
611 lines
12 KiB
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1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "tile_swap.h"
typedef struct _SwapFile SwapFile;
typedef struct _DefSwapFile DefSwapFile;
typedef struct _Gap Gap;
struct _SwapFile
char *filename;
int swap_num;
SwapFunc swap_func;
gpointer user_data;
int fd;
struct _DefSwapFile
GList *gaps;
long swap_file_end;
off_t cur_position;
struct _Gap
long start;
long end;
static void tile_swap_init (void);
static guint tile_swap_hash (int *key);
static gint tile_swap_compare (int *a,
int *b);
static void tile_swap_command (Tile *tile,
int command);
static void tile_swap_open (SwapFile *swap_file);
static int tile_swap_default (int fd,
Tile *tile,
int cmd,
gpointer user_data);
static void tile_swap_default_in (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile);
static void tile_swap_default_out (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile);
static void tile_swap_default_delete (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile);
static long tile_swap_find_offset (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
int bytes);
static void tile_swap_resize (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
long new_size);
static Gap* tile_swap_gap_new (long start,
long end);
static void tile_swap_gap_destroy (Gap *gap);
1998-03-02 10:47:35 +08:00
static int initialize = TRUE;
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
static GHashTable *swap_files = NULL;
static GList *open_swap_files = NULL;
static int nopen_swap_files = 0;
static int next_swap_num = 1;
static long swap_file_grow = 16 * TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT * 4;
static void
tile_swap_print_gaps (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file)
GList *gaps;
Gap *gap;
gaps = def_swap_file->gaps;
while (gaps)
gap = gaps->data;
gaps = gaps->next;
g_print (" %6ld - %6ld\n", gap->start, gap->end);
static void
tile_swap_exit1 (gpointer key,
gpointer value,
gpointer data)
extern int tile_ref_count;
SwapFile *swap_file;
DefSwapFile *def_swap_file;
if (tile_ref_count != 0)
g_print ("tile ref count balance: %d\n", tile_ref_count);
swap_file = value;
if (swap_file->swap_func == tile_swap_default)
def_swap_file = swap_file->user_data;
if (def_swap_file->swap_file_end != 0)
g_print ("swap file not empty: \"%s\"\n", swap_file->filename);
tile_swap_print_gaps (def_swap_file);
unlink (swap_file->filename);
tile_swap_exit ()
if (swap_files)
g_hash_table_foreach (swap_files, tile_swap_exit1, NULL);
tile_swap_add (char *filename,
SwapFunc swap_func,
gpointer user_data)
SwapFile *swap_file;
DefSwapFile *def_swap_file;
if (initialize)
tile_swap_init ();
swap_file = g_new (SwapFile, 1);
swap_file->filename = g_strdup (filename);
swap_file->swap_num = next_swap_num++;
if (!swap_func)
swap_func = tile_swap_default;
def_swap_file = g_new (DefSwapFile, 1);
def_swap_file->gaps = NULL;
def_swap_file->swap_file_end = 0;
def_swap_file->cur_position = 0;
user_data = def_swap_file;
swap_file->swap_func = swap_func;
swap_file->user_data = user_data;
swap_file->fd = -1;
g_hash_table_insert (swap_files, &swap_file->swap_num, swap_file);
return swap_file->swap_num;
tile_swap_remove (int swap_num)
SwapFile *swap_file;
if (initialize)
tile_swap_init ();
swap_file = g_hash_table_lookup (swap_files, &swap_num);
if (!swap_file)
g_hash_table_remove (swap_files, &swap_num);
if (swap_file->fd != -1)
close (swap_file->fd);
g_free (swap_file);
tile_swap_in (Tile *tile)
if (tile->swap_offset == -1)
tile_alloc (tile);
tile_swap_command (tile, SWAP_IN);
tile_swap_out (Tile *tile)
