838 lines
29 KiB
838 lines
29 KiB
![]() |
%define sign_server
# This only controls perf-*-debuginfo, kernel debuginfo is not effected
%global with_debuginfo 0
%global with_perf 1
%global with_bpftool 1
# Disable build id, currently TKernel only have debuginfo for kernel itself
%global _build_id_links none
# Hacks for debuginfo package, kernel package needs its own method to pack the debuginfo.
# This disables RPM's built-in debuginfo file packaging, need to be undefined.
%undefine _debuginfo_subpackages
# This disables RH vendor macro's debuginfo package template generation, need to be undefined.
%undefine _enable_debug_packages
# This disables RPM and RH vendor macro's debuginfo package post install processing.
# NOTE: they have to be both set to nil, since there are special handling for
# undefined value in RH macros.
%global __debug_package %{nil}
%global __debug_install_post %{nil}
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
%global rdist .tl1
%global debug_path /usr/lib/debug/lib/
%global debug_path /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
%global rdist .tl2
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
%global rdist .tl3
%global __python /usr/bin/python2
%global dist %{nil}
%global build_env DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" prefix=%{_prefix} lib=%{_lib} PYTHON=%{__python3} INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
%global bpftool_make make %{?_smp_mflags} -C tools/bpf/bpftool %{build_env} mandir=%{_mandir} bash_compdir=%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/
Summary: Kernel for Tencent physical machine
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release_os}%{?rdist}
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Tencent
Packager: tlinux team <g_CAPD_SRDC_OS@tencent.com>
Provides: kernel = %{version}-%{release}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: tlinux_cciss_link.modules
URL: http://www.tencent.com
ExclusiveArch: x86_64
Distribution: Tencent Linux
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-build
BuildRequires: wget bc module-init-tools curl
%if %{with_perf}
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel zlib-devel binutils-devel newt-devel perl(ExtUtils::Embed) bison flex openssl-devel
BuildRequires: xmlto asciidoc
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python-devel
%ifnarch s390 s390x
BuildRequires: numactl-devel
%if %{with_bpftool}
BuildRequires: llvm
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
BuildRequires: python2-docutils
BuildRequires: python3-docutils
BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel
Requires(pre): linux-firmware >= 20150904-44
Requires(pre): grubby
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg
Requires(preun): %{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg
# for the 'hostname' command
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 7
BuildRequires: hostname
BuildRequires: net-tools
This package contains tlinux kernel, the core of operating system.
%package debuginfo
Summary: tlinux kernel vmlinux for crash debug
Release: %{release}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-debuginfo kernel-tlinux4-debuginfo
Obsoletes: kernel-debuginfo
AutoReqprov: no
%description debuginfo
This package container vmlinux, System.map and config files for kernel
%package devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the %{version}-%{release} kernel
Release: %{release}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-devel
Obsoletes: kernel-devel
AutoReqprov: no
%description devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the %{version}-%{release} kernel package.
%package headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
Group: Development/System
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46
Provides: kernel-headers
Obsoletes: kernel-headers
AutoReqprov: no
%description headers
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
glibc package.
%package modules-removable-media
Summary: Removable media drivers for %{name} of version %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqprov: no
%description modules-removable-media
This package provides drivers for removable media, e.g. USB disks and CD-ROM,
for %{name} of version %{version}-%{release}.
%if %{with_perf}
%package -n perf
Summary: Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
%description -n perf
This package contains the perf tool, which enables performance monitoring
of the Linux kernel.
%package -n perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf
Group: Development/Debug
#Requires: %%{name}-debuginfo-common-%%{_target_cpu} = %%{version}-%%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf package.
# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of find-debuginfo.sh's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/perf(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libexecdir}/perf-core/.*|XXX' -o perf-debuginfo.list}
%package -n python-perf
Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
Group: Development/Libraries
%description -n python-perf
The python-perf package contains a module that permits applications
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
to manipulate perf events.
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
%package -n python-perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf python bindings
Group: Development/Debug
#Requires: %%{name}-debuginfo-common-%%{_target_cpu} = %%{version}-%%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n python-perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf python bindings.
