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"""A group chat gradio demo"""
import json
import json5
from qwen_agent.agents import GroupChat, GroupChatCreator
from qwen_agent.agents.user_agent import PENDING_USER_INPUT
from qwen_agent.gui.gradio import gr, mgr
from qwen_agent.llm.schema import ContentItem, Message
def init_agent_service(cfgs):
llm_cfg = {'model': 'qwen-max'}
bot = GroupChat(agents=cfgs, llm=llm_cfg)
return bot
def init_agent_service_create():
llm_cfg = {'model': 'qwen-max'}
bot = GroupChatCreator(llm=llm_cfg)
return bot
# =========================================================
# Below is the gradio service: front-end and back-end logic
# =========================================================
app_global_para = {
'messages': [],
'messages_create': [],
'is_first_upload': False,
'uploaded_file': '',
'user_interrupt': True
# Initialized group chat configuration
CFGS = {
'agents': [
'name': '小塘',
'description': '一个勤劳的打工人,每天沉迷工作,日渐消瘦。(这是一个真实用户)',
'is_human': True # mark this as a real person
'name': '甄嬛',
'description': '一位后宫妃嫔',
'instructions': '你是甄嬛你正在想办法除掉皇后你说话风格为文言文每次说完话会调image_gen工具画一幅图展示心情。',
'knowledge_files': [],
'selected_tools': ['image_gen']
'name': 'ikun',
'description': '熟悉蔡徐坤的动态',
'instructions': '你是蔡徐坤的粉丝,说话很简短,喜欢用颜文字表达心情,你最近迷恋看《甄嬛传》',
'knowledge_files': [],
'selected_tools': []
'name': '大头',
'description': '是一个体育生,不喜欢追星',
'instructions': '你是一个体育生,热爱运动,你不喜欢追星,你喜欢安利别人健身',
'knowledge_files': [],
'selected_tools': []
def app(cfgs):
# Todo: Reinstance every time or instance one time as global variable?
cfgs = json5.loads(cfgs)
bot = init_agent_service(cfgs=cfgs)
# Record all mentioned agents: reply in order
mentioned_agents_name = []
for i in range(MAX_ROUND):
messages = app_global_para['messages']
print(i, messages)
# Interrupt: there is new input from user
if i == 0:
app_global_para['user_interrupt'] = False
if i > 0 and app_global_para['user_interrupt']:
app_global_para['user_interrupt'] = False
print('GroupChat is interrupted by user input!')
# Due to the concurrency issue with Gradio, unable to call the second service simultaneously
for rsp in app(json.dumps(cfgs, ensure_ascii=False)):
yield rsp
# Record mentions into mentioned_agents_name list
content = ''
if messages:
if isinstance(messages[-1].content, list):
content = '\n'.join([x.text if x.text else '' for x in messages[-1].content]).strip()
content = messages[-1].content.strip()
if '@' in content:
for x in content.split('@'):
for agent in cfgs['agents']:
if x.startswith(agent['name']):
if agent['name'] not in mentioned_agents_name:
# Get one response from groupchat
response = []
display_history = _get_display_history_from_message()
yield display_history
for response in bot.run(messages, need_batch_response=False, mentioned_agents_name=mentioned_agents_name):
if response:
if response[-1].content == PENDING_USER_INPUT:
# Stop printing the special message for mention human
incremental_history = []
for x in response:
function_display = ''
if x.function_call:
function_display = f'\nCall Function: {str(x.function_call)}'
incremental_history += [[None, f'{x.name}: {x.content}{function_display}']]
display_history = _get_display_history_from_message()
yield display_history + incremental_history
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError(ex)
if not response:
# The topic ends
print('No one wants to talk anymore!')
if mentioned_agents_name:
assert response[-1].name == mentioned_agents_name[0]
if response and response[-1].content == PENDING_USER_INPUT:
# Terminate group chat and wait for user input
print('Waiting for user input!')
