!11263 remove the max_file_size limitation for export files
From: @jiang-shuqiang Reviewed-by: @yelihua,@ouwenchang Signed-off-by: @ouwenchang
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class SummaryCollector(Callback):
specify `max_file_size=4 * 1024**3`.
export_options (Union[None, dict]): Perform custom operations on the export data.
Default: None, it means there is no export data.
Note that the size of export files is not limited by the max_file_size.
You can customize the export data with a dictionary. For example, you can set {'tensor_format': 'npy'}
to export tensor as npy file. The data that supports control is shown below.
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ EVENT_FILE_INIT_VERSION = 1
F32_MIN, F32_MAX = np.finfo(np.float32).min, np.finfo(np.float32).max
def get_event_file_name(prefix, suffix, seconds=None):
def get_event_file_name(prefix, suffix, time_second):
Create file name: file_prefix + EVENT_FILE_NAME_MARK + time(seconds) + "." + Hostname + file_suffix.
prefix (str): The prefix of file name.
suffix (str): The suffix of file name.
seconds (str): The time stamp of file name.
time_second (str): The time stamp of file name.
String, the name of event log file.
@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ def get_event_file_name(prefix, suffix, seconds=None):
file_name = ""
time_second = str(int(time.time()))
if seconds is not None:
time_second = seconds
hostname = platform.node()
if prefix is not None:
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ class SummaryRecord:
in recording data. Default: False, this means that error logs are printed and no exception is thrown.
export_options (Union[None, dict]): Perform custom operations on the export data.
Default: None, it means there is no export data.
Note that the size of export files is not limited by the max_file_size.
You can customize the export data with a dictionary. For example, you can set {'tensor_format': 'npy'}
to export tensor as npy file. The data that supports control is shown below.
@ -158,19 +159,19 @@ class SummaryRecord:
self.network = network
self.has_graph = False
seconds = str(int(time.time()))
time_second = str(int(time.time()))
# create the summary writer file
self.event_file_name = get_event_file_name(self.prefix, self.suffix, seconds)
self.event_file_name = get_event_file_name(self.prefix, self.suffix, time_second)
self.full_file_name = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.event_file_name)
self._export_options = process_export_options(export_options)
export_dir = ''
if self._export_options is not None:
export_dir = "export_{}".format(seconds)
export_dir = "export_{}".format(time_second)
filename_dict = dict(summary=self.full_file_name,
lineage=get_event_file_name(self.prefix, '_lineage'),
explainer=get_event_file_name(self.prefix, '_explain'),
lineage=get_event_file_name(self.prefix, '_lineage', time_second),
explainer=get_event_file_name(self.prefix, '_explain', time_second),
self._event_writer = WriterPool(log_dir,
@ -163,10 +163,6 @@ class ExportWriter(BaseWriter):
if disk_usage(path).free < required_length * FREE_DISK_SPACE_TIMES:
raise RuntimeError(f"The disk space may be soon exhausted by the '{path}'.")
if max_file_size is not None and max_file_size < required_length:
raise RuntimeWarning(f"'max_file_size' reached: There are {max_file_size} bytes remaining, "
f"but the '{path}' requires to write {required_length} bytes.")
np_path = "{}/{}_{}.npy".format(path, tag, step)
np.save(np_path, np_value)
os.chmod(np_path, FILE_MODE)
Reference in New Issue