// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 XWiki CryptPad Team and contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later const Fs = require("fs"); const Fse = require("fs-extra"); const Path = require("path"); const componentsPath = Path.join("www", "components"); const oldComponentsPath = Path.join("www", "bower_components"); Fse.mkdirpSync(componentsPath); Fse.rmSync(oldComponentsPath, { recursive: true, force: true }); [ "alertify.js", "bootstrap", "bootstrap-tokenfield", "chainpad", "chainpad-listmap", "chainpad-netflux", "ckeditor", "codemirror", "components-font-awesome", "croppie", "file-saver", "hyper-json", "jquery", "json.sortify", "jszip", "dragula", "html2canvas", "localforage", "marked", "mathjax", "open-sans-fontface", "tweetnacl", "require-css", "requirejs", "requirejs-plugins", "scrypt-async", "sortablejs", // both client and server: "chainpad-crypto", "saferphore", "nthen", "netflux-websocket", "drawio", "pako", "x2js" ].forEach(l => { const source = Path.join("node_modules", l); const destination = Path.join(componentsPath, l); Fs.rmSync(destination, { recursive: true, force: true }); Fs.cpSync(source, destination, { recursive: true }); });