From 80a2fbce456e3f73b4f49ce12fefa3215a3d0773 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Mailhol <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 11:57:28 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] can: length: refactor frame lengths definition to add size in

Introduce a method to calculate the exact size in bits of a CAN(-FD)
frame with or without dynamic bitstuffing.

These are all the possible combinations taken into account:

  - Classical CAN or CAN-FD
  - Standard or Extended frame format
  - CAN-FD CRC17 or CRC21
  - Include or not intermission

Instead of doing several individual macro definitions, declare the
can_frame_bits() function-like macro. To this extent, do a full
refactoring of the length definitions.

In addition add the can_frame_bytes(). This function-like macro
replaces the existing macro:

  - CAN_FRAME_OVERHEAD_SFF: can_frame_bytes(false, false, 0)
  - CAN_FRAME_OVERHEAD_EFF: can_frame_bytes(false, true, 0)
  - CANFD_FRAME_OVERHEAD_SFF: can_frame_bytes(true, false, 0)
  - CANFD_FRAME_OVERHEAD_EFF: can_frame_bytes(true, true, 0)

Function-like macros were chosen over inline functions because they
can be used to initialize const struct fields.

The different maximum frame lengths (maximum data length, including
intermission) are as follow:

   Frame type				bits	bytes
   Classic CAN SFF no bitstuffing	111	14
   Classic CAN EFF no bitstuffing	131	17
   Classic CAN SFF bitstuffing		135	17
   Classic CAN EFF bitstuffing		160	20
   CAN-FD SFF no bitstuffing		579	73
   CAN-FD EFF no bitstuffing		598	75
   CAN-FD SFF bitstuffing		712	89
   CAN-FD EFF bitstuffing		736	92

The macro CAN_FRAME_LEN_MAX and CANFD_FRAME_LEN_MAX are kept as an
alias to, respectively, can_frame_bytes(false, true, CAN_MAX_DLEN) and
can_frame_bytes(true, true, CANFD_MAX_DLEN).

In addition to the above:

 - Use ISO 11898-1:2015 definitions for the names of the CAN frame
 - Include linux/bits.h for use of BITS_PER_BYTE.
 - Include linux/math.h for use of mult_frac() and
   DIV_ROUND_UP(). N.B: the use of DIV_ROUND_UP() is not new to this
   patch, but the include was previously omitted.
 - Add copyright 2023 for myself.

