Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pcm_modelarts_1.0' into pcm_modelarts_1.0

# Conflicts:
#	adaptor/AIComputing/modelarts/rpc/internal/logic/getimporttasklistlogic.go
This commit is contained in:
qiwang 2023-02-28 10:18:32 +08:00
commit 4b4b190200
3 changed files with 325 additions and 7 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ message TokenResp{
/******************auth end*************************/
/******************createTaskData start*************************/
/******************ImportTask start*************************/
message ImportTaskData{
string dataset_id = 1;
string project_id = 2;
@ -60,11 +61,11 @@ message ImportTaskData{
message ImprotTaskDataReq{
string task_id =1;
/******************createTaskData end*************************/
/******************ImportTask end*************************/
/******************taskList Start*************************/
/******************ListImportTasks Start*************************/
message ListImportTasks{
string dataset_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Dataset_id"
string project_id = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Project_id"
@ -144,7 +145,276 @@ message File_statistics{
uint32 file_size_finished = 3; //@gotags: copier:"File_size_finished"
uint32 file_size_total = 4; //@gotags: copier:"File_size_total"
/******************taskList End*************************/
/******************ListImportTasks End*************************/
/******************ListTrainingJobs start*************************/
message ListTrainingJobsreq{
string project_id = 1;
message ListTrainingJobsresp{
int32 total = 1;
int32 count = 2;
int32 limit = 3;
int32 offset = 4;
string sort_by = 5;
string order = 6;
string group_by = 7;
string workspace_id = 8;
string ai_project = 9;
repeated JobResponse items =10;
message JobResponse{
string kind =1;
JobMetadata metadata =2;
Status status =3;
JobAlgorithmResponse algorithm = 4;
repeated TaskResponse tasks =5;
Spec spec =6;
message JobMetadata{
string id =1;
string name =2;
string workspace_id =3;
string description =4;
uint32 create_time =5;
string user_name =6;
map<string,string> annotations =7;
message Status{
string phase =1;
string secondary_phase =2;
uint32 duration =3;
repeated string tasks =4;
string start_time =5;
repeated Task_statuses task_statuses =6;
// repeated Node_count_metricsRes node_count_metrics =7;
message JobAlgorithmResponse{
string id =1;
string name =2;
string subscription_id =3;
string item_version_id =4;
string code_dir =5;
string boot_file =6;
string autosearch_config_path =7;
string autosearch_framework_path =8;
string command =9;
repeated Parameter parameters =10;
policies policies = 11;
repeated Input inputs =12;
repeated Output outputs =13;
engine engine =14;
string local_code_dir =15;
string working_dir =16;
// repeated Environments environments=17;
//message Environments{
// map<string,string> environments =1;
message TaskResponse{
string role =1;
algorithm algorithm =2;
FlavorResponse task_resource =3;
message FlavorResponse{
string flavor_id =1;
string flavor_name =2;
int32 max_num =3;
string flavor_type =4;
billing billing =5;
flavor_info flavor_info =6;
map<string,string> attributes =7;
message billing{
string code =1;
int32 unit_num =2;
message flavor_info{
int32 max_num =1;
cpu cpu =2;
gpu gpu =3;
npu npu =4;
memory memory =5;
disk disk =6;
message cpu{
string arch =1;
int32 core_num =2;
message npu{
string unit_num =1;
string product_name =2;
string memory =3;
message gpu{
int32 unit_num =1;
string product_name =2;
string memory =3;
message memory{
int32 size =1;
string unit =2;
message disk{
int32 size =1;
string unit =2;
message algorithm{
string code_dir =1;
string boot_file =2;
inputs inputs =3;
outputs outputs =4;
engine engine =5;
string local_code_dir =6;
string working_dir=7;
message inputs{
string name =1;
string local_dir =2;
remote remote =3;
message outputs{
string name =1;
string local_dir =2;
remote remote =3;
string mode =4;
string period =5;
message Input{
string name =1;
string description =2;
string local_dir =3;
InputDataInfo remote =4;
repeated remote_constraint remote_constraint =5;
message InputDataInfo{
dataset dataset =1;
obs obs =2;
message dataset{
string id=1;
string version_id =2;
string obs_url=3;
message obs{
string obs_url =1;
message remote_constraint{
string data_type =1;
string attributes =2;
message Output{
string name =1;
string description =2;
string local_dir =3;
remote remote =4;
message remote{
obs1 obs =1;
message obs1{
string obs_url =1;
message engine{
string engine_id =1;
string engine_name =2;
string engine_version =3;
string image_url =4;
bool v1_compatible =5;
string run_user =6;
message policies{
auto_search auto_search =1;
message auto_search{
string skip_search_params =1;
repeated reward_attrs reward_attrs =2;
repeated search_params search_params =3;
repeated algo_configs algo_configs =4;
message reward_attrs{
string name =1;
string mode =2;
string regex =3;
message search_params{
string name =1;
string param_type =2;
string lower_bound =3;
string upper_bound =4;
string discrete_points_num =5;
repeated string discrete_values =6;
message algo_configs{
string name =1;
repeated AutoSearchAlgoConfigParameter params =2;
message AutoSearchAlgoConfigParameter{
string key =1;
string value =2;
string type =3;
message Parameter{
string name =1;
string value =2;
string description =3;
constraint constraint =4;
i18n_description i18n_description =5;
message i18n_description{
string language =1;
string description =2;
message constraint{
string type =1;
bool editable =2;
bool required =3;
bool sensitive =4;
string valid_type =5;
repeated string valid_range =6;
message Spec{
resource resource =1;
repeated volumes volumes=2;
log_export_path log_export_path =3;
message resource{
string policy =1;
string flavor_id=2;
string flavor_name=3;
string node_count =4;
string pool_id =5;
flavor_detail flavor_detail =6;
message flavor_detail{
string flavor_type =1;
billing billing =2;
flavor_info flavor_info =3;
message volumes{
nfs nfs =1;
message nfs{
string nfs_server_path =1;
string local_path =2;
bool read_only =3;
message log_export_path{
string obs_url=1;
string host_path =2;
//message Node_count_metricsRes {
// message node_count_metricsResult{
// repeated int32 node_count_metricsKey = 1;
// }
// repeated node_count_metricsResult values = 1;
message Task_statuses{
string task =1;
string exit_code =2;
string message =3;
/******************ListTrainingJobs end*************************/
/******************Task(export) Start*************************/
message ExportTaskReq{
@ -435,8 +705,10 @@ service ModelArts {
//creat task
rpc createTask(ImportTaskData) returns(ImprotTaskDataReq);
//find taskList
//get taskList
rpc GetImportTaskList(ListImportTasks) returns (ReturnListImportTasks);
// get ListTrainingJobs
rpc GetListTrainingJobs(ListTrainingJobsreq) returns (ListTrainingJobsresp);
//export task
rpc ExportTask(ExportTaskReq) returns (ExportTaskResp);