diff --git a/include/linux/console.h b/include/linux/console.h
index b8920a031a3e..dfd6b0e97855 100644
--- a/include/linux/console.h
+++ b/include/linux/console.h
@@ -46,46 +46,52 @@ enum con_scroll {
 struct consw {
 	struct module *owner;
 	const char *(*con_startup)(void);
-	void	(*con_init)(struct vc_data *, int);
-	void	(*con_deinit)(struct vc_data *);
-	void	(*con_clear)(struct vc_data *, int, int, int, int);
-	void	(*con_putc)(struct vc_data *, int, int, int);
-	void	(*con_putcs)(struct vc_data *, const unsigned short *, int, int, int);
-	void	(*con_cursor)(struct vc_data *, int);
-	bool	(*con_scroll)(struct vc_data *, unsigned int top,
+	void	(*con_init)(struct vc_data *vc, int init);
+	void	(*con_deinit)(struct vc_data *vc);
+	void	(*con_clear)(struct vc_data *vc, int sy, int sx, int height,
+			int width);
+	void	(*con_putc)(struct vc_data *vc, int c, int ypos, int xpos);
+	void	(*con_putcs)(struct vc_data *vc, const unsigned short *s,
+			int count, int ypos, int xpos);
+	void	(*con_cursor)(struct vc_data *vc, int mode);
+	bool	(*con_scroll)(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned int top,
 			unsigned int bottom, enum con_scroll dir,
 			unsigned int lines);
-	int	(*con_switch)(struct vc_data *);
-	int	(*con_blank)(struct vc_data *, int, int);
-	int	(*con_font_set)(struct vc_data *, struct console_font *, unsigned);
-	int	(*con_font_get)(struct vc_data *, struct console_font *);
-	int	(*con_font_default)(struct vc_data *, struct console_font *, char *);
-	int	(*con_font_copy)(struct vc_data *, int);
-	int     (*con_resize)(struct vc_data *, unsigned int, unsigned int,
-			       unsigned int);
-	void	(*con_set_palette)(struct vc_data *,
+	int	(*con_switch)(struct vc_data *vc);
+	int	(*con_blank)(struct vc_data *vc, int blank, int mode_switch);
+	int	(*con_font_set)(struct vc_data *vc, struct console_font *font,
+			unsigned int flags);
+	int	(*con_font_get)(struct vc_data *vc, struct console_font *font);
+	int	(*con_font_default)(struct vc_data *vc,
+			struct console_font *font, char *name);
+	int	(*con_font_copy)(struct vc_data *vc, int con);
+	int     (*con_resize)(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned int width,
+			unsigned int height, unsigned int user);
+	void	(*con_set_palette)(struct vc_data *vc,
 			const unsigned char *table);
-	void	(*con_scrolldelta)(struct vc_data *, int lines);
-	int	(*con_set_origin)(struct vc_data *);
-	void	(*con_save_screen)(struct vc_data *);
-	u8	(*con_build_attr)(struct vc_data *, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8);
-	void	(*con_invert_region)(struct vc_data *, u16 *, int);
-	u16    *(*con_screen_pos)(struct vc_data *, int);
-	unsigned long (*con_getxy)(struct vc_data *, unsigned long, int *, int *);
+	void	(*con_scrolldelta)(struct vc_data *vc, int lines);
+	int	(*con_set_origin)(struct vc_data *vc);
+	void	(*con_save_screen)(struct vc_data *vc);
+	u8	(*con_build_attr)(struct vc_data *vc, u8 color, u8 intensity,
+			u8 blink, u8 underline, u8 reverse, u8 italic);
+	void	(*con_invert_region)(struct vc_data *vc, u16 *p, int count);
+	u16    *(*con_screen_pos)(struct vc_data *vc, int offset);
+	unsigned long (*con_getxy)(struct vc_data *vc, unsigned long position,
+			int *px, int *py);
 	 * Flush the video console driver's scrollback buffer
-	void	(*con_flush_scrollback)(struct vc_data *);
+	void	(*con_flush_scrollback)(struct vc_data *vc);
 	 * Prepare the console for the debugger.  This includes, but is not
 	 * limited to, unblanking the console, loading an appropriate
 	 * palette, and allowing debugger generated output.
-	int	(*con_debug_enter)(struct vc_data *);
+	int	(*con_debug_enter)(struct vc_data *vc);
 	 * Restore the console to its pre-debug state as closely as possible.
-	int	(*con_debug_leave)(struct vc_data *);
+	int	(*con_debug_leave)(struct vc_data *vc);
 extern const struct consw *conswitchp;