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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Xunhui Zhang 6b116404a2 Merge branch 'master' of 2023-02-20 13:47:15 +08:00
Xunhui Zhang 7229c165cc add structure of the table 2023-02-20 13:46:46 +08:00
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions

new_pullreq.sql Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
Navicat Premium Data Transfer
Source Server : zxh-phd
Source Server Type : MySQL
Source Server Version : 80031
Source Host :
Source Schema : test_new_pullreq
Target Server Type : MySQL
Target Server Version : 80031
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 20/02/2023 13:44:18
SET NAMES utf8mb4;
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for new_pullreq
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `new_pullreq`;
CREATE TABLE `new_pullreq` (
`project_id` int(0) NOT NULL,
`github_id` int(0) NOT NULL,
`pull_request_id` int(0) NOT NULL,
`ownername` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NOT NULL,
`reponame` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NOT NULL,
`merged_or_not` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`lifetime_minutes` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`mergetime_minutes` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_commits` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`src_churn` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_churn` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_added` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_deleted` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_modified` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_changed` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`src_files` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`doc_files` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`other_files` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_commit_comments` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_issue_comments` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_comments` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_participants` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`sloc` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`team_size` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_external_contribs` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`commits_on_files_touched` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_lines_per_kloc` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_cases_per_kloc` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`asserts_per_kloc` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`watchers` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`prev_pullreqs` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`requester_succ_rate` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`followers` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`churn_addition` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`churn_deletion` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`pr_comment_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_neg_emotion` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_pos_emotion` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_neu_emotion` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`part_num_issue` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`part_num_commit` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`part_num_pr` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`part_num_code` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`comment_conflict` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`hash_tag` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`at_tag` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_inclusion` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`description_length` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`bug_fix` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_exists` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_latency` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_build_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_test_passed` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_failed_perc` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_first_build_status` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ci_last_build_status` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`language` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`fork_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`project_age` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`open_issue_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`pr_succ_rate` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`open_pr_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`first_response_time` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`pushed_delta` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`acc_commit_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`first_pr` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`account_creation_days` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`core_member` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_gender` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_country` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_affiliation` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_open` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_cons` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_extra` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_agree` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_neur` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_contrib_neg_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_contrib_pos_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_contrib_neu_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_first_emo` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`prior_review_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_country` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_affiliation` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_open` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_cons` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_extra` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_agree` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_neur` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_inte_neg_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_inte_pos_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`perc_inte_neu_emo` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_first_emo` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_follow_integrator` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`prior_interaction` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`social_strength` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`same_country` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`same_affiliation` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`open_diff` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`cons_diff` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`extra_diff` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`agree_diff` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`neur_diff` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`has_comments` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`has_participants` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`has_exchange` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_comment` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`inte_comment` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`reviewer_comment` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`other_comment` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_comments_con` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_code_comments` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_code_comments_con` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`integrator_availability` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`friday_effect` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`contrib_rate_author` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`reopen_or_not` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`first_close_minutes` float NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`reopen_num` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`last_close_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`creator_id` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`first_closer_id` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`last_closer_id` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`num_commits_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`same_user` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_added_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_deleted_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_modified_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`files_changed_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`src_files_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`doc_files_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`other_files_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`src_churn_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_churn_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`code_churn_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`churn_addition_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`churn_deletion_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`code_chunk_num_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`commits_on_files_touched_close` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`test_inclusion_open` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
INDEX `project_github_id`(`project_id`, `github_id`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `pull_request_id`(`pull_request_id`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `merge`(`merged_or_not`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `same_user`(`same_user`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `merged_or_not`(`merged_or_not`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `contrib_affiliation`(`contrib_affiliation`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `inte_affiliation`(`inte_affiliation`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `team_size`(`team_size`) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 3347938 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb3 COLLATE = utf8mb3_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;