mirror of https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad
565 lines
24 KiB
565 lines
24 KiB
], function (Config, h, Cryptpad, $) {
var Pages = {};
var Msg = Cryptpad.Messages;
var urlArgs = Config.requireConf.urlArgs;
var setHTML = function (e, html) {
e.innerHTML = html;
return e;
var footerCol = function (title, L, literal) {
return h('div.col', [
h('ul.list-unstyled', [
h('li.title', {
'data-localization': title,
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return h('li', [ l ]);
var footLink = function (ref, loc, text) {
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text = Msg[loc];
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var infopageFooter = function () {
return h('footer', [
h('div.container', [
h('div.row', [
footerCol(null, [
footLink('/about.html', 'about'),
footLink('/terms.html', 'terms'),
footLink('/privacy.html', 'privacy'),
], 'CryptPad'),
footerCol('footer_applications', [
footLink('/drive/', 'main_drive'),
footLink('/pad/', 'main_richText'),
footLink('/code/', 'main_code'),
footLink('/slide/', 'main_slide'),
footLink('/poll/', 'main_poll'),
footLink('/whiteboard/', null, Msg.type.whiteboard)
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footLink('https://blog.cryptpad.fr', 'blog'),
footLink('https://labs.xwiki.com', null, 'XWiki Labs'),
footLink('http://www.xwiki.com', null, 'XWiki SAS'),
footLink('https://www.open-paas.org', null, 'OpenPaaS')
footerCol('footer_contact', [
footLink('https://riot.im/app/#/room/#cryptpad:matrix.org', null, 'Chat'),
footLink('https://twitter.com/cryptpad', null, 'Twitter'),
footLink('https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad', null, 'GitHub'),
footLink('/contact.html', null, 'Email')
h('div.cp-version-footer', "CryptPad v1.13.0 (Naiad)")
var infopageTopbar = function () {
return h('div.cp-topbar',
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h( 'img', { src: '/customize/CryptPad-white-logo.svg' })
h('button.navbar-toggler.navbar-toggler-right', {'type':'button'}, {'data-toggle':'collapse'}, {'data-target':'#menuCollapse'}, {'aria-controls': 'menuCollapse'}, {'aria-expanded':'false'}, {'aria-label':'Toggle navigation'},
[h('i.fa.fa-bars ')
h('div.collapse.navbar-collapse.justify-content-end.flex-column#menuCollapse', [
h('a.nav-item.nav-link', { href: '/what-is-cryptpad.html'}, Msg.topbar_whatIsCryptpad),
h('a.nav-item.nav-link', { href: 'https://blog.cryptpad.fr/'}, Msg.blog),
h('a.nav-item.nav-link', { href: '/contact.html'}, Msg.contact),
h('a.nav-item.nav-link', { href: '/about.html'}, Msg.about),
h('a.cp-login-btn', { href: '/login'}, Msg.login_login),
h('a.cp-register-btn', { href: '/register'}, Msg.login_register)
Pages['/about.html'] = function () {
return h('div#cp-main.cp-page-about', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('center', [
h('h1', Msg.about)
setHTML(h('p'), 'CryptPad is created inside of the Research Team at <a href="http://xwiki.com">XWiki SAS</a>, a small business located in Paris France and Iasi Romania. There are 3 core team members working on CryptPad plus a number of contributors both inside and outside of XWiki SAS.'),
h('h2', 'Core Developers'),
h('div.row', [
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/aaron.jpg'}),
h('h3', "Aaron MacSween"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '<p>Aaron transitioned into distributed systems development from a background in jazz and live stage performance.</p><p>He appreciates the elegance of biological systems and functional programming, and focused on both as a student at the University of Toronto, where he studied cognitive and computer sciences.</p><p>He moved to Paris in 2015 to work as a research engineer at XWiki SAS, after having dedicated significant time to various cryptography-related software projects.</p><p>He spends his spare time experimenting with guitars, photography, science fiction, and spicy food.</p>')
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/caleb.jpg'}),
h('h3', "Caleb James Delisle"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '<p>Caleb is a cryptography developer, Machine Technology graduate of the Franklin County Technical School and lifelong tinkerer.</p><p>In 2011, he started the cjdns Open Source project to show that secure networking could be invisible and easily deployed.</p><p>After joining XWiki SAS in 2014, he started the CryptPad project with the intent of bringing the same transparent security to collaborative editing.</p><p>He\'s always trying to learn from more experienced colleagues and when someone passes through the Research Team office, his favorite words are "Pull up a chair!".</p>')
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/yann.jpg'}),
h('h3', "Yann Flory"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '<p>Yann is a mysterious person.</p>')
