
453 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
// OperationsMap defines the allowed image transformation operations listed by name.
// Used for pipeline image processing.
var OperationsMap = map[string]Operation{
"crop": Crop,
"resize": Resize,
"enlarge": Enlarge,
"extract": Extract,
"rotate": Rotate,
"autorotate": AutoRotate,
"flip": Flip,
"flop": Flop,
"thumbnail": Thumbnail,
"zoom": Zoom,
"convert": Convert,
"watermark": Watermark,
"watermarkImage": WatermarkImage,
"blur": GaussianBlur,
"smartcrop": SmartCrop,
"fit": Fit,
// Image stores an image binary buffer and its MIME type
type Image struct {
Body []byte
Mime string
// Operation implements an image transformation runnable interface
type Operation func([]byte, ImageOptions) (Image, error)
// Run performs the image transformation
func (o Operation) Run(buf []byte, opts ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
return o(buf, opts)
// ImageInfo represents an image details and additional metadata
type ImageInfo struct {
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Space string `json:"space"`
Alpha bool `json:"hasAlpha"`
Profile bool `json:"hasProfile"`
Channels int `json:"channels"`
Orientation int `json:"orientation"`
func Info(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
// We're not handling an image here, but we reused the struct.
// An interface will be definitively better here.
image := Image{Mime: "application/json"}
meta, err := bimg.Metadata(buf)
if err != nil {
return image, NewError("Cannot retrieve image metadata: %s"+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
info := ImageInfo{
Width: meta.Size.Width,
Height: meta.Size.Height,
Type: meta.Type,
Space: meta.Space,
Alpha: meta.Alpha,
Profile: meta.Profile,
Channels: meta.Channels,
Orientation: meta.Orientation,
body, _ := json.Marshal(info)
image.Body = body
return image, nil
func Resize(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 && o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: height or width", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Embed = true
if o.IsDefinedField.NoCrop {
opts.Crop = !o.NoCrop
return Process(buf, opts)
func Fit(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 || o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required params: height, width", http.StatusBadRequest)
metadata, err := bimg.Metadata(buf)
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
dims := metadata.Size
if dims.Width == 0 || dims.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Width or height of requested image is zero", http.StatusNotAcceptable)
// metadata.Orientation
// 0: no EXIF orientation
// 1: CW 0
// 2: CW 0, flip horizontal
// 3: CW 180
// 4: CW 180, flip horizontal
// 5: CW 90, flip horizontal
// 6: CW 270
// 7: CW 270, flip horizontal
// 8: CW 90
var originHeight, originWidth int
var fitHeight, fitWidth *int
if o.NoRotation || (metadata.Orientation <= 4) {
originHeight = dims.Height
originWidth = dims.Width
fitHeight = &o.Height
fitWidth = &o.Width
} else {
// width/height will be switched with auto rotation
originWidth = dims.Height
originHeight = dims.Width
fitWidth = &o.Height
fitHeight = &o.Width
*fitWidth, *fitHeight = calculateDestinationFitDimension(originWidth, originHeight, *fitWidth, *fitHeight)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Embed = true
return Process(buf, opts)
// calculateDestinationFitDimension calculates the fit area based on the image and desired fit dimensions
func calculateDestinationFitDimension(imageWidth, imageHeight, fitWidth, fitHeight int) (int, int) {
if imageWidth*fitHeight > fitWidth*imageHeight {
// constrained by width
fitHeight = int(math.Round(float64(fitWidth) * float64(imageHeight) / float64(imageWidth)))
} else {
// constrained by height
fitWidth = int(math.Round(float64(fitHeight) * float64(imageWidth) / float64(imageHeight)))
return fitWidth, fitHeight
func Enlarge(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 || o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required params: height, width", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Enlarge = true
// Since both width & height is required, we allow cropping by default.
