mirror of https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad
1607 lines
63 KiB
1607 lines
63 KiB
], function (
Share, Access, Properties,
var SaveAs = window.saveAs;
var APP = window.APP = {
var is24h = false;
var dayFormat = "Y-m-d";
var dateFormat = "Y-m-d H:i";
try {
is24h = !new Intl.DateTimeFormat(navigator.language, { hour: 'numeric' }).format(0).match(/AM/);
} catch (e) {}
if (!is24h) { dateFormat = "Y-m-d h:i K"; }
Messages.button_newform = "New Form"; // XXX
Messages.form_invalid = "Invalid form";
Messages.form_editBlock = "Edit options";
Messages.form_editQuestion = "Edit question";
Messages.form_editMax = "Max selectable options";
Messages.form_editType = "Options type";
Messages.form_poll_text = "Text";
Messages.form_poll_day = "Day";
Messages.form_poll_time = "Time";
Messages.form_default = "Your question here?";
Messages.form_type_input = "Text"; // XXX
Messages.form_type_radio = "Radio"; // XXX
Messages.form_type_multiradio = "Multiline Radio"; // XXX
Messages.form_type_checkbox = "Checkbox"; // XXX
Messages.form_type_multicheck = "Multiline Checkbox"; // XXX
Messages.form_type_poll = "Poll"; // XXX
Messages.form_duplicates = "Duplicate entries have been removed";
Messages.form_maxOptions = "{0} answer(s) max";
Messages.form_submit = "Submit";
Messages.form_update = "Update";
Messages.form_reset = "Reset";
Messages.form_sent = "Sent";
Messages.form_delete = "Delete block";
Messages.form_cantFindAnswers = "Unable to retrieve your existing answers for this form.";
Messages.form_viewResults = "Go to responses";
Messages.form_viewCreator = "Go to form creator";
Messages.form_notAnswered = "And <b>{0}</b> empty answers";
Messages.form_makePublic = "Make public";
Messages.form_makePublicWarning = "Are you sure you want to make the results of this form public? This can't be undone.";
Messages.form_isPublic = "Results are public";
Messages.form_isPrivate = "Results are private";
Messages.form_open = "Open";
Messages.form_setEnd = "Set closing date";
Messages.form_removeEnd = "Remove closing date";
Messages.form_isOpen = "This form is open";
Messages.form_isClosed = "This form was closed on {0}";
Messages.form_willClose = "This form will close on {0}";
Messages.form_defaultOption = "Option {0}";
Messages.form_defaultItem = "Item {0}";
Messages.form_newOption = "New option";
Messages.form_newItem = "New item";
Messages.form_add_option = "Add option";
Messages.form_add_item = "Add item";
var MAX_OPTIONS = 10; // XXX
var MAX_ITEMS = 10; // XXX
var editOptions = function (v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp) {
var add = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', [
h('span', Messages.form_add_option)
var addItem = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', [
h('span', Messages.form_add_item)
var cursor;
if (tmp && tmp.content && Sortify(v) === Sortify(tmp.old)) {
v = tmp.content;
cursor = tmp.cursor;
var maxOptions, maxInput;
if (typeof(v.max) === "number") {
maxInput = h('input', {
value: v.max,
min: 1,
max: v.values.length
maxOptions = h('div.cp-form-edit-max-options', [
h('span', Messages.form_editMax),
var type, typeSelect;
if (v.type) {
var options = ['text', 'day', 'time'].map(function (t) {
return {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'class': 'cp-form-type-value',
'data-value': t,
'href': '#',
content: Messages['form_poll_'+t]
var dropdownConfig = {
text: '', // Button initial text
options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
//left: true, // Open to the left of the button
//container: $(type),
isSelect: true,
caretDown: true,
buttonCls: 'btn btn-secondary'
typeSelect = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
type = h('div.cp-form-edit-type', [
h('span', Messages.form_editType),
// Show existing options
var $add;
var getOption = function (val, isItem, uid) {
var input = h('input', {value:val});
if (uid) { $(input).data('uid', uid); }
// If the input is a date, initialize flatpickr
if (v.type && v.type !== 'text') {
if (v.type === 'time') {
Flatpickr(input, {
enableTime: true,
time_24hr: is24h,
dateFormat: dateFormat,
} else if (v.type === 'day') { Flatpickr(input); }
// if this element was active before the remote change, restore cursor
var setCursor = function () {
if (v.type !== 'text') { return; }
input.selectionStart = cursor.start || 0;
input.selectionEnd = cursor.end || 0;
setTimeout(function () { input.focus(); });
if (isItem) {
if (cursor && cursor.uid === uid && cursor.item) { setCursor(); }
} else {
if (cursor && cursor.el === val && !cursor.item) { setCursor(); }
var del = h('button.btn.btn-danger', h('i.fa.fa-times'));
var el = h('div.cp-form-edit-block-input', [ input, del ]);
$(del).click(function () {
// We've just deleted an item/option so we should be under the MAX limit and
// we can show the "add" button again
if (isItem && $addItem) { $addItem.show(); }
if (!isItem && $add) { $add.show(); }
return el;
var inputs = v.values.map(function (val) { return getOption(val, false); });
var container = h('div.cp-form-edit-block', inputs);
var $container = $(container);
var containerItems;
if (v.items) {
var inputsItems = v.items.map(function (itemData) {
return getOption(itemData.v, true, itemData.uid);
containerItems = h('div.cp-form-edit-block', inputsItems);
// Doodle type change: empty current values and change input types?
