# Import PyTorch Weights This crate provides a simple example for importing PyTorch generated weights to Burn. The `.pt` file is converted into a Burn consumable file (message pack format) using `burn-import`. The conversation is done in the `build.rs` file. The model is separated into a sub-crate because `build.rs` needs for conversion and build.rs cannot import modules for the same crate. ## Usage ```bash cargo run -- 15 ``` Output: ```bash Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.13s Running `burn/target/debug/onnx-inference 15` Image index: 15 Success! Predicted: 5 Actual: 5 See the image online, click the link below: https://huggingface.co/datasets/ylecun/mnist/viewer/mnist/test?row=15 ```