mirror of https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad
598 lines
22 KiB
598 lines
22 KiB
], function($, h, Hash, UI, UIElements, Util, Constants, Messages, Pages, Flatpickr) {
var handlers = {};
var defaultDismiss = function(common, data) {
return function(e) {
if (e) {
common.mailbox.dismiss(data, function(err) {
if (err) { return void console.error(err); }
// Friend request
handlers['FRIEND_REQUEST'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
var userData = msg.content.user || msg.content;
var name = Util.fixHTML(userData.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
msg.content = { user: userData };
// Display the notification
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('friendRequest_notification', [name]);
// Check authenticity
if (msg.author !== userData.curvePublic) { return; }
// if not archived, add handlers
if (!content.archived) {
content.handler = function() {
UIElements.displayFriendRequestModal(common, data);
handlers['FRIEND_REQUEST_ACCEPTED'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
var userData = typeof(msg.content.user) === "object" ? msg.content.user : {
displayName: msg.content.name,
curvePublic: msg.content.user
var name = Util.fixHTML(userData.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('friendRequest_accepted', [name]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['FRIEND_REQUEST_DECLINED'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
var userData = typeof(msg.content.user) === "object" ? msg.content.user : {
displayName: msg.content.name,
curvePublic: msg.content.user
var name = Util.fixHTML(userData.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('friendRequest_declined', [name]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
// Share pad
handlers['SHARE_PAD'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
var type = Hash.parsePadUrl(msg.content.href).type;
var key = type === 'drive' ? 'notification_folderShared' : // Msg.notification_folderSharedTeam
(type === 'file' ? 'notification_fileShared' : // Msg.notification_fileSharedTeam
'notification_padShared'); // Msg.notification_padSharedTeam
if (msg.content.isStatic) {
key = 'notification_linkShared'; // Msg.notification_linkShared;
var teamNotification = /^team-/.test(data.type) && Number(data.type.slice(5));
var teamName = '';
if (teamNotification) {
var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var teamsData = Util.tryParse(JSON.stringify(privateData.teams)) || {};
var team = teamsData[teamNotification];
if (!team || !team.name) { return; }
key += "Team";
teamName = Util.fixHTML(team.name);
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.name) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey(key, [name, title, teamName]);
content.handler = function() {
if (msg.content.isStatic) {
UIElements.displayOpenLinkModal(common, {
curve: msg.author,
href: msg.content.href,
name: name,
title: title
}, defaultDismiss(common, data));
var obj = {
p: msg.content.isTemplate ? ['template'] : undefined,
t: teamNotification || undefined,
pw: msg.content.password || ''
common.openURL(Hash.getNewPadURL(msg.content.href, obj));
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
// New support message from the admins
handlers['SUPPORT_MESSAGE'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages.support_notification;
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['REQUEST_PAD_ACCESS'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Check authenticity
if (msg.author !== msg.content.user.curvePublic) { return; }
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('requestEdit_request', [title, name]);
// if not archived, add handlers
if (!content.archived) {
content.handler = function() {
var link = h('a', {
href: '#'
}, Messages.requestEdit_viewPad);
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
var verified = UIElements.getVerifiedFriend(common, msg.author, name);
var div = h('div', [
UI.setHTML(h('p'), Messages._getKey('requestEdit_confirm', [title, name])),
$(link).click(function(e) {
UI.confirm(div, function(yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_GIVE_ACCESS', {
channel: msg.content.channel,
user: msg.content.user
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
}, {
ok: Messages.friendRequest_accept,
cancel: Messages.later
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['GIVE_PAD_ACCESS'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Check authenticity
if (msg.author !== msg.content.user.curvePublic) { return; }
if (!msg.content.href) { return; }
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
// Display the notification
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('requestEdit_accepted', [title, name]);
// if not archived, add handlers
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
handlers['ADD_OWNER'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('owner_request', [name, title]); // Msg.owner_request_accepted, .owner_request_declined
// Check authenticity
if (msg.author !== msg.content.user.curvePublic) { return; }
// if not archived, add handlers
if (!content.archived) {
content.handler = function() {
if (msg.content.teamChannel) {
return void UIElements.displayAddTeamOwnerModal(common, data);
UIElements.displayAddOwnerModal(common, data);
handlers['ADD_OWNER_ANSWER'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
var key = 'owner_request_' + (msg.content.answer ? 'accepted' : 'declined');
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey(key, [name, title]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['RM_OWNER'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title);
var key = 'owner_removed' + (msg.content.pending ? 'Pending' : ''); // Msg.owner_removed, owner_removedPending
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey(key, [name, title]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['INVITE_TO_TEAM'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var teamName = Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'team', 'metadata', 'name']) || '');
content.getFormatText = function() {
var text = Messages._getKey('team_invitedToTeam', [name, teamName]);
return text;
if (!content.archived) {
content.handler = function() {
UIElements.displayInviteTeamModal(common, data);
handlers['KICKED_FROM_TEAM'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var teamName = Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'teamName']) || '');
content.getFormatText = function() {
var text = Messages._getKey('team_kickedFromTeam', [name, teamName]);
return text;