if (typeSelect) {
typeSelect.onChange.reg(function (prettyVal, val) {
$container.find('input').each(function (i, input) {
if (!input._flatpickr && val !== 'text') {
input.value = "";
if (input._flatpickr) {
delete input._flatpickr;
if (val === 'time') {
Flatpickr(input, {
enableTime: true,
time_24hr: is24h,
dateFormat: dateFormat,
if (val === 'day') {
Flatpickr(input, {
time_24hr: is24h,
// "Add option" button handler
$add = $(add).click(function () {
$add.before(getOption(Messages.form_newOption, false));
var l = $container.find('input').length;
$(maxInput).attr('max', l);
if (l >= MAX_OPTIONS) { $add.hide(); }
// If multiline block, handle "Add item" button
$addItem = $(addItem).click(function () {
$addItem.before(getOption(Messages.form_newItem, true, Util.uid()));
if ($(containerItems).find('input').length >= MAX_ITEMS) { $addItem.hide(); }
if ($container.find('input').length >= MAX_OPTIONS) { $add.hide(); }
if ($(containerItems).find('input').length >= MAX_ITEMS) { $addItem.hide(); }
// Cancel changes
var cancelBlock = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', Messages.cancel);
$(cancelBlock).click(function () { cb(); });
// Set cursor getter (to handle remote changes to the form)
setCursorGetter(function () {
var values = [];
var active = document.activeElement;
var cursor = {};
$container.find('input').each(function (i, el) {
if (el === active && !el._flatpickr) {
cursor.el= $(el).val();
cursor.start = el.selectionStart;
cursor.end = el.selectionEnd;
var _content = {values: values};
if (maxInput) {
_content.max = Number($(maxInput).val()) || 1;
if (typeSelect) {
_content.type = typeSelect.getValue();
if (v.items) {
var items = [];
$(containerItems).find('input').each(function (i, el) {
if (el === active) {
cursor.item = true;
cursor.uid= $(el).data('uid');
cursor.start = el.selectionStart;
cursor.end = el.selectionEnd;
uid: $(el).data('uid'),
v: $(el).val()
_content.items = items;
return {
old: (tmp && tmp.old) || v,
content: _content,
cursor: cursor
// Save changes
var saveBlock = h('button.btn.btn-primary', [
h('span', Messages.settings_save)
$(saveBlock).click(function () {
$(saveBlock).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// Get values
var values = [];
var duplicates = false;
$container.find('input').each(function (i, el) {
var val = $(el).val().trim();
if (values.indexOf(val) === -1) { values.push(val); }
else { duplicates = true; }
var res = { values: values };
// If multiline block, get items
if (v.items) {
var items = [];
$(containerItems).find('input').each(function (i, el) {
var val = $(el).val().trim();
var uid = $(el).data('uid');
if (!items.some(function (i) { return i.uid === uid; })) {
uid: $(el).data('uid'),
v: val
else { duplicates = true; }
res.items = items;
// Show duplicates warning
if (duplicates) {
// If checkboxes, get the maximum number of values the users can select
if (maxInput) {
var maxVal = Number($(maxInput).val());
if (isNaN(maxVal)) { maxVal = values.length; }
res.max = maxVal;
if (typeSelect) {
res.type = typeSelect.getValue();
return [
h('div.cp-form-edit-options-block', [containerItems, container]),
h('div', [cancelBlock, saveBlock])
var makePollTable = function (answers, opts) {
// Create first line with options
var els = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
if (opts.type === "day") {
var _date = new Date(data);
data = _date.toLocaleDateString();
return h('div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-option', data);
// Insert axis switch button
var switchAxis = h('button.btn', [
els.unshift(h('div.cp-poll-cell.cp-poll-switch', switchAxis));
var lines = [h('div', els)];
// Add answers
if (Array.isArray(answers)) {
answers.forEach(function (answer) {
if (!answer.name || !answer.values) { return; }
var _name = answer.name;
var values = answer.values || {};
var els = opts.values.map(function (data) {
var res = values[data] || 0;
var v = (Number(res) === 1) ? h('i.fa.fa-check.cp-yes') : undefined;
var cell = h('div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-answer', {
'data-value': res
}, v);
return cell;
els.unshift(h('div.cp-poll-cell.cp-poll-answer-name', _name));
lines.push(h('div', els));
var $s = $(switchAxis).click(function () {
return lines;
var getEmpty = function (empty) {
if (empty) {
return UI.setHTML(h('div.cp-form-results-type-text-empty'), Messages._getKey('form_notAnswered', [empty]));
var findItem = function (items, uid) {