# the python_sitearch macro should already be defined from above
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{python_sitearch}/perf.so(\.debug)?|XXX' -o python-perf-debuginfo.list}
%endif # with_perf
%if %{with_bpftool}
%package -n bpftool
Summary: Inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps
License: GPLv2
%description -n bpftool
This package contains the bpftool, which allows inspection and simple
manipulation of eBPF programs and maps.
%package -n bpftool-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package bpftool
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n bpftool-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the bpftool package.
# debuginfo search rule
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{_sbindir}/bpftool(\.debug)?|XXX' -o bpftool-debuginfo.list}
%endif # with_bpftool
# prep #########################################################################
%setup -q -c -T -a 0
# build ########################################################################
function is_file_ok()
local first_char
first_char=`head -c 1 $1`
if [ "$first_char" = "{" ]; then
return 1
return 0
function get_public_key()
local public_key_md5
curl -s -F "token=%{sign_token}" -F "action=get_default_key_file" http://%{sign_server}/cgi-bin/sign_svr/cgi-bin/file_list.cgi > $1
is_file_ok $1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
public_key_md5=`md5sum $1 | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "get_public_key ok, md5 is: $public_key_md5"
return 0
echo "get_public_key failed"
return 1
if [ ! -f /etc/tlinux-release ]; then
echo "Error: please build this rpm on tlinux\n"
exit 1
cd %{name}-%{version}
num_processor=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'processor' | wc -l`
if [ $num_processor -gt 8 ]; then
for type_name in $all_types
[ -d ${objdir} ] || mkdir ${objdir}
echo "include $PWD/Makefile" > ${objdir}/Makefile
if [ "$no_sign" != "yes" ]; then
cp ./package/default/config.${type_name} ${objdir}/.config
cp ./package/default/config.${type_name}_nosign ${objdir}/.config
localversion='"'-`echo %{tagged_name}|cut -d- -f3-`%{?dist}'"'
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*/CONFIG_LOCALVERSION='$localversion'/' ${objdir}/.config
make -C ${objdir} olddefconfig > /dev/null
if [ "$no_sign" != "yes" ]; then
get_public_key ${objdir}/signing_key.x509
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
cp tools_key.pub ${objdir}
if [ "$smp_jobs" = "" ]; then
make -j ${num_processor} -C ${objdir} RPM_BUILD_MODULE=y all
make -C ${objdir} RPM_BUILD_MODULE=y %{?jobs:-j%jobs} all
# dealing with files under lib/modules
make -C ${objdir} RPM_BUILD_MODULE=y modules
%global perf_make make %{?_smp_mflags} -C tools/perf -s V=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 prefix=%{_prefix} lib=%{_lib}
%if %{with_perf}
# perf
%{perf_make} all
%{perf_make} man
%if %{with_bpftool}
# install ######################################################################
function gen_namespace()
local ran1
local ran2
local ran3
local ran4
ran1=`echo $RANDOM`
ran2=`echo $RANDOM`
ran3=`echo $RANDOM`
ran4=`echo $RANDOM`
echo "${ran1}_${ran2}_${ran3}_${ran4}"
function is_file_ok()
local first_char
first_char=`head -c 1 $1`
if [ "$first_char" = "{" ]; then
return 1
return 0
function upload_file()
local result
local errno
result=`curl -s -F "token=%{sign_token}" -F "action=file_upload" -F "namespace=$2" -F "upload-file=@$1" http://%{sign_server}/cgi-bin/sign_svr/cgi-bin/file_list.cgi`
errno=`echo $result | awk '{print $4}'`
if [ "$errno" = "0," ]; then
echo "upload $1 succeed"
return 0
echo "upload $1 failed"
return 1
function sign_file()
local result
local errno
result=`curl -s -F "token=%{sign_token}" -F "action=file_sign" -F "oper_reson=build_tkernel3" -F "namespace=$3" -F "file_name=$1" -F "key_md5=$2" http://%{sign_server}/cgi-bin/sign_svr/cgi-bin/file_list.cgi`
errno=`echo $result | awk '{print $4}'`
if [ "$errno" = "0," ]; then
echo "sign $1 succeed"
return 0
echo "sign $1 failed"
return 1
function download_file()
curl -s -F "token=%{sign_token}" -F "action=file_download" -F "namespace=$3" -F "file_name=$1" -F "type=signed" http://%{sign_server}/cgi-bin/sign_svr/cgi-bin/file_list.cgi > $2
is_file_ok $2
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "download $2 ok"
return 0
echo "dowload $2 failed"
return 1
function verify_module()
local sig
sig=`tail -c 32 $1`
if [[ "$sig" =~ "~Module signature appended~" ]]; then
echo "verify module $1 ok"
return 0
echo "verify module $1 failed"
return 1
local file_name=`basename $1`
upload_file $1 $3
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
sign_file $file_name $2 $3
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
download_file $file_name $1 $3
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
verify_module $1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