opts.Crop = !o.NoCrop
return Process(buf, opts)
func Extract(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.AreaWidth == 0 || o.AreaHeight == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required params: areawidth or areaheight", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Top = o.Top
opts.Left = o.Left
opts.AreaWidth = o.AreaWidth
opts.AreaHeight = o.AreaHeight
return Process(buf, opts)
func Crop(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 && o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: height or width", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Crop = true
return Process(buf, opts)
func SmartCrop(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 && o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: height or width", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Crop = true
opts.Gravity = bimg.GravitySmart
return Process(buf, opts)
func Rotate(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Rotate == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: rotate", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
return Process(buf, opts)
func AutoRotate(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (out Image, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch value := r.(type) {
case error:
err = value
case string:
err = errors.New(value)
err = errors.New("libvips internal error")
out = Image{}
// Resize image via bimg
ibuf, err := bimg.NewImage(buf).AutoRotate()
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
mime := GetImageMimeType(bimg.DetermineImageType(ibuf))
return Image{Body: ibuf, Mime: mime}, nil
func Flip(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Flip = true
return Process(buf, opts)
func Flop(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Flop = true
return Process(buf, opts)
func Thumbnail(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Width == 0 && o.Height == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required params: width or height", http.StatusBadRequest)
return Process(buf, BimgOptions(o))
func Zoom(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Factor == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: factor", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
if o.Top > 0 || o.Left > 0 {
if o.AreaWidth == 0 && o.AreaHeight == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required params: areawidth, areaheight", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts.Top = o.Top
opts.Left = o.Left
opts.AreaWidth = o.AreaWidth
opts.AreaHeight = o.AreaHeight
if o.IsDefinedField.NoCrop {
opts.Crop = !o.NoCrop
opts.Zoom = o.Factor
return Process(buf, opts)
func Convert(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Type == "" {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: type", http.StatusBadRequest)
if ImageType(o.Type) == bimg.UNKNOWN {
return Image{}, NewError("Invalid image type: "+o.Type, http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
return Process(buf, opts)
func Watermark(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Text == "" {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: text", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.Watermark.DPI = o.DPI
opts.Watermark.Text = o.Text
opts.Watermark.Font = o.Font
opts.Watermark.Margin = o.Margin
opts.Watermark.Width = o.TextWidth
opts.Watermark.Opacity = o.Opacity
opts.Watermark.NoReplicate = o.NoReplicate
if len(o.Color) > 2 {
opts.Watermark.Background = bimg.Color{R: o.Color[0], G: o.Color[1], B: o.Color[2]}
return Process(buf, opts)
func WatermarkImage(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Image == "" {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: image", http.StatusBadRequest)
response, err := http.Get(o.Image)
if err != nil {
return Image{}, NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to retrieve watermark image. %s", o.Image), http.StatusBadRequest)
defer func() {
_ = response.Body.Close()
bodyReader := io.LimitReader(response.Body, 1e6)
imageBuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(bodyReader)
if len(imageBuf) == 0 {
errMessage := "Unable to read watermark image"
if err != nil {
errMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s. %s", errMessage, err.Error())
return Image{}, NewError(errMessage, http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
opts.WatermarkImage.Left = o.Left
opts.WatermarkImage.Top = o.Top
opts.WatermarkImage.Buf = imageBuf
opts.WatermarkImage.Opacity = o.Opacity
return Process(buf, opts)
func GaussianBlur(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if o.Sigma == 0 && o.MinAmpl == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing required param: sigma or minampl", http.StatusBadRequest)
opts := BimgOptions(o)
return Process(buf, opts)
func Pipeline(buf []byte, o ImageOptions) (Image, error) {
if len(o.Operations) == 0 {
return Image{}, NewError("Missing or invalid pipeline operations JSON", http.StatusBadRequest)
if len(o.Operations) > 10 {
return Image{}, NewError("Maximum allowed pipeline operations exceeded", http.StatusBadRequest)
// Validate and built operations
for i, operation := range o.Operations {
// Validate supported operation name
var exists bool
if operation.Operation, exists = OperationsMap[operation.Name]; !exists {
return Image{}, NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported operation name: %s", operation.Name), http.StatusBadRequest)
// Parse and construct operation options
var err error
operation.ImageOptions, err = buildParamsFromOperation(operation)
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
// Mutate list by value
o.Operations[i] = operation
var image Image
var err error
// Reduce image by running multiple operations
image = Image{Body: buf}
for _, operation := range o.Operations {
var curImage Image
curImage, err = operation.Operation(image.Body, operation.ImageOptions)
if err != nil && !operation.IgnoreFailure {
return Image{}, err
if operation.IgnoreFailure {
err = nil
if err == nil {
image = curImage
return image, err
func Process(buf []byte, opts bimg.Options) (out Image, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch value := r.(type) {
case error:
err = value
case string:
err = errors.New(value)
err = errors.New("libvips internal error")
out = Image{}
// Resize image via bimg
ibuf, err := bimg.Resize(buf, opts)
// Handle specific type encode errors gracefully
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "encode") && (opts.Type == bimg.WEBP || opts.Type == bimg.HEIF) {
// Always fallback to JPEG
opts.Type = bimg.JPEG
ibuf, err = bimg.Resize(buf, opts)
if err != nil {
return Image{}, err
mime := GetImageMimeType(bimg.DetermineImageType(ibuf))
return Image{Body: ibuf, Mime: mime}, nil