if (!Array.isArray(items)) { return; }
var res;
items.some(function (item) {
if (item.uid === uid) {
res = item.v;
return true;
return res;
var TYPES = {
input: {
get: function () {
var tag = h('input');
var $tag = $(tag);
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () { return $tag.val(); },
setValue: function (val) { $tag.val(val); },
reset: function () { $tag.val(''); }
printResults: function (answers, uid) {
var results = [];
var empty = 0;
Object.keys(answers).forEach(function (author) {
var obj = answers[author];
var answer = obj.msg[uid];
if (!answer || !answer.trim()) { return empty++; }
results.push(h('div.cp-form-results-type-text-data', answer));
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-text', results);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-font')
radio: {
defaultOpts: {
values: [1,2].map(function (i) {
return Messages._getKey('form_defaultOption', [i]);
get: function (opts) {
if (!opts) { opts = TYPES.radio.defaultOpts; }
if (!Array.isArray(opts.values)) { return; }
var name = Util.uid();
var els = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
var radio = UI.createRadio(name, 'cp-form-'+name+'-'+i,
data, false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
$(radio).find('input').data('val', data);
return radio;
var tag = h('div.radio-group.cp-form-type-radio', els);
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () {
var res;
els.some(function (el, i) {
var $i = $(el).find('input');
if (Util.isChecked($i)) {
res = $i.data('val');
return true;
return res;
reset: function () { $(tag).find('input').removeAttr('checked'); },
edit: function (cb, tmp) {
var v = Util.clone(opts);
return editOptions(v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp);
getCursor: function () { return cursorGetter(); },
setValue: function (val) {
els.some(function (el) {
var $el = $(el).find('input');
if ($el.data('val') === val) {
$el.prop('checked', true);
return true;
printResults: function (answers, uid) {
var results = [];
var empty = 0;
var count = {};
Object.keys(answers).forEach(function (author) {
var obj = answers[author];
var answer = obj.msg[uid];
if (!answer || !answer.trim()) { return empty++; }
count[answer] = count[answer] || 0;
Object.keys(count).forEach(function (value) {
results.push(h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data', [
h('span.cp-value', value),
h('span.cp-count', count[value])
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio', results);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-list-ul')
multiradio: {
defaultOpts: {
items: [1,2].map(function (i) {
return {
uid: Util.uid(),
v: Messages._getKey('form_defaultItem', [i])
values: [1,2].map(function (i) {
return Messages._getKey('form_defaultOption', [i]);
get: function (opts) {
if (!opts) { opts = TYPES.multiradio.defaultOpts; }
if (!Array.isArray(opts.items) || !Array.isArray(opts.values)) { return; }
var lines = opts.items.map(function (itemData) {
var name = itemData.uid;
var item = itemData.v;
var els = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
var radio = UI.createRadio(name, 'cp-form-'+name+'-'+i,
'', false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
$(radio).find('input').data('uid', name);
$(radio).find('input').data('val', data);
return radio;
els.unshift(h('div.cp-form-multiradio-item', item));
return h('div.radio-group', {'data-uid':name}, els);
var header = opts.values.map(function (v) { return h('span', v); });
lines.unshift(h('div.cp-form-multiradio-header', header));
var tag = h('div.radio-group.cp-form-type-multiradio', lines);
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () {
var res = {};
var l = lines.slice(1);
l.forEach(function (el, i) {
var $el = $(el);
var uid = $el.attr('data-uid');
var $l = $el.find('input').each(function (i, input) {
var $i = $(input);
if (res[uid]) { return; }
if (Util.isChecked($i)) { res[uid] = $i.data('val'); }
return res;
reset: function () { $(tag).find('input').removeAttr('checked'); },
edit: function (cb, tmp) {
var v = Util.clone(opts);
return editOptions(v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp);
getCursor: function () { return cursorGetter(); },
setValue: function (val) {
Object.keys(val || {}).forEach(function (uid) {
$(tag).find('[name="'+uid+'"]').each(function (i, el) {
if ($(el).data('val') !== val[uid]) { return; }
$(el).prop('checked', true);
printResults: function (answers, uid, form) {
var structure = form[uid];
