2020-03-26 20:12:41 +08:00
], function ($, Util, Hash, UI, UIElements, Modal, h,
Messages, nThen) {
var Properties = {};
var getPadProperties = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var common = Env.common;
opts = opts || {};
var $d = $('<div>');
if (!data) { return void cb(void 0, $d); }
2020-11-19 15:59:48 +08:00
if (data.channel) {
$('<label>', { 'for': 'cp-app-prop-id'}).text(Messages.documentID).appendTo($d);
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(data.channel, {
id: 'cp-app-prop-id',
2020-03-26 20:12:41 +08:00
if (data.href) {
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-link'}).text(Messages.editShare).appendTo($d);
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(data.href, {
id: 'cp-app-prop-link',
if (data.roHref && !opts.noReadOnly) {
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-rolink'}).text(Messages.viewShare).appendTo($d);
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(data.roHref, {
id: 'cp-app-prop-rolink',
if (data.tags && Array.isArray(data.tags)) {
$d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [Messages.fm_prop_tagsList, h('br'), h('span.cp-app-prop-content', data.tags.join(', '))]));
if (data.ctime) {
$d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [Messages.fm_creation, h('br'), h('span.cp-app-prop-content', new Date(data.ctime).toLocaleString())]));
if (data.atime) {
$d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [Messages.fm_lastAccess, h('br'), h('span.cp-app-prop-content', new Date(data.atime).toLocaleString())]));
if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return void cb(void 0, $d); }
2020-11-09 20:29:16 +08:00
var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
if (privateData.offline) { return void cb(void 0, $d); }
2020-03-26 20:12:41 +08:00
// File and history size...
var owned = Modal.isOwned(Env, data);
// check the size of this file, including additional channels
var bytes = 0;
var historyBytes;
var chan = [data.channel];
if (data.rtChannel) { chan.push(data.rtChannel); }
if (data.lastVersion) { chan.push(Hash.hrefToHexChannelId(data.lastVersion)); }
// Get the channels with history (no blobs)
var channels = chan.filter(function (c) { return c.length === 32; }).map(function (id) {
if (id === data.rtChannel && data.lastVersion && data.lastCpHash) {
return {
channel: id,
lastKnownHash: data.lastCpHash
return {
channel: id
var history = common.makeUniversal('history');
var trimChannels = [];
nThen(function (waitFor) {
// Get total size
chan.forEach(function (c) {
common.getFileSize(c, waitFor(function (e, _bytes) {
if (e) {
// there was a problem with the RPC
bytes += _bytes;
2021-01-11 18:48:56 +08:00
}), true);
2020-03-26 20:12:41 +08:00
if (!owned) { return; }
// Get history size
history.execCommand('GET_HISTORY_SIZE', {
pad: true,
channels: channels,
teamId: typeof(owned) === "number" && owned
}, waitFor(function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return; }
historyBytes = obj.size;
trimChannels = obj.channels;
}).nThen(function () {
if (bytes === 0) { return void cb(void 0, $d); }
var formatted = UIElements.prettySize(bytes);
if (!owned || !historyBytes || historyBytes > bytes || historyBytes < 0) {
$d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [
h('span.cp-app-prop-content', formatted)
return void cb(void 0, $d);
var p = Math.round((historyBytes / bytes) * 100);
var historyPrettySize = UIElements.prettySize(historyBytes);
var contentsPrettySize = UIElements.prettySize(bytes - historyBytes);
var button;
var spinner = UI.makeSpinner();
var size = h('div.cp-app-prop', [
h('div.cp-app-prop-size-container', [
h('div.cp-app-prop-size-history', { style: 'width:'+p+'%;' })
h('div.cp-app-prop-size-legend', [
h('div.cp-app-prop-history-size', [
h('span.cp-app-prop-content', Messages._getKey('historyTrim_historySize', [historyPrettySize]))
h('div.cp-app-prop-contents-size', [
h('span.cp-app-prop-content', Messages._getKey('historyTrim_contentsSize', [contentsPrettySize]))
button = h('button.btn.btn-danger-alt.no-margin', Messages.trimHistory_button),
var $button = $(button);
UI.confirmButton(button, {
classes: 'btn-danger'
}, function () {
history.execCommand('TRIM_HISTORY', {
pad: true,
channels: trimChannels,
teamId: typeof(owned) === "number" && owned
}, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) {
$(size).append(h('div.alert.alert-danger', Messages.trimHistory_error));
var formatted = UIElements.prettySize(bytes - historyBytes);
$d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [
h('span.cp-app-prop-content', formatted)
$d.append(h('div.alert.alert-success', Messages.trimHistory_success));
cb(void 0, $d);
Properties.getPropertiesModal = function (common, opts, cb) {
cb = cb || function () {};
opts = opts || {};
var tabs = [{
getTab: getPadProperties,
title: Messages.fc_prop,
icon: "fa fa-info-circle",
Modal.getModal(common, opts, tabs, cb);
return Properties;