
228 lines
6.8 KiB

package models
import (
// BuiltinMetric represents a metric along with its metadata.
type BuiltinMetric struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey;type:bigint;autoIncrement;comment:'unique identifier'"`
UUID int64 `json:"uuid" gorm:"type:bigint;not null;default:0;comment:'uuid'"`
Collector string `json:"collector" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;index:idx_collector,sort:asc;comment:'type of collector'"` // Type of collector (e.g., 'categraf', 'telegraf')
Typ string `json:"typ" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;index:idx_typ,sort:asc;comment:'type of metric'"` // Type of metric (e.g., 'host', 'mysql', 'redis')
Name string `json:"name" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;index:idx_builtinmetric_name,sort:asc;comment:'name of metric'"`
Unit string `json:"unit" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;comment:'unit of metric'"`
Note string `json:"note" gorm:"type:varchar(4096);not null;comment:'description of metric'"`
Lang string `json:"lang" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;default:'zh';index:idx_lang,sort:asc;comment:'language'"`
Expression string `json:"expression" gorm:"type:varchar(4096);not null;comment:'expression of metric'"`
CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at" gorm:"type:bigint;not null;default:0;comment:'create time'"`
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;default:'';comment:'creator'"`
UpdatedAt int64 `json:"updated_at" gorm:"type:bigint;not null;default:0;comment:'update time'"`
UpdatedBy string `json:"updated_by" gorm:"type:varchar(191);not null;default:'';comment:'updater'"`
func (bm *BuiltinMetric) TableName() string {
return "builtin_metrics"
func (bm *BuiltinMetric) TableOptions() string {
return "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4"
func (bm *BuiltinMetric) Verify() error {
bm.Collector = strings.TrimSpace(bm.Collector)
if bm.Collector == "" {
return errors.New("collector is blank")
bm.Typ = strings.TrimSpace(bm.Typ)
if bm.Typ == "" {
return errors.New("type is blank")
bm.Name = strings.TrimSpace(bm.Name)
if bm.Name == "" {
return errors.New("name is blank")
return nil
func BuiltinMetricExists(ctx *ctx.Context, bm *BuiltinMetric) (bool, error) {
var count int64
err := DB(ctx).Model(bm).Where("lang = ? and collector = ? and typ = ? and name = ?", bm.Lang, bm.Collector, bm.Typ, bm.Name).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
return false, err
return count > 0, nil
func (bm *BuiltinMetric) Add(ctx *ctx.Context, username string) error {
if err := bm.Verify(); err != nil {
return err
// check if the builtin metric already exists
exists, err := BuiltinMetricExists(ctx, bm)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
return errors.New("builtin metric already exists")
now := time.Now().Unix()
bm.CreatedAt = now
bm.UpdatedAt = now
bm.UpdatedBy = username
bm.CreatedBy = username
return Insert(ctx, bm)
func (bm *BuiltinMetric) Update(ctx *ctx.Context, req BuiltinMetric) error {
if err := req.Verify(); err != nil {
return err
if bm.Lang != req.Lang && bm.Collector != req.Collector && bm.Typ != req.Typ && bm.Name != req.Name {
exists, err := BuiltinMetricExists(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
return errors.New("builtin metric already exists")
req.UpdatedAt = time.Now().Unix()
req.CreatedAt = bm.CreatedAt
req.CreatedBy = bm.CreatedBy
req.Lang = bm.Lang
req.UUID = bm.UUID
return DB(ctx).Model(bm).Select("*").Updates(req).Error
func BuiltinMetricDels(ctx *ctx.Context, ids []int64) error {
if len(ids) == 0 {
return nil
return DB(ctx).Where("id in ?", ids).Delete(new(BuiltinMetric)).Error
func BuiltinMetricGets(ctx *ctx.Context, lang, collector, typ, query, unit string, limit, offset int) ([]*BuiltinMetric, error) {
session := DB(ctx)
session = builtinMetricQueryBuild(lang, collector, session, typ, query, unit)
var lst []*BuiltinMetric
err := session.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Order("collector asc, typ asc, name asc").Find(&lst).Error
return lst, err
func BuiltinMetricCount(ctx *ctx.Context, lang, collector, typ, query, unit string) (int64, error) {
session := DB(ctx).Model(&BuiltinMetric{})
session = builtinMetricQueryBuild(lang, collector, session, typ, query, unit)
var cnt int64
err := session.Count(&cnt).Error
return cnt, err
func builtinMetricQueryBuild(lang, collector string, session *gorm.DB, typ string, query, unit string) *gorm.DB {
if lang != "" {
session = session.Where("lang = ?", lang)
if collector != "" {
session = session.Where("collector = ?", collector)
if typ != "" {
session = session.Where("typ = ?", typ)
if unit != "" {
us := strings.Split(unit, ",")
session = session.Where("unit in (?)", us)
if query != "" {
qs := strings.Split(query, " ")
for _, q := range qs {
if strings.HasPrefix(q, "-") {
q = strings.TrimPrefix(q, "-")
queryPattern := "%" + q + "%"
session = session.Where("name NOT LIKE ? AND note NOT LIKE ? AND expression NOT LIKE ?", queryPattern, queryPattern, queryPattern)
} else {
queryPattern := "%" + q + "%"
session = session.Where("name LIKE ? OR note LIKE ? OR expression LIKE ?", queryPattern, queryPattern, queryPattern)
return session
func BuiltinMetricGet(ctx *ctx.Context, where string, args ...interface{}) (*BuiltinMetric, error) {
var lst []*BuiltinMetric
err := DB(ctx).Where(where, args...).Find(&lst).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(lst) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return lst[0], nil
func BuiltinMetricTypes(ctx *ctx.Context, lang, collector, query string) ([]string, error) {
var typs []string
session := DB(ctx).Model(&BuiltinMetric{})
if lang != "" {
session = session.Where("lang = ?", lang)
if collector != "" {
session = session.Where("collector = ?", collector)
if query != "" {
session = session.Where("typ like ?", "%"+query+"%")
err := session.Select("distinct(typ)").Pluck("typ", &typs).Error
return typs, err
func BuiltinMetricCollectors(ctx *ctx.Context, lang, typ, query string) ([]string, error) {
var collectors []string
session := DB(ctx).Model(&BuiltinMetric{})
if lang != "" {
session = session.Where("lang = ?", lang)
if typ != "" {
session = session.Where("typ = ?", typ)
if query != "" {
session = session.Where("collector like ?", "%"+query+"%")
err := session.Select("distinct(collector)").Pluck("collector", &collectors).Error
return collectors, err
func BuiltinMetricBatchUpdateColumn(ctx *ctx.Context, col, old, new, updatedBy string) error {
if old == new {
return nil
return DB(ctx).Model(&BuiltinMetric{}).Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", col), old).Updates(map[string]interface{}{col: new, "updated_by": updatedBy}).Error