if (!structure) { return; }
var results = [];
var empty = 0;
var count = {};
Object.keys(answers).forEach(function (author) {
var obj = answers[author];
var answer = obj.msg[uid];
if (!answer || !Object.keys(answer).length) { return empty++; }
//count[answer] = count[answer] || {};
Object.keys(answer).forEach(function (q_uid) {
var c = count[q_uid] = count[q_uid] || {};
var res = answer[q_uid];
if (!res || !res.trim()) { return; }
c[res] = c[res] || 0;
Object.keys(count).forEach(function (q_uid) {
var q = findItem(structure.opts.items, q_uid);
var c = count[q_uid];
var values = Object.keys(c).map(function (res) {
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data', [
h('span.cp-value', res),
h('span.cp-count', c[res])
results.push(h('div.cp-form-results-type-multiradio-data', [
h('span.cp-mr-q', q),
h('span.cp-mr-value', values)
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio', results);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-list-ul')
checkbox: {
defaultOpts: {
max: 3,
values: [1, 2, 3].map(function (i) {
return Messages._getKey('form_defaultOption', [i]);
get: function (opts) {
if (!opts) { opts = TYPES.checkbox.defaultOpts; }
if (!Array.isArray(opts.values)) { return; }
var name = Util.uid();
var els = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
var cbox = UI.createCheckbox('cp-form-'+name+'-'+i,
data, false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
$(cbox).find('input').data('val', data);
return cbox;
var tag = h('div', [
h('div.cp-form-max-options', Messages._getKey('form_maxOptions', [opts.max])),
h('div.radio-group.cp-form-type-checkbox', els)
var $tag = $(tag);
$tag.find('input').on('change', function () {
var selected = $tag.find('input:checked').length;
if (selected >= opts.max) {
$tag.find('input:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () {
var res = [];
els.forEach(function (el, i) {
var $i = $(el).find('input');
if (Util.isChecked($i)) {
return res;
reset: function () { $(tag).find('input').removeAttr('checked'); },
edit: function (cb, tmp) {
var v = Util.clone(opts);
return editOptions(v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp);
getCursor: function () { return cursorGetter(); },
setValue: function (val) {
if (!Array.isArray(val)) { return; }
els.forEach(function (el) {
var $el = $(el).find('input');
if (val.indexOf($el.data('val')) !== -1) {
$el.prop('checked', true);
printResults: function (answers, uid) {
var results = [];
var empty = 0;
var count = {};
Object.keys(answers).forEach(function (author) {
var obj = answers[author];
var answer = obj.msg[uid];
if (!Array.isArray(answer) || !answer.length) { return empty++; }
answer.forEach(function (val) {
count[val] = count[val] || 0;
Object.keys(count).forEach(function (value) {
results.push(h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data', [
h('span.cp-value', value),
h('span.cp-count', count[value])
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio', results);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-check-square-o')
multicheck: {
defaultOpts: {
max: 3,
items: [1,2].map(function (i) {
return {
uid: Util.uid(),
v: Messages._getKey('form_defaultItem', [i])
values: [1,2,3].map(function (i) {
return Messages._getKey('form_defaultOption', [i]);
get: function (opts) {
if (!opts) { opts = TYPES.multicheck.defaultOpts; }
if (!Array.isArray(opts.items) || !Array.isArray(opts.values)) { return; }
var lines = opts.items.map(function (itemData) {
var name = itemData.uid;
var item = itemData.v;
var els = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
var cbox = UI.createCheckbox('cp-form-'+name+'-'+i,
'', false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
$(cbox).find('input').data('uid', name);
$(cbox).find('input').data('val', data);
return cbox;
els.unshift(h('div.cp-form-multiradio-item', item));
return h('div.radio-group', {'data-uid':name}, els);
lines.forEach(function (l) {
$(l).find('input').on('change', function () {
var selected = $(l).find('input:checked').length;
if (selected >= opts.max) {
$(l).find('input:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
var header = opts.values.map(function (v) { return h('span', v); });
lines.unshift(h('div.cp-form-multiradio-header', header));
var tag = h('div.radio-group.cp-form-type-multiradio', lines);
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () {
var res = {};
var l = lines.slice(1);
l.forEach(function (el, i) {
var $el = $(el);
