Yishai Hadas says:
Enable DEVX asynchronous query commands
This series enables querying a DEVX object in an asynchronous mode.
The userspace application won't block when calling the firmware and it will be
able to get the response back once that it will be ready.
To enable the above functionality:
- DEVX asynchronous command completion FD object was introduced.
- The applicable file operations were implemented to enable using it by
the user application.
- Query asynchronous method was added to the DEVX object, it will call the
firmware asynchronously and manages the response on the given input FD.
- Hot unplug support was added for the FD to work properly upon
- mlx5 core fence for asynchronous commands was implemented and used to
prevent racing upon unbind/disassociate.
This branch is based on mlx5-next & v5.0-rc2 due to dependencies, from
* branch 'devx-async':
IB/mlx5: Implement DEVX hot unplug for async command FD
IB/mlx5: Implement the file ops of DEVX async command FD
IB/mlx5: Introduce async DEVX obj query API
Signed-off-by: Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@mellanox.com>