Suggested-by: Thomas Kopp <>
Signed-off-by: Vincent Mailhol <>
Reviewed-by: Thomas Kopp <>
Signed-off-by: Marc Kleine-Budde <>
 drivers/net/can/dev/length.c |  15 +-
 include/linux/can/length.h   | 318 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/can/dev/length.c b/drivers/net/can/dev/length.c
index b48140b1102e..b7f4d76dd444 100644
--- a/drivers/net/can/dev/length.c
+++ b/drivers/net/can/dev/length.c
@@ -78,18 +78,7 @@ unsigned int can_skb_get_frame_len(const struct sk_buff *skb)
 		len = cf->len;
-	if (can_is_canfd_skb(skb)) {
-		if (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG)
-		else
-	} else {
-		if (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG)
-		else
-	}
-	return len;
+	return can_frame_bytes(can_is_canfd_skb(skb), cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG,
+			       false, len);
diff --git a/include/linux/can/length.h b/include/linux/can/length.h
index 521fdbce2d69..abc978b38f79 100644
--- a/include/linux/can/length.h
+++ b/include/linux/can/length.h
@@ -1,132 +1,258 @@
 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
 /* Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Hartkopp <>
  * Copyright (C) 2020 Marc Kleine-Budde <>
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Vincent Mailhol <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 Vincent Mailhol <>
 #ifndef _CAN_LENGTH_H
 #define _CAN_LENGTH_H
+#include <linux/bits.h>
 #include <linux/can.h>
 #include <linux/can/netlink.h>
+#include <linux/math.h>
- * Size of a Classical CAN Standard Frame
+ * Size of a Classical CAN Standard Frame header in bits
+ *
+ * Name of Field				Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start Of Frame (SOF)				1
+ * Arbitration field:
+ *	base ID					11
+ *	Remote Transmission Request (RTR)	1
+ * Control field:
+ *	IDentifier Extension bit (IDE)		1
+ *	FD Format indicator (FDF)		1
+ *	Data Length Code (DLC)			4
+ *
+ * including all fields preceding the data field, ignoring bitstuffing
+ */
+ * Size of a Classical CAN Extended Frame header in bits
+ *
+ * Name of Field				Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start Of Frame (SOF)				1
+ * Arbitration field:
+ *	base ID					11
+ *	Substitute Remote Request (SRR)		1
+ *	IDentifier Extension bit (IDE)		1
+ *	ID extension				18
+ *	Remote Transmission Request (RTR)	1
+ * Control field:
+ *	FD Format indicator (FDF)		1
+ *	Reserved bit (r0)			1
+ *	Data length code (DLC)			4
+ *
+ * including all fields preceding the data field, ignoring bitstuffing
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN-FD Standard Frame in bits
+ *
+ * Name of Field				Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start Of Frame (SOF)				1
+ * Arbitration field:
+ *	base ID					11
+ *	Remote Request Substitution (RRS)	1
+ * Control field:
+ *	IDentifier Extension bit (IDE)		1
+ *	FD Format indicator (FDF)		1
+ *	Reserved bit (res)			1
+ *	Bit Rate Switch (BRS)			1
+ *	Error Status Indicator (ESI)		1
+ *	Data length code (DLC)			4
+ *
+ * including all fields preceding the data field, ignoring bitstuffing
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN-FD Extended Frame in bits
+ *
+ * Name of Field				Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start Of Frame (SOF)				1
+ * Arbitration field:
+ *	base ID					11
+ *	Substitute Remote Request (SRR)		1
+ *	IDentifier Extension bit (IDE)		1
+ *	ID extension				18
+ *	Remote Request Substitution (RRS)	1
+ * Control field:
+ *	FD Format indicator (FDF)		1
+ *	Reserved bit (res)			1
+ *	Bit Rate Switch (BRS)			1
+ *	Error Status Indicator (ESI)		1
+ *	Data length code (DLC)			4
+ *
+ * including all fields preceding the data field, ignoring bitstuffing
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN CRC Field in bits
+ *
+ * Name of Field			Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * CRC sequence (CRC15)			15
+ * CRC Delimiter			1
+ *
+ * ignoring bitstuffing
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN-FD CRC17 Field in bits (length: 0..16)
+ *
+ * Name of Field			Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Stuff Count				4
+ * CRC Sequence (CRC17)			17
+ * CRC Delimiter			1
+ * Fixed stuff bits			6
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN-FD CRC21 Field in bits (length: 20..64)
+ *
+ * Name of Field			Bits
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Stuff Count				4
+ * CRC sequence (CRC21)			21
+ * CRC Delimiter			1
+ * Fixed stuff bits			7
+ */
+ * Size of a CAN(-FD) Frame footer in bits
  * Name of Field			Bits
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
- * Start-of-frame			1
- * Identifier				11
- * Remote transmission request (RTR)	1
- * Identifier extension bit (IDE)	1
- * Reserved bit (r0)			1
- * Data length code (DLC)		4
- * Data field				0...64
- * CRC					15
- * CRC delimiter			1
  * ACK slot				1
  * ACK delimiter			1
- * End-of-frame (EOF)			7
- * Inter frame spacing			3
+ * End Of Frame (EOF)			7
- * rounded up and ignoring bitstuffing
+ * including all fields following the CRC field
- * Size of a Classical CAN Extended Frame
- *
- * Name of Field			Bits
- * ---------------------------------------------------------
- * Start-of-frame			1
- * Identifier A				11
- * Substitute remote request (SRR)	1
- * Identifier extension bit (IDE)	1
- * Identifier B				18