h('h2', 'Key Contributors'),
h('div.row', [
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/pierre.jpg'}),
h('h3', "Pierre Bondoerffer"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '<p>Resident CSS wizard and emoji extraordinaire, Pierre is passionate about anything related to technology. He loves to hack around computers and put parts together.</p><p>He is currently studying at 42, where he learns about algorithms, networking, kernel programming and graphics.</p><p>As a part of an internship, he joined XWiki SAS and worked on CryptPad to improve user experience. He also maintains the Spanish translation.</p>')
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/avatar.png'}),
h('h3', "Catalin Scripcariu"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '')
h('div.col-md-4', [
h('img.bio-avatar', {'src': '/customize/images/avatar.png'}),
h('h3', "Ludovic Dubost"),
setHTML(h('div#bio'), '')
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h('div.container.cp-container', [
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h('h2', Msg.policy_whatweknow),
h('p', Msg.policywhatweknow_p1),
h('h2', Msg.policy_howweuse),
h('p', Msg.policy_howweuse_p1),
h('p', Msg.policy_howweuse_p2),
h('h2', Msg.policy_whatwetell),
h('p', Msg.policy_whatwetell_p1),
h('h2', Msg.policy_links),
h('p', Msg.policy_links_p1),
h('h2', Msg.policy_ads),
h('p', Msg.policy_ads_p1),
h('h2', Msg.policy_choices),
h('p', Msg.policy_choices_open),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.policy_choices_vpn),
Pages['/terms.html'] = function () {
return h('div#cp-main.cp-page-terms', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('center', h('h1', Msg.tos_title)),
h('p', Msg.tos_legal),
h('p', Msg.tos_availability),
h('p', Msg.tos_e2ee),
h('p', Msg.tos_logs),
h('p', Msg.tos_3rdparties),
Pages['/contact.html'] = function () {
return h('div#cp-main.cp-page-contact', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('center', h('h1', Msg.contact)),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.main_about_p2)
Pages['/what-is-cryptpad.html'] = function () {
return h('div#cp-main.cp-page-what-is-cryptpad', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('center', h('h1', Msg.whatis_title)),
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setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_collaboration_p1),
h('img', { src: '/customize/images/pad_screenshot.png?' + urlArgs }),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_collaboration_p2),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_collaboration_p3),
setHTML(h('h2'), Msg.whatis_zeroknowledge),
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h('div.col-md-4.align-self-center', [
h('img#zeroknowledge', { src: '/customize/images/zeroknowledge_small.png?' + urlArgs }),
h('div.col-md-8', [
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_zeroknowledge_p1),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_zeroknowledge_p2),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_zeroknowledge_p3),
setHTML(h('h2'), Msg.whatis_drive),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_drive_p1),
h('img', { src: '/customize/images/drive_screenshot.png?' + urlArgs }),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_drive_p2),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_drive_p3),
setHTML(h('h2'), Msg.whatis_business),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_business_p1),
setHTML(h('p'), Msg.whatis_business_p2),
Pages['/'] = Pages['/index.html'] = function () {
var showingMore = false;
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h('div#cp-main.cp-page-index', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('div.row', [
h('div.cp-title.col-12.col-sm-6', [
h('img', { src: '/customize/cryptpad-new-logo-colors-logoonly.png?' + urlArgs }),
h('h1', 'CryptPad'),
h('p', Msg.main_catch_phrase)
h('div.col-12.col-sm-6', [
[ 'pad', '/pad/', Msg.main_richTextPad, 'fa-file-word-o' ],
[ 'code', '/code/', Msg.main_codePad, 'fa-file-code-o' ],
[ 'slide', '/slide/', Msg.main_slidePad, 'fa-file-powerpoint-o' ],
[ 'poll.cp-more.cp-hidden', '/poll/', Msg.main_pollPad, 'fa-calendar' ],
[ 'whiteboard.cp-more.cp-hidden', '/whiteboard/', Msg.main_whiteboardPad, 'fa-paint-brush' ],
[ 'recent.cp-more.cp-hidden', '/drive/', Msg.main_recentPads, 'fa-hdd-o' ]
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{ href: x[1] },
h('div.bs-callout.cp-callout-' + x[0], [
h('i.fa.' + x[3]),
h('div', [ h('h4', x[2]) ])
h('div.bs-callout.cp-callout-more', [
h('div.cp-callout-more-lessmsg.cp-hidden', [
"see less ",
h('div.cp-callout-more-moremsg', [
"see more ",
onclick: function () {
if (showingMore) {
$('.cp-more, .cp-callout-more-lessmsg').addClass('cp-hidden');
