2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2017-05-04 22:16:09 +08:00
], function (Tree, Rangy) {
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
var verbose = function (x) { if (window.verboseMode) { console.log(x); } };
2016-02-11 17:02:47 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
/* accepts the document used by the editor */
2017-03-21 00:51:56 +08:00
var Cursor = function (inner) {
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
var cursor = {};
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
// there ought to only be one cursor at a time, so let's just
// keep it internally
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
var Range = cursor.Range = {
start: {
el: null,
offset: 0
end: {
el: null,
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2016-02-23 22:52:58 +08:00
/* cursor.update takes notes about wherever the cursor was last seen
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
in the event of a cursor loss, the information produced by side
effects of this function should be used to recover the cursor
2016-02-19 21:07:43 +08:00
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
returns an error string if no range is found
cursor.update = function (sel, root) {
root = root || inner;
sel = sel || Rangy.getSelection(root);
2016-04-20 18:29:16 +08:00
// if the root element has no focus, there will be no range
if (!sel.rangeCount) { return; }
2016-02-23 01:00:46 +08:00
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
// Big R Range is caught in closure, and maintains persistent state
2016-02-23 22:52:58 +08:00
['start', 'end'].forEach(function (pos) {
Range[pos].el = range[pos+'Container'];
Range[pos].offset = range[pos+'Offset'];
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
2017-05-04 22:16:09 +08:00
cursor.exists = function () {
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
return (Range.start.el?1:0) | (Range.end.el?2:0);
0 if neither
1 if start
2 if end
3 if start and end
2017-05-04 22:16:09 +08:00
cursor.inNode = function (el) {
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
var state = ['start', 'end'].map(function (pos, i) {
return Tree.contains(el, Range[pos].el)? i +1: 0;
return state[0] | state[1];
var confineOffsetToElement = cursor.confineOffsetToElement = function (el, offset) {
return Math.max(Math.min(offset, el.textContent.length), 0);
var makeSelection = cursor.makeSelection = function () {
var sel = Rangy.getSelection(inner);
return sel;
var makeRange = cursor.makeRange = function () {
return Rangy.createRange();
var fixStart = cursor.fixStart = function (el, offset) {
Range.start.el = el;
2016-02-29 23:52:07 +08:00
Range.start.offset = confineOffsetToElement(el,
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
(typeof offset !== 'undefined') ? offset : Range.start.offset);
var fixEnd = cursor.fixEnd = function (el, offset) {
Range.end.el = el;
Range.end.offset = confineOffsetToElement(el,
(typeof offset !== 'undefined') ? offset : Range.end.offset);
var fixSelection = cursor.fixSelection = function (sel, range) {
2017-12-12 21:51:51 +08:00
try {
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
if (Tree.contains(Range.start.el, inner) && Tree.contains(Range.end.el, inner)) {
var order = Tree.orderOfNodes(Range.start.el, Range.end.el, inner);
var backward;
// this could all be one line but nobody would be able to read it
if (order === -1) {
// definitely backward
backward = true;
} else if (order === 0) {
// might be backward, check offsets to know for sure
backward = (Range.start.offset > Range.end.offset);
} else {
// definitely not backward
backward = false;
if (backward) {
range.setStart(Range.end.el, Range.end.offset);
range.setEnd(Range.start.el, Range.start.offset);
} else {
range.setStart(Range.start.el, Range.start.offset);
range.setEnd(Range.end.el, Range.end.offset);
// actually set the cursor to the new range
} else {
2016-02-29 23:52:07 +08:00
var errText = "[cursor.fixSelection] At least one of the " +
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
"cursor nodes did not exist, could not fix selection";
2018-03-08 00:34:55 +08:00
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
return errText;
2017-12-12 21:51:51 +08:00
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
2017-05-04 22:16:09 +08:00
cursor.pushDelta = function (oldVal, newVal) {
2016-02-29 23:27:55 +08:00
if (oldVal === newVal) { return; }
var commonStart = 0;
while (oldVal.charAt(commonStart) === newVal.charAt(commonStart)) {
var commonEnd = 0;
while (oldVal.charAt(oldVal.length - 1 - commonEnd) === newVal.charAt(newVal.length - 1 - commonEnd) &&
commonEnd + commonStart < oldVal.length && commonEnd + commonStart < newVal.length) {
var insert = false, remove = false;
if (oldVal.length !== commonStart + commonEnd) {
// there was a removal?
remove = true;
if (newVal.length !== commonStart + commonEnd) {
// there was an insertion?
insert = true;
var lengthDelta = newVal.length - oldVal.length;
return {
commonStart: commonStart,
commonEnd: commonEnd,
delta: lengthDelta,
insert: insert,
remove: remove
2016-03-29 21:36:03 +08:00
cursor.brFix = function () {
var start = Range.start;
var end = Range.end;
if (!start.el) { return; }
if (start.el === end.el && start.offset === end.offset) {
if (start.el.tagName === 'BR') {
2016-04-20 18:29:16 +08:00
var br = start.el;
var P = (Tree.indexOfNode(br) === 0 ?
br.parentNode: br.previousSibling);
2016-03-29 21:36:03 +08:00
[cursor.fixStart, cursor.fixEnd].forEach(function (f) {
f(P, 0);
cursor.fixSelection(cursor.makeSelection(), cursor.makeRange());
2017-03-21 00:51:56 +08:00
cursor.lastTextNode = function () {
var lastEl = Tree.rightmostNode(inner);
if (lastEl && lastEl.nodeType === 3) { return lastEl; }
var firstEl = Tree.leftmostNode(inner);
while (lastEl !== firstEl) {
lastEl = Tree.previousNode(lastEl, inner);
if (lastEl && lastEl.nodeType === 3) { return lastEl; }
return lastEl;
cursor.firstTextNode = function () {
var firstEl = Tree.leftmostNode(inner);
if (firstEl && firstEl.nodeType === 3) { return firstEl; }
var lastEl = Tree.rightmostNode(inner);
while (firstEl !== lastEl) {
firstEl = Tree.nextNode(firstEl, inner);
if (firstEl && firstEl.nodeType === 3) { return firstEl; }
return firstEl;
cursor.setToStart = function () {
var el = cursor.firstTextNode();
if (!el) { return; }
fixStart(el, 0);
fixEnd(el, 0);
fixSelection(makeSelection(), makeRange());
return el;
cursor.setToEnd = function () {
var el = cursor.lastTextNode();
if (!el) { return; }
var offset = el.textContent.length;
fixStart(el, offset);
fixEnd(el, offset);
fixSelection(makeSelection(), makeRange());
return el;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00
return cursor;
2017-03-21 00:51:56 +08:00
Cursor.Tree = Tree;
return Cursor;
2016-02-11 16:32:41 +08:00