- * Remote transmission request (RTR)	1
- * Reserved bits (r1, r0)		2
- * Data length code (DLC)		4
- * Data field				0...64
- * CRC					15
- * CRC delimiter			1
- * ACK slot				1
- * ACK delimiter			1
- * End-of-frame (EOF)			7
- * Inter frame spacing			3
- *
- * rounded up and ignoring bitstuffing
+ * First part of the Inter Frame Space
+ * (a.k.a. IMF - intermission field)
+ * can_bitstuffing_len() - Calculate the maximum length with bitstuffing
+ * @destuffed_len: length of a destuffed bit stream
+ *
+ * The worst bit stuffing case is a sequence in which dominant and
+ * recessive bits alternate every four bits:
+ *
+ *   Destuffed: 1 1111  0000  1111  0000  1111
+ *   Stuffed:   1 1111o 0000i 1111o 0000i 1111o
+ *
+ * Nomenclature
+ *
+ *  - "0": dominant bit
+ *  - "o": dominant stuff bit
+ *  - "1": recessive bit
+ *  - "i": recessive stuff bit
+ *
+ * Aside from the first bit, one stuff bit is added every four bits.
+ *
+ * Return: length of the stuffed bit stream in the worst case scenario.
+ */
+#define can_bitstuffing_len(destuffed_len)			\
+	(destuffed_len + (destuffed_len - 1) / 4)
+#define __can_bitstuffing_len(bitstuffing, destuffed_len)	\
+	(bitstuffing ? can_bitstuffing_len(destuffed_len) :	\
+		       destuffed_len)
+#define __can_cc_frame_bits(is_eff, bitstuffing,		\
+			    intermission, data_len)		\
+(								\
+	__can_bitstuffing_len(bitstuffing,			\
+		(is_eff ? CAN_FRAME_HEADER_EFF_BITS :		\
+		(data_len) * BITS_PER_BYTE +			\
+	(intermission ? CAN_INTERMISSION_BITS : 0)		\
+#define __can_fd_frame_bits(is_eff, bitstuffing,		\
+			    intermission, data_len)		\
+(								\
+	__can_bitstuffing_len(bitstuffing,			\
+		(data_len) * BITS_PER_BYTE) +			\
+	((data_len) <= 16 ?					\
+	(intermission ? CAN_INTERMISSION_BITS : 0)		\
+ * can_frame_bits() - Calculate the number of bits on the wire in a
+ *	CAN frame
+ * @is_fd: true: CAN-FD frame; false: Classical CAN frame.
+ * @is_eff: true: Extended frame; false: Standard frame.
+ * @bitstuffing: true: calculate the bitstuffing worst case; false:
+ *	calculate the bitstuffing best case (no dynamic
+ *	bitstuffing). CAN-FD's fixed stuff bits are always included.
+ * @intermission: if and only if true, include the inter frame space
+ *	assuming no bus idle (i.e. only the intermission). Strictly
+ *	speaking, the inter frame space is not part of the
+ *	frame. However, it is needed when calculating the delay
+ *	between the Start Of Frame of two consecutive frames.
+ * @data_len: length of the data field in bytes. Correspond to
+ *	can(fd)_frame->len. Should be zero for remote frames. No
+ *	sanitization is done on @data_len and it shall have no side
+ *	effects.
+ *
+ * Return: the numbers of bits on the wire of a CAN frame.
+ */
+#define can_frame_bits(is_fd, is_eff, bitstuffing,		\
+		       intermission, data_len)			\
+(								\
+	is_fd ? __can_fd_frame_bits(is_eff, bitstuffing,	\
+				    intermission, data_len) :	\
+		__can_cc_frame_bits(is_eff, bitstuffing,	\
+				    intermission, data_len)	\
- * Size of a CAN-FD Standard Frame
- *
- * Name of Field			Bits
- * ---------------------------------------------------------
- * Start-of-frame			1
- * Identifier				11
- * Remote Request Substitution (RRS)	1
- * Identifier extension bit (IDE)	1
- * Flexible data rate format (FDF)	1
- * Reserved bit (r0)			1
- * Bit Rate Switch (BRS)		1
- * Error Status Indicator (ESI)		1
- * Data length code (DLC)		4
- * Data field				0...512
- * Stuff Bit Count (SBC)		4
- * CRC					0...16: 17 20...64:21
- * CRC delimiter (CD)			1
- * Fixed Stuff bits (FSB)		0...16: 6 20...64:7
- * ACK slot (AS)			1
- * ACK delimiter (AD)			1
- * End-of-frame (EOF)			7
- * Inter frame spacing			3
- *
- * assuming CRC21, rounded up and ignoring dynamic bitstuffing
+ * Number of bytes in a CAN frame
+ * (rounded up, including intermission)
- * Size of a CAN-FD Extended Frame
- *
- * Name of Field			Bits
- * ---------------------------------------------------------
- * Start-of-frame			1
- * Identifier A				11
- * Substitute remote request (SRR)	1
- * Identifier extension bit (IDE)	1
- * Identifier B				18
- * Remote Request Substitution (RRS)	1
- * Flexible data rate format (FDF)	1
- * Reserved bit (r0)			1
- * Bit Rate Switch (BRS)		1
- * Error Status Indicator (ESI)		1
- * Data length code (DLC)		4
- * Data field				0...512
- * Stuff Bit Count (SBC)		4
- * CRC					0...16: 17 20...64:21
- * CRC delimiter (CD)			1
- * Fixed Stuff bits (FSB)		0...16: 6 20...64:7
- * ACK slot (AS)			1
- * ACK delimiter (AD)			1
- * End-of-frame (EOF)			7
- * Inter frame spacing			3
- *
- * assuming CRC21, rounded up and ignoring dynamic bitstuffing
- */
+#define can_frame_bytes(is_fd, is_eff, bitstuffing, data_len)	\
+	DIV_ROUND_UP(can_frame_bits(is_fd, is_eff, bitstuffing,	\
+				    true, data_len),		\
+		     BITS_PER_BYTE)
  * Maximum size of a Classical CAN frame
- * (rounded up and ignoring bitstuffing)
+ * (rounded up, ignoring bitstuffing but including intermission)
+#define CAN_FRAME_LEN_MAX can_frame_bytes(false, true, false, CAN_MAX_DLEN)
  * Maximum size of a CAN-FD frame
- * (rounded up and ignoring bitstuffing)
+ * (rounded up, ignoring dynamic bitstuffing but including intermission)
+#define CANFD_FRAME_LEN_MAX can_frame_bytes(true, true, false, CANFD_MAX_DLEN)
  * can_cc_dlc2len(value) - convert a given data length code (dlc) of a