} else {
$('.cp-more, .cp-callout-more-lessmsg').removeClass('cp-hidden');
showingMore = !showingMore;
var loadingScreen = function () {
return h('div#loading',
h('div.loadingContainer', [
h('img.cryptofist', {
src: '/customize/cryptpad-new-logo-colors-logoonly.png?' + urlArgs
h('p', Msg.loading)
loadingScreen = loadingScreen; // TODO use this
Pages['/user/'] = Pages['/user/index.html'] = function () {
return h('div#container');
Pages['/register/'] = Pages['/register/index.html'] = function () {
return [h('div#cp-main.cp-page-register', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('div.row.align-items-center', [
h('div#data.hidden.col-md-6', [
h('h1', Msg.register_header),
setHTML(h('p.register-explanation'), Msg.register_explanation)
h('div#userForm.form-group.hidden.col-md-6', [
h('input.form-control#username', {
type: 'text',
autocomplete: 'off',
autocorrect: 'off',
autocapitalize: 'off',
spellcheck: false,
placeholder: Msg.login_username,
autofocus: true,
h('input.form-control#password', {
type: 'password',
placeholder: Msg.login_password,
h('input.form-control#password-confirm', {
type: 'password',
placeholder: Msg.login_confirm,
h('div.checkbox-container', [
h('input#import-recent', {
type: 'checkbox',
checked: true
h('label', {
'for': 'import-recent',
}, Msg.register_importRecent),
h('div.checkbox-container', [
h('input#accept-terms', {
type: 'checkbox'
setHTML(h('label', {
'for': 'accept-terms',
}), Msg.register_acceptTerms),
h('button#register.btn.btn-primary', Msg.login_register)
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h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('div.row.align-items-center', [
h('div#data.hidden.col-md-6', setHTML(h('p.left'), Msg.main_info)),
h('div#userForm.form-group.hidden.col-md-6', [
h('input.form-control#name', {
name: 'name',
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autocomplete: 'off',
autocorrect: 'off',
autocapitalize: 'off',
spellcheck: false,
placeholder: Msg.login_username,
autofocus: true,
h('input.form-control#password', {
type: 'password',
'name': 'password',
placeholder: Msg.login_password,
h('div.extra', [
h('button.btn.btn-primary.login.first', Msg.login_login),
h('button#register.btn.btn-success.register', Msg.login_register)
var appToolbar = function () {
return h('div#toolbar.toolbar-container');
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h('div#canvas-area', h('canvas#canvas', {
width: 600,
height: 600
h('div#controls', {
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display: 'block',
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h('button#clear', Msg.canvas_clear), ' ',
h('button#toggleDraw', Msg.canvas_disable),
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h('input#width', {
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h('label', {
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step: "0.1"
h('label', {
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setHTML(h('div#colors'), ' '),
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Pages['/poll/'] = Pages['/poll/index.html'] = function () {
return [
h('div#content', [
h('div#poll', [
h('div#howItWorks', [
h('h1', 'CryptPoll'),
setHTML(h('h2'), Msg.poll_subtitle),
h('p', Msg.poll_p_save),
h('p', Msg.poll_p_encryption)
h('div.upper', [
h('button#publish', {
style: { display: 'none' }
}, Msg.poll_publish_button),
h('button#admin', {
style: { display: 'none' },
title: Msg.poll_admin_button
}, Msg.poll_admin_button),
h('button#help', {
title: Msg.poll_show_help_button,
style: { display: 'none' }
}, Msg.poll_show_help_button)
h('div.realtime', [
h('center', [
h('textarea#description', {
rows: "5",
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disabled: true
h('div#tableContainer', [
h('button#create-user', {
title: Msg.poll_create_user
}, h('span.fa.fa-plus')),
h('button#create-option', {
title: Msg.poll_create_option
}, h('span.fa.fa-plus')),
h('button#commit', {
title: Msg.poll_commit
}, h('span.fa.fa-check'))
Pages['/drive/'] = Pages['/drive/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/file/'] = Pages['/file/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/contacts/'] = Pages['/contacts/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/pad/'] = Pages['/pad/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/code/'] = Pages['/code/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/slide/'] = Pages['/slide/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/invite/'] = Pages['/invite/index.html'] = function () {
return loadingScreen();
Pages['/settings/'] = Pages['/settings/index.html'] = function () {
return [
Pages['/profile/'] = Pages['/profile/index.html'] = function () {
return [
Pages['/todo/'] = Pages['/todo/index.html'] = function () {
return [
return Pages;