
code => <<'CODE'
if (antialias)
if (drawable)
success = drawable_gimage (GIMP_DRAWABLE (drawable)) == gimage;
if (success)
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
text_layer = text_render (gimage, drawable, x, y, fontname, text,
border, antialias);
success = text_layer != NULL;
sub text_get_extents {
$blurb = 'Get extents of the bounding box for the specified text.';
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool returns the width and height of a bounding box for the specified text
string with the specified font information. Ascent and descent for the
specified font are returned as well.
@inargs = (
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
code => <<'CODE'
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
success = text_get_extents (fontname, text, &width, &height, &ascent,
sub text_fontname {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information as a fontname conforming to the 'X Logical
Font Description Conventions'. You can specify the fontsize in units of pixels
or points, and the appropriate metric is specified using the size_type
argument. The x and y parameters together control the placement of the new
text by specifying the upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the
antialias parameter is non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly
with underlying layers. This option requires more time and memory to compute
than non-antialiased text; the resulting floating selection or layer, however,
will require the same amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the
specified drawable parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating
selection attached to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid
(-1), the text will appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified
around the final rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
$author .= ', Sven Neumann';
@inargs = (
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],

View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@ sub threshold_arg () {{
desc => 'Threshold in intensity levels %%desc%%'
sub antialias_arg () {{
name => 'antialias',
type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Antialiasing (%%desc%%)'
sub feather_select_args () {(
{ name => 'feather', type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Feather option for selections' },
@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ HELP
desc => 'The color to select' },
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ HELP
{ name => 'height', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The height of the ellipse: %%desc%%' },
@ -592,7 +586,7 @@ HELP
array => { desc => 'Number of points (count 1 coordinate as two
points)' } },
@ -641,7 +635,7 @@ HELP
coordinates)' },
@ -1110,83 +1104,12 @@ CODE
sub text {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
@procs = qw(airbrush blend bucket_fill by_color_select clone color_picker
convolve crop ellipse_select eraser flip free_select fuzzy_select
paintbrush pencil perspective rect_select rotate_invoker scale
%exports = (app => [@procs]);
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information in the form of nine parameters: size,
foundry, family, weight, slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding. The
font size can either be specified in units of pixels or points, and the
appropriate metric is specified using the size_type argument. The x and y
parameters together control the placement of the new text by specifying the
upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the antialias parameter is
non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly with underlying layers.
This option requires more time and memory to compute than non-antialiased text;
the resulting floating selection or layer, however, will require the same
amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the specified drawable
parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating selection attached
to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid (-1), the text will
appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified around the final
rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
$desc = 'Tool procedures';
$author = 'Martin Edlman';
$date = '1998';
@inargs = (
{ name => 'x', type => 'float',
desc => 'The x coordinate for the left of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'y', type => 'float',
desc => 'The y coordinate for the top of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'text', type => 'string',
desc => 'The text to generate',
{ name => 'border', type => '-1 <= int32',
desc => 'The size of the border: %%desc%%' }
{ name => 'size', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The size of text in either pixels or points' },
{ name => 'size_type', type => 'enum SizeType',
desc => 'The units of specified size: %%desc%%' }
foreach (qw(foundry family weight slant set-width spacing registry
encoding)) {
my $var = $_;
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
push @inargs, { name => $var, type => 'string',
desc => qq/The font $_, "*" for any/ }
@outargs = (
{ name => 'text_layer', type => 'layer',
desc => 'The new text layer' }
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
vars => ['GimpImage *gimage', 'gchar *fontname[2048]'],
code => <<'CODE'
if (antialias)
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
gimage = drawable_gimage (GIMP_DRAWABLE (drawable));
text_layer = text_render (gimage, drawable, x, y, fontname, text,
border, antialias);
success = text_layer != NULL;

View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@ sub threshold_arg () {{
desc => 'Threshold in intensity levels %%desc%%'
sub antialias_arg () {{
name => 'antialias',
type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Antialiasing (%%desc%%)'
sub feather_select_args () {(
{ name => 'feather', type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Feather option for selections' },
@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ HELP
desc => 'The color to select' },
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ HELP
{ name => 'height', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The height of the ellipse: %%desc%%' },
@ -592,7 +586,7 @@ HELP
array => { desc => 'Number of points (count 1 coordinate as two
points)' } },
@ -641,7 +635,7 @@ HELP
coordinates)' },
@ -1110,83 +1104,12 @@ CODE
sub text {
$blurb = <<'BLURB';
Add text at the specified location as a floating selection or a new layer.
@procs = qw(airbrush blend bucket_fill by_color_select clone color_picker
convolve crop ellipse_select eraser flip free_select fuzzy_select
paintbrush pencil perspective rect_select rotate_invoker scale
%exports = (app => [@procs]);
$help = <<'HELP';
This tool requires font information in the form of nine parameters: size,
foundry, family, weight, slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding. The
font size can either be specified in units of pixels or points, and the
appropriate metric is specified using the size_type argument. The x and y
parameters together control the placement of the new text by specifying the
upper left corner of the text bounding box. If the antialias parameter is
non-zero, the generated text will blend more smoothly with underlying layers.
This option requires more time and memory to compute than non-antialiased text;
the resulting floating selection or layer, however, will require the same
amount of memory with or without antialiasing. If the specified drawable
parameter is valid, the text will be created as a floating selection attached
to the drawable. If the drawable parameter is not valid (-1), the text will
appear as a new layer. Finally, a border can be specified around the final
rendered text. The border is measured in pixels.
$desc = 'Tool procedures';
$author = 'Martin Edlman';
$date = '1998';
@inargs = (
{ name => 'x', type => 'float',
desc => 'The x coordinate for the left of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'y', type => 'float',
desc => 'The y coordinate for the top of the text bounding box' },
{ name => 'text', type => 'string',
desc => 'The text to generate',
{ name => 'border', type => '-1 <= int32',
desc => 'The size of the border: %%desc%%' }
{ name => 'size', type => '0 < float',
desc => 'The size of text in either pixels or points' },
{ name => 'size_type', type => 'enum SizeType',
desc => 'The units of specified size: %%desc%%' }
foreach (qw(foundry family weight slant set-width spacing registry
encoding)) {
my $var = $_;
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
push @inargs, { name => $var, type => 'string',
desc => qq/The font $_, "*" for any/ }
@outargs = (
{ name => 'text_layer', type => 'layer',
desc => 'The new text layer' }
%invoke = (
headers => [ qw("text_tool.h") ],
vars => ['GimpImage *gimage', 'gchar *fontname[2048]'],
code => <<'CODE'
if (antialias)
success = text_get_xlfd (size, size_type, foundry, family, weight,
slant, set_width, spacing, registry, encoding,
if (success)
gimage = drawable_gimage (GIMP_DRAWABLE (drawable));
text_layer = text_render (gimage, drawable, x, y, fontname, text,
border, antialias);
success = text_layer != NULL;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

View File

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Boilerplate PDB stuff
sub std_pdb_misc {
@ -12,4 +29,10 @@ sub std_image_arg () {{
alias => 'gimage'
sub std_antialias_arg () {{
name => 'antialias',
type => 'boolean',
desc => 'Antialiasing (%%desc%%)'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
# Copyright (C) 1998 Manish Singh <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Manish Singh <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by