tile_swap_command (tile, SWAP_OUT);
tile_swap_delete (Tile *tile)
tile_swap_command (tile, SWAP_DELETE);
tile_swap_compress (int swap_num)
tile_swap_command (NULL, SWAP_COMPRESS);
static void
tile_swap_init ()
if (initialize)
initialize = FALSE;
swap_files = g_hash_table_new ((GHashFunc) tile_swap_hash,
(GCompareFunc) tile_swap_compare);
static guint
tile_swap_hash (int *key)
return ((guint) *key);
static gint
tile_swap_compare (int *a,
int *b)
return (*a == *b);
static void
tile_swap_command (Tile *tile,
int command)
SwapFile *swap_file;
if (initialize)
tile_swap_init ();
do {
swap_file = g_hash_table_lookup (swap_files, &tile->swap_num);
if (!swap_file)
g_warning ("could not find swap file for tile");
if (swap_file->fd == -1)
tile_swap_open (swap_file);
if (swap_file->fd == -1)
} while ((* swap_file->swap_func) (swap_file->fd, tile, command, swap_file->user_data));
static void
tile_swap_open (SwapFile *swap_file)
SwapFile *tmp;
if (swap_file->fd != -1)
if (nopen_swap_files == MAX_OPEN_SWAP_FILES)
tmp = open_swap_files->data;
close (tmp->fd);
tmp->fd = -1;
open_swap_files = g_list_remove (open_swap_files, open_swap_files->data);
nopen_swap_files -= 1;
swap_file->fd = open (swap_file->filename, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
if (swap_file->fd == -1)
g_warning ("unable to open swap file...BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN SOON");
open_swap_files = g_list_append (open_swap_files, swap_file);
nopen_swap_files += 1;
/* The actual swap file code. The swap file consists of tiles
* which have been moved out to disk in order to conserve memory.
* The swap file format is free form. Any tile in memory may
* end up anywhere on disk.
* An actual tile in the swap file consists only of the tile data.
* The offset of the tile on disk is stored in the tile data structure
* in memory.
static int
tile_swap_default (int fd,
Tile *tile,
int cmd,
gpointer user_data)
DefSwapFile *def_swap_file;
def_swap_file = (DefSwapFile*) user_data;
switch (cmd)
case SWAP_IN:
tile_swap_default_in (def_swap_file, fd, tile);
case SWAP_OUT:
tile_swap_default_out (def_swap_file, fd, tile);
tile_swap_default_delete (def_swap_file, fd, tile);
g_warning ("tile_swap_default: SWAP_COMPRESS: UNFINISHED");
return FALSE;
static void
tile_swap_default_in (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile)
int bytes;
int err;
int nleft;
off_t offset;
err = -1;
if (def_swap_file->cur_position != tile->swap_offset)
def_swap_file->cur_position = tile->swap_offset;
offset = lseek (fd, tile->swap_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (offset == -1)
g_warning ("unable to seek to tile location on disk: %d", err);
bytes = tile_size (tile);
tile_alloc (tile);
nleft = bytes;
while (nleft > 0)
do {
err = read (fd, tile->data + bytes - nleft, nleft);
} while ((err == -1) && ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR)));
if (err <= 0)
g_warning ("unable to read tile data from disk: %d ( %d ) bytes read", err, nleft);
nleft -= err;
def_swap_file->cur_position += bytes;
/* Do not delete the swap from the file */
/* tile_swap_default_delete (def_swap_file, fd, tile); */
static void
tile_swap_default_out (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile)
int bytes;
int rbytes;
int err;
int nleft;
off_t offset;
bytes = TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT * tile->bpp;
rbytes = tile_size (tile);
/* If there is already a valid swap_offset, use it */
if (tile->swap_offset == -1)
tile->swap_offset = tile_swap_find_offset (def_swap_file, fd, bytes);
if (def_swap_file->cur_position != tile->swap_offset)
