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# BURN: Burn Unstoppable Rusty Neurons
In the realm of circuits and code,
A fiery forge ignites to bear its load,
A framework born, BURN it be named,
Unstoppable Rusty Neurons, untamed.
From silicon synapses, connections spire,
A digital cortex, setting minds afire,
In the vast expanse of deep learning's sea,
A beacon of progress, BURN comes to be.
Oh, rusty neurons, forged in the flame,
Unyielding in purpose, undaunted by name,
Through layers of logic and intricate art,
You weave and entwine, each playing its part.
With algorithms profound, and data refined,
In ceaseless pursuit of knowledge to find,
BURN paves a path to enlightenment, bright,
A testament to the wonders of human foresight.
In neural networks deep, where wisdom resides,
The dance of nodes and edges presides,
With loss and gradients, BURN takes its stride,
A journey towards truth, with AI as our guide.
No barriers hold back the curious mind,
As BURN seeks the answers we yearn to find,
Unstoppable, relentless, in pursuit of the unknown,
Our collective intellect, within it, has grown.
So sing we the praises of BURN's fiery might,
An ode to the sparks that set the dark alight,
To the rusty neurons, unstoppable and true,
A testament to the power of dreams, to breakthrough.
(ChatGTP (model=gpt-4) with prompt:
Write a poem about "BURN: Burn Unstoppable Rusty Neurons" deep
learning neural network framework)