var uid = $el.attr('data-uid');
res[uid] = [];
var $l = $el.find('input').each(function (i, input) {
var $i = $(input);
if (Util.isChecked($i)) { res[uid].push($i.data('val')); }
return res;
reset: function () { $(tag).find('input').removeAttr('checked'); },
edit: function (cb, tmp) {
var v = Util.clone(opts);
return editOptions(v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp);
getCursor: function () { return cursorGetter(); },
setValue: function (val) {
Object.keys(val || {}).forEach(function (uid) {
if (!Array.isArray(val[uid])) { return; }
$(tag).find('[data-uid="'+uid+'"] input').each(function (i, el) {
if (val[uid].indexOf($(el).data('val')) === -1) { return; }
$(el).prop('checked', true);
printResults: function (answers, uid, form) {
var structure = form[uid];
if (!structure) { return; }
var results = [];
var empty = 0;
var count = {};
Object.keys(answers).forEach(function (author) {
var obj = answers[author];
var answer = obj.msg[uid];
if (!answer || !Object.keys(answer).length) { return empty++; }
Object.keys(answer).forEach(function (q_uid) {
var c = count[q_uid] = count[q_uid] || {};
var res = answer[q_uid];
if (!Array.isArray(res) || !res.length) { return; }
res.forEach(function (v) {
c[v] = c[v] || 0;
Object.keys(count).forEach(function (q_uid) {
var q = findItem(structure.opts.items, q_uid);
var c = count[q_uid];
var values = Object.keys(c).map(function (res) {
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio-data', [
h('span.cp-value', res),
h('span.cp-count', c[res])
results.push(h('div.cp-form-results-type-multiradio-data', [
h('span.cp-mr-q', q),
h('span.cp-mr-value', values)
return h('div.cp-form-results-type-radio', results);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-list-ul')
poll: {
defaultOpts: {
type: 'text', // Text or Days or Time
values: [1, 2, 3].map(function (i) {
return Messages._getKey('form_defaultOption', [i]);
get: function (opts, answers, username) {
if (!opts) { opts = TYPES.poll.defaultOpts; }
if (!Array.isArray(opts.values)) { return; }
var name = Util.uid();
var lines = makePollTable(answers, opts);
// Add form
// XXX only if not already answered!
var addLine = opts.values.map(function (data, i) {
var cell = h('div.cp-poll-cell.cp-form-poll-choice', [
var $c = $(cell);
$c.data('option', data);
var val = 0;
$c.attr('data-value', val);
$c.click(function () {
val = (val+1)%3;
$c.attr('data-value', val);
cell._setValue = function (v) {
val = v;
$c.attr('data-value', val);
return cell;
// Name input
var nameInput = h('input', { value: username });
addLine.unshift(h('div.cp-poll-cell', nameInput));
// XXX Submit button here?
lines.push(h('div', addLine));
var tag = h('div.cp-form-type-poll', lines);
var $tag = $(tag);
var cursorGetter;
var setCursorGetter = function (f) { cursorGetter = f; };
return {
tag: tag,
getValue: function () {
var res = {};
var name = $(nameInput).val().trim() || Messages.anonymous;
$tag.find('.cp-form-poll-choice').each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
res[$el.data('option')] = $el.attr('data-value');
return {
name: name,
values: res
reset: function () {
$tag.find('.cp-form-poll-choice').attr('data-value', 0);
edit: function (cb, tmp) {
var v = Util.clone(opts);
return editOptions(v, setCursorGetter, cb, tmp);
getCursor: function () { return cursorGetter(); },
setValue: function (res) {
if (!res || !res.values || !res.name) { return; }
var val = res.values;
$tag.find('.cp-form-poll-choice').each(function (i, el) {
if (!el._setValue) { return; }
var $el = $(el);
console.log(el, $el.data('option'), val);
el._setValue(val[$el.data('option')] || 0);
printResults: function (answers, uid, form) {
var _answers = getBlockAnswers(answers, uid);
var lines = makePollTable(_answers, form[uid].opts);
return h('div.cp-form-type-poll', lines);
icon: h('i.fa.fa-check-square-o')
var renderResults = function (content, answers) {
var $container = $('div.cp-form-creator-results').empty();
var form = content.form;
var elements = content.order.map(function (uid) {
var block = form[uid];
var type = block.type;
var model = TYPES[type];
if (!model || !model.printResults) { return; }
var print = model.printResults(answers, uid, form);
var q = h('div.cp-form-block-question', block.q || Messages.form_default);
return h('div.cp-form-block', [
h('div.cp-form-block-type', [
h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type])
h('div.cp-form-block-content', print),
