2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
], function (Tree, Rangy, saveRestore) {
window.Rangy = Rangy;
window.Tree = Tree;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
// do some function for the start and end of the cursor
2016-02-11 17:02:47 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
var log = function (x) { console.log(x); };
var error = function (x) { console.log(x); };
var verbose = function (x) { if (window.verboseMode) { console.log(x); } };
2016-02-11 17:02:47 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
/* accepts the document used by the editor */
return function (inner) {
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
var cursor = {};
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
// there ought to only be one cursor at a time, so let's just
// keep it internally
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
var Range = cursor.Range = {
start: {
el: null,
offset: 0
end: {
el: null,
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
/* FIXME we shouldn't use this, as only one might have been lost */
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
cursor.lost = function () {
return !(Tree.contains(Range.start.el.$, inner) &&
Tree.contains(Range.end.el.$, inner));
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
// assumes a negative index
var seekLeft = cursor.seekLeft = function (el, delta, current) {
var textLength;
var previous;
2016-02-12 23:22:20 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
// normalize
if (-delta >= current) {
delta += current;
current = 0;
} else {
current += delta;
delta = 0;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
while (delta) {
previous = el;
el = Tree.previousNode(el, inner);
if (el) {
textLength = el.textContent.length;
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
if (-delta > textLength) {
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
delta -= textLength;
} else {
current = textLength + delta;
delta = 0;
} else {
return {
el: previous,
offset: 0,
error: "out of bounds"
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
return {
el: el,
offset: current
// seekRight assumes a positive delta
var seekRight = cursor.seekRight = function (el, delta, current) {
var textLength;
var previous;
// normalize
delta += current;
current = 0;
while (delta) {
if (el) {
textLength = el.textContent.length;
if (delta >= textLength) {
delta -= textLength;
previous = el;
el = Tree.nextNode(el, inner);
} else {
current = delta;
delta = 0;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
} else {
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
// don't ever return a negative index
if (previous.textContent.length) {
textLength = previous.textContent.length - 1;
} else {
textLength = 0;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
return {
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
el: previous,
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
offset: textLength,
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
error: "out of bounds"
return {
el: el,
offset: current
var seekToDelta = cursor.seekToDelta = function (el, delta, current) {
var result = null;
if (el) {
if (delta < 0) {
return seekLeft(el, delta, current);
} else if (delta > 0) {
return seekRight(el, delta, current);
} else {
result = {
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
el: el,
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
offset: current
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
} else {
error("[seekToDelta] el is undefined");
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
return result;
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
/* cursor.update takes notes about wherever the cursor was last seen
in the event of a cursor loss, the information produced by side
effects of this function should be used to recover the cursor
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
returns an error string if no range is found
cursor.update = function (sel, root) {
root = root || inner;
sel = sel || Rangy.getSelection(root);
//if (!sel.rangeCount) { return 'no ranges found'; }
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// Big R Range is caught in closure, and maintains persistent state
Range.start.el = range.startContainer;
Range.start.offset = range.startOffset;
Range.start.parents = Tree.parentsOf(Range.start.el, root);
Range.end.el = range.endContainer;
Range.end.offset = range.endOffset;
Range.end.parents = Tree.parentsOf(Range.end.el, root);
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
/* cursor.find uses information produced by side effects of 'update'
to recover the cursor
cursor.find = function () { };
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
cursor.recover = function () { };
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
cursor.delta = function (delta, collapse) {
var sel = Rangy.getSelection(inner);
// update returns errors if there are problems
// and updates the persistent Range object
var err = cursor.update(sel, inner);
if (err) { return err; }
// create a range to modify
var range = Rangy.createRange();
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
The assumption below is that Range.(start|end).el
actually exists. This might not be the case.
TODO check if start and end elements are defined
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
// using infromation about wherever you were last...
// move both parts by some delta
var start = seekToDelta(Range.start.el, delta, Range.start.offset);
var end = seekToDelta(Range.end.el, delta, Range.end.offset);
/* if range is backwards, cursor.delta fails
so check if they're in the expected order
before setting the new range */
if (Tree.orderOfNodes(start.el, end.el, inner) === -1) {
range.setStart(end.el, end.offset);
range.setEnd(start.el, start.offset);
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
} else {
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
range.setStart(start.el, start.offset);
range.setEnd(end.el, end.offset);
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
// actually set the cursor to the new range
if (delta < 0) {
// seeking left, so start might have an error
return start.error;
} else {
return end.error;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
return cursor;