# Text Classification This project provides an example implementation for training and inferencing text classification models on AG News and DbPedia datasets using the Rust-based Burn Deep Learning Library. > **Note** > This example makes use of the HuggingFace [`datasets`](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/index) > library to download the datasets. Make sure you have [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) > installed on your computer. ## Dataset Details - AG News: The AG News dataset is a collection of news articles from more than 2000 news sources. This library helps you load and process this dataset, categorizing articles into four classes: "World", "Sports", "Business", and "Technology". - DbPedia: The DbPedia dataset is a large multi-class text classification dataset extracted from Wikipedia. This library helps you load and process this dataset, categorizing articles into 14 classes including "Company", "Educational Institution", "Artist", among others. # Usage ## Torch GPU backend ```bash git clone https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn.git cd burn # Use the --release flag to really speed up training. # Use the f16 feature if your CUDA device supports FP16 (half precision) operations. May not work well on every device. export TORCH_CUDA_VERSION=cu121 # Set the cuda version (CUDA users) # AG News cargo run --example ag-news-train --release --features tch-gpu # Train on the ag news dataset cargo run --example ag-news-infer --release --features tch-gpu # Run inference on the ag news dataset # DbPedia cargo run --example db-pedia-train --release --features tch-gpu # Train on the db pedia dataset cargo run --example db-pedia-infer --release --features tch-gpu # Run inference db pedia dataset ``` ## Torch CPU backend ```bash git clone https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn.git cd burn # Use the --release flag to really speed up training. # AG News cargo run --example ag-news-train --release --features tch-cpu # Train on the ag news dataset cargo run --example ag-news-infer --release --features tch-cpu # Run inference on the ag news dataset # DbPedia cargo run --example db-pedia-train --release --features tch-cpu # Train on the db pedia dataset cargo run --example db-pedia-infer --release --features tch-cpu # Run inference db pedia dataset ``` ## ndarray backend ```bash git clone https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn.git cd burn # Use the --release flag to really speed up training. # Replace ndarray by ndarray-blas-netlib, ndarray-blas-openblas or ndarray-blas-accelerate for different matmul techniques # AG News cargo run --example ag-news-train --release --features ndarray # Train on the ag news dataset cargo run --example ag-news-infer --release --features ndarray # Run inference on the ag news dataset # DbPedia cargo run --example db-pedia-train --release --features ndarray # Train on the db pedia dataset cargo run --example db-pedia-infer --release --features ndarray # Run inference db pedia dataset ``` ## WGPU backend ```bash git clone https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn.git cd burn # Use the --release flag to really speed up training. # AG News cargo run --example ag-news-train --release --features wgpu # Train on the ag news dataset cargo run --example ag-news-infer --release --features wgpu # Run inference on the ag news dataset # DbPedia cargo run --example db-pedia-train --release --features wgpu # Train on the db pedia dataset cargo run --example db-pedia-infer --release --features wgpu # Run inference db pedia dataset ``` ## CUDA backend ```bash git clone https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn.git cd burn # Use the --release flag to really speed up training. # AG News cargo run --example ag-news-train --release --features cuda-jit # Train on the ag news dataset cargo run --example ag-news-infer --release --features cuda-jit # Run inference on the ag news dataset ```