var getBlockAnswers = function (answers, uid, filterCurve) {
return Object.keys(answers || {}).map(function (user) {
if (filterCurve && user === filterCurve) { return; }
try {
return answers[user].msg[uid];
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
var getFormResults = function () {
if (!Array.isArray(APP.formBlocks)) { return; }
var results = {};
APP.formBlocks.forEach(function (data) {
results[data.uid] = data.getValue();
return results;
var makeFormControls = function (framework, content, update) {
var send = h('button.cp-open.btn.btn-primary', update ? Messages.form_update : Messages.form_submit);
var reset = h('button.cp-open.btn.btn-danger-alt', Messages.form_reset);
$(reset).click(function () {
if (!Array.isArray(APP.formBlocks)) { return; }
APP.formBlocks.forEach(function (data) {
if (typeof(data.reset) === "function") { data.reset(); }
var $send = $(send).click(function () {
$send.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var results = getFormResults();
if (!results) { return; }
var sframeChan = framework._.sfCommon.getSframeChannel();
sframeChan.query('Q_FORM_SUBMIT', {
mailbox: content.answers,
results: results
}, function (err, data) {
$send.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (err || (data && data.error)) {
console.error(err || data.error);
return void UI.warn(Messages.error);
if (content.answers.privateKey) {
var viewResults = h('button.btn.btn-primary', [
h('span.cp-app-form-button-results', Messages.form_viewResults),
var sframeChan = framework._.sfCommon.getSframeChannel();
var $v = $(viewResults).click(function () {
$v.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
sframeChan.query("Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS", content.answers, function (err, answers) {
if (answers) { APP.answers = answers; }
renderResults(content, answers);
if (APP.isClosed) {
send = undefined;
reset = undefined;
return h('div.cp-form-send-container', [send, reset, viewResults]);
var updateForm = function (framework, content, editable, answers, temp) {
var $container = $('div.cp-form-creator-content');
if (!$container.length) { return; } // Not ready
var form = content.form;
APP.formBlocks = [];
// XXX order array later
var elements = content.order.map(function (uid) {
var block = form[uid];
var type = block.type;
var model = TYPES[type];
if (!model) { return; }
var _answers, name;
if (type === 'poll') {
var metadataMgr = framework._.cpNfInner.metadataMgr;
var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
// If we are a participant, our results shouldn't be in the table but in the
// editable part: remove them from _answers
_answers = getBlockAnswers(APP.answers, uid, !editable && user.curvePublic);
name = user.name;
var data = model.get(block.opts, _answers, name);
if (!data) { return; }
data.uid = uid;
if (answers && answers[uid]) { data.setValue(answers[uid]); }
var q = h('div.cp-form-block-question', block.q || Messages.form_default);
var editButtons, editContainer;
if (editable) {
// Question
var inputQ = h('input', {
value: block.q || Messages.form_default
var $inputQ = $(inputQ);
var saveQ = h('button.btn.btn-primary.small', [
h('span.cp-form-edit', Messages.form_editQuestion),
h('span.cp-form-save', Messages.settings_save)
var dragHandle = h('i.fa.fa-arrows-v.cp-form-block-drag');
var $saveQ = $(saveQ).click(function () {
if (!$(q).hasClass('editing')) {
var v = $inputQ.val();
if (!v || !v.trim()) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); }
block.q = v.trim();
$saveQ.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () {
var onCancelQ = function (e) {
if (e && e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget === saveQ) { return; }
$inputQ.val(block.q || Messages.form_default);
if (!e) { $inputQ.blur(); }
$inputQ.keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) { return void $saveQ.click(); }
if (e.which === 27) { return void onCancelQ(); }
$inputQ.focus(function () {
q = h('div.cp-form-input-block', [inputQ, saveQ, dragHandle]);
// Delete question
var edit;
var del = h('button.btn.btn-danger', [
h('span', Messages.form_delete)
UI.confirmButton(del, {
classes: 'btn-danger',
new: true
}, function () {
delete content.form[uid];
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
content.order.splice(idx, 1);
// Values
if (data.edit) {
edit = h('button.btn.btn-primary.cp-form-edit-button', [
h('span', Messages.form_editBlock)
editContainer = h('div');
var onSave = function (newOpts) {