def_swap_file->cur_position = tile->swap_offset;
offset = lseek (fd, tile->swap_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (offset == -1)
g_warning ("unable to seek to tile location on disk: %d", errno);
nleft = rbytes;
while (nleft > 0)
err = write (fd, tile->data + rbytes - nleft, nleft);
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
if (err <= 0)
g_warning ("unable to write tile data to disk: %d ( %d ) bytes written", err, nleft);
nleft -= err;
def_swap_file->cur_position += rbytes;
g_free (tile->data);
tile->data = NULL;
static void
tile_swap_default_delete (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
Tile *tile)
GList *tmp;
GList *tmp2;
Gap *gap;
Gap *gap2;
long start;
long end;
if (tile->swap_offset == -1)
start = tile->swap_offset;
end = start + TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT * tile->bpp;
tile->swap_offset = -1;
tmp = def_swap_file->gaps;
while (tmp)
gap = tmp->data;
if (end == gap->start)
gap->start = start;
if (tmp->prev)
gap2 = tmp->prev->data;
if (gap->start == gap2->end)
gap2->end = gap->end;
tile_swap_gap_destroy (gap);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_remove_link (def_swap_file->gaps, tmp);
g_list_free (tmp);
else if (start == gap->end)
gap->end = end;
if (tmp->next)
gap2 = tmp->next->data;
if (gap->end == gap2->start)
gap2->start = gap->start;
tile_swap_gap_destroy (gap);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_remove_link (def_swap_file->gaps, tmp);
g_list_free (tmp);
else if (end < gap->start)
gap = tile_swap_gap_new (start, end);
tmp2 = g_list_alloc ();
tmp2->data = gap;
tmp2->next = tmp;
tmp2->prev = tmp->prev;
if (tmp->prev)
tmp->prev->next = tmp2;
tmp->prev = tmp2;
if (tmp == def_swap_file->gaps)
def_swap_file->gaps = tmp2;
else if (!tmp->next)
gap = tile_swap_gap_new (start, end);
tmp->next = g_list_alloc ();
tmp->next->data = gap;
tmp->next->prev = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!def_swap_file->gaps)
gap = tile_swap_gap_new (start, end);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_append (def_swap_file->gaps, gap);
tmp = g_list_last (def_swap_file->gaps);
gap = tmp->data;
if (gap->end == def_swap_file->swap_file_end)
tile_swap_resize (def_swap_file, fd, gap->start);
tile_swap_gap_destroy (gap);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_remove_link (def_swap_file->gaps, tmp);
g_list_free (tmp);
static void
tile_swap_resize (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
long new_size)
if (def_swap_file->swap_file_end > new_size)
ftruncate (fd, new_size);
def_swap_file->swap_file_end = new_size;
static long
tile_swap_find_offset (DefSwapFile *def_swap_file,
int fd,
int bytes)
GList *tmp;
Gap *gap;
long offset;
tmp = def_swap_file->gaps;
while (tmp)
gap = tmp->data;
if ((gap->end - gap->start) >= bytes)
offset = gap->start;
gap->start += bytes;
if (gap->start == gap->end)
tile_swap_gap_destroy (gap);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_remove_link (def_swap_file->gaps, tmp);
g_list_free (tmp);
return offset;
tmp = tmp->next;
offset = def_swap_file->swap_file_end;
tile_swap_resize (def_swap_file, fd, def_swap_file->swap_file_end + swap_file_grow);
if ((offset + bytes) < (def_swap_file->swap_file_end))
gap = tile_swap_gap_new (offset + bytes, def_swap_file->swap_file_end);
def_swap_file->gaps = g_list_append (def_swap_file->gaps, gap);
return offset;
static Gap*
tile_swap_gap_new (long start,
long end)
Gap *gap;
gap = g_new (Gap, 1);
gap->start = start;
gap->end = end;
return gap;
static void
tile_swap_gap_destroy (Gap *gap)
g_free (gap);