
530 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 XWiki CryptPad Team <> and contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
const B32 = require("thirty-two");
const OTP = require("notp");
const nThen = require("nthen");
const Util = require("../common-util");
const MFA = require("../storage/mfa");
const Sessions = require("../storage/sessions");
const BlockStore = require("../storage/block");
const Block = require("../commands/block");
const config = require("../load-config");
const Commands = module.exports;
var isString = s => typeof(s) === 'string';
// basic definition of what we'll accept as an OTP code
// exactly six numerical digits
var isValidOTP = otp => {
return isString(otp) &&
// in the future this could be updated to support 8 digits
otp.length === 6 &&
// \D is non-digit characters, so this tests that it is exclusively numeric
// basic definition of what we'll accept as a recovery key
// 24 bytes encoded as b64 ==> 32 characters
var isValidRecoveryKey = otp => {
return isString(otp) &&
// in the future this could be updated to support 8 digits
otp.length === 32 &&
// \D is non-digit characters, so this tests that it is exclusively numeric
// we'll only allow users to set up multi-factor auth
// for keypairs they control which already have blocks
// this check doesn't confirm that their id is valid base64
// any attempt relying on this should fail when we can't decode
// the id they provided.
var isValidBlockId = Block.isValidBlockId;
// the base32 library can throw when decoding under various conditions.
// we have some basic requirements for the length of base32 as well,
// so we just do all the validation here. It either returns a buffer
// of length 20 or undefined, so the caller can just check whether it's
// falsey and otherwise assume it was well-formed
// Length === 20 comes from the recommendation of 160 bits of entropy
// in RFC4226 (
var decode32 = S => {
let decoded;
try {
decoded = B32.decode(S);
} catch (err) { return; }
if (!(decoded instanceof Buffer) || decoded.length !== 20) { return; }
return decoded;
// Allow user settings?
var EXPIRATION = (config.otpSessionExpiration || 7 * 24) * 3600 * 1000;
// Create a session with a token for the given public key
const makeSession = (Env, publicKey, oldKey, ssoSession, cb) => {
const sessionId = ssoSession || Sessions.randomId();
let SSOUtils = Env.plugins && Env.plugins.SSO && Env.plugins.SSO.utils;
// For password change, we need to get the sso session associated to the old block key
// In other cases (login and totp_setup), the sso session is associated to the current block
oldKey = oldKey || publicKey; // use the current block if no old key
let isUpdate = false;
nThen(function (w) {
if (!ssoSession || !SSOUtils) { return; }
// If we have an session token, confirm this is an sso account
SSOUtils.readBlock(Env, oldKey, w((err) => {
if (err === 'ENOENT') { return; } // No sso block, no need to update the session
if (err) {
return void cb('TOTP_VALIDATE_READ_SSO');
// We have an existing session for an SSO account: update the existing session
isUpdate = true;
}).nThen(function (w) {
// store the token
let sessionData = {
mfa: {
type: 'otp',
exp: (+new Date()) + EXPIRATION
var then = w(function (err) {
if (err) {
error: Util.serializeError(err),
publicKey: publicKey,
sessionId: sessionId,
return void cb("SESSION_WRITE_ERROR");
// else continue
if (isUpdate) {
Sessions.update(Env, publicKey, oldKey, sessionId, JSON.stringify(sessionData), then);
} else {
Sessions.write(Env, publicKey, sessionId, JSON.stringify(sessionData), then);
}).nThen(function () {
cb(void 0, {
bearer: sessionId,
// Read the MFA settings for the given public key
const readMFA = (Env, publicKey, cb) => {
// check that there is an MFA configuration for the given account, publicKey, function (err, content) {
if (err) {
error: err,
publicKey: publicKey,
return void cb('NO_MFA_CONFIGURED');
var parsed = Util.tryParse(content);
if (!parsed) { return void cb("INVALID_CONFIGURATION"); }
cb(undefined, parsed);
// Check if an OTP code is valid against the provided secret
const checkCode = (Env, secret, code, publicKey, _cb) => {
const cb = Util.mkAsync(_cb);
let decoded = decode32(secret);
if (!decoded) {
publicKey, // log the public key so the admin can investigate further
// don't log the problematic secret directly as
// logs are likely to be pasted in random places
return void cb("E_INVALID_SECRET");
// validate the code
var validated = OTP.totp.verify(code, decoded, {
window: 1,
if (!validated) {
// I won't worry about logging these OTPs as they shouldn't leak any useful information
Env.Log.error("TOTP_VALIDATE_BAD_OTP", {
return void cb("INVALID_OTP");
// call back to indicate that their request was well-formed and valid
// This command allows clients to configure TOTP as a second factor protecting
// their login block IFF they:
// 1. provide a sufficiently strong TOTP secret
// 2. are able to produce a valid OTP code for that secret (indicating that their clock is sufficiently close to ours)
// 3. such a login block actually exists
// 4. are able to sign an arbitrary message for the login block's public key
// 5. have not already configured TOTP protection for this account
// (changing to a new secret can be done by disabling and re-enabling TOTP 2FA)
const TOTP_SETUP = Commands.TOTP_SETUP = function (Env, body, cb) {
const { publicKey, secret, code, contact } = body;
// the client MUST provide an OTP code of the expected format
// this doesn't check if it matches the secret and time, just that it's well-formed
if (!isValidOTP(code)) { return void cb("E_INVALID"); }
// if they provide an (optional) point of contact as a recovery mechanism then it should be a string.