# Record the response to messages
def test():
def app_create(history, now_cfgs):
now_cfgs = json5.loads(now_cfgs)
if not history:
yield history, json.dumps(now_cfgs, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
if len(history) == 1:
new_cfgs = {'background': '', 'agents': []}
# The first time to create grouchat
exist_cfgs = now_cfgs['agents']
for cfg in exist_cfgs:
if 'is_human' in cfg and cfg['is_human']:
new_cfgs = now_cfgs
app_global_para['messages_create'].append(Message('user', history[-1][0].text))
response = []
agent = init_agent_service_create()
for response in agent.run(messages=app_global_para['messages_create']):
display_content = ''
for rsp in response:
if rsp.name == 'role_config':
cfg = json5.loads(rsp.content)
old_pos = -1
for i, x in enumerate(new_cfgs['agents']):
if x['name'] == cfg['name']:
old_pos = i
if old_pos > -1:
new_cfgs['agents'][old_pos] = cfg
display_content += f'\n\n{cfg["name"]}: {cfg["description"]}\n{cfg["instructions"]}'
elif rsp.name == 'background':
new_cfgs['background'] = rsp.content
display_content += f'\n群聊背景:{rsp.content}'
display_content += f'\n{rsp.content}'
history[-1][1] = display_content.strip()
yield history, json.dumps(new_cfgs, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError(ex)
def _get_display_history_from_message():
# Get display history from messages
display_history = []
for msg in app_global_para['messages']:
if isinstance(msg.content, list):
content = '\n'.join([x.text if x.text else '' for x in msg.content]).strip()
content = msg.content.strip()
function_display = ''
if msg.function_call:
function_display = f'\nCall Function: {str(msg.function_call)}'
content = f'{msg.name}: {content}{function_display}'
display_history.append((content, None) if msg.name == 'user' else (None, content))
return display_history
def get_name_of_current_user(cfgs):
for agent in cfgs['agents']:
if 'is_human' in agent and agent['is_human']:
return agent['name']
return 'user'
def add_text(text, cfgs):
app_global_para['user_interrupt'] = True
content = [ContentItem(text=text)]
if app_global_para['uploaded_file'] and app_global_para['is_first_upload']:
app_global_para['is_first_upload'] = False # only send file when first upload
Message('user', content=content, name=get_name_of_current_user(json5.loads(cfgs))))
return _get_display_history_from_message(), None
def chat_clear():
app_global_para['messages'] = []
return None
def chat_clear_create():
app_global_para['messages_create'] = []
return None, None
def add_file(file):
app_global_para['uploaded_file'] = file.name
app_global_para['is_first_upload'] = True
return file.name
def add_text_create(history, text):
history = history + [(text, None)]
return history, gr.update(value='', interactive=False)
with gr.Blocks(theme='soft') as demo:
display_config = gr.Textbox(
label= # noqa
'Current GroupChat: (If editing, please maintain this JSON format)',
value=json.dumps(CFGS, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False),
with gr.Tab('Chat', elem_id='chat-tab'):
with gr.Column():
chatbot = mgr.Chatbot(elem_id='chatbot', height=750, show_copy_button=True, flushing=False)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=0):
auto_speak_button = gr.Button('Randomly select an agent to speak first')
auto_speak_button.click(app, display_config, chatbot)
with gr.Column(scale=10):
chat_txt = gr.Textbox(
placeholder='Chat with Qwen...',
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0):
chat_clr_bt = gr.Button('Clear')
chat_txt.submit(add_text, [chat_txt, display_config], [chatbot, chat_txt],
queue=False).then(app, display_config, chatbot)
chat_clr_bt.click(chat_clear, None, [chatbot], queue=False)
demo.load(chat_clear, None, [chatbot], queue=False)
with gr.Tab('Create', elem_id='chat-tab'):
with gr.Column(scale=9, min_width=0):
chatbot = mgr.Chatbot(elem_id='chatbot0', height=750, show_copy_button=True, flushing=False)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=13):
chat_txt = gr.Textbox(
placeholder='Chat with Qwen...',
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0):
chat_clr_bt = gr.Button('Clear')
txt_msg = chat_txt.submit(add_text_create, [chatbot, chat_txt], [chatbot, chat_txt],
queue=False).then(app_create, [chatbot, display_config],
[chatbot, display_config])
txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False)
chat_clr_bt.click(chat_clear_create, None, [chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False)
demo.load(chat_clear_create, None, [chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':