return 0
echo install %{version}
arch=`uname -m`
if [ "$arch" != "x86_64" ];then
echo "Unexpected error. Cannot build this rpm in non-x86_64 platform\n"
exit 1
mkdir -p %buildroot/boot
cd %{name}-%{version}
for type_name in $all_types
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
cp -rpf ${builddir}/arch/x86/boot/bzImage %buildroot/boot/${elfname}
cp -rpf ${builddir}/System.map %buildroot/boot/${mapname}
cp -rpf ${builddir}/.config %buildroot/boot/${configname}
cp -rpf ${builddir}/vmlinux %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-%{tagged_name}%{?dist}
sha512hmac %buildroot/boot/${elfname} | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," > %buildroot/boot/.vmlinuz-%{tagged_name}%{?dist}.hmac
if [ "$no_sign" != "yes" ]; then
public_key_md5=`md5sum ${builddir}/signing_key.x509 | awk '{print $1}'`
# dealing with kernel-devel package
####### make kernel-devel package: methods comes from rhel6(kernel.spec) #######
make -C ${objdir} RPM_BUILD_MODULE=y INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot modules_install > /dev/null
#don't package firmware, use linux-firmware rpm instead
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/firmware
# And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
# This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
# * all arch relevant include/ files
# * all Makefile/Kconfig files
# * all script/ files
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/source
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/${KernelVer} ; ln -s build source)
# dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/extra
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/updates
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/weak-updates
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
cp -rpf ${builddir}/arch/x86/boot/bzImage %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/vmlinuz
# first copy everything
cp --parents `find -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
cp ${builddir}/Module.symvers %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
cp ${builddir}/System.map %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
if [ -s ${builddir}/Module.markers ]; then
cp ${builddir}/Module.markers %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
# create the kABI metadata for use in packaging
echo "**** GENERATING kernel ABI metadata ****"
gzip -c9 < ${builddir}/Module.symvers > %buildroot/boot/symvers-${KernelVer}.gz
# rm -f %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps
# %_sourcedir/kabitool -s Module.symvers -o %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps
%if %{with_kabichk}
echo "**** kABI checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
chmod 0755 scripts/check-kabi
if [ -e package/default/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
scripts/check-kabi -k package/default/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour -s ${builddir}/Module.symvers || exit 1
echo "**** kABI checking SUCCESS. ****"
echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find reference Module.kabi file. ****"
exit 1
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/Documentation
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/scripts
rm -rf %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include
cp ${builddir}/.config %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
cp -a scripts %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
cp -a ${builddir}/scripts %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/scripts/*.o
rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/scripts/*/*.o
cp -a --parents arch/x86/include %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/
(cd ${builddir} ; cp -a --parents arch/x86/include/generated %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/)
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include
cp -a ${builddir}/include/config %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include/
cp -a ${builddir}/include/generated %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include/
cd include
cp -a * %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include
cp -a ../arch/x86 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/asm-x86
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
ln -s asm-x86 asm
# Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
# external modules can be built
touch -r %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/Makefile %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
#touch -r %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/.config %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include/linux/autoconf.h
# Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
cp %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/include/config/auto.conf
cd ..