// the intent is to allow to specify some side channel for those who inevitably lock themselves out
// we should be able to use that to validate their identity.
// I don't want to assume email, but limiting its length to 254 (the maximum email length) seems fair.
if (contact && (!isString(contact) || contact.length > 254)) { return void cb("INVALID_CONTACT"); }
// Check that the provided public key is the expected format for a block
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) {
return void cb("INVALID_KEY");
// decode32 checks whether the secret decodes to a sufficiently long buffer
var decoded = decode32(secret);
if (!decoded) { return void cb('INVALID_SECRET'); }
// Reject attempts to setup TOTP if a record of their preferences already exists, publicKey, function (err) {
// There **should be** an error here, because anything else
// means that a record already exists
// This may need to be adjusted as other methods of MFA are added
if (!err) { return void cb("EEXISTS"); }
// if no MFA settings exist then we expect ENOENT
// anything else indicates a problem and should result in rejection
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { return void cb(err); }
try {
// allow for 30s of clock drift in either direction
// returns an object ({ delta: 0 }) indicating the amount of clock drift
// if successful, otherwise `null`
var validated = OTP.totp.verify(code, decoded, {
window: 1,
if (!validated) { return void cb("INVALID_OTP"); }
} catch (err2) {
error: err2,
return void cb("INTERNAL_ERROR");
// The 'complete' step for TOTP_SETUP will only be called if the client
// passed earlier validation and successfully signed the server's challenge.
// There's still a little bit more to do and it could still fail.
TOTP_SETUP.complete = function (Env, body, cb) {
// the OTP code should have already been validated
var { publicKey, secret, contact, session } = body;
// the device from which they configure MFA settings
// is assumed to be safe, so we'll respond with a JWT token
// the remainder of the setup is successfully completed.
// Otherwise they would have to reauthenticate.
// The session id is used as a reference to this particular session.
nThen(function (w) {
// confirm that the block exists
BlockStore.check(Env, publicKey, w(function (err) {
if (err) {
Env.Log.error("TOTP_SETUP_NO_BLOCK", {
return void cb("NO_BLOCK");
// otherwise the block exists, continue
}).nThen(function (w) {
// store the data you'll need in the future
var data = {
method: 'TOTP', // specify this so it's easier to add other methods later?
secret: secret, // the 160 bit, base32-encoded secret that is used for OTP validation
creation: new Date(), // the moment at which the MFA was configured
if (isString(contact)) {
// 'contact' is an arbitary (and optional) string for manual recovery from 2FA auth fails
// it should already be validated = contact;
// We attempt to store a record of the above preferences
// if it fails then we abort and inform the client of an error.
MFA.write(Env, publicKey, JSON.stringify(data), w(function (err) {
if (err) {
publicKey: publicKey,
error: err,
return void cb('STORAGE_FAILURE');
// otherwise continue
}).nThen(function () {
// we have already stored the MFA data, which will cause access to the resource to be restricted to the provided TOTP secret.