data.editing = false;
if (!newOpts) { // Cancel edit
block.opts = newOpts;
var $oldTag = $(data.tag);
framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () {
var _answers = getBlockAnswers(APP.answers, uid);
data = model.get(newOpts, answers);
if (!data) { data = {}; }
var onEdit = function (tmp) {
data.editing = true;
$(editContainer).append(data.edit(onSave, tmp));
$(edit).click(function () {
// If we were editing this field, recover our unsaved changes
if (temp && temp[uid]) {
setTimeout(function () {
editButtons = h('div.cp-form-edit-buttons-container', [
edit, del
var editableCls = editable ? ".editable" : "";
return h('div.cp-form-block'+editableCls, {
}, [
h('div.cp-form-block-content', [
if (editable) {
Sortable.create($container[0], {
direction: "vertical",
filter: "input, button",
preventOnFilter: false,
store: {
set: function (s) {
content.order = s.toArray();
// In view mode, add "Submit" and "reset" buttons
$container.append(makeFormControls(framework, content, Boolean(answers)));
var getTempFields = function () {
if (!Array.isArray(APP.formBlocks)) { return; }
var temp = {};
APP.formBlocks.forEach(function (data) {
if (data.editing) {
var cursor = data.getCursor && data.getCursor();
temp[data.uid] = cursor;
return temp;
var andThen = function (framework) {
var content = {};
var sframeChan = framework._.sfCommon.getSframeChannel();
var metadataMgr = framework._.cpNfInner.metadataMgr;
var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
APP.isEditor = Boolean(priv.form_public);
var $body = $('body');
var $toolbarContainer = $('#cp-toolbar');
var helpMenu = framework._.sfCommon.createHelpMenu(['text', 'pad']);
var makeFormSettings = function () {
var makePublic = h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.form_makePublic);
if (content.answers.privateKey) { makePublic = undefined; }
var publicText = content.answers.privateKey ? Messages.form_isPublic : Messages.form_isPrivate;
var resultsType = h('div.cp-form-results-type-container', [
h('span.cp-form-results-type', publicText),
var $makePublic = $(makePublic).click(function () {
UI.confirm(Messages.form_makePublicWarning, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
content.answers.privateKey = priv.form_private;
framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () {
// End date / Closed state
var endDateContainer = h('div.cp-form-status-container');
var $endDate = $(endDateContainer);
var refreshEndDate = function () {
var endDate = content.answers.endDate;
var date = new Date(endDate).toLocaleString();
var now = +new Date();
var text = Messages.form_isOpen;
var buttonTxt = Messages.form_setEnd;
if (endDate <= now) {
text = Messages._getKey('form_isClosed', [date]);
buttonTxt = Messages.form_open;
action = function () {
} else if (endDate > now) {
text = Messages._getKey('form_willClose', [date]);
buttonTxt = Messages.form_removeEnd;
var button = h('button.btn.btn-secondary', buttonTxt);
var $button = $(button).click(function () {
$button.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// If there is an end date, remove it
if (endDate) {
delete content.answers.endDate;
// Otherwise add it
var datePicker = h('input');
var picker = Flatpickr(datePicker, {
enableTime: true,
time_24hr: is24h,
dateFormat: dateFormat,
minDate: new Date()
var save = h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.settings_save);
$(save).click(function () {
var d = picker.parseDate(datePicker.value);
content.answers.endDate = +d;
var confirmContent = h('div', [
h('div', Messages.form_setEnd),
h('div.cp-form-input-block', [datePicker, save]),
$endDate.append(h('div.cp-form-status', text));
$endDate.append(h('div.cp-form-actions', button));
var viewResults = h('button.btn.btn-primary', [
h('span.cp-app-form-button-results', Messages.form_viewResults),
h('span.cp-app-form-button-creator', Messages.form_viewCreator),
var $v = $(viewResults).click(function () {
if ($body.hasClass('cp-app-form-results')) {
$v.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
sframeChan.query("Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS", {
channel: content.answers.channel,
validateKey: content.answers.validateKey,
publicKey: content.answers.publicKey
}, function (err, answers) {
if (answers) { APP.answers = answers; }
renderResults(content, answers);
return [
// XXX
// Button to set results as public
// Checkbox to allow anonymous answers
// Button to clear all answers?