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['INVITE_TO_TEAM_ANSWERED'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var teamName = Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'team', 'metadata', 'name']) || '') ||
Util.fixHTML(Util.find(msg, ['content', 'teamName']));
var key = 'team_' + (msg.content.answer ? 'accept' : 'decline') + 'Invitation'; // Msg.team_acceptInvitation, team_declineInvitation
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey(key, [name, teamName]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['FORM_RESPONSE'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title || Messages.unknownPad);
var href = msg.content.href;
Messages.form_responseNotification = "New responses have been sent to your form <b>{0}</b>";
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('form_responseNotification', [title]);
if (href) {
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['COMMENT_REPLY'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
//var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var comment = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.comment).slice(0, 20).trim();
if (msg.content.comment.length > 20) {
comment += '...';
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title || Messages.unknownPad);
var href = msg.content.href;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('comments_notification', [comment, title]);
if (href) {
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['MENTION'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var name = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.user.displayName) || Messages.anonymous;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.content.title || Messages.unknownPad);
var href = msg.content.href;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('mentions_notification', [name, title]);
if (href) {
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['MOVE_TODO'] = function(common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg;
// Display the notification
var title = Util.fixHTML(Messages.type.todo);
var href = msg.content.href;
content.getFormatText = function() {
return Messages._getKey('todo_move', [title]);
if (href) {
content.handler = function() {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['SAFE_LINKS_DEFAULT'] = function (common, data) {
var content = data.content;
content.getFormatText = function () {
var msg = Pages.setHTML(h('span'), Messages.settings_safeLinkDefault);
var i = msg.querySelector('i');
if (i) { i.classList = 'fa fa-shhare-alt'; }
return msg.innerHTML;
content.handler = function () {
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['BROADCAST_SURVEY'] = function (common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg.content;
content.getFormatText = function () {
return Messages.broadcast_newSurvey;
content.handler = function () {
defaultDismiss(common, data)();
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['BROADCAST_CUSTOM'] = function (common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg.content;
var text = msg.content;
var defaultL = msg.defaultLanguage;
var myLang = data.lang || Messages._languageUsed;
// Check if our language is available
var toShow = text[myLang];
// Otherwise, fallback to the default language if it exists
if (!toShow && defaultL) { toShow = text[defaultL]; }
// No translation available, dismiss
if (!toShow) { return defaultDismiss(common, data)(); }
var slice = toShow.length > 200;
toShow = Util.fixHTML(toShow);
content.getFormatText = function () {
if (slice) {
return toShow.slice(0, 200) + '...';
return toShow;
if (slice) {
content.handler = function () {
var content = h('div', [
h('h4', Messages.broadcast_newCustom),
h('div.cp-admin-message', toShow)
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
handlers['REMINDER'] = function (common, data) {
var content = data.content;
var msg = content.msg.content;
var missed = content.msg.missed;
var start = msg.start;
var title = Util.fixHTML(msg.title);
content.handler = function () {
var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var time = Util.find(data, ['content', 'msg', 'content', 'start']);
if (priv.app === "calendar" && window.APP && window.APP.moveToDate) {
return void window.APP.moveToDate(time);
var url = Hash.hashToHref('', 'calendar');
var optsUrl = Hash.getNewPadURL(url, {
time: time
content.getFormatText = function () {
var now = +new Date();
// Events that have already started
var wasRefresh = content.autorefresh;
content.autorefresh = false;
var nowDateStr = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
var startDate = new Date(start);
if (msg.isAllDay && msg.startDay) {
startDate = Flatpickr.parseDate(msg.startDay);
// Missed events
if (start < now && missed) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_missed', [title, startDate.toLocaleString()]);
// Starting now
if (start < now && wasRefresh) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_now', [title]);
// In progress, is all day
if (start < now && msg.isAllDay) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_inProgressAllDay', [title]);
// In progress, normal event
if (start < now) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_inProgress', [title, startDate.toLocaleString()]);
// Not started yet
// No precise time for allDay events
if (msg.isAllDay) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_date', [title, startDate.toLocaleDateString()]);
// In less than an hour: show countdown in minutes
if ((start - now) < 3600000) {
var minutes = Math.round((start - now) / 60000);
content.autorefresh = true;
return Messages._getKey('reminder_minutes', [title, minutes]);
// Not today: show full date
if (nowDateStr !== startDate.toLocaleDateString()) {
return Messages._getKey('reminder_date', [title, startDate.toLocaleString()]);
// Today: show time
return Messages._getKey('reminder_time', [title, startDate.toLocaleTimeString()]);
if (!content.archived) {
content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
// NOTE: don't forget to fixHTML everything returned by "getFormatText"
return {
add: function(common, data) {
var type = data.content.msg.type;
if (handlers[type]) {
handlers[type](common, data);
// add getters to access simply some informations
data.content.isClickable = typeof data.content.handler === "function";
data.content.isDismissible = typeof data.content.dismissHandler === "function";
} else {
data.content.dismissHandler = defaultDismiss(common, data);
data.content.isDismissible = typeof data.content.dismissHandler === "function";
remove: function(common, data) {
allowed: Object.keys(handlers)