// we attempt to create a session as a matter of convenience - so if it fails
// that just means they'll be forced to authenticate
makeSession(Env, publicKey, null, session, cb);
// This command is somewhat simpler than TOTP_SETUP
// Issue a client a JWT which will allow them to access a login block IFF:
// 1. That login block exists
// 2. That login block is protected by TOTP 2FA
// 3. They can produce a valid OTP for that block's TOTP secret
// 4. They can sign for the block's public key
const validate = Commands.TOTP_VALIDATE = function (Env, body, cb) {
var { publicKey, code } = body;
// they must provide a valid OTP code
if (!isValidOTP(code)) { return void cb('E_INVALID'); }
// they must provide a valid block public key
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
var secret;
nThen(function (w) {
// check that there is an MFA configuration for the given account
readMFA(Env, publicKey, w(function (err, content) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
secret = content.secret;
}).nThen(function () {
checkCode(Env, secret, code, publicKey, cb);
validate.complete = function (Env, body, cb) {
if they are here then they:
1. have a valid block configured with TOTP-based 2FA
2. were able to provide a valid TOTP for that block's secret
3. were able to sign their messages for the block's public key
So, we should:
1. instanciate a session for them by generating and storing a token for their public key
2. send them the token
var { publicKey, session } = body;
makeSession(Env, publicKey, null, session, cb);
// Same as TOTP_VALIDATE but without making a session at the end
const check = Commands.TOTP_MFA_CHECK = function (Env, body, cb) {
var { publicKey, auth } = body;
const code = auth;
if (!isValidOTP(code)) { return void cb('E_INVALID'); }
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
var secret;
nThen(function (w) {
readMFA(Env, publicKey, w(function (err, content) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
secret = content.secret;
}).nThen(function () {
checkCode(Env, secret, code, publicKey, cb);
check.complete = function (Env, body, cb) { cb(); };
// Revoke a client TOTP secret which will allow them to disable TOTP for a login block IFF:
// 1. That login block exists
// 2. That login block is protected by TOTP 2FA
// 3. They can produce a valid OTP for that block's TOTP secret
// 4. They can sign for the block's public key
const revoke = Commands.TOTP_REVOKE = function (Env, body, cb) {
var { publicKey, code, recoveryKey } = body;
// they must provide a valid OTP code
if (!isValidOTP(code) && !isValidRecoveryKey(recoveryKey)) { return void cb('E_INVALID'); }
// they must provide a valid block public key
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
var secret, recoveryStored;
nThen(function (w) {
// check that there is an MFA configuration for the given account
readMFA(Env, publicKey, w(function (err, content) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
secret = content.secret;
recoveryStored =;
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (!recoveryKey) { return; }
if (!/^secret:/.test(recoveryStored)) {
return void cb("E_NO_RECOVERY_KEY");
recoveryStored = recoveryStored.slice(7);
if (recoveryKey !== recoveryStored) {
return void cb("E_WRONG_RECOVERY_KEY");
}).nThen(function () {
checkCode(Env, secret, code, publicKey, cb);
revoke.complete = function (Env, body, cb) {
if they are here then they:
1. have a valid block configured with TOTP-based 2FA
2. were able to provide a valid TOTP for that block's secret
3. were able to sign their messages for the block's public key
So, we should:
1. Revoke the TOTP authentication for their block
2. Remove all existing sessions
var { publicKey } = body;
MFA.revoke(Env, publicKey, cb);
// Write a login block using an existing OTP block IFF
// 1. You can sign for the block's public key
// 2. You have a proof for the old block
// 3. The old block is OTP protected
// 4. The OTP code is valid
// Note: this is used when users change their password
const writeBlock = Commands.TOTP_WRITE_BLOCK = function (Env, body, cb) {
const { publicKey, content } = body;
const code = content.auth;
const registrationProof = content.registrationProof;
// they must provide a valid block public key
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
if (publicKey !== content.publicKey) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
if (!isValidOTP(code)) { return void cb('E_INVALID'); }
if (!registrationProof) { return void cb('MISSING_ANCESTOR'); }
let secret;
let oldKey;
nThen(function (w) {
Block.validateAncestorProof(Env, registrationProof, w((err, provenKey) => {
if (err || !provenKey) {
return void cb('INVALID_ANCESTOR');
oldKey = provenKey;
}).nThen(function (w) {
// check that there is an MFA configuration for the ancestor account
readMFA(Env, oldKey, w(function (err, content) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
secret = content.secret;
}).nThen(function () {
// check that the OTP code is valid
checkCode(Env, secret, code, oldKey, cb);
writeBlock.complete = function (Env, body, cb) {
const { publicKey, content, session } = body;
let oldKey;
nThen(function (w) {
// Write new block
Block.writeLoginBlock(Env, content, w((err) => {
if (err) {
return void cb("BLOCK_WRITE_ERROR");
}).nThen(function (w) {
// Copy MFA settings
const proof = Util.tryParse(content.registrationProof);
oldKey = proof && proof[0];
if (!oldKey) {
return void cb('INVALID_ANCESTOR');
MFA.copy(Env, oldKey, publicKey, w());
}).nThen(function () {
// Create a session for the current user
makeSession(Env, publicKey, oldKey, session, cb);
// Remove a login block IFF
// 1. You can sign for the block's public key
const removeBlock = Commands.TOTP_REMOVE_BLOCK = function (Env, body, cb) {
const { publicKey, auth } = body;
const code = auth;
// they must provide a valid block public key
if (!isValidBlockId(publicKey)) { return void cb("INVALID_KEY"); }
if (!isValidOTP(code)) { return void cb('E_INVALID'); }
let secret;
nThen(function (w) {
// check that there is an MFA configuration for this block
readMFA(Env, publicKey, w(function (err, content) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
secret = content.secret;
}).nThen(function () {
// check that the OTP code is valid
checkCode(Env, secret, code, publicKey, cb);
removeBlock.complete = function (Env, body, cb) {
const { publicKey, edPublic, reason } = body;
nThen(function (w) {
// Remove the block
Block.removeLoginBlock(Env, publicKey, reason, edPublic, w((err) => {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
}).nThen(() => {
// Delete the MFA settings and sessions
MFA.revoke(Env, publicKey, cb);