# Move the devel headers out of the root file system
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/kernels
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/tools/objtool
cp ${builddir}/tools/objtool/objtool %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build/tools/objtool/objtool
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build %buildroot/usr/src/kernels/${KernelVer}
if [ "$no_sign" != "yes" ]; then
cp ${builddir}/signing_key.x509 %buildroot/usr/src/kernels/${KernelVer}/
ln -sf /usr/src/kernels/${KernelVer} %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/build
env -i PATH=$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH HOME=$HOME USER=$USER bash -c "$PWD/package/default/mlx/mlnx_ofed_integrate_into_kernel.sh $KernelVer $PWD %buildroot"
find %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer} -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames
mkdir -p %buildroot%debug_path/modules/${KernelVer}
cp -r %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/kernel %buildroot%debug_path/modules/${KernelVer}
xargs --no-run-if-empty strip -g < modnames
if [ "$no_sign" != "yes" ]; then
while read line
#scripts/sign-file t_os sha1 ${builddir}/signing_key.priv ${builddir}/signing_key.x509 $line
sign_module $line $public_key_md5 $sign_ns
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
done < modnames
xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod u+x < modnames
# Generate a list of modules for block and networking.
fgrep /drivers/ modnames | xargs --no-run-if-empty nm -upA |
sed -n 's,^.*/\([^/]*\.ko\): *U \(.*\)$,\1 \2,p' > drivers.undef
sed -r -n -e "s/^([^ ]+) \\.?($2)\$/\\1/p" drivers.undef |
LC_ALL=C sort -u > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then
sed -r -e "/^($3)\$/d" -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
collect_modules_list networking 'register_netdev|ieee80211_register_hw|usbnet_probe|phy_driver_register|rt2x00(pci|usb)_probe|register_netdevice'
collect_modules_list block 'ata_scsi_ioctl|scsi_add_host|scsi_add_host_with_dma|blk_alloc_queue|blk_init_queue|register_mtd_blktrans|scsi_esp_register|scsi_register_device_handler|blk_queue_physical_block_size' 'pktcdvd.ko|dm-mod.ko'
collect_modules_list drm 'drm_open|drm_init'
collect_modules_list modesetting 'drm_crtc_init'
# detect missing or incorrect license tags
rm -f modinfo
while read i
echo -n "${i#%buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/} " >> modinfo
/sbin/modinfo -l $i >> modinfo
done < modnames
egrep -v \
'GPL( v2)?$|Dual BSD/GPL$|Dual MPL/GPL$|GPL and additional rights$' \
modinfo && exit 1
rm -f modinfo modnames
cp tools_key.pub %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/kernel
# remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
#for i in alias alias.bin ccwmap dep dep.bin ieee1394map inputmap isapnpmap ofmap pcimap seriomap symbols symbols.bin usbmap
# rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/${KernelVer}/modules.$i
# Generate the kernel-modules-* files lists
removable_media_list="ums-alauda.ko ums-cypress.ko ums-datafab.ko ums-eneub6250.ko ums-freecom.ko ums-isd200.ko ums-jumpshot.ko ums-karma.ko ums-onetouch.ko ums-realtek.ko ums-sddr09.ko ums-sddr55.ko ums-usbat.ko usb-storage.ko uas.ko"
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
mkdir -p %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.symbols.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.symbols %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.softdep %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.devname %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.dep.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.dep %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.builtin.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.alias.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.alias %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/boot/$configname %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/boot/System.map-$KernelVer %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/boot/.vmlinuz-%{tagged_name}%{?dist}.hmac %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
# Copy the System.map file for depmod to use, and create a backup of the
# full module tree so we can restore it after we're done filtering
cp ${builddir}/System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/.
mkdir restore
cp -r lib/modules/$KernelVer/* restore/.
touch removable_media.list
for mod in $removable_media_list
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/ -name "$mod" -type f >> removable_media.list
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/*/$removable_net_dir -name "*.ko" -type f >> removable_media.list
cat removable_media.list | xargs rm -v
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/ -not -type d | sort -n > modules.list
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/ -type d | sort -n > module-dirs.list
# Run depmod on the resulting module tree and make sure it isn't broken
depmod -b . -aeF ./System.map $KernelVer &> depmod.out
if [ -s depmod.out ]; then
echo "Depmod failure"
cat depmod.out
exit 1
rm depmod.out
# Cleanup
rm System.map
cp -r restore/* lib/modules/$KernelVer/.