var checkIntegrity = function (getter) {
if (!content.order || !content.form) { return; }
var changed = false;
content.order.forEach(function (uid) {
if (!content.form[uid]) {
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
content.order.splice(idx, 1);
changed = true;
Object.keys(content.form).forEach(function (uid) {
var idx = content.order.indexOf(uid);
if (idx === -1) {
changed = true;
if (!getter && changed) { framework.localChange(); }
var makeFormCreator = function () {
var controlContainer;
if (APP.isEditor) {
var controls = Object.keys(TYPES).map(function (type) {
var btn = h('button.btn', [
h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type])
$(btn).click(function () {
var uid = Util.uid();
content.form[uid] = {
//q: Messages.form_default,
//opts: opts
type: type,
updateForm(framework, content, true);
return btn;
var settings = makeFormSettings();
controlContainer = h('div.cp-form-creator-control', [
h('div.cp-form-creator-settings', settings),
h('div.cp-form-creator-types', controls)
var contentContainer = h('div.cp-form-creator-content');
var resultsContainer = h('div.cp-form-creator-results');
var div = h('div.cp-form-creator-container', [
return div;
var endDateEl = h('div.alert.alert-warning.cp-burn-after-reading');
var endDate;
var endDateTo;
var refreshEndDateBanner = function (force) {
if (APP.isEditor) { return; }
var _endDate = content.answers.endDate;
if (_endDate === endDate && !force) { return; }
endDate = _endDate;
var date = new Date(endDate).toLocaleString();
var text = Messages._getKey('form_isClosed', [date]);
if (endDate > +new Date()) {
text = Messages._getKey('form_willClose', [date]);
if ($('.cp-help-container').length && endDate) {
} else {
APP.isClosed = endDate && endDate < (+new Date());
if (!APP.isClosed && endDate) {
setTimeout(function () {
},(endDate - +new Date() + 100));
framework.onReady(function (isNew) {
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
if (APP.isEditor) {
if (!content.form) {
content.form = {};
if (!content.order) {
content.order = [];
if (!content.answers || !content.answers.channel || !content.answers.publicKey || !content.answers.validateKey) {
content.answers = {
channel: Hash.createChannelId(),
publicKey: priv.form_public,
validateKey: priv.form_answerValidateKey
sframeChan.event('EV_FORM_PIN', {channel: content.answers.channel});
var $container = $('#cp-app-form-container');
if (!content.answers || !content.answers.channel || !content.answers.publicKey || !content.answers.validateKey) {
return void UI.errorLoadingScreen(Messages.form_invalid);
// XXX fetch answers and
// * viewers ==> check if you've already answered and show form (new or edit)
// * editors ==> show schema and warn users if existing questions already have answers
if (priv.form_auditorKey) {
sframeChan.query("Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS", {
channel: content.answers.channel,
validateKey: content.answers.validateKey,
publicKey: content.answers.publicKey,
privateKey: priv.form_auditorKey
}, function (err, obj) {
if (obj) { APP.answers = obj; }
renderResults(content, obj);
if (APP.isEditor) {
sframeChan.query("Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS", {
channel: content.answers.channel,
validateKey: content.answers.validateKey,
publicKey: content.answers.publicKey
}, function (err, obj) {
if (obj) { APP.answers = obj; }
updateForm(framework, content, true);
// If the results are public and there is at least one doodle, fetch the results now
if (content.answers.privateKey && Object.keys(content.form).some(function (uid) {
return content.form[uid].type === "poll";
})) {
sframeChan.query("Q_FORM_FETCH_ANSWERS", {
channel: content.answers.channel,
validateKey: content.answers.validateKey,
publicKey: content.answers.publicKey,
privateKey: content.answers.privateKey,
}, function (err, obj) {
if (obj) { APP.answers = obj; }
var myAnswers;
if (user.curvePublic && obj && obj[user.curvePublic]) { // XXX ANONYMOUS
myAnswers = obj[user.curvePublic].msg;
updateForm(framework, content, false, myAnswers);
sframeChan.query("Q_FETCH_MY_ANSWERS", {
channel: content.answers.channel,
validateKey: content.answers.validateKey,
publicKey: content.answers.publicKey
}, function (err, obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) {
var answers;
if (obj && !obj.error) { answers = obj; }
updateForm(framework, content, false, answers);
framework.onContentUpdate(function (newContent) {
content = newContent;
var answers, temp;
if (!APP.isEditor) { answers = getFormResults(); }
else { temp = getTempFields(); }
updateForm(framework, content, APP.isEditor, answers, temp);
framework.setContentGetter(function () {
return content;
toolbarContainer: '#cp-toolbar',
contentContainer: '#cp-app-form-editor',
}, andThen);