mirror of https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad
Store a pad in a team drive
This commit is contained in:
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ define([
UIElements.displayAvatar(common, $(avatar), data.avatar, name);
return h('div.cp-share-friend', {
'data-ed': data.edPublic,
'data-curve': data.curvePublic,
'data-curve': data.curvePublic || '',
'data-name': name.toLowerCase(),
'data-order': i,
title: name,
@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ define([
var createShareWithFriends = function (config, onShare) {
var common = config.common;
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
var title = config.title;
var friends = config.friends;
var myName = common.getMetadataMgr().getUserData().name;
@ -741,14 +742,14 @@ define([
return friends[c].curvePublic.slice(0,8);
var $div;
var div = h('div.cp-share-column.contains-nav');
var $div = $(div);
// Replace "copy link" by "share with friends" if at least one friend is selected
// Also create the "share with friends" button if it doesn't exist
var refreshButtons = function () {
var $nav = $div.parents('.alertify').find('nav');
var friendMode = $div.find('.cp-share-friend.cp-selected').length;
console.log(friendMode, Boolean(friendMode));
if (friendMode) {
$nav.find('button.cp-share-with-friends').prop('disabled', '');
} else {
@ -757,11 +758,31 @@ define([
var friendsList = UIElements.getFriendsList(Messages.share_linkFriends, config, refreshButtons);
var div = friendsList.div;
$div = $(div);
var friendDiv = friendsList.div;
var others = friendsList.others;
var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var teamsData = Util.tryParse(JSON.stringify(privateData.teams)) || {};
var teams = {};
Object.keys(teamsData).forEach(function (id) {
var t = teamsData[id];
teams[t.edPublic] = {
notifications: true,
displayName: t.name,
edPublic: t.edPublic,
avatar: t.avatar,
id: id
var teamsList = UIElements.getFriendsList('Share with a team', {
common: common,
noFilter: true,
friends: teams
}, refreshButtons);
$(teamsList.div).append(h('div.cp-share-grid', teamsList.others));
var shareButtons = [{
className: 'primary cp-share-with-friends',
name: Messages.share_withFriends,
@ -770,6 +791,8 @@ define([
var $friends = $div.find('.cp-share-friend.cp-selected');
$friends.each(function (i, el) {
var curve = $(el).attr('data-curve');
// Check if the selected element is a friend or a team
if (curve) { // Friend
if (!curve || !friends[curve]) { return; }
var friend = friends[curve];
if (!friend.notifications || !friend.curvePublic) { return; }
@ -783,6 +806,21 @@ define([
channel: friend.notifications,
curvePublic: friend.curvePublic
// Team
var ed = $(el).attr('data-ed');
var team = teams[ed];
if (!team) { return; }
sframeChan.query('Q_STORE_IN_TEAM', {
href: href,
password: config.password,
path: config.isTemplate ? ['template'] : undefined,
title: title,
teamId: team.id
}, function (err) {
if (err) { return void console.error(err); }
@ -829,7 +867,7 @@ define([
$(el).attr('data-order', i).css('order', i);
// Display them
$div.append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others));
$(friendDiv).append(h('div.cp-share-grid', others));
$div.append(UI.dialog.getButtons(shareButtons, config.onClose));
$div.find('.cp-share-friend').click(function () {
var sel = $(this).hasClass('cp-selected');
@ -904,10 +942,6 @@ define([
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
return origin + parsed.getUrl({embed: embed, present: present});
$(link).find('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function () {
var linkButtons = [{
className: 'cancel',
name: Messages.cancel,
@ -939,6 +973,11 @@ define([
$(mainShareColumn).append(UI.dialog.getButtons(shareButtons, config.onClose)).appendTo($link);
$(link).find('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function () {
var frameLink = UI.dialog.customModal(link, {
buttons: linkButtons,
onClose: config.onClose,
@ -687,6 +687,38 @@ define([
common.storeInTeam = function (data, cb) {
if (!data.href) { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); }
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password);
if (!secret || !secret.channel) { return void cb ({error: 'EINVAL'}); }
Nthen(function (waitFor) {
// Set the correct owner and expiration time if we can find them
postMessage('GET_PAD_METADATA', {
channel: secret.channel
}, waitFor(function (obj) {
if (!obj || obj.error) { return; }
data.owners = obj.owners;
data.expire = +obj.expire;
}).nThen(function () {
postMessage("SET_PAD_TITLE", {
teamId: data.teamId,
href: data.href,
title: data.title,
password: data.password,
channel: secret.channel,
path: data.path,
owners: data.owners,
expire: data.expire,
forceSave: 1
}, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj.error); }
// Needed for the secure filepicker app
common.getSecureFilesList = function (query, cb) {
postMessage("GET_SECURE_FILES_LIST", query, function (list) {
@ -957,15 +957,33 @@ define([
expire = data.expire;
// Check if the pad is stored in any managers.
// If it is stored, update its data, otherwise ask the user where to store it
// If a teamId is provided, it means we want to store the pad in a specific
// team drive. In this case, we just need to check if the pad is already
// stored in th eteam drive.
// If no team ID is provided, this may be a pad shared iwth its URL.
// We need to check if the pad is stored in any managers (user or teams).
// If it is stored, update its data, otherwise ask the user if they want to store it
var allData = [];
var sendTo = [];
var inMyDrive;
getAllStores().forEach(function (s) {
if (data.teamId && s.id !== data.teamId) { return; }
var res = s.manager.findChannel(channel);
if (res.length) {
// If we've just accepted ownership for a pad stored in a shared folder,
// we need to make a copy of this pad in our drive. We're going to check
// if the pad is stored in our MAIN drive.
// We only need to check this if the current manager is the target (data.teamId)
if (data.teamId === s.id) {
inMyDrive = res.some(function (obj) {
return !obj.fId;
Array.prototype.push.apply(allData, res);
var contains = allData.length !== 0;
@ -990,14 +1008,13 @@ define([
pad.href = href;
// If we've just accepted ownership for a pad stored in a shared folder,
// we need to make a copy of this pad in our drive. We're going to check
// the pad is owned by us BUT is not stored in our main drive
var inMyDrive = allData.some(function (obj) {
return !obj.fId;
// XXX owned by one of our teams?
var ownedByMe = Array.isArray(owners) && owners.indexOf(store.proxy.edPublic) !== -1;
// Pads owned by us ("us" can be a user or a team) that are not in our "main" drive
// (meaning they are stored in a shared folder) must be added to the "main" drive.
// This is to make sure owners always have control over owned data.
var edPublic = data.teamId ?
Util.find(store.proxy, ['teams', data.teamId, 'keys', 'edPublic']) :
var ownedByMe = Array.isArray(owners) && owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1;
// Add the pad if it does not exist in our drive
if (!contains || (ownedByMe && !inMyDrive)) {
@ -458,6 +458,10 @@ define([
sframeChan.on('Q_STORE_IN_TEAM', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.storeInTeam(data, cb);
sframeChan.on('EV_SET_HASH', function (hash) {
window.location.hash = hash;
Reference in New Issue