rm -rf restore
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.symbols.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.symbols %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.softdep %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.devname %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.dep.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.dep %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.builtin.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.alias.bin %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
mv %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.alias %buildroot/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dist_compat
# Make sure the files lists start with absolute paths or rpmbuild fails.
# Also add in the dir entries
sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/removable_media.list > ../removable_media.list
sed -e 's/^lib*/%dir \/lib/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list > ../core.list
sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list >> ../core.list
# Cleanup
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/removable_media.list
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list
%if %{with_perf}
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
touch %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libperf-jvmti.so
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/trace
# perf-python extension
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-python_ext
# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-man
%if %{with_bpftool}
%{bpftool_make} install doc-install
%endif # with_bpftool
mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/sysconfig/modules
install -m755 %SOURCE1 %buildroot/etc/sysconfig/modules
#### Header
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install
# Do headers_check but don't die if it fails.
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_check \
> hdrwarnings.txt || :
if grep -q exist hdrwarnings.txt; then
sed s:^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/:: hdrwarnings.txt
# Temporarily cause a build failure if header inconsistencies.
# exit 1
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include \
\( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
-name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) | xargs rm -f
# glibc provides scsi headers for itself, for now
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/scsi
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/atomic.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/io.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/irq.h
# pre #########################################################################
system_arch=`uname -m`
if [ %{_target_cpu} != ${system_arch} ]; then
echo "ERROR: Failed installing this rpm!!!!"
echo "This rpm is intended for %{_target_cpu} platform. It seems your system is ${system_arch}.";
exit 1;
if [ ! -f /etc/tlinux-release -o ! -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
echo "Error: Cannot install this rpm on non-tlinux OS"
exit 1;
# post #########################################################################
echo "Install tkernel4"
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
kernel-install add %{tagged_name} /lib/modules/%{tagged_name}/vmlinuz
cp -p /lib/modules/%{tagged_name}/dist_compat/config-%{tagged_name}%{?dist} /boot
cp -p /lib/modules/%{tagged_name}/dist_compat/.vmlinuz-%{tagged_name}%{?dist}.hmac /boot
cp -p /lib/modules/%{tagged_name}/dist_compat/System.map-%{tagged_name}%{?dist} /boot
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-tlinux4 --install %{tagged_name}%{?dist} --kernel-args="crashkernel=512M-12G:128M,12G-64G:256M,64G-128G:512M,128G-:768M" --make-default|| exit $?
%post modules-removable-media
/sbin/depmod -a %{tagged_name}%{?dist}
# preun #######################################################################
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
kernel-install remove %{tagged_name}
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --dracut --remove %{tagged_name}%{?dist} || exit $?
echo -e "Remove \"%{tagged_name}%{?dist}\" Done."
%postun modules-removable-media
/sbin/depmod -a %{tagged_name}%{?dist}
# posttrans ####################################################################
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-tlinux4 --mkinitrd --dracut --depmod --update %{tagged_name}%{?dist} || exit $?
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-tlinux4 --rpmposttrans %{tagged_name}%{?dist} || exit $?
%files -f core.list
# files ########################################################################
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
#do not package firmware ,use linux-firmware rpm instead
%files debuginfo
%dir %debug_path
%files headers
%files devel
%files -f removable_media.list modules-removable-media
%if %{with_perf}
%files -n perf
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/perf
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent/
%dir %{_libexecdir}/perf-core
%files -n python-perf
%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f perf-debuginfo.list -n perf-debuginfo
%files -f python-perf-debuginfo.list -n python-perf-debuginfo
%endif # with_perf
%if %{with_bpftool}
%files -n bpftool
%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f bpftool-debuginfo.list -n bpftool-debuginfo
%endif # with_bpftool
# changelog ###################################################################
* Thu Feb 2 2012 Samuel Liao <samuelliao@tencent.com>
- Initial 3.0.18 repository